Andre Gunder Frank

On The New World Order

Table of Contents
Personal and Professional
Research Interests
ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age
The New World Order
On-line Essays
IISH Archives
AGF on the Internet
  1. On New World Order Strategy
  2. The War Against Afghanistan, 2001-2002
  3. The War Against Yugoslavia, 1999
  4. Discussion of A.G. Frank's NATO Essays
  5. Documentation on International Law
  6. Other 1999 Essays and Documentation
  7. Other 2003 and after essays

President George Bush father coined the term a NEW WORLD ORDER in 1991 as a name for what he was trying to do with his War Against Iraq. Was it historical amnesia that failed to recall who used the very self-same term to describe an earlier geo-political ambition? - Adolf Hitler! The Clinton Doctrine continued to work on the same American project, notably with the NATO War Against Yugoslavia. It was mis-called the Kosovo war, especially inasmuch as it was militarily directed against Yugoslavia and politically against Russia and was accompanied by the US sponsored expansion of NATO eastward: New, ex-Warsaw Pact members were ushered into NATO, and for the first time and in contravention with its own Charter NATO undertook both offensive military action and did so out of area. NATO extended its power and military action south-eastward toward the sources of oil and the existing and potential pipe-lines to carry it. [One of the latter happens to be the valley that runs parallel to the Kosovo/Macedonia border, through which a line would be run from the Black to the Adreatic Sea]. An additional related effect, if not purpose, of the NATO War was to help foreclose European independence from the US and to maintain and extend US geo-political power in Europe and world-wide.

President George Bush son is now working over time to continue to build up and extend the NEW WORLD ORDER that his father started to construct in 1991. But Bush the younger is extending this order not only geographically but also programatically through a combination of complete unilateralism [never mind the allies and even NATO, literally not to mention the UN] and you're either with us or against us plain English blackmail. The words are the same as the ones John Foster Dulles used in the early Cold War. But then those against us were left under the umbrellas of the Soviet Union and China. Now against us INCLUDES Russia and China among those subjected to US political economic blackmail - and, along with a half a dozen other rouge states, American nuclear threat as per Pentagon planning recently publicized by the press. At home in the meantime, the people are encouraged to show pride to be an American while, as Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio) wrote, the Bill of Rights is being abrogated and the Constitution dismantled.

A critical analysis of this NEW WORLD ORDER under construction is offered in the opening chapters of EMPIRE by Hardt & Negri, published by Harvard University Press in 2000, which argues that the entire world is now imperial per se in which the US occupies a position of priviledge, which includes that of re-defining the ethical and legal standards of good and evil to be imposed on one and all. More significantly still is the formation of an active group of rigth wing policy makers and opinion leaders [the usual suspects from the most dangerous wing of the Reagan and Bush administrations plus some younger converts] in Washington DC who argue that the United States is de facto THE IMPERIALIST POWER in the world today, so that it should accept that fact, make proud of the lable and carry out its imperial/ist responsibilities to the full extent of its abilities, which are and should be far greater still than those of the only "hesitant" Bush doctrine.

So far, the most visible international part of this NEW WORLD ORDER has been the US War Against Afghanistan. Its real purpose and pursuit should have come as no surprise. The Clinton administration had already taken many important steps to extend American influence and power through the Caspian Sea and Central Asian region under the Orwellian NewSpeak A Partnership for Peace. US planning, both political and military, for a War Against Afghanistan was well under way long before the events of September 11, 2001 offered legitimation for the same. Under cover of this war, the US established new military positions and political alliances not only in Afghanistan itself, but also in a half dozen neighboring states in Central Asia in which the US has brokered an at least temporary agreement to share power with Russia B and to encircle China now also from the West, as still in the East, including newly again in the Philippines and elsewhere.

So, the NEW WORLD ORDER is the name of the game on its world-wide scale if we are to accept its baptism by President Bush father. In Central and Inner Asia, it is to pursue the same BIG GAME twenty-first-century style that then Great Britain and Russia already fought over the Eurasian heartland MacKinder.and Huntington already identified it as the region from which to dominate the world and its Pulse as the measure of global geo-politics a century ago. In his 1997 book on the Global Chessboard, Zigniew Brezinski did so again for the present and future. Suitable pretexts came to hand or were made up easily a century ago as they are again now to legitimize such policy - so long as they are not examined for more than a minute. In 1991 the pretext was violation of sovereignty; in 1999 protection of human rights; and in 2001-2 combating terrorism. No matter that on the record, it has been and continues to be US policy and praxis more than anyone elses to violate sovereignty [what else the Yugoslavia policy?] and human rights and to support terrorism around the world [against Palestinians by Israel, Kurds by Turkey, Arabs by Saudi Arabia, by all the new US supported governments in Central Asia, not to mention by US allied and puppet regimes around the world during the past half century and longer]. World-wide condemnation of present US policy is manifest in countless resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly and increasingly by critiques of even the closest US allies in Europe. In the United States, to name only two former public personalities, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark [and even Henry Kissinger ], and former President Jimmy Carter has oft been publicly critical of US foreign policy and publicly opposed the War Against Yugoslavia.. An important statement in that regard by President Carter is posted below.

This web-page section entitled ON THE NEW WORLD ORDER therefore deals with elements of its construction, especially in three US wars over the last decade: The War against Iraq in 1991, but which continues to this day through bombing and embargo at an estimated cost of over one million lives [When US Secretary of State was asked about that a few years ago, she answered point blank that the by then already one half million lives sacrificed has been worth it]. Frank wrote several analytic essays on that war, but only the most inclusive one on THE THIRD WORLD WAR is posted here. It is now placed at the beginning of this Section not only because of when it was written, but because with a decade of hindsight it also still correctly outlines the major characteristics of n THE NEW WORLD ORDER, including the principal procedure for its establishment: US unilateral blackmail ultimatum threats to destroy your country if you do not do the US bidding. Bush son would later formulate it through his either with us or against us doctrine. If the latter, first Iraq, then Yugoslavia, now Afghanistan and where next is the example of what you will get.

The 1999 NATO War against Yugoslavia, preceded by years of violence in Bosnia and Croatia and followed by military occupation of Kosovo and Macedonia was the second major example, and the 2001-02 War Against Afghanistan became the third.. Material on these wars and the policy behind them is posted below in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent - and so far here least examined one, then the by much the longest section on This web-page section incorporates what used to be a separate web?page and then a separate section on this web?page, which was created and built up during the 1999 NATO War against Yugoslavia [miscalled Kosovo War]. Examination of this page reveals both the striking parallels of that war with the present one against Afghanistan and the clear line of continuity from the one in 1999 in Yugoslavia [and indeed already from the war in 1991 against Iraq] to the present one 2002 War in Afghanistan and the threat of continued war elsewhere, including again against Iraq.

This NATO Section contains a few 1999 essays by Andre A.G. Frank, many analyses by others that were selected by Frank for inclusion here, and ample documentary material, eg. chapter and verse in international law that was being violated in that war as also in the War against Afghanistan, as well as all along in the still continuing War against Iraq. The material was posted in 1999 chronologically by date, but with the latest on top; so that it now appears on the web?page in reverse chronological order ending on June 16 and beginning with postings on April 16,1999. Therefore essays by Frank, many of which appeared early and were at the end of the web?page, are now selected out into this introductory section. They are complemented here by a few supporting citations of international law [more extensive ones are in the 3 Part International Lawyers Brief posted on May 11] and a very interesting article by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Of particular current 2002 interest also are the postings on June 17, 1999 about that war and already then Caspian Sea/Central Asian oil and Russia. The latter is complemented by an article on the same by Frank written in December 2000.

Several themes are repeated in the analysis and postings here on all three and the intervening periods. It might be useful to separate these themes and the postings thereon into separate sub-sections below, e.g. on the red thread of oil that runs though all of them, and wider geo-political-economic issues in the construction of a NEW WORLD ORDER. One essay by Frank questions whether the US can be successful in imposing this order however. An oft repeated theme is the also of repeated violation, nay total abrogation, of international law and the United Nations system, and its replacement by new MIGHT IS RIGHT in a uni-polar world, not seen since Pax Britannia, which however was much more peaceful than the century past or as the present one is beginning. Since all these and other issues are interconnected in the real world, it is difficult to separate them out here below other than to supply some topical sub-titles.

Each of the following documents was written by Andre Gunder Frank, unless otherwise noted.

On New World Order Strategy

On Oil

Also see the Cui Bono essay by A.G Frank

The War Against Afghanistan, 2001-2002

On Geo-Political-Economy

On International Legal [Dis]Order

Frank also has a file elsewhere of hundreds of 2001-2002 essays and documents on a large variety of related issues that were and are still being copied from the web. They are not posted here, but some could be supplied on this or that topic on request to

The War Against Yugoslavia, 1999

Summary Essay

Analytic Essays

Programatic Essays

Discussion of A.G. Frank's NATO Essays

Documentation on International Law

Other 1999 Essays and Documentation

In reverse chronological order:

NATO SHOULD DISARM KLA BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE - A Soldier's View Essay by Lewis MacKenzie, 16 June 1999
Nato & Caucasus/Central Asia Oil Excerpt, 16 June 1999
TWILIGHT OF THE EUROPEAN PROJECT long,but important Essay by Peter Gowan, 16 June 1999
It's the Russians [not Kosovo] Stupid! Excerpt, 16 June 1999
US/UK - Russia Confrontation in Kosovo Excerpt, 11 June 1999
NATO Indictment Meeting With War Crimes Tribunal Prosecutor Arbour reported by participant Glen Rangwala Excerpt, 11 June 1999
NATO'S WAR OF AGGRESSION:AN OVERVIEW Essay by Michel Chossudovsky, 11 June 1999
YUGOSLAVIA 'HAS BEEN BOMBED BACK TO 1945' Essay by Boris Johnson, 11 June 1999
Six NATO war critiques by Carl Jacobsen Excerpt, 11 June 1999
Ramboulleit revisited: The State of the Press and the Press of the State Department Excerpt, 02 June 1999
In the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave Excerpt, 02 June 1999
A Sound Report Excerpt, 02 June 1999
Famous Last Words Plus 40 Divisions and the Partisans Excerpt, 30 May 1999
Damage "Collateral" to What? Excerpt, 29 May 1999
A War Chronology Excerpt, 29 May 1999
DOGS OF WAR Essay by Tariq Ali, 29 May 1999
IMPOSSIBLE TO TALK PEACE WITH BOMBS FALLING Essay by Viktor Chernomyrdin, 28 May 1999
BOMBINGS REIGNITE NUCLEAR WAR FEARS Essay by Mary-Wynne Ashford, 28 May 1999
WHAT'S DEMOCRACY GOT TO DO WITH IT? Essay by Norman Solomon, 28 May 1999
HUMANITARIAN BOMBING, MONTH TWO Essay by David Orchard, 28 May 1999
WAR CRIMES LAW APPLIES TO U.S. TOO - former , prosecutor at Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Essay by Walter J. Rockler, 28 May 1999
War Crimes Web-site on Factual and Legal Briefs to ICT-Y Excerpt, 28 May 1999
Chinese Embassy Bombing & CIA Policy Making Excerpt, 28 May 1999
germany & europe Excerpt, 28 May 1999
why bomb? the answer from the horse's mouth Excerpt, 28 May 1999
Albanian Refugees Abducted into Prostitution Excerpt, 28 May 1999
Radioactive Macedonia Excerpt, 28 May 1999
NATO is Projecting itslef to Russia's Underberlly Excerpt, 28 May 1999
HAVE WE FORGOTTEN THE PATH TO PEACE? Essay by Jimmy Carter, 28 May 1999
visas denied Yugoslav delegation Excerpt, 19 May 1999
Kosovo Ethnic Cleansing Belied by Independent Western Witnesses Excerpt, 18 May 1999
Depleted Uranium - A Weapon of Mass Destruction Excerpt, 18 May 1999
Record of NATO's USE of Banned Cluster Bombs and Depleted Uranium Excerpt, 17 May 1999
Clinton is Tragically Ironical Excerpt, 17 May 1999
From Cluster Bombs to Land Mines - All Illegal, Excerpt Excerpt, 17 May 1999
Bridges from Novi Sad to Brooklyn Excerpt, 17 May 1999
Ramboulliet Steps to War Excerpt, 15 May 1999
US shuts down Yugoslav Internet Excerpt, 13 May 1999
The Balkan Action Committee of US Right-wing Hardliners Excerpt, 13 May 1999
Fall of Russian Government is Bad News for Milosevic Excerpt, 13 May 1999
Fall of Russian Government is Bad News for Milosevic Excerpt Free the Press - and us! Excerpt, 13 May 1999
US Congressman Mission to YU finds Lies by White House/State Dept/Pentagon/NATO Excerpt, 13 May 1999
Albanian "humanitarian' crime/corruption/extorsion/profiteering Excerpt, 12 May 1999
Bombing a Lot Empty of Chinese Excerpt, 12 May 1999
No Subject Essay by A.G. Frank, 12 May 1999
No Subject Essay by A.G. Frank More Bogus "Justifications' for NATO War Excerpt, 12 May 1999
More NATO Expansion Eastward Excerpt, 11 May 1999
A surgeon writes from Belgrade Excerpt, 11 May 1999
Civilian targets, disruption of life, and long term pollution Excerpt, 11 May 1999
Chinese Embassy bombing:A politically rational conspiracy theory Excerpt, 11 May 1999
NATO's Eastward Push under the Clinton Doctrine Excerpt, 11 May 1999
Lawyers' proposal to indict all NATO leaders for war crimes #3 Excerpt, 11 May 1999
Lawyers charge NATO Leaders for War Crimes # 2 Excerpt, 11 May 1999
International Criminal Tribunal-Y vs NATO member # 1 Excerpt, 11 May 1999
War Reports/Analyses by Academics etc. in Yugoslavia Excerpt, 04 May 1999
lights out Excerpt, 04 May 1999
Some Realistic Negotiated Settlement Provisions Excerpt, 03 May 1999
The world after Kosovo Excerpt, 03 May 1999
17 Congress Members Sue Clinton for Illegal War Excerpt, 03 May 1999
War Crimes on all sides, including NATO Excerpt, 03 May 1999
Yugoslavia in the good ol' days Excerpt, 03 May 1999
THE DANGER OF A WIDER WAR AND THE CHANCE FOR A WIDER PEACE - Robin Blackburn, New Left Review Essay by Robin Blackburn, 03 May 1999
The secret appendix to the Rambouillet Accord Excerpt, 03 May 1999
Yugoslavia vs NATO at UN Court in The Hague Excerpt, 03 May 1999
Death,Injury,Damage:Yugoslav Summary to 24 April Excerpt, 26 April 1999
Indictment: "Citizens of Norway against Norwegian Foreign Minister" Excerpt, 26 April 1999
NATO STARTED BOMBING TO HELP MILOSEVIC Essay by Edward Luttwak, 25 April 1999
canada dry? Excerpt, 24 April 1999
Belgrade:In Newspeak it's your name that's Nobody, and Spagghetti , Westerns were a church picknick Excerpt, 23 April 1999
THE WAR NATO WANTED Essay by Diana Johnstone, 23 April 1999
In Belgrade your name is Nobody. The Spagghetti Westerns were only a picknick Excerpt, 23 April 1999
Madelein,Monica,Bill,Slobodan,William,KLA:Was anyone in charge? Excerpt, 23 April 1999
Losses to April 20 Excerpt, 23 April 1999
NATO bombs START II to death too Excerpt, 23 April 1999
The IMF's Yugoslavia from Clinton & Kemp to Quayle Excerpt, 23 April 1999
Bombs Away! From White House to School House A.G. Frank , 23 April 1999
MORALITY? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH! Essay by John Pilger, 23 April 1999
cold blooded murder? Excerpt, 23 April 1999
From Terrorism to Liberation: The staight Foggy BOTTOM line Excerpt, 22 April 1999
Media Turkey shoot/s Excerpt, 22 April 1999
Indict NATO at the Hague Excerpt, 22 April 1999
Kosovo: elementary arithmetic & geography Excerpt, 21 April 1999
Ziggy wants to make the world safe for .. the USA! Excerpt, 20 April 1999
To Hitler from Goebbels: A belated Kosovo/Yugoslavia present for your April 20 birthday Excerpt, 20 April 1999
on THIRD WORLD WAR/Kosovo antecedents in GULF WAR [long 1991 essay with table of contents] Essay by A.G. Frank, 20 April 1999
Losses lost in NATO PR shuffle ? Excerpt, 20 April 1999
General Clark,Super Hawk Excerpt, 20 April 1999
BOTH SIDES MISCALCULATED! NOW WHAT? Essay by Stratfor's sober analysis, 19 April 1999
Statement by 17 Belgrade Excerpt, 19 April 1999
FROM SELF DETERMINATION TO NATO IN YUGOSLAVIA Essay by Hannes Hofbauer (Vienna) in German, 19 April 1999
FREEDOM OF THE PRESS FROM THE HORSES MOUTH Essay by Sara Flounders, 19 April 1999
CANADA CAN MAKE PEACE IN KOSOVO Essay by Joanna Santa Barbara in TORONTO STAR, 19 April 1999
YUGOSLAVIA THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY Essay by Diana Johnstone, 19 April 1999
THE CLINTON DOCTRINE Essay by Boris Kagarlitsky (Moscow), 19 April 1999
WHY NATO EXPANSION Essay by Douglas Roche, MP and former Canadian Ambassador to the UN for Disarmament, 19 April 1999
IMPACT OF NATO BOMBING (till April 11) Essay by M. Chossudovsky, 19 April 1999
FATAL STRATEGY FLAWS Essay by Gen. Satish Nabiar, recently commander of UN mission forces in Yugoslavia, 19 April 1999
Kosovo Crisis Points to Global Realignment Excerpt, 19 April 1999
THE CURRENT BOMBINGS Essay by Noam Chomsky, 19 April 1999
DISMANTLING YUGOSLAVIA Essay by Michel Chossudovsky, 19 April 1999
The Path to Crisis: How the United States and Its Allies Went to War Excerpt, 19 April 1999
same and more chemicals again Excerpt, 19 April 1999
which side are you on? Excerpt, 19 April 1999
Voices from the Serbian opposition to Milosevic Excerpt, 19 April 1999
France splits NATO for fear of Russia Excerpt, 19 April 1999
one journalist begs to differ Excerpt, 19 April 1999
more 'collateral' [non civilian? non?] damage Excerpt, 19 April 1999
Nuremberg & personal resposibility Excerpt, 19 April 1999
MIGHT[&]TWO WRONGS MAKE A RIGHT? Essay by A.G. Frank, 18 April 1999
more 'collateral' chemicals in the sky Excerpt, 18 April 1999
more 'collateral' chemicals in the sky Excerpt genocide definition Excerpt, 17 April 1999
on AGF on NATO Excerpt, 17 April 1999
Nuremberg principles [for the record] Excerpt, 17 April 1999
Clinton with Serbian-Americans and in re NATO Excerpt, 16 April 1999
A MODEST LEGAL/UN PROPOSAL TO ACT! Essay by A.G. Frank, 16 April 1999
no civilian collateral damage? Excerpt, 16 April 1999
freedom of the press Excerpt, 16 April 1999
church appeal Excerpt, 16 April 1999
The Blue Danube Excerpt, 16 April 1999
forward planning - but not for Albanians Excerpt, 16 April 1999
humanitarian pretexts and precedents Excerpt, 16 April 1999
YU ground invasion alternatives Excerpt, 16 April 1999
russian volunteers and consequences Excerpt, 16 April 1999
proliferation Excerpt, 16 April 1999
profits Excerpt, 16 April 1999
Whats Left? Do the Right Thing! Whats That? Essay by A.G. Frank, 16 April 1999
depleted uranium warheads Excerpt, 16 April 1999
rambouillet Excerpt, 16 April 1999
CIA & other warnings Excerpt, 16 April 1999
Kosovo mining wealth Excerpt, 16 April 1999
KLA Excerpt, 16 April 1999
Fatal Flaws in NAto mission Excerpt, 16 April 1999
Hague Court appeal by Russia Excerpt, 16 April 1999
Kosovo genocide? Excerpt, 16 April 1999
OSCE Pan European/North Am alternative to NATO Excerpt, 16 April 1999
NATO war dividends Excerpt, 16 April 1999
The cost of war in Kosovo Excerpt, 16 April 1999
NATO violations of international law Essay by A.G. Frank, 16 April 1999
NATO AGAINST THE LAW & YUGOSLAVIA Essay by A.G. Frank, 16 April 1999
NATO HYPOCRISY IN YUGOSLAVIA Essay by A.G. Frank, 16 April 1999
NATO BOMBS Essay by A.G. Frank, 16 April 1999

Other 2003 and after essays

MEET UNCLE SAM - WITHOUT CLOTHES - PARADING AROUND CHINA AND THE WORLD - Observed From the Top of the Great Wall through the Eyes of the Innocent Little Boy January 6th 2005 - - -

Coup d'Etat in Washington and Silent Surrender in America and the World.
MONTREAL SERAI, Vol.16 - #2, 2003. Electronic

Coup d'Etat in Washington and Silent Surrender in America and the World.

Coup d'Etat in Washington and Silent Surrender in America and the World.
GLOBAL RESEARCH., 24 June 2003

Coup d'Etat in Washington and Silent Surrender in America and the World.
RRojas Databank, section "US Imperialism Today", 20 June 2003

Third World War [1991] with 2003 Epilogue (25 July 2003).
Project for the First People's Century.

Coup d'Etat in Washington and Silent Surrender in America and the World.
Project for the First People's Century. 20 June 2003

Golpe de Estado en Washington: rendición silenciosa en America y el mundo.
( Trad. de F. Garcia). Globalización. Revista Web. July 2003

Golpe de Estado en Washington: rendición silenciosa en America y el mundo.
In Banco de Datos RRojas, July 2003

Golpe de Estado en Washington: rendición silenciosa en America y el mundo.
( Trad. de F. Garcia para Globalización ). Proyecto para el Primer Siglo Popular. July  2003

Table of Contents
Personal and Professional
Research Interests
ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age
The New World Order
On-line Essays
IISH Archives
AGF on the Internet

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