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Civilian targets, disruption of life, and long term pollution
- Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 01:22:28 -0400 (EDT)
Comments by the NATO leadership to the effect that the new weapons were
helping to undermine the work of military communications, command posts
and air defence systems were groundless, in the[Rusian] general's view.
All military structures have autonomous sources of electricity and during
combat activity equipment is supplied exclusively from standard
[military] power units. So it is the civilian infrastructure that is
being affected by the attacks (for example, systems for water
purification, municipal waste processing and effluent filtration). In
turn, this holds the danger of epidemics, which could flare up not only
in Yugoslavia, but also in neighbouring countries. Given this situation,
the kilometres of oil slicks on European rivers could seem just the start
of a major European ecological catastrophe, said the general.
In his view, the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia will reverberate
for the countries of the Balkans for a long time with ecological
catastrophes that will inevitably result in huge economic losses. "The
bombing of oil storage facilities, oil refineries and chemical works has
brought carcinogenic products of combustion to the territories of
Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary and Italy. Along with dioxins, they have
contaminated the soil and water sources for many decades to come. The
agro-industrial sectors of these countries can now only dream of
cultivating ecologically safe animal and plant produce, believes Gen
250 Kensington Ave - Apt 608 Tel: 1-514-933 2539
Westmount/Montreal PQ/QC Fax: 1-514-933 6445
Canada H3Z 2G8 e-mail:agfrank@chass.utoronto.ca
My Personal/Professional Home Page> http://www.whc.neu.edu/gunder.html
My NATO/Kosovo Page> http://csf.colorado.edu/archive/agfrank/nato_kosovo/
My professional/personal conclusion is the same as Pogo's -
We have met the enemy, and it is US
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