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On Planning for Development: Foreign  Investments
World Investment Report 2016

Investor Nationality: Policy Challenges

“In 2015, global flows of foreign direct investment rose by about 40 per cent, to $1.8 trillion, the highest level since the global economic and financial crisis began in 2008. However, this growth did not translate into an equivalent expansion in productive capacity in all countries. This is a troubling development in light of the investment needs associated with the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals and the ambitious action envisaged in the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change. This latest World Investment Report presents an Investment Facilitation Action Package to further enhance the enabling environment for investment in sustainable development.

Regulations on the ownership and control of companies are essential in the investment regime of most countries. But in an era of complex multinational ownership structures, the rationale and effectiveness of this policy instrument needs a comprehensive re-assessment. This Report provides insights on the ownership structures of multinational enterprises (MNEs), and maps the global network of corporate entities using data on millions of parents and affiliates. It analyses national and international investment policy practices worldwide, and proposes a new framework for handling ownership issues.

This latest edition of the World Investment Report is being issued as the world embarks on the crucial work of implementing the landmark 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change. The key findings and policy recommendations of the Report are far reaching and can contribute to our efforts to uphold the promise to leave no one behind and build a world of dignity for all. I therefore commend this Report to a wide global audience.” (Ban Ki-moon)

World Investment Report 2016 - Investor Nationality: Policy Challenges (UNCTAD/WIR/2016)

22 Jun 2016, 232 Pages, 6974.8 KB

World Investment Report 2016 - Overview (UNCTAD/WIR/2016 (Overview))

22 Jun 2016, 998.1 KB

عربي | 中文 | Español | Français | Русский

Key Messages

4 Pages, 2821KB

CHAPTER I Global Investment Trends

34 Pages, 813KB

CHAPTER II Regional Investment Trends

54 Pages, 2493KB

CHAPTER III Recent policy Developments and Key Issues

34 Pages, 515KB

CHAPTER IV Investor Nationality: Policy Challenges

72 Pages, 1238KB

Annex Tables

24 Pages, 286KB

Methodological Note

80 Pages, 1178KB

The UNCTAD work programme on FDI Statistics documents and analyses global and regional trends in FDI, and assist developing countries in formulating FDI policies based on quality FDI data, and information of TNCs operating in the region or the country.
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