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The political economy of development
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World indicators on the environmentWorld Energy Statistics - Time SeriesEconomic inequality
                                             A/CONF.151/26 (Vol. II)  
                                             13 August 1992  
                                             ORIGINAL:  ENGLISH  
                       ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT  
                    (Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992)  
                               Chapter 14  
14.1.  By the year 2025, 83 per cent of the expected global population of 
8.5 billion will be living in developing countries.  Yet the capacity of  
available resources and technologies to satisfy the demands of this growing

population for food and other agricultural commodities remains uncertain. 
Agriculture has to meet this challenge, mainly by increasing production on 
land already in use and by avoiding further encroachment on land that is
only marginally suitable for cultivation.  
14.2.  Major adjustments are needed in agricultural, environmental and  
macroeconomic policy, at both national and international levels, in
developed as well as developing countries, to create the conditions for
sustainable agriculture and rural development (SARD).  The major objective
of SARD is to increase food production in a sustainable way and enhance
food security.  This will involve education initiatives, utilization of
economic incentives and the development of appropriate and new
technologies, thus ensuring stable supplies of nutritionally adequate food,
access to those supplies by vulnerable groups, and production for markets;
employment and income generation to alleviate poverty; and natural resource
management and environmental protection.  
14.3.  The priority must be on maintaining and improving the capacity of
the higher potential agricultural lands to support an expanding population.
However, conserving and rehabilitating the natural resources on lower  
potential lands in order to maintain sustainable man/land ratios is also  
necessary.  The main tools of SARD are policy and agrarian reform,  
participation, income diversification, land conservation and improved  
management of inputs.  The success of SARD will depend largely on the
support and participation of rural people, national Governments, the
private sector and international cooperation, including technical and
scientific cooperation.  
14.4.  The following programme areas are included in this chapter:  
     (a)   Agricultural policy review, planning and integrated programming 
in the light of the multifunctional aspect of agriculture, particularly
with regard to food security and sustainable development;  
     (b)   Ensuring people's participation and promoting human resource  
development for sustainable agriculture;  

     (c)   Improving farm production and farming systems through  
diversification of farm and non-farm employment and infrastructure  
     (d)   Land-resource planning information and education for
    (e)  Land conservation and rehabilitation;  
    (f)  Water for sustainable food production and sustainable rural  
    (g)  Conservation and sustainable utilization of plant genetic
resources for food and sustainable agriculture;  
    (h)  Conservation and sustainable utilization of animal genetic
resources for sustainable agriculture;  
    (i)  Integrated pest management and control in agriculture;  
    (j)  Sustainable plant nutrition to increase food production;  
    (k)  Rural energy transition to enhance productivity;  
    (l)  Evaluation of the effects of ultraviolet radiation on plants and 
animals caused by the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer.  
                             PROGRAMME AREAS  
               A.  Agricultural policy review, planning and integrated
                   programmes in the light of the multifunctional  
                   aspect of agriculture, particularly with regard to  
                   food security and sustainable development  
Basis for action  
14.5.  There is a need to integrate sustainable development considerations 
with agricultural policy analysis and planning in all countries,
particularly in developing countries.  Recommendations should contribute
directly to development of realistic and operational medium- to long-term
plans and programmes, and thus to concrete actions.  Support to and
monitoring of implementation should follow.  
14.6.  The absence of a coherent national policy framework for sustainable 
agriculture and rural development (SARD) is widespread and is not limited
to the developing countries.  In particular the economies in transition
from planned to market-oriented systems need such a framework to
incorporate environmental considerations into economic activities,
including agriculture.  All countries need to assess comprehensively the
impacts of such policies on food and agriculture sector performance, food
security, rural welfare and international trading relations as a means for
identifying appropriate offsetting measures.  The major thrust of food
security in this case is to bring about a significant increase in
agricultural production in a sustainable way and to achieve a substantial
improvement in people's entitlement to adequate food and culturally
appropriate food supplies.  
14.7.  Sound policy decisions pertaining to international trade and capital
flows also necessitate action to overcome:  (a) a lack of awareness of the 
environmental costs incurred by sectoral and macroeconomic policies and
hence their threat to sustainability; (b) insufficient skills and
experience in incorporating issues of sustainability into policies and
programmes; and (c) inadequacy of tools of analysis and monitoring. 1/  
14.8.  The objectives of this Programme area are:  
    (a)  By 1995, to review and, where appropriate, establish a programme
to integrate environmental and sustainable development with policy analysis
for the food and agriculture sector and relevant macroeconomic policy
analysis, formulation and implementation;  
    (b)  To maintain and develop, as appropriate, operational multisectoral
plans, programmes and policy measures, including programmes and measures to
enhance sustainable food production and food security within the framework
of sustainable development, not later than 1998;  
    (c)  To maintain and enhance the ability of developing countries,  
particularly the least developed ones, to themselves manage policy,  
programming and planning activities, not later than 2005.  
(a) Management-related activities  
14.9.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Carry out national policy reviews related to food security,  
including adequate levels and stability of food supply and access to food
by all households;  
    (b)  Review national and regional agricultural policy in relation,  
inter alia, to foreign trade, price policy, exchange rate policies,  
agricultural subsidies and taxes, as well as organization for regional  
economic integration;  
    (c)  Implement policies to influence land tenure and property rights  
positively with due recognition of the minimum size of land-holding
required to maintain production and check further fragmentation;  
    (d)  Consider demographic trends and population movements and identify 
critical areas for agricultural production;  
    (e)  Formulate, introduce and monitor policies, laws and regulations
and incentives leading to sustainable agricultural and rural development
and improved food security and to the development and transfer of
appropriate farm technologies, including, where appropriate, low-input
sustainable agricultural (LISA) systems;  
    (f)  Support national and regional early warning systems through  
food-security assistance schemes that monitor food supply and demand and  
factors affecting household access to food;  
    (g)  Review policies with respect to improving harvesting, storage,  
processing, distribution and marketing of products at the local, national
and regional levels;  
    (h)  Formulate and implement integrated agricultural projects that  
include other natural resource activities, such as management of
rangelands, forests, and wildlife, as appropriate;  
    (i)  Promote social and economic research and policies that encourage 
sustainable agriculture development, particularly in fragile ecosystems and
densely populated areas;  
    (j)  Identify storage and distribution problems affecting food  
availability; support research, where necessary, to overcome these problems
and cooperate with producers and distributors to implement improved
practices and systems.  
(b) Data and information  
14.10.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Cooperate actively to expand and improve the information on early 
warning systems on food and agriculture at both regional and national

    (b)  Examine and undertake surveys and research to establish baseline 
information on the status of natural resources relating to food and  
agricultural production and planning in order to assess the impacts of
various uses on these resources, and develop methodologies and tools of
analysis, such as environmental accounting.  
(c) International and regional cooperation and coordination  
14.11.  United Nations agencies, such as FAO, the World Bank, IFAD and
GATT, and regional organizations, bilateral donor agencies and other bodies
should, within their respective mandates, assume a role in working with
national Governments in the following activities:   
    (a)  Implement integrated and sustainable agricultural development and 
food security strategies at the subregional level that use regional
production and trade potentials, including organizations for regional
economic integration, to promote food security;  
    (b)  Encourage, in the context of achieving sustainable agricultural  
development and consistent with relevant internationally agreed principles
on trade and environment, a more open and non-discriminatory trading system
and the avoidance of unjustifiable trade barriers which together with other

policies will facilitate the further integration of agricultural and  
environmental policies so as to make them mutually supportive;  
    (c)  Strengthen and establish national, regional and international  
systems and networks to increase the understanding of the interaction
between agriculture and the state of the environment, identify ecologically
sound technologies and facilitate the exchange information on data sources,
policies, and techniques and tools of analysis.  
Means of implementation  
(a) Financing and cost evaluation  
14.12.  The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993-2000) on implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $3 billion, including about $450 million from the international
community on grant or concessional terms.  These are indicative and
order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments.  Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are
non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.  
(b) Scientific and technological means  
14.13.  Governments at the appropriate level and with the support of the  
relevant international and regional organizations should assist farming  
households and communities to apply technologies related to improved food 
production and security, including storage, monitoring of production and  
(c) Human resource development  
14.14.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Involve and train local economists, planners and analysts to  
initiate national and international policy reviews and develop frameworks
for sustainable agriculture;   
    (b)  Establish legal measures to promote access of women to land and  
remove biases in their involvement in rural development.  
(d) Capacity-building  
14.15.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should strengthen
ministries for agriculture, natural resources and planning.  
               B.  Ensuring people's participation and promoting human  
                   resource development for sustainable agriculture  
Basis for action  
14.16.  This component bridges policy and integrated resource management. 
The greater the degree of community control over the resources on which it
relies, the greater will be the incentive for economic and human resources 
development.  At the same time, policy instruments to reconcile long-run
and short-run requirements must be set by national Governments.  The
approaches focus on fostering self-reliance and cooperation, providing
information and supporting user-based organizations.  Emphasis should be on
management practices, building agreements for changes in resource
utilization, the rights and duties associated with use of land, water and
forests, the functioning of markets, prices, and the access to information,
capital and inputs.  This would require training and capacity-building to
assume greater responsibilities in sustainable development efforts. 2/  
14.17.  The objectives of this programme area are:    
    (a)  To promote greater public awareness of the role of people's  
participation and people's organizations, especially women's groups, youth,
indigenous people, local communities and small farmers, in sustainable  
agriculture and rural development;  
    (b)  To ensure equitable access of rural people, particularly women,  
small farmers, landless and indigenous people, to land, water and forest  
resources and to technologies, financing, marketing, processing and  
    (c)  To strengthen and develop the management and the internal
capacities of rural people's organizations and extension services and to
decentralize decision-making to the lowest community level.  
(a) Management-related activities  
14.18.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Develop and improve integrated agricultural extension services and
facilities and rural organizations and undertake natural resource
management and food security activities, taking into account the different
needs of subsistence agriculture as well as market-oriented crops;  
    (b)  Review and refocus existing measures to achieve wider access to  
land, water and forest resources and ensure equal rights of women and other
disadvantaged groups, with particular emphasis on rural populations,  
indigenous people and local communities;  
    (c)  Assign clear titles, rights and responsibilities for land and for 
individuals or communities to encourage investment in land resources;  
    (d)  Develop guidelines for decentralization policies for rural  
development through reorganization and strengthening of rural institutions;
    (e)  Develop policies in extension, training, pricing, input  
distribution, credit and taxation to ensure necessary incentives and
equitable access by the poor to production-support services;  
    (f)  Provide support services and training, recognizing the variation
in agricultural circumstances and practices by location; the optimal use of

on-farm inputs and the minimal use of external inputs; optimal use of local
natural resources and management of renewable energy sources; and the  
establishment of networks that deal with the exchange of information on  
alternative forms of agriculture.  
(b) Data and information  
14.19.  Governments at the appropriate level, and with the support of the 
relevant international and regional organizations, should collect, analyse,
and disseminate information on human resources, the role of Governments,
local communities and non-governmental organizations in social innovation
and strategies for rural development.  
(c) International and regional cooperation and coordination  
14.20.  Appropriate international and regional agencies should:  
    (a)  Reinforce their work with non-governmental organizations in  
collecting and disseminating information on people's participation and  
people's organizations, testing participatory development methods, training
and education for human resource development and strengthening the
management structures of rural organizations;  
    (b)  Help develop information available through non-governmental  
organizations and promote an international ecological agricultural network
to accelerate the development and implementation of ecological agriculture 
Means of implementation  
(a) Financing and cost evaluation  
14.21.  The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $4.4 billion, including about $650 million from the international
community on grant or concessional terms.  These are indicative and
order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments.  Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are
non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.  
(b) Scientific and technological means  
14.22.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Encourage people's participation on farm technology development
and transfer, incorporating indigenous ecological knowledge and practices; 
    (b)  Launch applied research on participatory methodologies, management
strategies and local organizations.  
(c) Human resource development  
14.23.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should provide
management and technical training to government administrators and members
of resource-user groups in the principles, practice and benefits of
people's participation in rural development.  
(d) Capacity-building  
14.24.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should introduce
management strategies and mechanisms, such as accounting and audit services
for rural people's organizations and institutions for human resource
development, and delegate administrative and financial responsibilities to
local levels for decision-making, revenue-raising and expenditure.  
             C.  Improving farm production and farming systems through   
                 diversification of farm and non-farm employment and  
                           infrastructure development  
Basis for action  
14.25.  Agriculture needs to be intensified to meet future demands for  
commodities and to avoid further expansion onto marginal lands and  
encroachment on fragile ecosystems.  Increased use of external inputs and 
development of specialized production and farming systems tend to increase 
vulnerability to environmental stresses and market fluctuations.  There is,
therefore, a need to intensify agriculture by diversifying the production 
systems for maximum efficiency in the utilization of local resources, while
minimizing environmental and economic risks.  Where intensification of
farming systems is not possible, other on-farm and off-farm employment
opportunities should be identified and developed, such as cottage
industries, wildlife utilization, aquaculture and fisheries, non-farm
activities, such as light village-based manufacturing, farm commodity
processing, agribusiness, recreation and tourism, etc.  
14.26.  The objectives of this programme area are:  
    (a)  To improve farm productivity in a sustainable manner, as well as
to increase diversification, efficiency, food security and rural incomes,
while ensuring that risks to the ecosystem are minimized;  
    (b)  To enhance the self-reliance of farmers in developing and
improving rural infrastructure, and to facilitate the transfer of
environmentally sound technologies for integrated production and farming
systems, including indigenous technologies and the sustainable use of
biological and ecological processes, including agroforestry, sustainable
wildlife conservation and management, aquaculture, inland fisheries and
animal husbandry;  
    (c)  To create farm and non-farm employment opportunities, particularly
among the poor and those living in marginal areas, taking into account the 
alternative livelihood proposal inter alia in dryland areas.  
(a) Management-related activities  
14.27.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Develop and disseminate to farming households integrated farm  
management technologies, such as crop rotation, organic manuring and other 
techniques involving reduced use of agricultural chemicals, multiple  
techniques for sources of nutrients and the efficient utilization of
external inputs, while enhancing techniques for waste and by-product
utilization and prevention of pre- and post-harvest losses, taking
particular note of the role of women;  
    (b)  Create non-farm employment opportunities through private
small-scale agro-processing units, rural service centres and related
infrastructural improvements;  
    (c)  Promote and improve rural financial networks that utilize
investment capital resources raised locally;  
    (d)  Provide the essential rural infrastructure for access to  
agricultural inputs and services, as well as to national and local markets,
and reduce food losses;  
    (e)  Initiate and maintain farm surveys, on-farm testing of appropriate
technologies and dialogue with rural communities to identify constraints
and bottlenecks and find solutions;  
    (f)  Analyse and identify possibilities for economic integration of 
agricultural and forestry activities, as well as water and fisheries, and
to take effective measures to encourage forest management and growing of
trees by farmers (farm forestry) as an option for resource development.  
(b) Data and information  
14.28.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Analyse the effects of technical innovations and incentives on  
farm-household income and well-being;  
    (b)  Initiate and maintain on-farm and off-farm programmes to collect
and record indigenous knowledge.  
    (c) International and regional cooperation and coordination  
14.29  International institutions, such as FAO and IFAD, international  
agricultural research centres, such as CGIAR, and regional centres should 
diagnose the world's major agro-ecosystems, their extension, ecological and
socio-economic characteristics, their susceptibility to deterioration and 
their productive potential.  This could form the basis for technology  
development and exchange and for regional research collaboration.  
Means of implementation  
(a) Financing and cost evaluation  
14.30.  The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $10 billion, including about $1.5 billion from the international
community on grant or concessional terms.  These are indicative and
order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments.  Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are
non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.  
(b) Scientific and technological means  
14.31.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should strengthen
research on agricultural production systems in areas with different
endowments and agro-ecological zones, including comparative analysis of the
intensification, diversification and different levels of external and
internal inputs.  
(c) Human resource development  
14.32.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Promote educational and vocational training for farmers and rural 
communities through formal and non-formal education;  
    (b)  Launch awareness and training programmes for entrepreneurs,  
managers, bankers and traders in rural servicing and small-scale  
agro-processing techniques.  
(d) Capacity-building  
14.33.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Improve their organizational capacity to deal with issues related 
to off-farm activities and rural industry development;  
    (b)  Expand credit facilities and rural infrastructure related to  
processing, transportation and marketing.  

       D.  Land-resource planning, information and education   
                             for agriculture  
Basis for action  
14.34.  Inappropriate and uncontrolled land uses are a major cause of  
degradation and depletion of land resources.  Present land use often  
disregards the actual potentials, carrying capacities and limitations of
land resources, as well as their diversity in space.  It is estimated that
the world's population, now at 5.4 billion, will be 6.25 billion by the
turn of the century.  The need to increase food production to meet the
expanding needs of the population will put enormous pressure on all natural
resources, including land.  
14.35.  Poverty and malnutrition are already endemic in many regions.  The 
destruction and degradation of agricultural and environmental resources is
a major issue.  Techniques for increasing production and conserving soil
and water resources are already available but are not widely or
systematically applied.  A systematic approach is needed for identifying
land uses and production systems that are sustainable in each land and
climate zone, including the economic, social and institutional mechanisms
necessary for their implementation. 3/  
14.36.  The objectives of this programme area are:  
    (a)  To harmonize planning procedures, involve farmers in the planning 
process, collect land-resource data, design and establish databases, define
land areas of similar capability, identify resource problems and values
that need to be taken into account to establish mechanisms to encourage
efficient and environmentally sound use of resources;  
    (b)  To establish agricultural planning bodies at national and local  
levels to decide priorities, channel resources and implement programmes.  
(a) Management-related activities  
14.37.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Establish and strengthen agricultural land-use and land-resource 
planning, management, education and information at national and local
    (b)  Initiate and maintain district and village agricultural  
land-resource planning, management and conservation groups to assist in  
problem identification, development of technical and management solutions,
and project implementation.  
(b) Data and information  
14.38.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Collect, continuously monitor, update and disseminate information,
whenever possible, on the utilization of natural resources and living  
conditions, climate, water and soil factors, and on land use, distribution
of vegetation cover and animal species, utilization of wild plants,
production systems and yields, costs and prices, and social and cultural
considerations that affect agricultural and adjacent land use;  
    (b)  Establish programmes to provide information, promote discussion
and encourage the formation of management groups.  
(c) International and regional cooperation and coordination  
14.39.  The appropriate United Nations agencies and regional organizations 
    (a)  Strengthen or establish international, regional and subregional  
technical working groups with specific terms of reference and budgets to  
promote the integrated use of land resources for agriculture, planning,
data collection and diffusion of simulation models of production and
information dissemination;   
    (b)  Develop internationally acceptable methodologies for the  
establishment of databases, description of land uses and multiple goal  
Means of implementation  
(a) Financing and cost evaluation  
14.40.  The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $1.7 billion, including about $250 million from the international
community on grant or concessional terms.  These are indicative and
order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments.  Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are
non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.  
(b) Scientific and technological means  
14.41.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Develop databases and geographical information systems to store
and display physical, social and economic information pertaining to
agriculture, and the definition of ecological zones and development areas; 
    (b)  Select combinations of land uses and production systems
appropriate to land units through multiple goal optimization procedures,
and strengthen delivery systems and local community participation;  
    (c)  Encourage integrated planning at the watershed and landscape level
to reduce soil loss and protect surface and groundwater resources from  
chemical pollution.  
(c) Human resource development  
14.42.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Train professionals and planning groups at national, district and 
village levels through formal and informal instructional courses, travel
and interaction;  
    (b)  Generate discussion at all levels on policy, development and  
environmental issues related to agricultural land use and management,
through media programmes, conferences and seminars.  
(d) Capacity-building   
14.43.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Establish land-resource mapping and planning units at national,  
district and village levels to act as focal points and links between  
institutions and disciplines, and between Governments and people;  
    (b)  Establish or strengthen Governments and international institutions
with responsibility for agricultural resource survey, management and  
development; rationalize and strengthen legal frameworks; and provide  
equipment and technical assistance.  
                E.  Land conservation and rehabilitation  
Basis for action  
14.44.  Land degradation is the most important environmental problem
affecting extensive areas of land in both developed and developing
countries. The problem of soil erosion is particularly acute in developing
countries, while problems of salinization, waterlogging, soil pollution and
loss of soil fertility are increasing in all countries.  Land degradation
is serious because the productivity of huge areas of land is declining just
when populations are increasing rapidly and the demand on the land is
growing to produce more food, fibre and fuel.  Efforts to control land
degradation, particularly in developing countries, have had limited success
to date.  Well planned, long-term national and regional land conservation
and rehabilitation programmes, with strong political support and adequate
funding, are now needed.  While land-use planning and land zoning, combined
with better land management, should provide long-term solutions, it is
urgent to arrest land degradation and launch conservation and
rehabilitation programmes in the most critically affected and vulnerable
14.45.  The objectives of this programme area are:  
    (a)  By the year 2000, to review and initiate, as appropriate, national
land-resource surveys, detailing the location, extent and severity of land 
    (b)  To prepare and implement comprehensive policies and programmes  
leading to the reclamation of degraded lands and the conservation of areas
at risk, as well as improve the general planning, management and
utilization of land resources and preserve soil fertility for sustainable
agricultural development.  
(a) Management-related activities  
14.46.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Develop and implement programmes to remove and resolve the
physical, social and economic causes of land degradation, such as land
tenure, appropriate trading systems and agricultural pricing structures,
which lead to inappropriate land-use management;  
    (b)  Provide incentives and, where appropriate and possible, resources 
for the participation of local communities in the planning, implementation
and maintenance of their own conservation and reclamation programmes;  
    (c)  Develop and implement programmes for the rehabilitation of land  
degraded by water-logging and salinity;  
    (d)  Develop and implement programmes for the progressive use of  
non-cultivated land with agricultural potential in a sustainable way.  
(b) Data and information  
14.47.  Governments, at the appropriate level, with the support of the  
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Conduct periodic surveys to assess the extent and state of its
land resources;  
    (b)  Strengthen and establish national land-resource data banks,  
including identification of the location, extent and severity of existing
land degradation, as well as areas at risk, and evaluate the progress of
the conservation and rehabilitation programmes launched in this regard;  
    (c)  Collect and record information on indigenous conservation and  
rehabilitation practices and farming systems as a basis for research and  
extension programmes.  
(c) International and regional cooperation and coordination  
14.48.  The appropriate United Nations agencies, regional organizations and
non-governmental organizations should:  
    (a)  Develop priority conservation and rehabilitation programmes with 
advisory services to Governments and regional organizations;  
    (b)  Establish regional and subregional networks for scientists and  
technicians to exchange experiences, develop joint programmes and spread  
successful technologies on land conservation and rehabilitation.  
Means of implementation  
(a) Financing and cost evaluation  
14.49.  The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $5 billion, including about $800 million from the international
community on grant or concessional terms.  These are indicative and
order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments.  Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are
non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.  
(b) Scientific and technological means  
14.50.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should help farming
household communities to investigate and promote site-specific technologies
and farming systems that conserve and rehabilitate land, while increasing
agricultural production, including conservation tillage agroforestry,
terracing and mixed cropping.  
(c) Human resource development  
14.51.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should train field staff
and land users in indigenous and modern techniques of conservation and
rehabilitation and should establish training facilities for extension staff
and land users.  
(d) Capacity-building  
14.52.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Develop and strengthen national research institutional capacity to
identify and implement effective conservation and rehabilitation practices 
that are appropriate to the existing socio-economic physical conditions of
the land users;  
    (b)  Coordinate all land conservation and rehabilitation policies,  
strategies and programmes with related ongoing programmes, such as national
environment action plans, the Tropical Forestry Action Plan and national  
development programmes.  
              F.  Water for sustainable food production and sustainable   
                           rural development  
14.53.  This programme area is included in chapter 18 (Protection of the  
quality and supply of freshwater resources), programme area F.  
              G.  Conservation and sustainable utilization of plant
                  genetic resources for food and sustainable agriculture  
Basis for action  
14.54.  Plant genetic resources for agriculture (PGRFA) are an essential  
resource to meet future needs for food.  Threats to the security of these 
resources are growing, and efforts to conserve, develop and use genetic  
diversity are underfunded and understaffed.  Many existing gene banks
provide inadequate security and, in some instances, the loss of plant
genetic diversity in gene banks is as great as it is in the field.  
14.55.  The primary objective is to safeguard the world's genetic resources
while preserving them to use sustainably.  This includes the development of
measures to facilitate the conservation and use of plant genetic resources,
networks of in situ conservation areas and use of tools such as ex situ  
collections and germ plasma banks.  Special emphasis could be placed on the
building of endogenous capacity for characterization, evaluation and  
utilization of PGRFA, particularly for the minor crops and other
underutilized or non-utilized species of food and agriculture, including
tree species for agro-forestry.  Subsequent action could be aimed at
consolidation and efficient management of networks of in situ conservation
areas and use of tools such as ex situ collections and germ plasma banks. 
14.56.  Major gaps and weaknesses exist in the capacity of existing
national and international mechanisms to assess, study, monitor and use
plant genetic resources to increase food production.  Existing
institutional capacity, structures and programmes are generally inadequate
and largely underfunded.  There is genetic erosion of invaluable crop
species.  Existing diversity in crop species is not used to the extent
possible for increased food production in a sustainable way. 4/  
14.57.  The objectives of this programme area are:  
    (a)  To complete the first regeneration and safe duplication of
existing ex situ collections on a world-wide basis as soon as possible;  
    (b)  To collect and study plants useful for increasing food production 
through joint activities, including training, within the framework of
networks of collaborating institutions;  
    (c)  Not later than the year 2000, to adopt policies and strengthen or 
establish programmes for in situ on-farm and ex situ conservation and  
sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture,  
integrated into strategies and programmes for sustainable agriculture;  
    (d)  To take appropriate measures for the fair and equitable sharing of
benefits and results of research and development in plant breeding between
the sources and users of plant genetic resources.  
(a) Management-related activities  
14.58.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Develop and strengthen institutional capacity, structures and  
programmes for conservation and use of PGRFA;  
    (b)  Strengthen and establish research in the public domain on PGRFA  
evaluation and utilization, with the objectives of sustainable agriculture
and rural development in view;  
    (c)  Develop multiplication/propagation, exchange and dissemination  
facilities for PGRFAs (seeds and planting materials), particularly in  
developing countries and monitor, control and evaluate plant introductions;
    (d)  Prepare plans or programmes of priority action on conservation and
sustainable use of PGRFA, based, as appropriate, on country studies on
    (e)  Promote crop diversification in agricultural systems where  
appropriate, including new plants with potential value as food crops;  
    (f)  Promote utilization as well as research on poorly known, but  
potentially useful, plants and crops, where appropriate;  
    (g)  Strengthen national capabilities for utilization of PGRFA, plant 
breeding and seed production capabilities, both by specialized institutions
and farming communities.  
(b) Data and information  
14.59.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Develop strategies for networks of in situ conservation areas and 
use of tools such as on-farm ex situ collections, germplasm banks and
related technologies;  
    (b)  Establish ex situ base collection networks;  
    (c)  Review periodically and report on the situation on PGRFA, using  
existing systems and procedures;  
    (d)  Characterize and evaluate PGRFA material collected, disseminate  
information to facilitate the use of PGRFA collections and assess genetic 
variation in collections.  
(c) International and regional cooperation and coordination  
14.60.  The appropriate United Nations agencies and regional organizations 
    (a)  Strengthen the Global System on the Conservation and Sustainable
Use of PGRFA by, inter alia, accelerating the development of the Global  
Information and Early Warning System to facilitate the exchange of  
information; developing ways to promote the transfer of environmentally
sound technologies, in particular to developing countries; and taking
further steps to realize farmers' rights;  
    (b)  Develop subregional, regional and global networks of PGRFA in situ
in protected areas;  
    (c)  Prepare periodic state of the world reports on PGRFA;  
    (d)  Prepare a rolling global cooperative plan of action on PGRFA;  
    (e)  Promote, for 1994, the Fourth International Technical Conference
on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of PGRFA, which is to adopt the
first state of the world report and the first global plan of action on the 
conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA;  
    (f)  Adjust the Global System for the Conservation and Sustainable Use 
of PGRFA in line with the outcome of the negotiations of a convention on  
biological diversity.  
Means of implementation  
(a) Financing and cost evaluation  
14.61.  The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $600 million, including about $300 million from the international
community on grant or concessional terms.  These are indicative and
order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments.  Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are
non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.  
(b) Scientific and technological means  
14.62.  Governments, at the appropriate level, with the support of the  
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Develop basic science research in such areas as plant taxonomy and
phytogeography, utilizing recent developments, such as computer sciences, 
molecular genetics and in vitro cryopreservation;  
    (b)  Develop major collaborative projects between research programmes
in developed and developing countries, particularly for the enhancement of
poorly known or neglected crops;  
    (c)  Promote cost-effective technologies for keeping duplicate sets of 
ex situ collections (which can also be used by local communities);  
    (d)  Develop further conservation sciences in relation to in situ  
conservation and technical means to link it with ex situ conservation
(c) Human resource development  
14.63.  Governments at the appropriate level and with the support of the  
relevant international and regional organizations should:  
    (a)  Promote training programmes at both undergraduate and
post-graduate levels in conservation sciences for running PGRFA facilities
and for the design and implementation of national programmes in PGRFA;  
    (b)  Raise the awareness of agricultural extension services in order to
link PGRFA activities with user communities;  
    (c)  Develop training materials to promote conservation and utilization
of PGRFA at the local level.  
(d) Capacity-building  
14.64.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should establish
national policies to provide legal status for and strengthen legal aspects
of PGRFA, including long-term financial commitments for germplasm
collections and implementation of activities in PGRFA.  
               H.  Conservation and sustainable utilization of animal  
                      genetic resources for sustainable agriculture 
Basis for action  
14.65.  The need for increased quantity and quality of animal products and
for draught animals calls for conservation of the existing diversity of
animal breeds to meet future requirements, including those for use in
biotechnology.  Some local animal breeds, in addition to their
socio-cultural value, have unique attributes for adaptation, disease
resistance and specific uses and should be preserved.  These local breeds
are threatened by extinction as a result of the introduction of exotic
breeds and of changes in livestock production systems.  
14.66.  The objectives of this programme area are:  
                (a)  To enumerate and describe all breeds of livestock used
in animal agriculture in as broad a way as possible and begin a 10-year
programme of action;  
    (b)  To establish and implement action programmes to identify breeds at
risk, together with the nature of the risk and appropriate preservation  
    (c)  To establish and implement development programmes for indigenous 
breeds in order to guarantee their survival, avoiding the risk of their
being replaced by breed substitution or cross-breeding programmes.  
(a) Management-related activities  
14.67.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Draw up breed preservation plans, for endangered populations,  
including semen/embryo collection and storage, farm-based conservation of 
indigenous stock or in situ preservation;  
    (b)  Plan and initiate breed development strategies;  
    (c)  Select indigenous populations on the basis of regional importance 
and genetic uniqueness, for a 10-year programme, followed by selection of
an additional cohort of indigenous breeds for development.  
(b) Data and information  
14.68.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should prepare and
complete national inventories of available animal genetic resources. 
Cryogenic storage could be given priority over characterization and
evaluation.  Training of nationals in conservation and assessment
techniques would be given special attention.
(c) International and regional cooperation and coordination  
14.69.  The appropriate United Nations and other international and regional
agencies should:  
    (a)  Promote the establishment of regional gene banks to the extent
that they are justified, based on principles of technical cooperation among 
developing countries;  
    (b)  Process, store and analyse animal genetic data at the global
level, including the establishment of a world watch list and an early
warning system for endangered breeds; global assessment of scientific and
intergovernmental guidance of the programme and review of regional and
national activities; development of methodologies, norms and standards
(including international agreements); monitoring of their implementation;
and related technical and financial assistance;  
    (c)  Prepare and publish a comprehensive database of animal genetic  
resources, describing each breed, its derivation, its relationship with
other breeds, effective population size and a concise set of biological and 
production characteristics;  
    (d)  Prepare and publish a world watch list on farm animal species at 
risk to enable national Governments to take action to preserve endangered 
breeds and to seek technical assistance, where necessary.  
Means of implementation  
(a) Financing and cost evaluation  
14.70.  The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $200 million, including about $100 million from the international
community on grant or concessional terms.  These are indicative and
order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments.  Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are
non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.  
(b) Scientific and technological means  
14.71.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:   
    (a)  Use computer-based data banks and questionnaires to prepare a
global inventory/world watch list;  
    (b)  Using cryogenic storage of germplasm, preserve breeds at serious 
risk and other material from which genes can be reconstructed.  
(c) Human resource development  
14.72.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Sponsor training courses for nationals to obtain the necessary  
expertise for data collection and handling and for the sampling of genetic 
    (b)  Enable scientists and managers to establish an information base
for indigenous livestock breeds and promote programmes to develop and
conserve essential livestock genetic material.  
(d) Capacity-building  
14.73.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Establish in-country facilities for artificial insemination
centres and in situ breeding farms;  
    (b)  Promote in-country programmes and related physical infrastructure 
for animal livestock conservation and breed development, as well as for  
strengthening national capacities to take preventive action when breeds are
        I.  Integrated pest management and control in agriculture  
Basis for action  
14.74.  World food demand projections indicate an increase of 50 per cent
by the year 2000 which will more than double again by 2050.  Conservative 
estimates put pre-harvest and post-harvest losses caused by pests between
25 and 50 per cent.  Pests affecting animal health also cause heavy losses
and in many areas prevent livestock development.  Chemical control of
agricultural pests has dominated the scene, but its overuse has adverse
effects on farm budgets, human health and the environment, as well as on
international trade.   New pest problems continue to develop.  Integrated
pest management, which combines biological control, host plant resistance
and appropriate farming practices and minimizes the use of pesticides, is
the best option for the future, as it guarantees yields, reduces costs, is
environmentally friendly and contributes to the sustainability of
agriculture.  Integrated pest management should go hand in hand with
appropriate pesticide management to allow for pesticide regulation and
control, including trade, and for the safe handling and disposal of
pesticides, particularly those that are toxic and persistent.  
14.75.  The objectives of this programme area are:  
    (a)  Not later than the year 2000, to improve and implement plant  
protection and animal health services, including mechanisms to control the 
distribution and use of pesticides, and to implement the International Code
of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides;  
    (b)  To improve and implement programmes to put integrated  
pest-management practices within the reach of farmers through farmer
networks, extension services and research institutions;  
    (c)  Not later than the year 1998, to establish operational and  
interactive networks among farmers, researchers and extension services to 
promote and develop integrated pest management.  
(a) Management-related activities  
14.76.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Review and reform national policies and the mechanisms that would 
ensure the safe and appropriate use of pesticides - for example, pesticide 
pricing, pest control brigades, price-structure of inputs and outputs and 
integrated pest-management policies and action plans;  
    (b)  Develop and adopt efficient management systems to control and  
monitor the incidence of pests and disease in agriculture and the
distribution and use of pesticides at the country level;  
    (c)  Encourage research and development into pesticides that are  
target-specific and readily degrade into harmless constituent parts after
    (d)  Ensure that pesticide labels provide farmers with understandable 
information about safe handling, application and disposal.  
(b) Data and information  
14.77.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Consolidate and harmonize existing information and programmes on
the use of pesticides that have been banned or severely restricted in
different countries;  
    (b)  Consolidate, document and disseminate information on biological  
control agents and organic pesticides, as well as on traditional and other 
relevant knowledge and skills regarding alternative non-chemical ways of  
controlling pests;  
    (c)  Undertake national surveys to establish baseline information on
the use of pesticides in each country and the side-effects on human health
and environment, and also undertake appropriate education.  
(c) International and regional cooperation and coordination  
14.78.  Appropriate United Nations agencies and regional organizations
    (a)  Establish a system for collecting, analysing and disseminating
data on the quantity and quality of pesticides used every year and their
impact on human health and the environment;  
    (b)  Strengthen regional interdisciplinary projects and establish  
integrated pest management (IPM) networks to demonstrate the social,
economic and environmental benefits of IPM for food and cash crops in
    (c)  Develop proper IPM, comprising the selection of the variety of  
biological, physical and cultural controls, as well as chemical controls, 
taking into account specific regional conditions.  
Means of implementation  
(a) Financing and cost evaluation  
14.79.  The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $1.9 billion, including about $285 million from the international
community on grant or concessional terms.  These are indicative and
order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments.  Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are
non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.  
(b) Scientific and technological means  
14.80.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should launch on-farm
research in the development of non-chemical alternative pest management

(c) Human resource development  
14.81.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Prepare and conduct training programmes on approaches and
techniques for integrated pest management and control of pesticide use, to
inform policy makers, researchers, non-governmental organizations and
    (b)  Train extension agents and involve farmers and women's groups in 
crop health and alternative non-chemical ways of controlling pests in  
(d) Capacity-building  
14.82.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should strengthen
national public administrations and regulatory bodies in the control of
pesticides and the transfer of technology for integrated pest management. 

       J.  Sustainable plant nutrition to increase food production  
Basis for action  
14.83.  Plant nutrient depletion is a serious problem resulting in loss of 
soil fertility, particularly in developing countries.  To maintain soil  
productivity, the FAO sustainable plant nutrition programmes could be
helpful.  In sub-Saharan Africa, nutrient output from all sources currently
exceeds inputs by a factor of three or four, the net loss being estimated
at some 10 million metric tons per year.  As a result, more marginal lands
and fragile natural ecosystems are put under agricultural use, thus
creating further land degradation and other environmental problems.  The
integrated plant nutrition approach aims at ensuring a sustainable supply
of plant nutrients to increase future yields without harming the
environment and soil productivity.  
14.84.  In many developing countries, population growth rates exceed  
3 per cent a year, and national agricultural production has fallen behind
food demand.  In these countries the goal should be to increase
agricultural production by at least 4 per cent a year, without destroying
the soil fertility.  This will require increasing agricultural production
in high-potential areas through efficiency in the use of inputs.  Trained
labour, energy supply, adapted tools and technologies, plant nutrients and
soil enrichment will all be essential.  
14.85.  The objectives of this programme area are:  
    (a)  Not later than the year 2000, to develop and maintain in all  
countries the integrated plant nutrition approach, and to optimize  
availability of fertilizer and other plant nutrient sources;  
    (b)  Not later than the year 2000, to establish and maintain  
institutional and human infrastructure to enhance effective decision-making
on soil productivity;  
    (c)  To develop and make available national and international know-how 
to farmers, extension agents, planners and policy makers on environmentally
sound new and existing technologies and soil-fertility management
strategies for application in promoting sustainable agriculture.  
(a) Management-related activities  
14.86.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Formulate and apply strategies that will enhance soil fertility  
maintenance to meet sustainable agricultural production and adjust the  
relevant agricultural policy instruments accordingly;  
    (b)  Integrate organic and inorganic sources of plant nutrients in a  
system to sustain soil fertility and determine mineral fertilizer needs;  
    (c)  Determine plant nutrient requirements and supply strategies and  
optimize the use of both organic and inorganic sources, as appropriate, to 
increase farming efficiency and production;  
    (d)  Develop and encourage processes for the recycling of organic and 
inorganic waste into the soil structure, without harming the environment, 
plant growth and human health.  
(b) Data and information  
14.87.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Assess "national accounts" for plant nutrients, including supplies
(inputs) and losses (outputs) and prepare balance sheets and projections by
cropping systems;  
    (b)  Review technical and economic potentials of plant nutrient
sources, including national deposits, improved organic supplies, recycling,
wastes, topsoil produced from discarded organic matter and biological
nitrogen fixation.  
(c) International and regional cooperation and coordination  
14.88.  The appropriate United Nations agencies, such as FAO, the  
international agricultural research institutes, and non-governmental  
organizations should collaborate in carrying out information and publicity 
campaigns about the integrated plant nutrients approach, efficiency of soil
productivity and their relationship to the environment.  
Means of implementation  
(a) Financing and cost evaluation  
14.89.  The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $3.2 billion, including about $475 million from the international
community on grant or concessional terms.  These are indicative and
order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments.  Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are
non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.  
(b) Scientific and technological means  
14.90.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Develop site-specific technologies at benchmark sites and farmers'
fields that fit prevailing socio-economic and ecological conditions through
research that involves the full collaboration of local populations;   
    (b)  Reinforce interdisciplinary international research and transfer of
technology in cropping and farming systems research, improved in situ
biomass production techniques, organic residue management and agroforestry 
(c) Human resource development  
14.91.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Train extension officers and researchers in plant nutrient  
management, cropping systems and farming systems, and in economic
evaluation of plant nutrient impact;  
    (b)  Train farmers and women's groups in plant nutrition management,
with special emphasis on topsoil conservation and production.  
(d) Capacity-building  
14.92.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Develop suitable institutional mechanisms for policy formulation
to monitor and guide the implementation of integrated plant nutrition
programmes through an interactive process involving farmers, research,
extension services and other sectors of society;  
    (b)  Where appropriate, strengthen existing advisory services and train
staff, develop and test new technologies and facilitate the adoption of  
practices to upgrade and maintain full productivity of the land.  
           K.  Rural energy transition to enhance productivity  
Basis for action  
14.93.  Energy supplies in many countries are not commensurate with their 
development needs and are highly priced and unstable.  In rural areas of
the developing countries, the chief sources of energy are fuelwood, crop
residues and manure, together with animal and human energy.  More intensive
energy inputs are required for increased productivity of human labour and
for income-generation.  To this end, rural energy policies and technologies
should promote a mix of cost-effective fossil and renewable energy sources
that is itself sustainable and ensures sustainable agricultural
development.  Rural areas provide energy supplies in the form of wood.  The
full potential of agriculture and agroforestry, as well as common property
resources, as sources of renewable energy, is far from being realized.  The
attainment of  sustainable rural development is intimately linked with
energy demand and 
supply patterns. 5/  
14.94.  The objectives of this programme area are:  
    (a)  Not later than the year 2000, to initiate and encourage a process 
of environmentally sound energy transition in rural communities, from  
unsustainable energy sources, to structured and diversified energy sources
by making available alternative new and renewable sources of energy;  
    (b)  To increase the energy inputs available for rural household and  
agro-industrial needs through planning and appropriate technology transfer
and development;  
    (c)  To implement self-reliant rural programmes favouring sustainable 
development of renewable energy sources and improved energy efficiency.  
(a) Management-related activities  
14.95.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Promote pilot plans and projects consisting of electrical,  
mechanical and thermal power (gasifiers, biomass, solar driers, wind-pumps
and combustion systems) that are appropriate and likely to be adequately  
    (b)  Initiate and promote rural energy programmes supported by
technical training, banking and related infrastructure;  
    (c)  Intensify research and the development, diversification and  
conservation of energy, taking into account the need for efficient use and 
environmentally sound technology.  
(b) Data and information  
14.96.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:   
    (a)  Collect and disseminate data on rural energy supply and demand  
patterns related to energy needs for households, agriculture and  
    (b)  Analyse sectoral energy and production data in order to identify 
rural energy requirements.  
(c) International and regional cooperation and coordination  
14.97.  The appropriate United Nations agencies and regional organizations 
should, drawing on the experience and available information of  
non-governmental organizations in this field, exchange country and regional
experience on rural energy planning methodologies in order to promote  
efficient planning and select cost-effective technologies.  
Means of implementation  
(a) Financing and cost evaluation  
14.98.  The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $1.8 billion per year, including about $265 million from the
international community on grant or concessional terms.  These are
indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed
by Governments.  Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are
non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.  
(b) Scientific and technological means  
14.99.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Intensify public and private sector research in developing and  
industrialized countries on renewable sources of energy for agriculture;  
    (b)  Undertake research and transfer of energy technologies in biomass 
and solar energy to agricultural production and post-harvest activities.  
(c) Human resource development  
14.100.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the  
relevant international and regional organizations, should enhance public  
awareness of rural energy problems, stressing the economic and
environmental advantages of renewable energy sources.  
(d) Capacity-building   
14.101.  Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of the  
relevant international and regional organizations, should:  
    (a)  Establish national institutional mechanisms for rural energy  
planning and management that would improve efficiency in agricultural  
productivity and reach the village and household level;  
    (b)  Strengthen extension services and local organizations to implement
plans and programmes for new and renewable sources of energy at the village
              L.  Evaluation of the effects of ultraviolet radiation on  
                  plants and animals caused by the depletion of the  
                           stratospheric ozone layer  
Basis for action  
14.102.  The increase of ultraviolet radiation as a consequence of the  
depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer is a phenomenon that has been  
recorded in different regions of the world, particularly in the southern  
hemisphere.  Consequently, it is important to evaluate its effects on plant
and animal life, as well as on sustainable agricultural development.  
14.103.  The objective of this programme area is to undertake research to 
determine the effects of increased ultraviolet radiation resulting from  
stratospheric ozone layer depletion on the Earth's surface, and on plant
and animal life in affected regions, as well as its impact on agriculture,
and to develop, as appropriate, strategies aimed at mitigating its adverse
    Management-related activities  
14.104.  In affected regions, Governments at the appropriate level, with
the support of the relevant international and regional organizations,
should take the necessary measures, through institutional cooperation, to
facilitate the implementation of research and evaluation regarding the
effects of enhanced ultraviolet radiation on plant and animal life, as well
as on agricultural activities, and consider taking appropriate remedial
    1/   Some of the issues in this programme area are presented in chapter
3 of Agenda 21 (Combating poverty).  
    2/   Some of the issues in this programme area are discussed in chapter
8 of Agenda 21 (Integrating environment and development in decision-making)
and in chapter 37 (National mechanisms and international cooperation for  
capacity-building in developing countries).  
    3/   Some of the issues are presented in chapter 10 of Agenda 21  
(Integrated approach to the planning and management of land resources).  

    4/   The activities of this programme area are related to
some of the activities in chapter 15 of Agenda 21 (Conservation of
biological diversity).  
    5/   The activities of this programme area are related to some of the 
activities in chapter 9 of Agenda 21 (Protection of the atmosphere).  
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   Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992)

   Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

   UNDP: Growth as a means for development (1996)