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On Planning for Development: UNCTAD Hanbook of Statistics
From United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD

UNCTAD Handbook of statistics 2008

Emerging economies are frequently in the spotlight, but overall, industrialized nations continued to dominate global economic activity. They accounted for 71% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2007, although they had only 15% of the world´s population. They were responsible for 58.6% of the value of merchandise exports for the year, and for 71.9% of services exports. On the other hand, the rate of growth of exports of goods and services in 2007 was slightly higher for developing countries than for developed countries.

This year´s handbook provides a broad range of statistics covering individual countries, regions, and the world at large. Among the topics covered are:

  • International merchandise trade, with the most recent 2007 data available, including breakdowns of exports and imports for major products
  • International trade in services
  • Commodity prices, including long-term series and calculations on the instability of prices, and a special focus given to the production and consumption of aluminium and copper
  • International finance, with balance-of-payments statistics and special attention to foreign direct investment (FDI), workers´ remittances, international reserves, official financial flows, and external debt -- all topics of major importance
  • Development indicators linked to national accounts and population data.

Table of contents
General notes
Geographical regions, countries and territories - Economic groupings of developing countries - Trade groups and interregional groups
Product classification for  international trade
Table of contents:  

International merchandise trade
1.1.1 - Exports and imports of countries and geographical regions  - Value  - Share
1.1.2 - Exports and imports of economic groupings  - Value
1.1.3 - Exports and imports of trade groups  - Value
1.2.1 - Annual average growth rates of exports and imports of countries and geographical regions
1.2.2 - Annual average growth rates of exports and imports of economic groupings
1.2.3 - Annual average growth rates of exports and imports of trade groups
1.3.1 - Value of trade balance, and as percentage of imports of imports of countries and geographical regions
1.3.2 - Value of trade balance, and as percentage of imports of economic groupings
1.4 - Intra-trade of trade groups
International merchandise trade by region
2.1 - Country trade structure by partner:
- Exports by main region of destination - Imports by main region of origin
Export and import structure by partner and product group of:
2.2.A - World
2.2.B - Developed economies
2.2.C - Economies in transition
2.2.D - Developing economies
2.2.E - Developing economies: Africa
2.2.F - Developing economies: America
2.2.G - Developing economies: Asia
2.2.H - Developing economies: Eastern, Southern and South-Eastern Asia
2.2.I - Developing economies: Western Asia
2.2.J - Developing economies: Oceania
2.2.K - Developing economies: Major petroleum exporters
2.2.L - Developing economies: Major exporters of manufactured goods
International merchandise trade by product
3.1 - Country trade structure by product group:  - Exports  - Imports
Export structure by product of:
3.2.A - World
3.2.B - Developed economies
3.2.C - Developing economies
3.2.D - Individual countries and territories
3.2.E - Major exporters for leading products among
3.3 - Concentration and structural change indices of product markets: - Exports - Imports

International merchandise trade indicators
4.1.1 - Export and import concentration and
4.1.2 - Export and import concentration and diversification indices of economic groupings
4.2.1 - International merchandise trade indices of countries and geographical regions:
- Volume indices of exports and imports
- Unit value indices of exports and imports
- Terms of trade indices and purchasing power indices of exports
4.2.2 - International merchandise trade indices of economic groupings:
- Volume indices of exports and imports
- Unit value indices of exports and imports
- Terms of trade indices and purchasing power indices of exports
4.3 - Average applied import MFN tariff rates on non-agricultural and non-fuel products

International trade in services
5.1.1 - Value of exports and imports of services of countries and geographical regions
5.1.2 - Value of exports and imports of services
5.1.3 - Value of exports and imports of services
5.2 - Trade in services by sector :
- Leading exporters among developing economies
- Leading importers among developing economies
5.3 - Tourism indicators
5.4 - World merchant fleet by flag of registration and type of ship of countries and geographical regions

6.1 - Annual and quarterly indices of free-market prices of selected primary commodities
6.2 - Instability indices and trends in free-market prices for selected primary commodities
6.3 - Production and consumption of aluminium and copper of countries and geographical regions

International finance
7.1 - Balance of payments: current account summaries ( goods and services, income, current transfers)
7.2 - Balance of payments: capital and financial account summaries
7.3.1 - Foreign direct investment: inward and outward flows of countries and geographical regions
7.3.2 - Foreign direct investment: inward and outward flows of economic groups
7.3.3 - Foreign direct investment: inward and outward flows of trade groups
7.4 - Workers´ remittances:
- Receipts
- Payments

7.5.1 - International reserves of developing economies by country and geographical region
7.5.2 - International reserves of developing economies by economic grouping
7.6.1 - Official financial flows from bilateral and multilateral sources to developing economies by country and geographical region
7.6.2 - Official financial flows from bilateral and multilateral sources to developing economies by economic grouping
External long-term debt by lending source:
7.7.A - Developing economies
7.7.B - Developing economies : Africa
7.7.C - Developing economies : America
7.7.D - Developing economies : Asia
7.7.E - Developing economies : Oceania
7.7.F - Developing economies : Major petroleum exporters
7.7.G - Developing economies : Major exporters of manufactures - Notes

Development indicators
8.1.1 - Nominal gross domestic product: Total and per capita of countries and geographical regions
8.1.2 - Nominal gross domestic product: Total and per capita of economic groupings
8.2.1 - Annual average growth rates of total and per capita real gross domestic product of countries and geographical regions
8.2.2 - Annual average growth rates of total and per capita real gross domestic product of economic groupings
8.3.1 - Nominal gross domestic product by type of expenditure and by kind of economic activity of countries and geographical regions
8.3.2 - Nominal gross domestic product by type of expenditure and by kind of economic activity of economic groupings
8.4.1 - Population and labour force of countries and geographical regions
8.4.2 - Population and labour force of economic groupings
8.5.1 - Demographic indicators of countries and geographical regions
8.5.2 - Demographic indicators of economic groupings

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2008 Statistics Handbook provides background for global economic situation

Trade growth of "South" continued through 2007, but developed countries still dominated exports of merchandise and services

The sub-prime mortgage crisis, the food crisis, the climbing cost of oil, concerns about inflation, and worries about a global economic slowdown -- issues that have taken the foreground in 2008 can be seen against the statistical background of 2007 in the latest UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics(1).

The handbook, released today, shows that while the sub-prime crisis in industrialized nations took hold in 2007, global merchandise exports for the year increased by 14.4%. That included a 15.2% increase for developing countries. Worldwide services exports climbed by 18.1% in 2007, with the services exports of developing countries increasing by a similar 18.1%.

Reflecting the concerns of UNCTAD experts and others who have long urged the world´s poorer nations to diversify their economies so that they are less vulnerable to shifts in world markets, the 2007 data show a continued long-term trend towards concentration of exports. While developing countries sold many products and services overseas, an increasing amount of the value of these exports came from a limited number of goods.

The handbook´s statistics show that for several countries, such as Haiti and Nepal, remittances from citizens working overseas exceeded those countries´ exports of goods and services in 2007.

Emerging economies are frequently in the spotlight, but overall, industrialized nations continued to dominate global economic activity. They accounted for 71% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2007, although they had only 15% of the world´s population. They were responsible for 58.6% of the value of merchandise exports for the year, and for 71.9% of services exports. On the other hand, the rate of growth of exports of goods and services in 2007 was slightly higher for developing countries than for developed countries.

This year´s handbook provides a broad range of statistics covering individual countries, regions, and the world at large. Among the topics covered are:

  • International merchandise trade, with the most recent 2007 data available, including breakdowns of exports and imports for major products
  • International trade in services
  • Commodity prices, including long-term series and calculations on the instability of prices, and a special focus given to the production and consumption of aluminium and copper
  • International finance, with balance-of-payments statistics and special attention to foreign direct investment (FDI), workers´ remittances, international reserves, official financial flows, and external debt -- all topics of major importance
  • Development indicators linked to national accounts and population data.

The UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics is available in three complementary formats. DVD and on-line versions provide detailed information and long-term series that allow users to consult, extract, and integrate data. The printed version of the Handbook offers a selection of the information that is electronically available, along with derived indicators such as shares and growth rates that allow readers easily to find and summarize the contents of tables.


1. UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2008 (Sales No. E/F.08.II.D.18, ISBN 978-92-1-012069-2) may be obtained from UN sales offices at the addresses below or from UN sales agents in many countries. Price US$ 115.00, and at a special price of US$ 57.50 in developing countries and countries in transition, and US$ 28.75 in least developed countries. Please send orders or enquiries for Europe, Africa and Western Asia to United Nations Publication/Sales Section, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, fax: +41 22 917 0027, e-mail: ; and for the Americas and Eastern Asia, to United Nations Publications, Two UN Plaza, DC2-853, New York, NY 10017, USA, tel: +1 212 963 8302 or +1 800 253 9646, fax: +1 212 963 3489, e-mail: . Internet:

For more information, please contact:
UNCTAD Press Office
T: +41 22 917 5828

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