From the World Bank Archives African Development Indicators
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ADI 2007 Essay
Background Papers by Jorge Saba Arbache and John Page - November 2007
Africa Development Indicators 2007
Contents - Foreword
Overview- Spreading and sustaining growth in Africa
Indicator tables
Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts
Participating in growth
1. Basic indicators
1.1 Basic indicators
2. National accounts
2.1 Gross domestic product, nominal
2.2 Gross domestic product, real
2.3 Gross domestic product growth
2.4 Gross domestic product per capita, real
2.5 Gross domestic product per capita growth
2.6 Gross national income, nominal
2.7 Gross national income, real
2.8 Gross national income per capita
2.9 Gross domestic product defl ator (local currency series)
2.10 Gross domestic product defl ator (U.S. dollar series)
2.11 Gross domestic savings
2.12 Gross national savings
2.13 General government final consumption
2.14 Final consumption expenditure
2.15 Final consumption expenditure per capita
2.16 Agriculture value added
2.17 Industry value added
2.18 Services value added
2.19 Gross fixed capital formation
2.20 General government fixed capital formation
2.21 Private sector fixed capital formation
2.22 Resource balance (exports minus imports)
2.23 Exports of goods and services, nominal
2.24 Imports of goods and services, nominal
2.25 Exports of goods and services, real
2.26 Imports of goods and services, real
Part II. Millennium Development Goals
3. Millennium Development Goals
3.1 Millennium Development Goal 1: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
3.2 Millennium Development Goal 2: achieve universal primary education
3.3 Millennium Development Goal 3: promote gender equality and empower women
3.4 Millennium Development Goal 4: reduce child mortality
3.5 Millennium Development Goal 5: improve maternal health
3.6 Millennium Development Goal 6: combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
3.7 Millennium Development Goal 7: ensure environmental sustainability
3.8 Millennium Development Goal 8: develop a global partnership for development
Part III. Development outcomes
Results framework
4. Paris Declaration indicators
4.1 Status of Paris Declaration indicators
Drivers of growth
5. Private sector development
5.1 Business environment
5.2 Investment climate
6. Trade
6.1 International trade and tariff barriers
6.2 Top three exports and share in total exports, 2005
6.3 Regional integration, trade blocs
7. Infrastructure
7.1 Water and sanitation
7.2 Transportation
7.3 Information and communication technology
7.4 Energy
7.5 Financial sector infrastructure
Participating in growth
8. Human development
8.1 Education
8.2 Health
9. Agriculture, rural development, and environment
9.1 Rural development
9.2 Agriculture
9.3 Environment
10. Labor, migration, and population
10.1 Labor force participation
10.2 Labor force composition
10.3 Migration and population
12. Malaria
12.1 Malaria
13. Capable states and partnership
13.1 Aid and debt relief
13.2 Capable states
13.3 Governance and anticorruption indicators
13.4 Country Policy and Institutional Assessment ratings
Part IV. Household welfare
14. Household welfare
14.1 Burkina Faso household survey, 2003
14.2 Cameroon household survey, 2001
14.3 Ethiopia household survey, 2000
14.4 Malawi household survey, 2004
14.5 Niger household survey, 2005
14.6 Nigeria household survey, 2004
14.7 Săo Tomé and Principe household survey, 2000
14.8 Sierra Leone household survey, 2002/03
14.9 Uganda household survey, 2002/03
Technical Notes
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