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The political economy of development
This academic site promotes excellence in teaching and researching economics and development, and the advancing of describing, understanding, explaining and theorizing.
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              Population Per Capita Agricult. Industry Life      Adult 
              Millions   GDP,$PPP   as % of   as % of  expect.   litera.
              (1994)      (1993)    GDP       GDP      at birth  rate
                                    (1994)    (1994)    (1992    (1992)
Albania         12.6       999      56        13       72.0      85.0
Bulgaria         9.0     4,100      13        42**     71.2      93.0
Czech Republic  10.3     7,500       6        39       71.3      99.0
Estonia          1.6     6,320      11        25       69.3      99.0
Hungary         10.3     6,050       7        26       69.0      99.0
Latvia           2.7     5,010      24        -        69.1      99.0
Lithuania        3.8     3,110      18        38       70.4      98.4
Poland          38.5     5,000       7        38**     71.1      99.0
Romania         22.7     2,800      21        41**     69.9      96.9
Slovak Republic  5.3     6,290       6        38       -         -
Slovenia         2.0    10,585       5        35       -         -
Sources: EBRD, HDR 1995    * =1992 figure    ** = 1993 figure