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From United Nations University
34. Some special characteristics and impact of
    Third World TNCs

34.1 The spread of Third World TNCs, especially in the
     late 1970s and early 1980s

34.2 Do we need a special theory to explain FDI by Third World TNCs?
    a) the differing motives for Third World FDI (these include
       currency appreciation, accelerating domestic costs, to take
       advantage of countries' quota privileges, to ensure export
       stability and to upgrade technology and acquire competitive
       advantages. For a field study conducted on the factors
       motivating the location of FDI by developing country firms,
       see World Bank 1989)

    b) the distinctive competitive advantages of Third World TNCs

    c) the FDI v. export choice

    d) the FDI v. licensing choice

34.3 The structure and strategy of Third World TNCs
    a) size and degree of multinationality

    b) ownership patterns

    c) industrial activities

    d) geographical distribution

    e) control procedures

34.4 The performance and impact of Third World TNCs. How do they
     differ from those of conventional TNCs?
    a) technology transfer

    b) competition and restrictive practices

    c) employment

    d) balance of payments

    e) profitability and growth

    f) non economic consequences

34.5 Policy towards TNCs from the Third World. Do they need to be
     treated differently than conventional TNCs?

34.6 Case studies of Third World TNCs (as thought most appropriate)
         - Argentina
         - Brazil
         - Hong Kong
         - India
         - Korea
         - Characteristics of investment by newly industrialised
           economies (NIEs) in Thailand (World Bank 1989)
Lecraw and Chen in Kumar and McLeod eds.(1981)
Chen and Lall in Lall(1983) Agarwal in Kahn(1987)
World Bank(1989) Wells(1983) Lecraw(1977)
See Bibliography

RRojas Research Unit/1996