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The political economy of development
This academic site promotes excellence in teaching and researching economics and development, and the advancing of describing, understanding, explaining and theorizing.
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From the World Bank Publications Can Africa Claim the 21st Century?

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Table of Contents and Summary (213K)
Ch. 1: Can Africa Claim the 21st Century? (430K)
Ch. 2: Improving Governance, Managing Conflict, and Rebuilding States (319K)
Ch. 3: Addressing Poverty and Inequality (289K)
Ch. 4: Investing in People (419K)
Ch. 5: Lowering Infrastructure, Information and Finance Barriers (394K)
Ch. 6: Spurring Agriculture and Rural Development (433K)
Ch. 7: Diversifying Exports, Reorienting Trade Policy and Pursuing Regional Integration (334K)
Ch. 8: Reducing Aid Dependence and Debt and Strengthening Partnerships (283K)
References: References (460K)

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