World indicators on the environment | World Energy Statistics - Time Series | Economic inequality |
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![]() Managing a crisis to protect the poor. In 1998 the economic engines that powered the East Asian miracle ran out of steam, setting off a chain reaction across the globe. Millions had their incomes plummet. Some lost their jobs, while others worried about losing theirs. Ethnic conflict and food riots broke out in Indonesia, and students took to the streets, toppling a president who had been in power for 32 years. Farmers protested in Thailand, and workers marched in the Republic of Korea. |
Table 1_1 Size of the economy Table 1_2 Development Progress Table 1_3 Gender Differences Table 1_4 Trends in long-term economic development Table 1_5 Long-term structural change Table 1_6 Key indicators for other economies |
![]() Education for all? Not yet. In 1990 five international agenciesthe United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the World Banksponsored a landmark international meeting in Jomtien, Thailand: the World Conference on Education for All. Two goals recommended by the conferenceuniversal primary education and gender equality of enrollments in primary and secondary educationwere included in the core set of international development goals proposed in Shaping the 21st Century (OECD 1996c) and have been adopted by many organizations, including the World Bank. |
Table 2_1 Population Table 2_2 Population dynamics Table 2_3 Labour force structure Table 2_4 Employment by economic activity Table 2_5 Unemployment Table 2_6 Wages and productivity Table 2_7 Poverty Table 2_8 Distribution of income or consumption Table 2_9 Education inputs Table 2_10 Participation in education Table 2_11 Education outcomes Table 2_12 Gender and education Table 2_13 Health expenditure, services, and use Table 2_14 Access to health services Table 2_15 Reproductive health Table 2_16 Health: risk factors and future challenges Table 2_17 Confronting AIDS Table 2_18 Mortality |
![]() Toward a measure of sustainability. Many of the key indicators in the Economy section are derived from a consistent framework, the System of National Accounts, which relates to a specific body of macroeconomic theory. This is a great source of strength for those indicators, because there is considerable understanding of how one economic aggregate relates to another. Many traditional environmental indicators, by contrast, have no similar integrating framework. The Pressure-State-Response framework is at first glance causal: human activities place pressure on the environment, leading to changes in the environmental state that ultimately produce human responses. But this causality breaks down as soon as there is aggregation of indicators or sufficient complexity in the causes of environmental change. |
Table 3_1 Land use and deforestation Table 3_2 Agricultural inputs Table 3_3 Agricultural output and productivity Table 3_4 Biodiversity and protected areas Table 3_5 Freshwater Table 3_6 Water pollution Table 3_7 Energy production and use Table 3_8 Energy efficiency and emissions Table 3_9 Sources of electricity Table 3_10 Urbanization Table 3_11 Urban environment Table 3_12 Traffic and congestion Table 3_13 Air pollution Table 3_14 Government commitment Table 3_15 Toward a measure of genuine savings |
![]() The weakening world economy. The financial crises that spread from East Asian countries reduced aggregate GDP by an estimated 8 percent in the five countries most affectedIndonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. A long-maturing domestic financial crisis contributed to a 2-3 percent fall in output in Japanfurther dimming prospects for neighboring countries and greatly magnifying the deflationary shock from Asia to the rest of the world. Weakening world demand fostered steep price declines for oil and other primary commodities, inflicting income losses on commodity exporters in every region. Low oil prices combined with the effects of policy and institutional weaknesses in Russia to provoke a run on the ruble, culminating in a default on foreign debt. |
Table 4_1 Growth of output Table 4_2 Structure of output Table 4_3 Structure of manufacturing Table 4_4 Growth of merchandise trade Table 4_5 Structure of merchandise exports Table 4_6 Structure of merchandise imports Table 4_7 Structure of service exports Table 4_8 Structure of service imports Table 4_9 Structure of demand Table 4_10 Growth of consumption and investment Table 4_11 Structure of consumption in PPP terms Table 4_12 Relative prices in PPP terms Table 4_13 Central government finances Table 4_14 Central government expenditures Table 4_15 Central government revenues Table 4_16 Monetary indicators and prices Table 4_17 Balance of payments current account Table 4_18 External debt Table 4_19 External debt management |
![]() Why governance matters. The financial crisis in East Asia has shown that governance can be a problem even in miracle economies with high education levels, admirable investments in health care, good macroeconomic fundamentals, outward-looking policies, and solid infrastructure. There, as elsewhere, inadequately supervised financial systems, poor accounting standards, and public and private corruption have contributed to a temporary reversal of fortunes. |
Table 5_1 Credit, investment, and expenditure Table 5_2 Stock markets Table 5_3 Portfolio investment regulation and risk Table 5_4 Financial depth and efficiency Table 5_5 Tax policies Table 5_6 Relative prices and exchange rates Table 5_7 Defense expenditures and trade in arms Table 5_8 State-owned enterprises Table 5_9 Transport infrastructure Table 5_10 Power and communications Table 5_11 The information age Table 5_12 Science and technology |
![]() Trade. The past half century has brought unprecedented prosperity and better living standards to most parts of the world. World GNP rose from $1.3 trillion in 1960 to $29 trillion in 1997. The liberalization and rapid expansion of trade have underpinned this remarkable achievement. Between 1987 and 1997 world trade nearly doubled, and the ratio of trade to GDP in purchasing power parity dollars rose from 20.6 to 29.6 percent. Trade in services is growing even faster, aided by the revolution in telecommunications and computers. World service exports, having more than tripled from $392 billion in 1980 to $1.4 trillion in 1997, now amount to a quarter of world merchandise exports (see table 4.7). Not all countries have integrated at the same pace, however. Growth in real volumes of trade ran below that of GDP in 44 of 93 developing countries in 198594, including many of the poorest. |
6_1 Integration with the global economy Table 6_2 Direction and growth of merchandise trade Table 6_3 OECD trade with low- and middle-income economies Table 6_4 Primary commodity prices Table 6_5 Regional trade blocks Table 6_6 Tariff barriers Table 6_7 Global financial flows Table 6_8 Net financial flows from Development Assistance Committee members Table 6_9 Aid flows from Development Assistance Committee members Table 6_10 Aid dependency Table 6_11 Distribution of net aid by Development Assistance Committee members Table 6_12 Net financial flows from multilateral institutions Table 6_13 Foreign labour and population in OECD countries Table 6_14 Travel and tourism ----------------------------- Statistical methods Primary data documentation Acronyms and abbreviations Bibliography Index of indicators ----------------------------- |