UNCTAD - Trade and Development Reports (TADR)
Trade and Development Report
Employment, Globalisation
and Development
Explanatory notes, Contents, etc
Chapter I
After the Global Crisis: An Uneven and Fragile Recovery
A. Recent
trends in the world economy
1. Global growth and international trade
2. Recent trends in primary commodity markets
B. Global
recovery and rebalancing: current situation and prospects
1. Developing countries at the vanguard of a potential
2. Coping with the vagaries of unfettered global finance
3. United States: former global growth engine facing
4. Europe: instability and divergence
C. The
need for global coordination and caution in withdrawing macroeconomic
1. Fears of inflation, risks of deflation
2. Does the G-20 process work?
3. Are global imbalances set to widen again?
D. The task ahead: reforming the global monetary and financial system
1. The exchange rate problem
2. Stabilizing the financial system
E. Outlook
Annex to
chapter I : Credit
Default Swaps
Chapter II
Potential Employment Effects of a Global Rebalancing
A. Introduction
B. Rebalancing
growth in the United States
1. Relationship between the current-account balance and consumer
demand in the United States
2. United States consumption spending and imports
C. Rebalancing
growth in China: potential employment effects
1. Introduction
2. How dependent is Chinese employment on exports?
3. Household consumption and the share of labour compensation in
total income
4. Prospects for increasing household consumption in China
D. The
potential impact of a global rebalancing on trade flows and employment
E. Conclusions:
the need for a global macroeconomic reorientation for growth and
employment creation
Annex to chapter
II : Simulation
of the Trade and Employment Effects of Global Rebalancing: A Technical Note
Chapter III
Macroeconomic Aspects of Job Creation and Unemployment
A. Introduction:
globalization and employment
B. The
neglected role of aggregate demand growth for employment creation
1. The problem with microeconomic reasoning about the labour
2. Macroeconomic trends are key to employment
3. Do macroeconomic trends matter equally in developing
C. Beyond
capital-labour substitution: wages from a macroeconomic perspective
1. The “price of labour” and employment
2. Productivity growth and employment
D. Productivity-oriented
wage growth supports investment and innovation
E. Conclusions
Chapter IV
Structural Change and Employment Creation in
Developing Countries
A. Introduction
B. Employment,
productivity growth and structural change in developing countries
1. The employment challenge in developing countries
2. Unemployment in developing countries: an overview
3. Quality of employment
4. Structural change and employment: recent evidence
5. The extractive industries: employment impact and economic
C. Impact of
globalization and reforms on employment in developing countries
1. Latin America: stagnation and deterioration of labour markets
in the 1980s and 1990s
2. Africa: persistence of a large informal sector despite
structural adjustment policies
3. South, South-East and E ast Asia: growth and employment
before and after the 1997-1998
financial crisis
Chapter V
Revising the Policy Framework for Sustained Growth, Employment
Creation and Poverty Reduction
A. Introduction
B. Employment
creation as a goal of economic policy in retrospect
1. Full employment in the “golden age of capitalism”
2. Paradigm shift in the 1980s
3. Structural adjustment and globalization
4. Experience with heterodox policies
C. Reassignment
of macroeconomic policies for employment creation
1. The need for a new policy approach
2. Fiscal policy and the role of the public sector
3. Monetary and financial policies
4. An incomes policy for wage-led growth
5. Incomes policy and inflation control
D. Institution
building and the role of the State in developing countries
1. Collective bargaining and the role of labour and
employer organizations
2. Minimum wages
3. Public employment schemes
4. Improving incomes of small producers
5. Taxation: finding the right balance
E. The
external dimension
UNCTAD publications