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International Comparisons
of Hourly Compensation Costs
for Production Workers
in Manufacturing,

for BLS News Release
USDL 98-376, September 16, 1998

NOTE: Incorporates revised data on average hourly 
earnings or additional compensation costs for 16 
countries.  See Revised Measures box on page 6.

U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Office of Productivity and Technology
September 1998

International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs 
for Production Workers in Manufacturing, 1975-1997

USDL 98-376, September 16, 1998

SECTION AND TABLE_____________________________________________________________PAGE

INTRODUCTION.......................................................  1

Definitions........................................................  1
Methods............................................................  2
Country notes......................................................  3
Trade-weighted measures............................................  4
Data limitations...................................................  5
Labor costs versus labor income....................................  5
Box: Revised Measures..............................................  6


Table 1. Indexes of hourly compensation costs......................  7
Table 2. Hourly compensation costs in U.S. dollars................. 10
Table 3. Hourly compensation costs in national currency............ 13
Table 4. Indexes of hourly direct pay.............................. 16
Table 5. Hourly direct pay in U.S. dollars......................... 19
Table 6. Hourly direct pay in national currency.................... 22
Table 7. Indexes of pay for time worked............................ 25
Table 8. Pay for time worked in U.S. dollars....................... 28
Table 9. Pay for time worked in national currency.................. 31


Table 10. Total direct pay as percent of total hourly
          compensation costs....................................... 34
Table 11. Pay for time worked as percent of total
          hourly compensation costs................................ 37
Table 12. Other direct pay as a percent of
          hourly compensation costs................................ 40
Table 13. Social insurance expenditures and other labor taxes
          as a percent of hourly compensation costs................ 43


Table 14. Exchange rates........................................... 46


   The accompanying tables present international comparisons of hourly 
compensation costs, hourly direct pay, and pay for time worked for 
production workers in manufacturing in selected countries or areas.  The 
total compensation measures are prepared by the Bureau of Labor 
Statistics in order to assess international differences in employer 
labor costs.  Comparisons based on the more readily available average 
earnings statistics published by many countries can be very misleading.  
National definitions of average earnings differ considerably; average 
earnings do not include all items of labor compensation; and the omitted 
items of compensation frequently represent a large proportion of total 
compensation.  The total direct pay and pay for time worked measures are 
prepared to provide a comparable basis for analyzing the main components 
of total compensation.

   The compensation and other pay measures are computed in national 
currency units and are converted into U.S. dollars at prevailing 
commercial market currency exchange rates.  They are appropriate 
measures for comparing levels of employer labor costs.  They do not 
indicate relative living standards of workers or the purchasing power of 
their income.  Prices of goods and services vary greatly among 
countries, and commercial market exchange rates are not reliable 
indicators of relative differences in prices.


   Hourly compensation is defined as (1) hourly direct pay and (2) 
employer social insurance expenditures and other labor taxes.  Hourly 
direct pay includes all payments made directly to the worker, before 
payroll deductions of any kind, consisting of (a) pay for time worked 
(basic time and piece rates plus overtime premiums, shift differentials, 
other premiums and bonuses paid regularly each pay period, and cost-of-
living adjustments) and (b) other direct pay (pay for time not worked 
(vacations, holidays, and other leave, except sick leave), seasonal or 
irregular bonuses and other special payments, selected social 
allowances, and the cost of payments in kind).  Social insurance 
expenditures and other labor taxes includes (c) employer expenditures 
for legally required insurance programs and contractual and private 
benefit plans (retirement and disability pensions, health insurance, 
income guarantee insurance and sick leave, life and accident insurance, 
occupational injury and illness compensation, unemployment insurance, 
and family allowances) and, for some countries, (d) other labor taxes 
(other taxes on payrolls or employment (or reductions to reflect 
subsidies), even if they do not finance programs that directly benefit 
workers, because such taxes are regarded as labor costs).  For 
consistency, compensation is measured on an hours-worked basis for every 

   The BLS definition of hourly compensation costs is not the same as 
the International Labour Office (ILO) definition of total labor costs.  
Hourly compensation costs do not include all items of labor costs.  The 
costs of recruitment, employee training, and plant facilities and 
services -- such as cafeterias and medical clinics -- are not included 
because data are not available for most countries.  The labor costs not 
included account for no more than 4 percent of total labor costs in any 
country for which data are available.

   Hourly direct pay includes (a) pay for time worked (basic time and 
piece rates plus overtime premiums, shift differentials, other premiums 
and bonuses paid regularly each pay period, and cost-of-living 
adjustments) and (b) other direct pay (pay for time not worked 
(vacations, holidays, and other leave, except sick leave), seasonal or 
irregular bonuses and other special payments, selected social 
allowances, and the cost of payments in kind), before payroll deductions 
of any kind.  Direct pay is also measured on an hours-worked basis for 
every country.

   Pay for time worked includes only basic time and piece rates plus 
overtime premiums, shift differentials, other premiums and bonuses paid 
regularly each pay period, and cost-of-living adjustments (COLA's).  Pay 
for time worked is measured on an hours-worked basis for every country.

   Production workers generally include those employees who are engaged 
in fabricating, assembly, and related activities; material handling, 
warehousing, and shipping; maintenance and repair; janitorial and guard 
services; auxiliary production (e.g., powerplants); and other services 
closely related to the above activities.  Working supervisors are 
generally included; apprentices and other trainees are generally 


   Total compensation is computed by adjusting each country's average 
earnings series for items of direct pay not included in earnings and for 
employer expenditures for legally required insurance, contractual and 
private benefit plans, and other labor taxes.  Total direct pay is 
computed by adjusting average earnings for items of direct pay not 
included in earnings.  Pay for time worked is measured by adjusting 
average earnings, where necessary, to eliminate other items of direct 
pay.  For the United States and other countries that measure earnings on 
an hours-paid basis, the figures are also adjusted in order to 
approximate compensation or pay per hour worked.  Descriptions of the 
country surveys used for the Bureau's comparative measures, including 
definitions and survey coverage, are based on information provided by 
each country.

   Earnings statistics are obtained from surveys of employment, hours, 
and earnings for most countries.  They are obtained from surveys or 
censuses of manufactures for five countries -- Mexico, Israel, Austria, 
Denmark, and Portugal.  The surveys of employment, hours, and earnings 
are stratified sample surveys of establishments for most countries 
(except they are full surveys of establishments covered for Finland, 
Luxembourg, and Norway and a judgment sample for Switzerland).  The 
surveys of manufactures are stratified sample surveys of establishments 
which collect data on industrial production and other industrial 
statistics, including labor input and labor cost.  Censuses are complete 
enumerations of business establishments.

   Adjustment factors are obtained from periodic labor cost surveys and 
interpolated or projected to non-survey years on the basis of other 
available information for most countries.  The labor cost surveys are 
stratified sample surveys of establishments (full surveys for Ireland, 
Italy, and Luxembourg).  The information used to interpolate or project 
the adjustment factors to non-survey years includes annual tabulations 
on employer social security contribution rates provided by the 
International Studies Staff of the U.S. Social Security Administration, 
information on contractual and legislated fringe benefit changes from 
ILO and national labor bulletins, and statistical series on indirect 
labor costs.  The adjustment factors are obtained from the surveys of 
manufactures for Mexico and Portugal, and from reports on fringe benefit 
systems and social security for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 
(SAR) of China, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.  For the 
United States, the adjustment factors are special calculations for 
international comparisons based on data from several surveys.  For some 
countries, data are not available to compute pay for time worked.

   The statistics are also adjusted, where necessary, to account for 
major differences in worker coverage; differences in industrial 
classification systems; and changes over time in survey coverage, sample 
benchmarks, or frequency of surveys.  Nevertheless, some differences in 
industrial coverage remain and, with the exception of the United States, 
Canada, and several other countries, the data exclude very small 
establishments (less than 5 employees in Japan and less than 10 
employees in most European and some other countries).  For the United 
States, the methods used, as well as the results, differ somewhat from 
those for other BLS series on U.S. compensation costs.

	Special estimation procedures have been used for some countries 
because of incomplete data.  Hourly earnings are computed from daily or 
monthly earnings using estimates of standard hours worked for Israel.  
Earnings for production workers are estimated from all-employee earnings 
for Japan (1990 to present), Korea (1975-84), New Zealand (all years), 
and Israel (1978 to present).  For Singapore, hourly compensation costs 
are estimated for the years since 1985 using the trend in average weekly 
earnings and benefit costs of production workers or average compensation 
per employee from the national accounts.  For Italy, both hourly 
earnings and additional compensation adjustment factors are obtained 
from periodic labor cost surveys and interpolated or projected to 
nonsurvey years using the trend in contractual wage rates and in benefit 
entitlements and costs.  The adjustment factors for additional 
compensation relate to all employees for Mexico, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, 
France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the 
United Kingdom; they are constants or the midpoints of constant ranges 
for Hong Kong SAR, Israel, and New Zealand.

   Hourly compensation costs, hourly direct pay, and pay for time worked 
are converted to U.S. dollars using the average daily exchange rate for 
the reference period.  Changes in hourly compensation in U.S. dollars 
from one period to another are therefore affected by changes in currency 
exchange rates as well as by changes in compensation.  The exchange 
rates used are prevailing commercial market exchange rates as published 
by either the U.S. Federal Reserve Board or the International Monetary 

Country notes 

The following are exceptions to the standard coverage and definitions 
explained above:

Australia:  Compensation relates to production workers and nonproduction 
workers other than those in managerial, executive, professional, and 
higher supervisory positions.

Hong Kong SAR:  Average of selected manufacturing industries.  The 
industries covered accounted for about 70 percent of all persons 
employed in manufacturing in 1988.  Compensation excludes overtime pay.  
Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China in July 

Austria:  Excludes workers in establishments considered handicraft 
manufacturers.  (All printing and publishing and miscellaneous 
manufacturing establishments are classified in handicrafts.)  In 1986, 
handicraft employment was about 35 percent of all manufacturing 
employment.  Average compensation per employee was about 10 percent 
lower in manufacturing including handicrafts than in manufacturing 
excluding handicrafts.

Finland:  Includes workers in mining and electrical power plants.  For 
comparability with other countries, compensation excludes some 
obligatory training and plant facilities costs; these costs would add 
1.6 percent to average hourly compensation costs in 1994.

Germany:  Refers to former West Germany.  Excludes workers in 
establishments considered handicraft manufacturers.  In 1990, handicraft 
employment was about 25 percent of all manufacturing employment.  
Average hourly earnings of production workers were about 3 percent lower 
in manufacturing including handicrafts than in manufacturing excluding 

Ireland:  Data refer to September for 1975-76.

Norway:  Pay for time worked includes irregular bonuses; irregular 
bonuses account for only a small fraction of earnings.  For 
comparability with other countries, compensation excludes some 
obligatory training and plant facilities costs; these costs would add 
2.2 percent to average hourly compensation costs in 1994.

Portugal:  Direct pay excludes profit-sharing bonuses but includes 
social allowances.  Profit-sharing bonuses are included in social 
insurance expenditures.

Trade-weighted measures

   The trade weights used to compute the average compensation cost 
measures for selected country or economic groups are the sum of U.S. 
imports of manufactured products for consumption (customs value) and 
U.S. exports of domestic manufactured products (free along side (f.a.s.) 
value) in 1992 for each country or area and each economic group.  See 
table A.

   The trade data used to compute the weights are U.S. Bureau of the 
Census statistics of U.S. imports and exports converted to an industrial 
classification basis from data initially collected under the Harmonized 
Tariff Schedule commodity classification system.

   The trade-weighted measures relate to all the countries or areas 
covered in the series.  Estimates are computed for missing country data 
using the average trend in the other economies to estimate the missing 

   The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 
includes Canada, Mexico, Australia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, and all 
European countries.  (Mexico joined the OECD in 1994 and Korea joined in 
1996, and the OECD trade-weighted measures are shown both including and 
excluding those countries.)  The European Union (formerly European 
Community) consists of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, 
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, 
Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.  Europe includes the EU countries 
plus Norway and Switzerland.  The group labeled "Asian NIEs" consists of 
the four newly industrializing economies of Hong Kong SAR, Korea, 
Singapore, and Taiwan.

Table A.  Share of total U.S. imports and exports 
of manufactured products in 1992
(in percent)

Country or area      1992      Country or area      1992
       and          trade             and          trade
economic group      share      economic group      share

Canada               19.2      Greece                .1
Mexico                7.6      Ireland               .6
                               Italy                2.3
Australia             1.4      Luxembourg            .1
Hong Kong SAR 1       2.0      Netherlands          1.9
Israel                 .8      Norway                .3
Japan                15.8
                               Portugal              .2
Korea                 3.4      Spain                 .8
New Zealand            .3      Sweden                .8
Singapore             2.4      Switzerland          1.0
Sri Lanka              .1      United Kingdom       4.4
Taiwan                4.4
                               Economic groups
Austria                .3      28 foreign
Belgium               1.5        economies         80.8
Denmark                .3      OECD 3              71.1
Finland                .2      Europe              23.4
France                3.2      European Union      22.1
Germany 2             5.4      Asian NIEs          12.2

1  Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.
2  Former West Germany.
3  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Data limitations

   Because compensation is partly estimated, the statistics should not 
be considered as precise measures of comparative compensation costs.  In 
addition, the figures are subject to revision as the results of new 
labor cost surveys or other data used to estimate compensation costs 
become available.

   The comparative level figures in these tables are averages for all 
manufacturing industries and are not necessarily representative of all 
component industries.  In the United States and some other countries, 
such as Japan, differentials in hourly compensation cost levels by 
industry are quite wide.  In contrast, other countries, such as Germany 
and Sweden, have narrow differentials.

Labor costs versus labor income

   The hourly compensation figures in U.S. dollars shown in the tables 
provide comparative measures of employer labor costs; they do not 
provide intercountry comparisons of the purchasing power of worker 
incomes.  Prices of goods and services vary greatly among countries, and 
the commercial market exchange rates used to compare employer labor 
costs do not reliably indicate relative differences in prices.  
Purchasing power parities -- that is, the number of foreign currency 
units required to buy goods and services equivalent to what can be 
purchased with one unit of U.S. or other base-country currency -- must be 
used for meaningful international comparisons of the relative purchasing 
power of worker incomes.

   Total compensation converted to U.S. dollars at purchasing power 
parities would provide one measure for comparing relative real levels of 
labor income.  It should be noted, however, that total compensation 
includes employer payments to funds for the benefit of workers in 
addition to payments made directly to workers.  (For a few countries, 
the compensation measures also include taxes or subsidies on payrolls or 
employment even if they do not finance programs which directly benefit 
workers.)  Payments into these funds provide either deferred income 
(e.g., payments to retirement funds), a type of insurance (e.g., 
payments to unemployment or health benefit funds), or current social 
benefits (e.g., family allowances), and the relationship between 
employer payments and current or future worker benefits is indirect.  On 
the other hand, excluding these payments would understate the total 
value of income derived from work because they substitute for worker 
savings or self-insurance to cover retirement, medical costs, etc.

   Total compensation, since it takes account of employer payments into 
funds for the benefit of workers, is a broader income concept than 
either total direct earnings or direct spendable earnings.  An even 
broader concept would take account of all social benefits available to 
workers, including those financed out of general revenues as well as 
those financed through employment or payroll taxes.


   Revised underlying data on average hourly earnings or additional 
compensation costs were incorporated for 16 of the countries covered in 
this news release.

   For 10 countries, revised data reflected changes in survey 
methodology or BLS calculation methods.  The resulting differences in 
hourly compensation cost levels for 1996 were more than one percent for 
four countries -- Mexico, Taiwan, France, and Italy. 

   Data from the Canadian survey of employment, payrolls, and hours were 
revised back to 1983 for selected industries, but, for total 
manufacturing, the average hourly earnings were changed only for 1993.  
The revisions are part of an ongoing re-engineering of the survey, and 
future revisions are possible.

   For Mexico, a new monthly industrial survey with expanded industry 
coverage resulted in a higher earnings trend since 1994.  For Japan, 
monthly labor survey benchmarks made every three years were incorporated 
in the BLS calculations.  

   Earnings survey data published on new industrial classification 
systems were incorporated for four other countries.  New series were 
linked to old for Sweden and the United Kingdom, while old series were 
linked to new for Germany.  A link was not possible for Spain.

   Labor cost surveys for 1989-96 were incorporated for Taiwan.  
Compensation cost levels were revised back to 1993 for both Italy and 
Sweden to incorporate new information on holiday and vacation pay and 
employer social insurance expenditures for Italy, and a different 
calculation for sick leave pay for Sweden.

   For France, revised cost levels back to 1989 reflect an adjustment of 
the bonus payments as reported in the 1992 European Union harmonized 
labor cost survey.  A change in collection procedures in the 1992 survey 
resulted in a discontinuity in the data on irregular versus regular 
bonuses; BLS held constant the bonus ratios from the previous 1988 labor 
cost survey.


Table 1.   Indexes of hourly compensation costs for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997

(Index, U.S. = 100)

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............    100     100     100     100     100     100     100     100

Canada ....................     94     102      97      90      87      88      88      89
Mexico ....................     23      24      18      20      21      22      26      17

Australia .................     88      90      83      85      83      86      90      85
Hong Kong SAR 1............     12      13      14      14      14      15      14      14
Israel ....................     35      34      35      31      37      38      38      38
Japan .....................     47      47      52      66      60      56      56      48

Korea .....................      5       6       7       9      11      10       9       9
New Zealand ...............     50      43      44      50      52      54      52      48
Singapore .................     13      12      12      13      14      15      17      17
Sri Lanka .................      4       3       4       3       3       2       2       2
Taiwan ....................      6       7       7       7       9      10      11      11

Austria ...................     71      69      75      83      88      90      72      67
Belgium ...................    101     100     109     122     131     133     104      81
Denmark ...................     99      96      96     108     116     110      87      76
Finland ...................     72      75      74      71      83      83      74      69

France ....................     71      68      69      78      85      91      74      67
Germany 2 .................     99      97     103     116     124     124      96      88
Greece ....................     27      28      30      34      37      38      34      35
Ireland ...................     48      41      41      48      54      60      51      49

Italy .....................     73      63      66      70      78      83      70      64
Luxembourg ................    102     101     106     119     123     122      91      74
Netherlands ...............    103     100     106     121     126     122      91      84
Norway ....................    106     109     113     115     114     117     101      93

Portugal ..................     25      24      21      20      19      21      19      16
Spain .....................     40      41      42      47      59      60      51      45
Sweden ....................    113     119     117     117     125     127     109      86
Switzerland ...............     96      93      91     116     117     112      93      89
United Kingdom ............     53      46      45      53      63      77      67      59

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..     60      61      61      65      66      67      62      57
OECD 4 ....................     67      68      68      73      73      74      68      63
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....     76      77      78      83      83      84      77      72
Europe ....................     80      76      79      89      97     100      81      73
European Union ............     79      75      78      87      96     100      80      72
Asian NIEs ................      8       9       9      10      11      12      12      12

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 1.   Indexes of hourly compensation costs for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997 -- continued

(Index, U.S. = 100)

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............    100     100     100     100     100     100     100     100

Canada ....................     92      89      84      84      89      97     103     106
Mexico ....................     12      12      12       8       8       9      10      11

Australia .................     77      78      63      64      70      82      87      88
Hong Kong SAR 1............     12      13      13      14      15      17      19      21
Israel ....................     40      37      31      39      47      55      54      57
Japan .....................     50      50      49      70      80      91      88      86

Korea .....................      9      10       9      10      12      16      22      25
New Zealand ...............     43      37      34      41      50      59      54      56
Singapore .................     18      20      19      17      17      19      22      25
Sri Lanka .................      2       2       2       2       2       2       2       2
Taiwan ....................     11      11      12      13      17      20      25      26

Austria ...................     64      59      58      81     101     104      99     119
Belgium ...................     75      69      69      94     113     114     108     129
Denmark ...................     72      64      62      83     108     109     101     121
Finland ...................     62      62      63      81      99     113     118     141

France ....................     64      58      58      78      91      93      88     104
Germany 2 .................     84      75      73     101     125     131     123     147
Greece ....................     31      30      28      31      34      38      38      45
Ireland ...................     47      45      46      60      69      72      67      78

Italy .....................     63      59      59      79      96     101     101     117
Luxembourg ................     67      62      60      82      99     102      97     112
Netherlands ...............     78      69      67      92     112     114     105     121
Norway ....................     85      80      80     100     124     133     128     144

Portugal ..................     13      12      12      16      19      20      21      25
Spain .....................     38      36      36      47      56      61      63      76
Sweden ....................     73      73      74      94     112     121     122     140
Switzerland ...............     86      77      74     104     126     129     117     140
United Kingdom ............     53      48      48      58      67      76      74      85

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..     56      54      52      61      70      77      77      83
OECD 4 ....................     62      59      57      68      77      84      84      90
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....     71      67      65      78      90      97      97     104
Europe ....................     68      62      61      81      98     103      99     116
European Union ............     67      61      60      80      97     102      98     115
Asian NIEs ................     12      13      13      13      15      18      23      25

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 1.   Indexes of hourly compensation costs for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997 -- continued

(Index, U.S. = 100)

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............    100     100     100     100     100     100     100

Canada ....................    110     106     100      94      93      94      91
Mexico ....................     12      13      15      15       9       9      10

Australia .................     87      81      76      83      88      93      88
Hong Kong SAR 1............     23      24      26      27      28      29      30
Israel ....................     56      56      53      54      61      62      66
Japan .....................     94     102     116     127     139     118     106

Korea .....................     30      32      34      38      42      46      40
New Zealand ...............     54      49      49      53      59      62      60
Singapore .................     28      31      32      37      43      47      45
Sri Lanka .................      3       2       3       3       3       3       -
Taiwan ....................     28      32      32      33      34      34      32

Austria ...................    116     126     122     128     147     139     120
Belgium ...................    127     137     130     137     155     146     125
Denmark ...................    118     126     116     120     140     136     121
Finland ...................    136     124     101     113     140     133     118

France ....................    100     109     102     105     116     113      99
Germany 2 .................    145     158     153     160     187     180     155
Greece ....................     45      47      44      46      53      54       -
Ireland ...................     76      82      72      73      79      78      74

Italy .....................    118     120      96      94      94     100      92
Luxembourg ................    110     119     114     121     136     127       -
Netherlands ...............    116     125     122     123     140     130     113
Norway ....................    139     143     122     124     142     142     130

Portugal ..................     27      32      27      27      31      32      29
Spain .....................     79      84      70      68      75      76      67
Sweden ....................    142     153     107     110     125     138     122
Switzerland ...............    139     144     137     148     170     160     133
United Kingdom ............     88      89      75      76      80      80      85

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..     86      88      87      89      95      91      84
OECD 4 ....................     93      96      94      96     103      98      90
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....    107     110     108     110     119     112     103
Europe ....................    115     122     111     115     129     125     112
European Union ............    114     121     110     113     127     124     111
Asian NIEs ................     28      30      31      34      37      39      36

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 2.   Hourly compensation costs in U.S. dollars for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............  $6.36   $6.92   $7.59   $8.28   $9.04   $9.87  $10.87  $11.68

Canada ....................   5.96    7.06    7.35    7.42    7.87    8.67    9.55   10.44
Mexico ....................   1.47    1.64    1.34    1.62    1.91    2.21    2.82    1.97

Australia .................   5.62    6.22    6.29    7.00    7.47    8.47    9.80    9.98
Hong Kong SAR 1............    .76     .87    1.03    1.18    1.31    1.51    1.55    1.66
Israel ....................   2.25    2.38    2.68    2.57    3.30    3.79    4.18    4.43
Japan .....................   3.00    3.25    3.96    5.45    5.40    5.52    6.08    5.60

Korea .....................    .32     .42     .56     .76    1.01     .96    1.02    1.09
New Zealand ...............   3.21    3.00    3.37    4.14    4.71    5.33    5.69    5.62
Singapore .................    .84     .86     .91    1.05    1.26    1.49    1.80    1.96
Sri Lanka .................    .28     .24     .32     .26     .23     .22     .21     .24
Taiwan ....................    .40     .46     .53     .62     .79    1.00    1.21    1.24

Austria ...................   4.51    4.78    5.67    6.91    7.96    8.88    7.78    7.78
Belgium ...................   6.41    6.90    8.29   10.14   11.82   13.11   11.31    9.49
Denmark ...................   6.28    6.63    7.25    8.98   10.53   10.83    9.41    8.87
Finland ...................   4.61    5.19    5.58    5.88    7.51    8.24    8.04    8.03

France ....................   4.52    4.70    5.21    6.43    7.69    8.94    8.02    7.85
Germany 2 .................   6.31    6.68    7.81    9.58   11.21   12.25   10.45   10.28
Greece ....................   1.69    1.92    2.29    2.84    3.37    3.73    3.66    4.12
Ireland ...................   3.03    2.86    3.12    3.97    4.85    5.95    5.59    5.71

Italy .....................   4.67    4.34    4.99    5.83    7.06    8.15    7.57    7.44
Luxembourg ................   6.50    6.99    8.06    9.86   11.12   12.03    9.85    8.61
Netherlands ...............   6.58    6.90    8.02    9.98   11.41   12.06    9.91    9.78
Norway ....................   6.77    7.52    8.56    9.51   10.28   11.59   11.01   10.83

Portugal ..................   1.58    1.66    1.58    1.63    1.68    2.06    2.04    1.88
Spain .....................   2.53    2.86    3.18    3.88    5.31    5.89    5.55    5.28
Sweden ....................   7.18    8.25    8.88    9.65   11.33   12.51   11.80   10.07
Switzerland ...............   6.09    6.45    6.88    9.59   10.56   11.09   10.14   10.42
United Kingdom ............   3.37    3.21    3.45    4.41    5.70    7.56    7.31    6.92

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..   3.83    4.23    4.64    5.40    5.97    6.60    6.71    6.67
OECD 4 ....................   4.25    4.70    5.15    6.01    6.62    7.30    7.40    7.34
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....   4.82    5.33    5.89    6.86    7.54    8.30    8.34    8.37
Europe ....................   5.10    5.29    6.00    7.37    8.74    9.90    8.83    8.49
European Union ............   5.03    5.20    5.93    7.24    8.64    9.83    8.74    8.37
Asian NIEs ................    .52     .59     .70     .84    1.03    1.17    1.33    1.41

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 2.   Hourly compensation costs in U.S. dollars for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States ............. $12.14  $12.55  $13.01  $13.26  $13.52  $13.91  $14.32  $14.91

Canada ....................  11.13   11.14   10.94   11.10   12.04   13.50   14.77   15.84
Mexico ....................   1.42    1.56    1.59    1.09    1.04    1.25    1.43    1.58

Australia .................   9.31    9.83    8.20    8.54    9.46   11.35   12.41   13.07
Hong Kong SAR 1............   1.51    1.58    1.73    1.88    2.09    2.40    2.79    3.20
Israel ....................   4.88    4.65    4.06    5.20    6.34    7.67    7.69    8.55
Japan .....................   6.03    6.23    6.34    9.22   10.79   12.63   12.53   12.80

Korea .....................   1.15    1.20    1.23    1.31    1.59    2.20    3.17    3.71
New Zealand ...............   5.19    4.65    4.47    5.50    6.77    8.19    7.80    8.33
Singapore .................   2.21    2.46    2.47    2.23    2.31    2.67    3.15    3.78
Sri Lanka .................    .25     .25     .28     .29     .30     .31     .31     .35
Taiwan ....................   1.29    1.42    1.50    1.73    2.26    2.81    3.52    3.93

Austria ...................   7.81    7.35    7.58   10.73   13.67   14.52   14.16   17.75
Belgium ...................   9.08    8.63    8.97   12.43   15.25   15.82   15.48   19.17
Denmark ...................   8.69    8.03    8.13   11.07   14.61   15.19   14.53   18.04
Finland ...................   7.54    7.77    8.16   10.71   13.44   15.70   16.85   21.03

France ....................   7.74    7.29    7.52   10.28   12.29   12.95   12.65   15.49
Germany 2 .................  10.19    9.37    9.53   13.34   16.91   18.16   17.66   21.88
Greece ....................   3.78    3.74    3.66    4.07    4.61    5.22    5.49    6.76
Ireland ...................   5.67    5.59    5.92    8.02    9.31   10.00    9.61   11.66

Italy .....................   7.70    7.35    7.63   10.47   13.02   13.98   14.40   17.45
Luxembourg ................   8.15    7.79    7.81   10.86   13.35   14.22   13.92   16.74
Netherlands ...............   9.49    8.70    8.75   12.22   15.14   15.83   15.00   18.06
Norway ....................  10.32   10.07   10.37   13.24   16.79   18.45   18.29   21.47

Portugal ..................   1.62    1.45    1.53    2.08    2.52    2.78    2.97    3.77
Spain .....................   4.56    4.47    4.66    6.25    7.63    8.55    8.96   11.38
Sweden ....................   8.89    9.17    9.66   12.43   15.12   16.82   17.52   20.93
Switzerland ...............  10.46    9.64    9.66   13.76   17.08   18.01   16.73   20.86
United Kingdom ............   6.49    6.04    6.27    7.66    9.09   10.61   10.56   12.70

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..   6.80    6.73    6.74    8.15    9.49   10.65   11.00   12.33
OECD 4 ....................   7.48    7.38    7.39    8.97   10.43   11.68   12.01   13.46
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....   8.60    8.47    8.48   10.40   12.12   13.54   13.85   15.51
Europe ....................   8.27    7.75    7.96   10.80   13.32   14.38   14.14   17.31
European Union ............   8.14    7.64    7.85   10.63   13.10   14.16   13.96   17.09
Asian NIEs ................   1.47    1.59    1.65    1.74    2.06    2.55    3.23    3.72

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 2.   Hourly compensation costs in U.S. dollars for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States ............. $15.58  $16.09  $16.51  $16.87  $17.19  $17.70  $18.24

Canada ....................  17.16   17.03   16.43   15.85   16.04   16.66   16.55
Mexico ....................   1.84    2.17    2.40    2.47    1.51    1.54    1.75

Australia .................  13.53   13.02   12.49   14.02   15.05   16.52   16.00
Hong Kong SAR 1............   3.58    3.92    4.29    4.61    4.82    5.14    5.42
Israel ....................   8.79    9.09    8.82    9.19   10.54   10.99   12.05
Japan .....................  14.67   16.38   19.21   21.35   23.82   20.91   19.37

Korea .....................   4.61    5.22    5.64    6.40    7.29    8.09    7.22
New Zealand ...............   8.36    7.91    8.01    8.93   10.11   11.03   11.02
Singapore .................   4.35    4.95    5.25    6.29    7.33    8.32    8.24
Sri Lanka .................    .40     .40     .42     .45     .48     .48       -
Taiwan ....................   4.36    5.09    5.23    5.55    5.92    5.93    5.89

Austria ...................  18.09   20.29   20.16   21.51   25.21   24.66   21.92
Belgium ...................  19.75   22.05   21.44   23.07   26.65   25.89   22.82
Denmark ...................  18.39   20.20   19.11   20.30   24.07   24.11   22.02
Finland ...................  21.25   19.92   16.63   19.06   24.14   23.56   21.44

France ....................  15.65   17.46   16.79   17.63   20.01   19.92   17.97
Germany 2 .................  22.63   25.38   25.32   27.03   32.22   31.79   28.28
Greece ....................   6.95    7.60    7.23    7.73    9.17    9.59       -
Ireland ...................  11.91   13.12   11.89   12.39   13.57   13.85   13.57

Italy .....................  18.32   19.35   15.80   15.89   16.21   17.73   16.74
Luxembourg ................  17.14   19.10   18.74   20.33   23.35   22.55       -
Netherlands ...............  18.13   20.10   20.08   20.80   24.02   23.08   20.61
Norway ....................  21.63   23.03   20.21   20.97   24.38   25.05   23.72

Portugal ..................   4.24    5.17    4.50    4.60    5.37    5.58    5.29
Spain .....................  12.29   13.50   11.62   11.54   12.88   13.51   12.16
Sweden ....................  22.15   24.59   17.59   18.62   21.44   24.37   22.24
Switzerland ...............  21.69   23.23   22.63   24.91   29.30   28.34   24.19
United Kingdom ............  13.74   14.37   12.41   12.80   13.67   14.13   15.47

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..  13.32   14.24   14.32   15.01   16.38   16.09   15.25
OECD 4 ....................  14.52   15.48   15.55   16.27   17.75   17.37   16.40
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....  16.69   17.75   17.78   18.57   20.39   19.90   18.77
Europe ....................  17.96   19.67   18.36   19.33   22.10   22.19   20.46
European Union ............  17.74   19.46   18.14   19.05   21.75   21.87   20.24
Asian NIEs ................   4.30    4.91    5.19    5.78    6.40    6.87    6.65

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 3.   Hourly compensation costs in national currency for production workers in 
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............   6.36    6.92    7.59    8.28    9.04    9.87   10.87   11.68

Canada ....................   6.07    6.96    7.81    8.46    9.21   10.13   11.45   12.88
Mexico ....................     18      24      30      37      43      51      69     111

Australia .................   4.30    5.10    5.67    6.12    6.68    7.43    8.53    9.82
Hong Kong SAR 1............   3.73    4.28    4.82    5.54    6.57    7.50    8.66   10.06
Israel ....................   1.44    1.90    2.81    4.49    8.41   19.42   47.72     108
Japan .....................    889     963    1060    1136    1179    1245    1339    1396

Korea .....................    157     203     271     369     487     583     691     793
New Zealand ...............   2.65    3.03    3.48    3.99    4.61    5.48    6.55    7.48
Singapore .................   2.00    2.13    2.22    2.39    2.74    3.20    3.80    4.20
Sri Lanka .................   1.97    2.04    2.88    4.13    3.54    3.58    3.97    4.99
Taiwan ....................  15.17   17.37   19.98   22.84   28.47   36.13   44.47   48.42

Austria ...................  78.46   85.77   93.77  100.20  106.39  114.78  123.60  132.66
Belgium ................... 235.10  266.36  297.07  318.88  346.66  382.88  418.66  434.66
Denmark ...................  36.00   40.07   43.50   49.47   55.39   60.98   66.84   73.98
Finland ...................  16.88   19.99   22.40   24.16   27.07   30.64   34.71   38.63

France ....................  19.34   22.45   25.62   28.93   32.71   37.73   43.39   51.66
Germany 2 .................  15.48   16.82   18.12   19.21   20.55   22.23   23.56   24.96
Greece ....................     55      70      84     105     125     159     203     275
Ireland ...................   1.36    1.58    1.79    2.07    2.37    2.89    3.46    4.02

Italy .....................   3048    3606    4405    4950    5863    6966    8564   10068
Luxembourg ................    239     270     289     310     326     352     366     394
Netherlands ...............  16.59   18.22   19.69   21.56   22.88   23.93   24.64   26.14
Norway ....................  35.29   41.01   45.54   49.84   52.05   57.20   63.09   69.93

Portugal ..................  40.26   50.12   60.17   71.51   82.29  103.28  125.42  150.69
Spain .....................    145     191     239     297     356     422     511     581
Sweden ....................  29.73   35.93   39.68   43.59   48.57   52.91   59.40   63.31
Switzerland ...............  15.72   16.12   16.50   17.04   17.57   18.57   19.88   21.19
United Kingdom ............   1.52    1.78    1.98    2.30    2.68    3.25    3.61    3.96

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 3.   Hourly compensation costs in national currency for production workers in 
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............  12.14   12.55   13.01   13.26   13.52   13.91   14.32   14.91

Canada ....................  13.71   14.43   14.94   15.42   15.97   16.61   17.48   18.49
Mexico ....................    170     262     409     667    1437    2834    3509    4440

Australia .................  10.32   11.18   11.70   12.73   13.49   14.47   15.68   16.74
Hong Kong SAR 1............  10.97   12.35   13.46   14.64   16.31   18.74   21.79   24.91
Israel ....................    274    1364    4.79    7.74   10.12   12.27   14.73   17.24
Japan .....................   1432    1480    1512    1553    1560    1620    1730    1856

Korea .....................    892     970    1074    1153    1311    1610    2127    2623
New Zealand ...............   7.77    8.05    8.98   10.47   11.42   12.48   13.14   13.98
Singapore .................   4.67    5.25    5.43    4.86    4.87    5.37    6.15    6.85
Sri Lanka .................   5.82    6.48    7.58    8.13    8.82    9.81   11.11   14.05
Taiwan ....................  51.65   56.39   59.60   65.37   71.93   80.29   92.91  105.68

Austria ................... 140.26  147.05  156.75  163.69  172.96  179.45  187.49  201.07
Belgium ................... 463.97  498.25  532.39  554.91  569.91  581.89  610.19  640.60
Denmark ...................  79.49   83.06   86.18   89.65  100.07  102.40  106.38  111.65
Finland ...................  41.97   46.60   50.56   54.33   59.17   65.81   72.39   80.56

France ....................  59.01   63.71   67.49   71.23   73.91   77.17   80.72   84.38
Germany 2 .................  26.02   26.65   28.04   28.94   30.40   31.90   33.22   35.37
Greece ....................    333     422     506     570     625     741     892    1071
Ireland ...................   4.54    5.14    5.55    5.98    6.25    6.56    6.78    7.03

Italy .....................  11703   12898   14563   15616   16890   18201   19750   20900
Luxembourg ................    417     450     464     485     498     523     549     559
Netherlands ...............  27.09   27.93   29.04   29.91   30.68   31.31   31.82   32.90
Norway ....................  75.34   82.15   89.11   97.99  113.18  120.37  126.43  134.26

Portugal .................. 181.19  213.92  263.37  311.04  356.13  400.97  467.42  538.11
Spain .....................    654     719     792     874     942     997    1061    1161
Sweden ....................  68.23   75.88   83.12   88.58   95.99  103.24  113.11  123.98
Switzerland ...............  21.98   22.65   23.71   24.74   25.48   26.37   27.38   29.00
United Kingdom ............   4.28    4.52    4.84    5.22    5.54    5.95    6.45    7.12

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 3.   Hourly compensation costs in national currency for production workers in 
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............  15.58   16.09   16.51   16.87   17.19   17.70   18.24

Canada ....................  19.66   20.59   21.20   21.66   22.02   22.73   22.92
Mexico ....................   5541    6716    7.48    8.34    9.69   11.68   13.86

Australia .................  17.37   17.71   18.37   19.16   20.32   21.09   21.52
Hong Kong SAR 1............  27.82   30.31   33.19   35.65   37.30   39.74   41.99
Israel ....................  20.04   22.36   24.97   27.66   31.73   36.14   41.55
Japan .....................   1975    2077    2134    2182    2238    2275    2344

Korea .....................   3383    4075    4531    5141    5620    6506    6862
New Zealand ...............  14.46   14.70   14.79   15.06   15.41   16.04   16.62
Singapore .................   7.51    8.07    8.49    9.61   10.39   11.73   12.25
Sri Lanka .................  16.58   17.51   20.20   22.32   24.45   26.49       -
Taiwan .................... 116.66  128.02  138.27  146.79  156.83  162.87  169.48

Austria ................... 211.44  222.93  234.70  245.38  254.07  261.18  267.62
Belgium ................... 675.43  709.06  741.27  771.23  785.47  801.77  817.19
Denmark ................... 117.75  121.96  123.96  129.00  134.77  139.86  145.54
Finland ...................  86.11   89.40   95.19   99.76  105.65  108.24  111.40

France ....................  88.39   92.44   95.14   97.76   99.76  101.91  104.94
Germany 2 .................  37.59   39.64   41.90   43.84   46.14   47.85   49.06
Greece ....................   1266    1449    1659    1876    2124    2309       -
Ireland ...................   7.38    7.70    8.12    8.28    8.46    8.66    8.95

Italy .....................  22734   23841   24858   25591   26398   27352   28528
Luxembourg ................    585     614     648     680     688     698       -
Netherlands ...............  33.94   35.35   37.32   37.84   38.52   38.91   40.26
Norway .................... 140.43  143.13  143.47  147.92  154.44  161.78  168.10

Portugal .................. 614.62  697.80  724.15  763.09  804.35  860.39  927.61
Spain .....................   1278    1383    1481    1545    1604    1712    1781
Sweden .................... 134.04  143.26  137.16  143.64  153.14  163.46  169.99
Switzerland ...............  31.14   32.66   33.45   34.06   34.61   35.03   35.10
United Kingdom ............   7.77    8.14    8.27    8.36    8.66    9.05    9.44

Dash means data not available.
Note:  National currency units are United States, dollar; Canada, dollar;
Mexico, old peso (1975-92), new peso (1993-97); Australia, dollar;
Hong Kong SAR, dollar; Israel, shekel (1975-84), new shekel (1985-97);
Japan, yen; Korea, won; New Zealand, dollar; Singapore, dollar;
Sri Lanka, rupee; Taiwan, dollar; Austria, shilling; Belgium, franc;
Denmark, krone; Finland, markkaa; France, franc; Germany, mark;
Greece, drachma; Ireland, pound, Italy, lira; Luxembourg, franc;
Netherlands, guilder; Norway, krone; Portugal, escudo; Spain, peseta;
Sweden, krona; Switzerland, franc; United Kingdom, pound.
See other notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 4.   Indexes of hourly direct pay for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997

(Index, U.S. = 100)

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............    100     100     100     100     100     100     100     100

Canada ....................    102     112     106      97      95      97      97      99
Mexico ....................     25      26      19      22      23      25      29      19

Australia .................     92      94      87      90      88      92      96      92
Hong Kong SAR 1............     14      15      16      17      17      18      17      17
Israel ....................     35      34      35      31      37      39      39      39
Japan .....................     51      51      56      70      65      61      61      53

Korea .....................      5       7       8      10      12      11      10      11
New Zealand ...............     57      49      51      57      60      63      61      57
Singapore .................     14      13      13      13      14      15      16      17
Sri Lanka .................      5       4       5       4       3       3       2       2
Taiwan ....................      7       8       8       9      10      12      13      12

Austria ...................     67      65      71      79      83      85      68      63
Belgium ...................     93      94     103     116     124     126     100      81
Denmark ...................    114     111     111     127     137     130     103      91
Finland ...................     69      71      69      68      80      81      72      68

France ....................     63      60      61      69      76      81      66      60
Germany 2 .................     96      93     100     112     121     121      94      87
Greece ....................     27      28      31      35      38      39      35      37
Ireland ...................     51      44      44      52      59      66      55      52

Italy .....................     59      50      55      59      66      72      62      56
Luxembourg ................    105     104     110     124     129     128      95      78
Netherlands ...............     95      92      98     112     118     115      86      80
Norway ....................    105     108     113     115     113     117     101      93

Portugal ..................     24      23      20      19      18      20      18      16
Spain .....................     33      35      37      42      54      55      47      42
Sweden ....................    105     108     104     105     113     114      97      78
Switzerland ...............     97      95      93     119     121     117      97      94
United Kingdom ............     56      49      47      55      64      78      68      61

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..     62      63      63      67      68      70      65      60
OECD 4 ....................     69      70      70      75      76      77      71      66
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....     78      80      80      85      86      87      80      76
Europe ....................     76      72      75      85      93      97      78      71
European Union ............     75      71      74      83      91      95      77      70
Asian NIEs ................      9      10      10      11      13      13      14      14

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 4.   Indexes of hourly direct pay for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997 -- continued

(Index, U.S. = 100)

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............    100     100     100     100     100     100     100     100

Canada ....................    101      97      92      91      97     106     113     116
Mexico ....................     13      14      14       9       9      10      11      12

Australia .................     83      84      67      68      74      86      92      93
Hong Kong SAR 1............     15      15      16      17      19      21      24      26
Israel ....................     41      38      32      40      48      57      56      60
Japan .....................     55      54      53      76      87      99      95      94

Korea .....................     11      11      11      11      13      18      25      28
New Zealand ...............     50      44      40      49      59      69      64      66
Singapore .................     18      19      18      18      19      21      24      28
Sri Lanka .................      2       2       2       2       2       2       2       3
Taiwan ....................     12      13      13      15      19      23      29      31

Austria ...................     60      54      54      74      93      96      91     111
Belgium ...................     74      67      65      86     103     104      99     118
Denmark ...................     84      75      74      99     127     134     125     149
Finland ...................     62      61      62      79      97     108     113     135

France ....................     56      51      51      68      81      82      78      92
Germany 2 .................     82      73      71      97     121     127     120     143
Greece ....................     32      31      29      31      34      38      39      47
Ireland ...................     50      47      48      63      73      76      71      84

Italy .....................     56      52      52      69      84      88      86     100
Luxembourg ................     72      66      64      86     104     108     103     120
Netherlands ...............     75      67      64      87     107     109     101     119
Norway ....................     86      81      80     100     125     133     129     147

Portugal ..................     13      11      11      15      18      19      20      24
Spain .....................     35      33      34      44      53      58      59      72
Sweden ....................     65      64      65      82      98     106     107     124
Switzerland ...............     91      81      78     108     132     136     123     148
United Kingdom ............     56      51      51      61      71      81      79      91

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..     59      57      54      64      73      80      80      86
OECD 4 ....................     65      62      60      70      80      87      87      94
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....     75      71      68      81      93     101     101     108
Europe ....................     66      60      59      78      95     100      95     112
European Union ............     65      59      58      76      92      97      93     110
Asian NIEs ................     13      14      14      15      17      21      26      28

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 4.   Indexes of hourly direct pay for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997 -- continued

(Index, U.S. = 100)

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............    100     100     100     100     100     100     100

Canada ....................    120     115     107     100      99      99      96
Mexico ....................     13      15      17      17      10      10      11

Australia .................     93      88      81      89      93      99      93
Hong Kong SAR 1............     28      30      32      34      35      36      37
Israel ....................     59      60      57      58      65      65      69
Japan .....................    104     113     129     139     151     128     115

Korea .....................     32      35      37      40      46      49      42
New Zealand ...............     64      60      59      64      71      75      72
Singapore .................     30      34      35      40      45      50      48
Sri Lanka .................      3       3       3       3       3       3       -
Taiwan ....................     33      38      38      39      40      39      37

Austria ...................    109     119     114     118     135     128     111
Belgium ...................    117     127     120     126     142     134     114
Denmark ...................    145     156     144     148     170     165     146
Finland ...................    133     123      97     107     136     131     115

France ....................     89      97      90      92     102      99      86
Germany 2 .................    143     155     152     155     179     171     146
Greece ....................     46      49      44      46      53      54       -
Ireland ...................     83      89      79      81      86      85      81

Italy .....................    103     107      85      84      83      88      80
Luxembourg ................    119     130     124     131     150     140       -
Netherlands ...............    115     125     120     122     137     128     111
Norway ....................    144     150     131     133     150     149     137

Portugal ..................     26      31      27      27      31      31      28
Spain .....................     75      81      67      65      71      72      63
Sweden ....................    125     135     100     103     114     125     111
Switzerland ...............    148     155     148     158     180     169     140
United Kingdom ............     94      98      83      85      88      88      94

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..     90      93      92      93      99      94      86
OECD 4 ....................     97     101      99     101     107     101      92
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....    112     115     113     115     122     115     106
Europe ....................    112     120     110     112     125     121     108
European Union ............    110     118     108     110     122     119     107
Asian NIEs ................     32      35      36      39      42      43      41

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 5.   Hourly direct pay in U.S. dollars for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............  $5.30   $5.73   $6.24   $6.77   $7.35   $7.98   $8.77   $9.32

Canada ....................   5.43    6.39    6.59    6.60    7.01    7.74    8.47    9.21
Mexico ....................   1.33    1.48    1.21    1.47    1.72    1.99    2.53    1.76

Australia .................   4.89    5.41    5.45    6.06    6.47    7.34    8.43    8.58
Hong Kong SAR 1............    .73     .85    1.00    1.14    1.27    1.46    1.50    1.60
Israel ....................   1.86    1.96    2.21    2.12    2.73    3.13    3.45    3.66
Japan .....................   2.70    2.90    3.51    4.77    4.75    4.89    5.36    4.92

Korea .....................    .29     .38     .51     .69     .91     .87     .92     .98
New Zealand ...............   3.01    2.82    3.17    3.89    4.43    5.01    5.35    5.28
Singapore .................    .72     .74     .78     .89    1.04    1.18    1.43    1.55
Sri Lanka .................    .25     .22     .29     .24     .21     .20     .18     .21
Taiwan ....................    .37     .43     .49     .58     .74     .94    1.13    1.16

Austria ...................   3.53    3.73    4.42    5.35    6.13    6.80    5.92    5.88
Belgium ...................   4.94    5.36    6.42    7.85    9.12   10.07    8.78    7.57
Denmark ...................   6.04    6.36    6.95    8.58   10.08   10.36    9.00    8.47
Finland ...................   3.65    4.07    4.32    4.57    5.85    6.45    6.31    6.31

France ....................   3.35    3.46    3.82    4.69    5.59    6.50    5.82    5.63
Germany 2 .................   5.09    5.31    6.23    7.61    8.87    9.68    8.25    8.09
Greece ....................   1.41    1.60    1.91    2.37    2.81    3.11    3.05    3.41
Ireland ...................   2.69    2.53    2.76    3.52    4.33    5.23    4.84    4.89

Italy .....................   3.14    2.89    3.41    4.01    4.86    5.75    5.41    5.26
Luxembourg ................   5.57    5.95    6.85    8.40    9.49   10.23    8.37    7.31
Netherlands ...............   5.06    5.27    6.13    7.60    8.66    9.16    7.53    7.49
Norway ....................   5.58    6.17    7.03    7.79    8.27    9.32    8.84    8.65

Portugal ..................   1.28    1.34    1.25    1.29    1.33    1.61    1.60    1.46
Spain .....................   1.76    1.99    2.30    2.85    3.95    4.37    4.11    3.92
Sweden ....................   5.57    6.21    6.49    7.09    8.29    9.09    8.52    7.26
Switzerland ...............   5.16    5.46    5.81    8.09    8.90    9.34    8.55    8.80
United Kingdom ............   2.98    2.80    2.95    3.73    4.74    6.20    6.00    5.73

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..   3.30    3.63    3.95    4.56    5.02    5.55    5.67    5.63
OECD 4 ....................   3.66    4.03    4.38    5.07    5.56    6.13    6.24    6.18
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....   4.14    4.56    5.00    5.77    6.31    6.95    7.02    7.04
Europe ....................   4.04    4.15    4.70    5.76    6.81    7.70    6.88    6.62
European Union ............   3.96    4.06    4.62    5.63    6.69    7.61    6.77    6.49
Asian NIEs ................   0.48    0.55    0.64    0.76    0.93    1.05    1.19    1.26

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 5.   Hourly direct pay in U.S. dollars for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............  $9.69  $10.04  $10.43  $10.65  $10.83  $11.12  $11.41  $11.80

Canada ....................   9.79    9.77    9.58    9.68   10.50   11.75   12.86   13.73
Mexico ....................   1.25    1.39    1.42    0.98    0.93    1.12    1.28    1.41

Australia .................   8.00    8.46    6.99    7.24    8.02    9.61   10.51   10.99
Hong Kong SAR 1............   1.46    1.53    1.67    1.82    2.02    2.32    2.70    3.09
Israel ....................   4.02    3.84    3.35    4.29    5.23    6.33    6.35    7.06
Japan .....................   5.29    5.47    5.54    8.05    9.40   10.98   10.86   11.07

Korea .....................   1.04    1.08    1.11    1.18    1.43    1.99    2.82    3.25
New Zealand ...............   4.88    4.38    4.20    5.17    6.37    7.70    7.34    7.84
Singapore .................   1.73    1.90    1.92    1.93    2.09    2.39    2.77    3.25
Sri Lanka .................    .21     .22     .24     .25     .26     .26     .26     .30
Taiwan ....................   1.20    1.33    1.40    1.60    2.09    2.60    3.26    3.63

Austria ...................   5.86    5.46    5.60    7.92   10.06   10.67   10.43   13.08
Belgium ...................   7.15    6.68    6.76    9.12   11.15   11.58   11.27   13.94
Denmark ...................   8.17    7.55    7.68   10.58   13.75   14.89   14.24   17.57
Finland ...................   6.00    6.16    6.45    8.44   10.48   12.04   12.88   15.92

France ....................   5.47    5.14    5.33    7.29    8.72    9.14    8.88   10.88
Germany 2 .................   7.98    7.31    7.42   10.38   13.13   14.07   13.68   16.84
Greece ....................   3.09    3.07    3.00    3.31    3.73    4.25    4.50    5.50
Ireland ...................   4.85    4.74    5.00    6.76    7.86    8.43    8.12    9.89

Italy .....................   5.43    5.20    5.38    7.33    9.10    9.73    9.78   11.85
Luxembourg ................   6.94    6.63    6.63    9.17   11.28   11.97   11.74   14.17
Netherlands ...............   7.26    6.68    6.71    9.31   11.55   12.07   11.55   13.99
Norway ....................   8.33    8.15    8.36   10.66   13.51   14.78   14.75   17.36

Portugal ..................   1.24    1.10    1.16    1.57    1.91    2.10    2.25    2.86
Spain .....................   3.40    3.35    3.51    4.71    5.75    6.45    6.74    8.54
Sweden ....................   6.27    6.46    6.79    8.73   10.56   11.75   12.18   14.66
Switzerland ...............   8.83    8.11    8.10   11.52   14.28   15.09   14.03   17.50
United Kingdom ............   5.41    5.08    5.33    6.47    7.72    9.05    9.02   10.79

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..   5.73    5.67    5.67    6.80    7.89    8.86    9.16   10.19
OECD 4 ....................   6.29    6.22    6.21    7.46    8.65    9.69    9.97   11.08
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....   7.23    7.12    7.10    8.64   10.03   11.21   11.47   12.75
Europe ....................   6.41    6.01    6.16    8.31   10.24   11.07   10.85   13.25
European Union ............   6.28    5.88    6.04    8.13   10.01   10.84   10.65   13.00
Asian NIEs ................   1.30    1.41    1.47    1.58    1.89    2.34    2.95    3.36

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 5.   Hourly direct pay in U.S. dollars for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas and selected economic groups,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States ............. $12.21  $12.50  $12.80  $13.14  $13.47  $13.91  $14.34

Canada ....................  14.64   14.36   13.74   13.19   13.31   13.83   13.74
Mexico ....................   1.63    1.93    2.13    2.18    1.33    1.36    1.55

Australia .................  11.38   10.95   10.42   11.70   12.56   13.79   13.35
Hong Kong SAR 1............   3.46    3.79    4.15    4.46    4.66    4.97    5.25
Israel ....................   7.26    7.50    7.28    7.58    8.70    9.07    9.94
Japan .....................  12.67   14.09   16.47   18.25   20.31   17.83   16.52

Korea .....................   3.93    4.35    4.71    5.32    6.13    6.81    6.08
New Zealand ...............   7.86    7.44    7.53    8.40    9.51   10.37   10.36
Singapore .................   3.71    4.19    4.44    5.28    6.12    6.93    6.87
Sri Lanka .................    .34     .34     .36     .39     .41     .41       -
Taiwan ....................   4.04    4.71    4.80    5.09    5.38    5.39    5.35

Austria ...................  13.31   14.87   14.63   15.54   18.25   17.86   15.87
Belgium ...................  14.33   15.91   15.40   16.55   19.12   18.57   16.38
Denmark ...................  17.74   19.46   18.44   19.44   22.92   22.96   20.94
Finland ...................  16.26   15.38   12.36   14.11   18.37   18.16   16.53

France ....................  10.92   12.08   11.55   12.07   13.74   13.74   12.36
Germany 2 .................  17.40   19.43   19.48   20.42   24.16   23.76   20.94
Greece ....................   5.63    6.13    5.63    6.01    7.13    7.46       -
Ireland ...................  10.12   11.18   10.17   10.59   11.60   11.84   11.62

Italy .....................  12.56   13.38   10.93   10.98   11.19   12.19   11.46
Luxembourg ................  14.56   16.25   15.91   17.26   20.14   19.45       -
Netherlands ...............  14.03   15.59   15.42   16.03   18.42   17.87   15.96
Norway ....................  17.60   18.77   16.80   17.43   20.25   20.79   19.62

Portugal ..................   3.22    3.92    3.42    3.50    4.11    4.27    4.05
Spain .....................   9.19   10.08    8.57    8.51    9.56   10.03    9.04
Sweden ....................  15.30   16.89   12.78   13.50   15.36   17.42   15.93
Switzerland ...............  18.12   19.38   18.88   20.79   24.27   23.47   20.03
United Kingdom ............  11.47   12.19   10.67   11.15   11.90   12.30   13.47

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..  10.96   11.64   11.73   12.25   13.31   13.06   12.39
OECD 4 ....................  11.90   12.61   12.69   13.22   14.36   14.03   13.26
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....  13.65   14.43   14.47   15.06   16.47   16.04   15.15
Europe ....................  13.71   15.01   14.06   14.74   16.80   16.86   15.54
European Union ............  13.45   14.76   13.80   14.43   16.41   16.50   15.28
Asian NIEs ................   3.85    4.36    4.60    5.09    5.62    6.02    5.84

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 6.   Hourly direct pay in national currency for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............   5.30    5.73    6.24    6.77    7.35    7.98    8.77    9.32

Canada ....................   5.52    6.30    7.00    7.53    8.21    9.05   10.16   11.37
Mexico ....................     17      21      27      33      39      46      62      99

Australia .................   3.74    4.43    4.91    5.30    5.79    6.44    7.33    8.44
Hong Kong SAR 1............   3.61    4.15    4.66    5.36    6.36    7.26    8.38    9.73
Israel ....................   1.19    1.56    2.32    3.70    6.94   16.03   39.38   88.82
Japan .....................    801     860     940     995    1037    1103    1180    1227

Korea .....................    141     183     245     333     439     526     623     715
New Zealand ...............   2.49    2.85    3.27    3.76    4.33    5.15    6.16    7.04
Singapore .................   1.72    1.82    1.91    2.03    2.26    2.53    3.02    3.32
Sri Lanka .................   1.79    1.85    2.61    3.74    3.21    3.25    3.40    4.27
Taiwan ....................  14.18   16.23   18.67   21.35   26.61   33.77   41.56   45.25

Austria ...................  61.46   67.00   73.07   77.58   81.95   87.95   94.06  100.26
Belgium ................... 181.40  206.63  230.08  246.82  267.41  294.14  325.25  346.36
Denmark ...................  34.65   38.47   41.69   47.29   53.04   58.31   63.90   70.67
Finland ...................  13.39   15.70   17.34   18.78   21.09   23.98   27.23   30.34

France ....................  14.36   16.50   18.80   21.11   23.78   27.42   31.47   37.06
Germany 2 .................  12.48   13.37   14.45   15.27   16.26   17.57   18.60   19.64
Greece ....................     46      59      70      87     104     133     169     228
Ireland ...................   1.21    1.40    1.58    1.83    2.12    2.54    3.00    3.44

Italy .....................   2050    2401    3008    3407    4037    4918    6123    7121
Luxembourg ................    205     230     246     264     278     299     311     334
Netherlands ...............  12.76   13.93   15.05   16.42   17.37   18.17   18.75   20.02
Norway ....................  29.07   33.69   37.40   40.81   41.86   46.02   50.64   55.89

Portugal ..................  32.52   40.52   47.83   56.75   64.90   80.81   98.06  116.72
Spain .....................    101     133     173     218     265     313     378     432
Sweden ....................  23.09   27.07   28.99   32.05   35.56   38.43   42.91   45.65
Switzerland ...............  13.33   13.64   13.93   14.38   14.80   15.65   16.76   17.89
United Kingdom ............   1.34    1.55    1.69    1.94    2.23    2.67    2.96    3.28

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 6.   Hourly direct pay in national currency for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............   9.69   10.04   10.43   10.65   10.83   11.12   11.41   11.80

Canada ....................  12.06   12.66   13.09   13.46   13.92   14.46   15.23   16.02
Mexico ....................    150     233     365     597    1287    2550    3141    3956

Australia .................   8.88    9.61    9.99   10.78   11.43   12.26   13.28   14.07
Hong Kong SAR 1............  10.61   11.95   13.03   14.17   15.78   18.13   21.08   24.10
Israel ....................    226    1126    3.95    6.39    8.35   10.13   12.16   14.23
Japan .....................   1257    1298    1322    1355    1359    1408    1500    1605

Korea .....................    804     874     970    1040    1179    1457    1891    2301
New Zealand ...............   7.30    7.57    8.44    9.85   10.74   11.74   12.36   13.14
Singapore .................   3.66    4.05    4.23    4.21    4.41    4.81    5.40    5.89
Sri Lanka .................   4.98    5.55    6.49    6.96    7.56    8.41    9.52   12.03
Taiwan ....................  48.27   52.70   55.70   60.53   66.60   74.34   86.03   97.85

Austria ................... 105.34  109.28  115.71  120.92  127.24  131.86  138.05  148.16
Belgium ................... 365.66  385.90  401.26  407.47  416.65  425.80  444.18  466.01
Denmark ...................  74.71   78.19   81.39   85.64   94.19  100.40  104.22  108.73
Finland ...................  33.41   36.94   39.96   42.81   46.15   50.47   55.31   60.98

France ....................  41.69   44.92   47.86   50.52   52.45   54.46   56.66   59.26
Germany 2 .................  20.37   20.79   21.84   22.52   23.60   24.71   25.72   27.24
Greece ....................    272     346     414     464     504     603     731     873
Ireland ...................   3.89    4.36    4.69    5.04    5.28    5.53    5.73    5.97

Italy .....................   8243    9139   10268   10931   11797   12663   13423   14200
Luxembourg ................    355     383     393     410     421     440     463     473
Netherlands ...............  20.72   21.44   22.25   22.80   23.40   23.87   24.51   25.49
Norway ....................  60.82   66.47   71.85   78.85   91.08   96.39  101.98  108.55

Portugal .................. 138.74  162.43  198.92  235.10  269.59  302.62  354.64  408.28
Spain .....................    488     539     597     659     710     751     798     871
Sweden ....................  48.09   53.46   58.41   62.21   67.04   72.11   78.63   86.80
Switzerland ...............  18.56   19.06   19.90   20.72   21.31   22.10   22.97   24.32
United Kingdom ............   3.57    3.80    4.11    4.41    4.71    5.08    5.51    6.05

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 6.   Hourly direct pay in national currency for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............  12.21   12.50   12.80   13.14   13.47   13.91   14.34

Canada ....................  16.78   17.36   17.73   18.02   18.28   18.87   19.02
Mexico ....................   4926    5967    6.63    7.37    8.55   10.35   12.29

Australia .................  14.61   14.89   15.33   15.99   16.96   17.60   17.96
Hong Kong SAR 1............  26.91   29.33   32.11   34.50   36.09   38.45   40.63
Israel ....................  16.53   18.45   20.60   22.83   26.19   29.82   34.29
Japan .....................   1705    1787    1830    1865    1909    1940    1999

Korea .....................   2882    3396    3779    4276    4731    5478    5777
New Zealand ...............  13.59   13.82   13.90   14.16   14.49   15.08   15.63
Singapore .................   6.41    6.82    7.18    8.06    8.67    9.78   10.21
Sri Lanka .................  14.20   15.00   17.31   19.12   20.95   22.70       -
Taiwan .................... 108.02  118.54  126.85  134.67  142.57  148.06  154.07

Austria ................... 155.62  163.46  170.32  177.33  183.94  189.15  193.81
Belgium ................... 489.98  511.41  532.38  553.31  563.54  575.23  586.60
Denmark ................... 113.62  117.49  119.62  123.56  128.33  133.18  138.37
Finland ...................  65.88   69.02   70.78   73.84   80.40   83.45   85.89

France ....................  61.68   63.93   65.48   66.93   68.51   70.29   72.19
Germany 2 .................  28.90   30.36   32.25   33.12   34.60   35.76   36.33
Greece ....................   1027    1168    1290    1459    1652    1796       -
Ireland ...................   6.27    6.56    6.94    7.08    7.23    7.40    7.66

Italy .....................  15584   16488   17186   17696   18229   18811   19520
Luxembourg ................    497     522     551     578     594     602       -
Netherlands ...............  26.27   27.42   28.65   29.16   29.55   30.13   31.17
Norway .................... 114.24  116.66  119.27  122.96  128.30  134.30  139.06

Portugal .................. 466.33  529.44  551.52  581.18  615.89  658.80  710.27
Spain .....................    956    1032    1093    1140    1191    1271    1325
Sweden ....................  92.60   98.39   99.66  104.15  109.68  116.84  121.80
Switzerland ...............  26.02   27.25   27.91   28.41   28.66   29.01   29.07
United Kingdom ............   6.49    6.90    7.11    7.28    7.54    7.88    8.22

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 7.   Indexes of pay for time worked for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997

(Index, U.S. = 100)

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............    100     100     100     100     100     100     100     100

Canada ....................    101     110     104      95      93      95      94      96
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................     90      92      85      87      85      89      93      89
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................     37      37      41      52      47      45      45      39

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............     54      47      48      55      57      60      58      54
Singapore .................     13      12      12      12      13      14      15      15
Sri Lanka .................      4       3       4       3       2       2       2       2
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................     50      49      54      59      63      64      51      47
Belgium ...................     80      78      85      94     101     102      80      65
Denmark ...................    111     108     108     123     133     125      98      86
Finland ...................     66      67      64      62      72      73      64      60

France ....................     56      54      55      61      67      72      59      52
Germany 2 .................     80      77      83      93      99      99      76      70
Greece ....................     22      24      26      29      32      33      29      31
Ireland ...................     51      44      44      51      58      64      54      51

Italy .....................     48      41      45      49      56      61      52      47
Luxembourg ................     92      93     100     115     118     117      86      71
Netherlands ...............     80      79      84      94      97      96      73      69
Norway ....................    100     104     108     109     106     111      95      88

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................    102     106     101     100     105     106      90      73
Switzerland ...............     86      84      82     105     106     102      85      82
United Kingdom ............     55      48      46      53      62      75      66      59

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 7.   Indexes of pay for time worked for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

(Index, U.S. = 100)

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............    100     100     100     100     100     100     100     100

Canada ....................     98      94      89      88      94     102     109     112
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................     80      81      65      66      71      83      88      89
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................     40      40      39      56      65      73      70      68

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............     48      41      38      46      56      66      61      63
Singapore .................     16      17      16      16      18      19      21      24
Sri Lanka .................      2       2       2       2       2       2       2       2
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................     45      41      40      56      69      72      68      82
Belgium ...................     59      53      51      68      82      82      78      94
Denmark ...................     80      71      70      94     120     127     118     140
Finland ...................     55      54      54      69      84      93      96     115

France ....................     49      44      44      58      68      69      65      77
Germany 2 .................     66      58      57      78      97     101      96     113
Greece ....................     27      25      24      26      29      32      33      39
Ireland ...................     48      45      46      61      70      73      69      81

Italy .....................     47      43      43      57      69      71      69      81
Luxembourg ................     65      59      57      77      92      95      91     106
Netherlands ...............     64      55      53      72      87      89      82      96
Norway ....................     81      76      75      94     117     124     120     136

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................     61      60      60      75      90      97      98     114
Switzerland ...............     79      69      67      93     113     116     105     126
United Kingdom ............     53      48      49      58      67      77      74      86

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 7.   Indexes of pay for time worked for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

(Index, U.S. = 100)

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............    100     100     100     100     100     100     100

Canada ....................    116     111     104      97      95      96      92
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................     90      84      78      85      89      95      89
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................     75      82      94     103     111      95      85

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............     61      56      56      60      67      70      68
Singapore .................     26      29      30      34      38      42      40
Sri Lanka .................      2       2       2       3       3       3       -
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................     82      90      87      90     104      98      85
Belgium ...................     94     102      96     101     114     107      91
Denmark ...................    137     147     136     139     160     155     137
Finland ...................    112     102      80      89     112     107      95

France ....................     75      81      75      76      85      82      72
Germany 2 .................    113     124     122     125     143     137     117
Greece ....................     38      40      36      37      43      44       -
Ireland ...................     80      87      77      78      83      82      78

Italy .....................     83      86      69      67      67      71      64
Luxembourg ................    106     115     110     116     132     124       -
Netherlands ...............     93     101      98     100     111     105      91
Norway ....................    134     140     123     124     140     138     127

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................    114     121      91      93     104     114     101
Switzerland ...............    127     132     126     135     153     144     119
United Kingdom ............     89      92      79      80      83      83      88

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 8.   Pay for time worked in U.S. dollars for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............  $4.83   $5.22   $5.68   $6.17   $6.70   $7.27   $7.99   $8.49

Canada ....................   4.88    5.73    5.89    5.89    6.23    6.88    7.51    8.15
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................   4.35    4.79    4.80    5.34    5.70    6.46    7.43    7.56
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................   1.79    1.94    2.35    3.22    3.18    3.27    3.56    3.29

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   2.62    2.45    2.75    3.38    3.84    4.35    4.65    4.59
Singapore .................    .62     .62     .66     .75     .87     .99    1.18    1.28
Sri Lanka .................    .20     .17     .23     .19     .16     .15     .14     .16
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................   2.43    2.58    3.04    3.67    4.22    4.64    4.05    4.01
Belgium ...................   3.84    4.09    4.83    5.83    6.74    7.41    6.43    5.54
Denmark ...................   5.34    5.63    6.15    7.61    8.94    9.12    7.80    7.34
Finland ...................   3.17    3.48    3.64    3.82    4.85    5.31    5.15    5.11

France ....................   2.71    2.80    3.10    3.79    4.51    5.23    4.68    4.45
Germany 2 .................   3.88    4.04    4.72    5.74    6.63    7.17    6.06    5.93
Greece ....................   1.08    1.23    1.47    1.82    2.16    2.39    2.35    2.60
Ireland ...................   2.44    2.29    2.50    3.17    3.89    4.67    4.31    4.33

Italy .....................   2.34    2.16    2.55    3.05    3.72    4.43    4.14    4.02
Luxembourg ................   4.43    4.84    5.69    7.08    7.91    8.48    6.89    6.02
Netherlands ...............   3.88    4.10    4.77    5.77    6.53    6.95    5.80    5.82
Norway ....................   4.85    5.41    6.14    6.74    7.11    8.04    7.63    7.47

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................   4.94    5.53    5.75    6.19    7.02    7.73    7.20    6.22
Switzerland ...............   4.16    4.39    4.67    6.48    7.12    7.44    6.78    6.95
United Kingdom ............   2.66    2.49    2.62    3.30    4.18    5.45    5.25    4.99

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 8.   Pay for time worked in U.S. dollars for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............  $8.83   $9.19   $9.54   $9.73   $9.91  $10.19  $10.48  $10.83

Canada ....................   8.66    8.63    8.48    8.58    9.30   10.41   11.39   12.16
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................   7.05    7.45    6.16    6.38    7.06    8.47    9.26    9.68
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................   3.57    3.70    3.76    5.47    6.42    7.47    7.30    7.39

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   4.24    3.80    3.65    4.49    5.53    6.68    6.37    6.80
Singapore .................   1.42    1.56    1.57    1.59    1.74    1.95    2.21    2.59
Sri Lanka .................    .17     .17     .19     .20     .20     .21     .21     .24
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................   4.00    3.74    3.81    5.42    6.88    7.30    7.15    8.90
Belgium ...................   5.24    4.86    4.91    6.62    8.08    8.37    8.18   10.16
Denmark ...................   7.07    6.54    6.65    9.16   11.92   12.91   12.32   15.20
Finland ...................   4.84    4.95    5.18    6.70    8.28    9.48   10.11   12.44

France ....................   4.30    4.04    4.16    5.65    6.72    6.99    6.79    8.32
Germany 2 .................   5.84    5.35    5.44    7.59    9.61   10.29   10.02   12.22
Greece ....................   2.36    2.32    2.27    2.53    2.87    3.24    3.41    4.17
Ireland ...................   4.28    4.16    4.39    5.94    6.92    7.43    7.18    8.75

Italy .....................   4.15    3.98    4.07    5.51    6.82    7.26    7.28    8.81
Luxembourg ................   5.71    5.45    5.42    7.48    9.16    9.68    9.52   11.49
Netherlands ...............   5.62    5.09    5.02    6.96    8.60    9.02    8.62   10.38
Norway ....................   7.18    6.96    7.12    9.11   11.59   12.67   12.59   14.73

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................   5.41    5.49    5.73    7.34    8.89    9.91   10.27   12.36
Switzerland ...............   6.95    6.37    6.35    9.01   11.17   11.80   10.97   13.68
United Kingdom ............   4.70    4.41    4.63    5.61    6.68    7.81    7.79    9.31

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 8.   Pay for time worked in U.S. dollars for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States ............. $11.18  $11.46  $11.74  $12.07  $12.37  $12.77  $13.17

Canada ....................  12.97   12.72   12.17   11.68   11.79   12.25   12.17
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................  10.02    9.65    9.18   10.31   11.07   12.15   11.76
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................   8.44    9.41   11.05   12.40   13.77   12.11   11.17

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   6.82    6.46    6.53    7.29    8.25    9.00    8.99
Singapore .................   2.92    3.30    3.48    4.11    4.73    5.33    5.28
Sri Lanka .................    .27     .27     .28     .31    0.32    0.32       -
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................   9.16   10.33   10.22   10.88   12.81   12.55   11.15
Belgium ...................  10.49   11.69   11.31   12.16   14.05   13.65   12.04
Denmark ...................  15.35   16.82   15.94   16.80   19.81   19.85   18.10
Finland ...................  12.51   11.64    9.37   10.70   13.91   13.70   12.47

France ....................   8.36    9.24    8.84    9.23   10.51   10.51    9.46
Germany 2 .................  12.63   14.25   14.31   15.05   17.75   17.45   15.38
Greece ....................   4.23    4.61    4.23    4.52    5.36    5.61       -
Ireland ...................   8.97    9.94    9.04    9.42   10.31   10.53   10.33

Italy .....................   9.31    9.90    8.08    8.10    8.29    9.03    8.49
Luxembourg ................  11.83   13.22   12.95   14.05   16.38   15.83       -
Netherlands ...............  10.45   11.63   11.46   12.05   13.78   13.39   11.96
Norway ....................  14.94   16.07   14.45   14.99   17.26   17.65   16.73

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................  12.75   13.85   10.69   11.25   12.81   14.54   13.30
Switzerland ...............  14.17   15.16   14.76   16.25   18.98   18.35   15.66
United Kingdom ............   9.91   10.53    9.22    9.63   10.28   10.63   11.64

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 9.   Pay for time worked in national currency for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............   4.83    5.22    5.68    6.17    6.70    7.27    7.99    8.49

Canada ....................   4.96    5.65    6.26    6.71    7.30    8.04    9.00   10.06
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................   3.33    3.92    4.33    4.67    5.10    5.67    6.46    7.44
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................    531     575     631     671     695     737     783     819

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   2.16    2.47    2.84    3.26    3.76    4.47    5.35    6.11
Singapore .................   1.46    1.53    1.60    1.71    1.89    2.13    2.50    2.73
Sri Lanka .................   1.41    1.46    2.06    2.95    2.53    2.56    2.68    3.37
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................  42.34   46.24   50.32   53.22   56.47   60.02   64.39   68.49
Belgium ................... 140.95  157.61  173.12  183.37  197.64  216.44  238.28  253.74
Denmark ...................  30.64   34.04   36.93   41.92   47.02   51.33   55.42   61.24
Finland ...................  11.62   13.41   14.60   15.69   17.49   19.74   22.25   24.59

France ....................  11.60   13.37   15.22   17.08   19.21   22.08   25.30   29.30
Germany 2 .................   9.52   10.17   10.95   11.52   12.15   13.01   13.65   14.41
Greece ....................     35      45      54      67      80     102     130     174
Ireland ...................   1.10    1.27    1.43    1.65    1.90    2.27    2.67    3.05

Italy .....................   1524    1793    2253    2585    3089    3792    4685    5448
Luxembourg ................    163     187     204     223     232     248     256     275
Netherlands ...............   9.80   10.84   11.70   12.47   13.09   13.80   14.42   15.54
Norway ....................  25.30   29.50   32.69   35.30   36.02   39.67   43.69   48.26

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................  20.45   24.08   25.70   27.94   30.11   32.68   36.24   39.08
Switzerland ...............  10.74   10.96   11.18   11.51   11.83   12.47   13.29   14.14
United Kingdom ............   1.20    1.38    1.50    1.72    1.97    2.34    2.59    2.86

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 9.   Pay for time worked in national currency for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............   8.83    9.19    9.54    9.73    9.91   10.19   10.48   10.83

Canada ....................  10.67   11.17   11.59   11.92   12.33   12.81   13.49   14.19
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................   7.82    8.47    8.80    9.50   10.07   10.80   11.70   12.40
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................    847     878     897     921     928     958    1009    1072

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   6.34    6.57    7.33    8.55    9.32   10.19   10.73   11.41
Singapore .................   3.01    3.32    3.46    3.47    3.66    3.92    4.30    4.69
Sri Lanka .................   3.93    4.38    5.12    5.49    5.96    6.63    7.51    9.49
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................  71.88   74.77   78.81   82.64   87.05   90.27   94.60  100.84
Belgium ................... 267.88  280.86  291.40  295.48  301.70  307.88  322.34  339.66
Denmark ...................  64.68   67.64   70.47   74.15   81.62   87.00   90.23   94.06
Finland ...................  26.94   29.72   32.10   34.00   36.48   39.74   43.45   47.64

France ....................  32.80   35.26   37.33   39.16   40.41   41.67   43.35   45.34
Germany 2 .................  14.91   15.22   16.00   16.48   17.28   18.08   18.85   19.76
Greece ....................    208     262     314     354     388     460     554     661
Ireland ...................   3.43    3.83    4.12    4.43    4.65    4.87    5.06    5.28

Italy .....................   6302    6987    7767    8219    8843    9450    9995   10550
Luxembourg ................    292     315     322     334     342     356     375     384
Netherlands ...............  16.05   16.34   16.67   17.04   17.42   17.84   18.29   18.92
Norway ....................  52.43   56.81   61.20   67.39   78.11   82.67   87.01   92.15

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................  41.53   45.38   49.33   52.32   56.43   60.80   66.30   73.19
Switzerland ...............  14.60   14.97   15.58   16.20   16.66   17.28   17.96   19.02
United Kingdom ............   3.10    3.30    3.57    3.82    4.08    4.39    4.75    5.22

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 9.   Pay for time worked in national currency for production workers in manufacturing,
29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............  11.18   11.46   11.74   12.07   12.37   12.77   13.17

Canada ....................  14.86   15.38   15.70   15.96   16.19   16.71   16.85
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................  12.87   13.12   13.51   14.09   14.94   15.51   15.82
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................   1136    1194    1228    1267    1294    1318    1351

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............  11.80   12.00   12.07   12.29   12.58   13.09   13.57
Singapore .................   5.04    5.38    5.62    6.28    6.70    7.52    7.85
Sri Lanka .................  11.20   11.83   13.65   15.08   16.52    17.9       -
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ................... 107.12  113.58  118.96  124.12  129.11  132.86  136.13
Belgium ................... 358.70  375.76  391.17  406.55  414.06  422.65  431.01
Denmark ...................  98.29  101.55  103.39  106.79  110.92  115.11  119.59
Finland ...................  50.68   52.25   53.66   55.98   60.86   62.93   64.77

France ....................  47.19   48.91   50.10   51.21   52.42   53.78   55.23
Germany 2 .................  20.97   22.26   23.68   24.42   25.41   26.26   26.68
Greece ....................    772     878     970    1097    1242    1350       -
Ireland ...................   5.56    5.83    6.17    6.29    6.43    6.58    6.81

Italy .....................  11552   12195   12702   13050   13503   13934   14459
Luxembourg ................    404     425     448     470     483     490       -
Netherlands ...............  19.56   20.46   21.30   21.91   22.10   22.57   23.35
Norway ....................  96.98   99.88  102.55  105.73  109.38  114.01  118.55

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................  77.17   80.71   83.33   86.79   91.48   97.53  101.67
Switzerland ...............  20.35   21.31   21.82   22.22   22.41   22.69   22.73
United Kingdom ............   5.61    5.96    6.14    6.29    6.51    6.81    7.10

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 10.   Total direct  pay as percent of total hourly compensation costs for production 
in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............   83.3    82.8    82.2    81.7    81.3    80.9    80.6    79.8

Canada ....................   90.9    90.5    89.7    89.0    89.1    89.4    88.7    88.3
Mexico ....................   92.3    89.2    91.2    90.3    91.4    89.7    89.7    89.2

Australia .................   87.0    86.8    86.7    86.6    86.7    86.6    86.0    86.0
Hong Kong SAR 1............   96.7    96.9    96.7    96.7    96.8    96.8    96.7    96.7
Israel ....................   82.5    82.3    82.4    82.5    82.5    82.5    82.5    82.5
Japan .....................   90.1    89.3    88.6    87.6    88.0    88.6    88.2    87.9

Korea .....................   89.9    90.2    90.3    90.1    90.2    90.2    90.2    90.2
New Zealand ...............   93.9    93.9    94.0    94.1    94.0    94.0    94.1    94.1
Singapore .................   85.9    85.6    86.0    85.0    82.4    79.1    79.4    79.0
Sri Lanka .................   90.8    90.7    90.7    90.6    90.6    90.7    85.6    85.6
Taiwan ....................   93.5    93.4    93.4    93.5    93.5    93.5    93.5    93.5

Austria ...................   78.3    78.1    77.9    77.4    77.0    76.6    76.1    75.6
Belgium ...................   77.2    77.6    77.4    77.4    77.1    76.8    77.7    79.7
Denmark ...................   96.3    96.0    95.8    95.6    95.8    95.6    95.6    95.5
Finland ...................   79.3    78.6    77.4    77.7    77.9    78.3    78.5    78.6

France ....................   74.3    73.5    73.4    73.0    72.7    72.7    72.5    71.7
Germany 2 .................   80.6    79.5    79.8    79.5    79.1    79.0    79.0    78.7
Greece ....................   82.7    83.6    83.6    83.0    83.2    83.4    83.3    82.9
Ireland ...................   89.1    88.8    88.4    88.5    89.4    87.9    86.7    85.7

Italy .....................   67.3    66.6    68.3    68.8    68.9    70.6    71.5    70.7
Luxembourg ................   85.7    85.1    85.0    85.3    85.3    85.0    84.9    84.8
Netherlands ...............   76.9    76.5    76.4    76.2    75.9    75.9    76.1    76.6
Norway ....................   82.4    82.1    82.1    81.9    80.4    80.4    80.3    79.9

Portugal ..................   80.8    80.8    79.5    79.4    78.9    78.2    78.2    77.5
Spain .....................   69.7    69.6    72.4    73.4    74.4    74.2    74.0    74.4
Sweden ....................   77.7    75.3    73.1    73.5    73.2    72.6    72.2    72.1
Switzerland ...............   84.8    84.6    84.4    84.4    84.2    84.3    84.3    84.4
United Kingdom ............   88.4    87.3    85.4    84.5    83.3    82.0    82.1    82.8

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..   86.2    85.8    85.2    84.5    84.1    84.1    84.4    84.4
OECD 4 ....................   86.1    85.8    85.1    84.3    84.0    84.0    84.3    84.2
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....   85.9    85.6    84.9    84.1    83.8    83.8    84.1    84.1
Europe ....................   79.2    78.4    78.3    78.2    77.8    77.8    77.9    77.9
European Union ............   78.8    78.0    77.9    77.8    77.5    77.4    77.5    77.5
Asian NIEs ................   90.9    91.8    91.5    91.4    90.7    90.1    89.6    89.4

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 10.   Total direct  pay as percent of total hourly compensation costs for production 
in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............   79.8    80.0    80.1    80.3    80.1    79.9    79.7    79.2

Canada ....................   87.9    87.7    87.6    87.3    87.2    87.1    87.1    86.6
Mexico ....................   88.2    89.0    89.2    89.4    89.6    90.0    89.5    89.1

Australia .................   86.0    86.0    85.4    84.7    84.7    84.7    84.7    84.1
Hong Kong SAR 1............   96.7    96.8    96.8    96.8    96.7    96.7    96.8    96.8
Israel ....................   82.5    82.5    82.5    82.5    82.5    82.5    82.6    82.5
Japan .....................   87.8    87.7    87.4    87.3    87.1    86.9    86.7    86.5

Korea .....................   90.2    90.2    90.3    90.2    89.9    90.5    88.9    87.7
New Zealand ...............   94.0    94.0    94.0    94.1    94.0    94.1    94.1    94.0
Singapore .................   78.3    77.2    77.9    86.5    90.6    89.6    87.8    86.0
Sri Lanka .................   85.6    85.7    85.6    85.6    85.7    85.7    85.7    85.6
Taiwan ....................   93.5    93.5    93.5    92.6    92.6    92.6    92.6    92.6

Austria ...................   75.1    74.3    73.8    73.9    73.6    73.5    73.6    73.7
Belgium ...................   78.8    77.5    75.4    73.4    73.1    73.2    72.8    72.7
Denmark ...................   94.0    94.1    94.4    95.5    94.1    98.0    98.0    97.4
Finland ...................   79.6    79.3    79.0    78.8    78.0    76.7    76.4    75.7

France ....................   70.6    70.5    70.9    70.9    71.0    70.6    70.2    70.2
Germany 2 .................   78.3    78.0    77.9    77.8    77.6    77.5    77.4    77.0
Greece ....................   81.8    82.0    81.9    81.4    80.7    81.3    82.0    81.5
Ireland ...................   85.7    84.9    84.5    84.2    84.5    84.3    84.5    84.9

Italy .....................   70.4    70.9    70.5    70.0    69.8    69.6    68.0    67.9
Luxembourg ................   85.1    85.2    84.8    84.5    84.5    84.1    84.3    84.7
Netherlands ...............   76.5    76.8    76.6    76.2    76.3    76.2    77.0    77.5
Norway ....................   80.7    80.9    80.6    80.5    80.5    80.1    80.7    80.9

Portugal ..................   76.6    75.9    75.5    75.6    75.7    75.5    75.9    75.9
Spain .....................   74.6    75.0    75.4    75.4    75.4    75.3    75.2    75.0
Sweden ....................   70.5    70.5    70.3    70.2    69.8    69.8    69.5    70.0
Switzerland ...............   84.4    84.1    83.9    83.8    83.6    83.8    83.9    83.9
United Kingdom ............   83.3    84.1    84.9    84.4    85.0    85.4    85.4    84.9

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..   84.2    84.3    84.1    83.4    83.1    83.2    83.3    82.7
OECD 4 ....................   84.1    84.2    83.9    83.2    82.9    83.0    83.0    82.4
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....   84.0    84.0    83.8    83.1    82.7    82.8    82.8    82.2
Europe ....................   77.6    77.5    77.4    76.9    76.9    77.0    76.7    76.6
European Union ............   77.1    77.0    77.0    76.5    76.4    76.5    76.3    76.1
Asian NIEs ................   88.7    88.4    88.7    91.2    92.2    92.0    91.3    90.4

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 10.   Total direct  pay as percent of total hourly compensation costs for production 
in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............   78.4    77.7    77.5    77.9    78.4    78.6    78.6

Canada ....................   85.3    84.3    83.6    83.2    83.0    83.0    83.0
Mexico ....................   88.9    88.9    88.6    88.4    88.2    88.6    88.7

Australia .................   84.1    84.1    83.5    83.5    83.4    83.5    83.4
Hong Kong SAR 1............   96.7    96.8    96.8    96.8    96.7    96.8    96.8
Israel ....................   82.5    82.5    82.5    82.5    82.5    82.5    82.5
Japan .....................   86.3    86.0    85.7    85.5    85.3    85.3    85.3

Korea .....................   85.2    83.3    83.4    83.2    84.2    84.2    84.2
New Zealand ...............   94.0    94.0    94.0    94.0    94.0    94.0    94.1
Singapore .................   85.4    84.5    84.5    83.8    83.4    83.3    83.3
Sri Lanka .................   85.7    85.7    85.7    85.7    85.7    85.7       -
Taiwan ....................   92.6    92.6    91.7    91.7    90.9    90.9    90.9

Austria ...................   73.6    73.3    72.6    72.3    72.4    72.4    72.4
Belgium ...................   72.5    72.1    71.8    71.7    71.7    71.7    71.8
Denmark ...................   96.5    96.3    96.5    95.8    95.2    95.2    95.1
Finland ...................   76.5    77.2    74.4    74.0    76.1    77.1    77.1

France ....................   69.8    69.2    68.8    68.5    68.7    69.0    68.8
Germany 2 .................   76.9    76.6    77.0    75.6    75.0    74.7    74.0
Greece ....................   81.1    80.6    77.8    77.8    77.8    77.8       -
Ireland ...................   85.0    85.2    85.5    85.5    85.5    85.5    85.6

Italy .....................   68.5    69.2    69.1    69.1    69.1    68.8    68.4
Luxembourg ................   85.0    85.1    85.0    84.9    86.3    86.3       -
Netherlands ...............   77.4    77.6    76.8    77.1    76.7    77.4    77.4
Norway ....................   81.4    81.5    83.1    83.1    83.1    83.0    82.7

Portugal ..................   75.9    75.9    76.2    76.2    76.6    76.6    76.6
Spain .....................   74.8    74.6    73.8    73.8    74.3    74.2    74.4
Sweden ....................   69.1    68.7    72.7    72.5    71.6    71.5    71.7
Switzerland ...............   83.6    83.4    83.4    83.4    82.8    82.8    82.8
United Kingdom ............   83.6    84.8    85.9    87.1    87.1    87.1    87.1

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..   82.3    81.8    81.9    81.6    81.3    81.2    81.3
OECD 4 ....................   81.9    81.4    81.6    81.3    80.9    80.8    80.9
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....   81.8    81.3    81.4    81.1    80.8    80.6    80.7
Europe ....................   76.3    76.3    76.6    76.2    76.0    76.0    76.0
European Union ............   75.8    75.8    76.1    75.7    75.5    75.5    75.5
Asian NIEs ................   89.5    88.8    88.5    88.1    87.8    87.6    87.8

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 11.   Pay for time worked as percent of total hourly compensation costs for production 
in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............   75.9    75.4    74.8    74.5    74.1    73.7    73.5    72.7

Canada ....................   81.7    81.2    80.2    79.3    79.3    79.4    78.6    78.1
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................   77.4    76.9    76.4    76.3    76.3    76.3    75.7    75.8
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................   59.7    59.7    59.5    59.1    58.9    59.2    58.5    58.7

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   81.5    81.5    81.6    81.7    81.6    81.6    81.7    81.7
Singapore .................   73.0    71.8    72.1    71.5    69.0    66.6    65.8    65.0
Sri Lanka .................   71.6    71.6    71.5    71.4    71.5    71.5    67.5    67.5
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................   54.0    53.9    53.7    53.1    53.1    52.3    52.1    51.6
Belgium ...................   60.0    59.2    58.3    57.5    57.0    56.5    56.9    58.4
Denmark ...................   85.1    85.0    84.9    84.7    84.9    84.2    82.9    82.8
Finland ...................   68.8    67.1    65.2    64.9    64.6    64.4    64.1    63.7

France ....................   60.0    59.6    59.4    59.0    58.7    58.5    58.3    56.7
Germany 2 .................   61.5    60.4    60.5    60.0    59.1    58.5    58.0    57.7
Greece ....................   63.6    64.3    64.3    63.8    64.0    64.2    64.0    63.3
Ireland ...................   80.9    80.4    79.9    79.7    80.2    78.5    77.2    75.9

Italy .....................   50.0    49.7    51.1    52.2    52.7    54.4    54.7    54.1
Luxembourg ................   68.2    69.3    70.6    71.9    71.2    70.5    69.9    69.8
Netherlands ...............   59.1    59.5    59.4    57.8    57.2    57.7    58.5    59.4
Norway ....................   71.7    71.9    71.8    70.8    69.2    69.4    69.3    69.0

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................   68.8    67.0    64.8    64.1    62.0    61.8    61.0    61.7
Switzerland ...............   68.3    68.0    67.8    67.5    67.4    67.1    66.9    66.7
United Kingdom ............   78.7    77.6    75.7    74.9    73.4    72.1    71.8    72.1

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 11.   Pay for time worked as percent of total hourly compensation costs for production 
in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............   72.7    73.2    73.3    73.4    73.3    73.3    73.2    72.6

Canada ....................   77.8    77.4    77.6    77.3    77.2    77.1    77.2    76.7
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................   75.8    75.8    75.2    74.6    74.6    74.6    74.6    74.1
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................   59.2    59.3    59.3    59.3    59.5    59.1    58.3    57.7

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   81.6    81.6    81.6    81.7    81.6    81.7    81.7    81.6
Singapore .................   64.5    63.2    63.7    71.4    75.2    73.0    69.9    68.5
Sri Lanka .................   67.5    67.6    67.5    67.5    67.6    67.6    67.6    67.5
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................   51.2    50.8    50.3    50.5    50.3    50.3    50.5    50.2
Belgium ...................   57.7    56.4    54.7    53.2    52.9    52.9    52.8    53.0
Denmark ...................   81.4    81.4    81.8    82.7    81.6    85.0    84.8    84.2
Finland ...................   64.2    63.8    63.5    62.6    61.7    60.4    60.0    59.1

France ....................   55.6    55.3    55.3    55.0    54.7    54.0    53.7    53.7
Germany 2 .................   57.3    57.1    57.0    56.9    56.8    56.7    56.7    55.9
Greece ....................   62.5    62.1    62.1    62.1    62.1    62.1    62.1    61.7
Ireland ...................   75.6    74.5    74.2    74.1    74.4    74.2    74.6    75.1

Italy .....................   53.8    54.2    53.3    52.6    52.4    51.9    50.6    50.5
Luxembourg ................   70.0    70.0    69.4    68.9    68.7    68.1    68.3    68.7
Netherlands ...............   59.2    58.5    57.4    57.0    56.8    57.0    57.5    57.5
Norway ....................   69.6    69.2    68.7    68.8    69.0    68.7    68.8    68.6

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................   60.9    59.8    59.3    59.1    58.8    58.9    58.6    59.0
Switzerland ...............   66.4    66.1    65.7    65.5    65.4    65.5    65.6    65.6
United Kingdom ............   72.4    73.1    73.7    73.2    73.6    73.7    73.7    73.3

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 11.   Pay for time worked as percent of total hourly compensation costs for production 
in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............   71.8    71.2    71.1    71.5    72.0    72.1    72.2

Canada ....................   75.6    74.7    74.1    73.7    73.5    73.5    73.5
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................   74.1    74.1    73.5    73.5    73.5    73.5    73.5
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................   57.5    57.5    57.5    58.1    57.8    57.9    57.7

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   81.6    81.6    81.6    81.6    81.6    81.6    81.6
Singapore .................   67.1    66.7    66.2    65.3    64.5    64.1    64.1
Sri Lanka .................   67.6    67.6    67.6    67.6    67.6    67.6       -
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................   50.7    50.9    50.7    50.6    50.8    50.9    50.9
Belgium ...................   53.1    53.0    52.8    52.7    52.7    52.7    52.7
Denmark ...................   83.5    83.3    83.4    82.8    82.3    82.3    82.2
Finland ...................   58.9    58.4    56.4    56.1    57.6    58.1    58.1

France ....................   53.4    52.9    52.7    52.4    52.5    52.8    52.6
Germany 2 .................   55.8    56.2    56.5    55.7    55.1    54.9    54.4
Greece ....................   61.0    60.6    58.5    58.5    58.5    58.5       -
Ireland ...................   75.3    75.7    76.0    76.0    76.0    76.0    76.1

Italy .....................   50.8    51.2    51.1    51.0    51.2    50.9    50.7
Luxembourg ................   69.1    69.2    69.1    69.1    70.2    70.2       -
Netherlands ...............   57.6    57.9    57.1    57.9    57.4    58.0    58.0
Norway ....................   69.1    69.8    71.5    71.5    70.8    70.5    70.5

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................   57.6    56.3    60.8    60.4    59.7    59.7    59.8
Switzerland ...............   65.3    65.2    65.2    65.2    64.8    64.8    64.8
United Kingdom ............   72.2    73.3    74.2    75.2    75.2    75.2    75.3

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 12.   Other direct pay as a percent of hourly compensation costs for production workers
in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............    7.4     7.3     7.3     7.2     7.2     7.2     7.1     7.1

Canada ....................    9.2     9.3     9.5     9.7     9.8    10.0    10.1    10.2
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................    9.5     9.9    10.3    10.3    10.3    10.3    10.2    10.2
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................   30.4    29.6    29.1    28.5    29.0    29.4    29.7    29.2

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4
Singapore .................   12.9    13.8    13.9    13.5    13.5    12.6    13.6    14.0
Sri Lanka .................   19.2    19.2    19.2    19.1    19.2    19.2    18.1    18.1
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................   24.4    24.2    24.3    24.3    23.9    24.3    24.0    24.0
Belgium ...................   17.2    18.4    19.2    19.9    20.1    20.3    20.8    21.3
Denmark ...................   11.1    11.0    11.0    10.8    10.9    11.4    12.7    12.7
Finland ...................   10.5    11.5    12.3    12.8    13.3    13.9    14.4    14.9

France ....................   14.3    13.9    14.0    13.9    14.0    14.2    14.2    15.0
Germany 2 .................   19.1    19.1    19.3    19.5    20.0    20.5    21.0    21.0
Greece ....................   19.1    19.3    19.3    19.1    19.2    19.2    19.2    19.6
Ireland ...................    8.3     8.4     8.5     8.8     9.2     9.3     9.5     9.8

Italy .....................   17.3    16.9    17.1    16.6    16.2    16.2    16.8    16.6
Luxembourg ................   17.5    15.8    14.4    13.4    14.2    14.5    15.0    15.0
Netherlands ...............   17.8    17.0    17.0    18.3    18.7    18.3    17.6    17.1
Norway ....................   10.7    10.2    10.3    11.0    11.2    11.1    11.0    10.9

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................    8.9     8.3     8.3     9.4    11.2    10.9    11.2    10.4
Switzerland ...............   16.5    16.6    16.6    16.8    16.9    17.1    17.5    17.7
United Kingdom ............    9.6     9.7     9.7     9.7     9.9     9.9    10.3    10.6

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 12.   Other direct pay as a percent of hourly compensation costs for production workers
in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............    7.1     6.7     6.8     7.0     6.8     6.7     6.5     6.5

Canada ....................   10.1    10.3    10.0    10.0    10.0     9.9    10.0     9.9
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................   10.2    10.2    10.2    10.1    10.1    10.1    10.1    10.0
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................   28.6    28.4    28.1    28.0    27.6    27.8    28.4    28.7

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4
Singapore .................   13.9    14.0    14.1    15.1    15.4    16.6    17.9    17.5
Sri Lanka .................   18.1    18.1    18.1    18.1    18.1    18.1    18.1    18.1
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................   23.9    23.5    23.5    23.4    23.2    23.2    23.2    23.5
Belgium ...................   21.1    21.1    20.6    20.2    20.2    20.3    20.0    19.7
Denmark ...................   12.6    12.7    12.7    12.8    12.6    13.1    13.1    13.1
Finland ...................   15.4    15.5    15.6    16.2    16.3    16.3    16.4    16.6

France ....................   15.1    15.2    15.6    15.9    16.3    16.6    16.5    16.5
Germany 2 .................   21.0    20.9    20.8    20.9    20.8    20.8    20.7    21.1
Greece ....................   19.4    19.9    19.9    19.3    18.6    19.2    19.9    19.7
Ireland ...................   10.1    10.4    10.2    10.1    10.1    10.0     9.9     9.8

Italy .....................   16.6    16.7    17.2    17.4    17.5    17.7    17.4    17.5
Luxembourg ................   15.1    15.2    15.4    15.6    15.9    16.1    16.0    16.0
Netherlands ...............   17.2    18.3    19.2    19.3    19.5    19.3    19.5    20.0
Norway ....................   11.1    11.8    12.0    11.7    11.5    11.4    11.8    12.2

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................    9.6    10.6    10.9    11.2    11.1    11.0    10.9    11.0
Switzerland ...............   18.0    18.1    18.2    18.3    18.2    18.3    18.3    18.3
United Kingdom ............   10.9    11.0    11.2    11.3    11.5    11.7    11.7    11.6

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 12.   Other direct pay as a percent of hourly compensation costs for production workers
in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............    6.6     6.5     6.4     6.4     6.4     6.4     6.4

Canada ....................    9.8     9.6     9.6     9.5     9.5     9.5     9.5
Mexico ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Australia .................   10.0    10.0     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9
Hong Kong SAR 1............      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Israel ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Japan .....................   28.8    28.6    28.2    27.4    27.5    27.4    27.6

Korea .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
New Zealand ...............   12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4    12.4
Singapore .................   18.3    17.9    18.3    18.5    19.0    19.2    19.2
Sri Lanka .................   18.1    18.1    18.1    18.1    18.1    18.1       -
Taiwan ....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -

Austria ...................   22.9    22.4    21.9    21.7    21.6    21.6    21.6
Belgium ...................   19.4    19.1    19.1    19.0    19.0    19.0    19.0
Denmark ...................   13.0    13.1    13.1    13.0    12.9    12.9    12.9
Finland ...................   17.7    18.8    18.0    17.9    18.5    19.0    19.0

France ....................   16.4    16.2    16.2    16.1    16.1    16.2    16.2
Germany 2 .................   21.1    20.4    20.4    19.9    19.9    19.8    19.7
Greece ....................   20.1    20.0    19.3    19.3    19.3    19.3       -
Ireland ...................    9.6     9.5     9.5     9.5     9.5     9.5     9.5

Italy .....................   17.7    18.0    18.0    18.2    17.9    17.8    17.7
Luxembourg ................   16.0    15.9    15.8    15.8    16.1    16.1       -
Netherlands ...............   19.8    19.7    19.7    19.2    19.3    19.4    19.4
Norway ....................   12.3    11.7    11.7    11.7    12.3    12.5    12.2

Portugal ..................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Spain .....................      -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Sweden ....................   11.5    12.3    11.9    12.1    11.9    11.8    11.8
Switzerland ...............   18.2    18.2    18.2    18.2    18.1    18.1    18.1
United Kingdom ............   11.4    11.5    11.7    11.8    11.8    11.9    11.9

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 13.   Social insurance expenditures and other labor taxes as a percent of hourly 
costs for production workers in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............   16.7    17.2    17.8    18.3    18.7    19.1    19.4    20.2

Canada ....................    9.1     9.5    10.3    11.0    10.9    10.6    11.3    11.7
Mexico ....................    7.7    10.8     8.8     9.7     8.6    10.3    10.3    10.8

Australia .................   13.0    13.2    13.3    13.4    13.3    13.4    14.0    14.0
Hong Kong SAR 1............    3.3     3.1     3.3     3.3     3.2     3.2     3.3     3.3
Israel ....................   17.5    17.7    17.6    17.5    17.5    17.5    17.5    17.5
Japan .....................    9.9    10.7    11.4    12.4    12.0    11.4    11.8    12.1

Korea .....................   10.1     9.8     9.7     9.9     9.8     9.8     9.8     9.8
New Zealand ...............    6.1     6.1     6.0     5.9     6.0     6.0     5.9     5.9
Singapore .................   14.1    14.4    14.0    15.0    17.6    20.9    20.6    21.0
Sri Lanka .................    9.2     9.3     9.3     9.4     9.4     9.3    14.4    14.4
Taiwan ....................    6.5     6.6     6.6     6.5     6.5     6.5     6.5     6.5

Austria ...................   21.7    21.9    22.1    22.6    23.0    23.4    23.9    24.4
Belgium ...................   22.8    22.4    22.6    22.6    22.9    23.2    22.3    20.3
Denmark ...................    3.7     4.0     4.2     4.4     4.2     4.4     4.4     4.5
Finland ...................   20.7    21.4    22.6    22.3    22.1    21.7    21.5    21.4

France ....................   25.7    26.5    26.6    27.0    27.3    27.3    27.5    28.3
Germany 2 .................   19.4    20.5    20.2    20.5    20.9    21.0    21.0    21.3
Greece ....................   17.3    16.4    16.4    17.0    16.8    16.6    16.7    17.1
Ireland ...................   10.9    11.2    11.6    11.5    10.6    12.1    13.3    14.3

Italy .....................   32.8    33.4    31.7    31.2    31.1    29.4    28.5    29.3
Luxembourg ................   14.3    14.9    15.0    14.7    14.7    15.0    15.1    15.2
Netherlands ...............   23.1    23.5    23.6    23.8    24.1    24.1    23.9    23.4
Norway ....................   17.6    17.9    17.9    18.1    19.6    19.6    19.7    20.1

Portugal ..................   19.2    19.2    20.5    20.6    21.1    21.8    21.8    22.5
Spain .....................   30.3    30.4    27.6    26.6    25.6    25.8    26.0    25.6
Sweden ....................   22.3    24.7    26.9    26.5    26.8    27.4    27.8    27.9
Switzerland ...............   15.2    15.4    15.6    15.6    15.8    15.7    15.7    15.6
United Kingdom ............   11.6    12.7    14.6    15.5    16.7    18.0    17.9    17.2

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..   13.8    14.2    14.8    15.5    15.9    15.9    15.6    15.6
OECD 4 ....................   13.9    14.2    14.9    15.7    16.0    16.0    15.7    15.8
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....   14.1    14.4    15.1    15.9    16.2    16.2    15.9    15.9
Europe ....................   20.8    21.6    21.7    21.8    22.2    22.2    22.1    22.1
European Union ............   21.2    22.0    22.1    22.2    22.5    22.6    22.5    22.5
Asian NIEs ................    9.1     8.2     8.5     8.6     9.3     9.9    10.4    10.6

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 13.   Social insurance expenditures and other labor taxes as a percent of hourly 
costs for production workers in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............   20.2    20.0    19.9    19.7    19.9    20.1    20.3    20.8

Canada ....................   12.1    12.3    12.4    12.7    12.8    12.9    12.9    13.4
Mexico ....................   11.8    11.0    10.8    10.6    10.4    10.0    10.5    10.9

Australia .................   14.0    14.0    14.6    15.3    15.3    15.3    15.3    15.9
Hong Kong SAR 1............    3.3     3.2     3.2     3.2     3.3     3.3     3.2     3.2
Israel ....................   17.5    17.5    17.5    17.5    17.5    17.5    17.4    17.5
Japan .....................   12.2    12.3    12.6    12.7    12.9    13.1    13.3    13.5

Korea .....................    9.8     9.8     9.7     9.8    10.1     9.5    11.1    12.3
New Zealand ...............    6.0     6.0     6.0     5.9     6.0     5.9     5.9     6.0
Singapore .................   21.7    22.8    22.1    13.5     9.4    10.4    12.2    14.0
Sri Lanka .................   14.4    14.3    14.4    14.4    14.3    14.3    14.3    14.4
Taiwan ....................    6.5     6.5     6.5     7.4     7.4     7.4     7.4     7.4

Austria ...................   24.9    25.7    26.2    26.1    26.4    26.5    26.4    26.3
Belgium ...................   21.2    22.5    24.6    26.6    26.9    26.8    27.2    27.3
Denmark ...................    6.0     5.9     5.6     4.5     5.9     2.0     2.0     2.6
Finland ...................   20.4    20.7    21.0    21.2    22.0    23.3    23.6    24.3

France ....................   29.4    29.5    29.1    29.1    29.0    29.4    29.8    29.8
Germany 2 .................   21.7    22.0    22.1    22.2    22.4    22.5    22.6    23.0
Greece ....................   18.2    18.0    18.1    18.6    19.3    18.7    18.0    18.5
Ireland ...................   14.3    15.1    15.5    15.8    15.5    15.7    15.5    15.1

Italy .....................   29.6    29.1    29.5    30.0    30.2    30.4    32.0    32.1
Luxembourg ................   14.9    14.8    15.2    15.5    15.5    15.9    15.7    15.3
Netherlands ...............   23.5    23.2    23.4    23.8    23.7    23.8    23.0    22.5
Norway ....................   19.3    19.1    19.4    19.5    19.5    19.9    19.3    19.1

Portugal ..................   23.4    24.1    24.5    24.4    24.3    24.5    24.1    24.1
Spain .....................   25.4    25.0    24.6    24.6    24.6    24.7    24.8    25.0
Sweden ....................   29.5    29.5    29.7    29.8    30.2    30.2    30.5    30.0
Switzerland ...............   15.6    15.9    16.1    16.2    16.4    16.2    16.1    16.1
United Kingdom ............   16.7    15.9    15.1    15.6    15.0    14.6    14.6    15.1

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..   15.8    15.7    15.9    16.6    16.9    16.8    16.7    17.3
OECD 4 ....................   15.9    15.8    16.1    16.8    17.1    17.0    17.0    17.6
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....   16.0    16.0    16.2    16.9    17.3    17.2    17.2    17.8
Europe ....................   22.4    22.5    22.6    23.1    23.1    23.0    23.3    23.4
European Union ............   22.9    23.0    23.0    23.5    23.6    23.5    23.7    23.9
Asian NIEs ................   11.3    11.6    11.3     8.8     7.8     8.0     8.7     9.6

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 13.   Social insurance expenditures and other labor taxes as a percent of hourly 
costs for production workers in manufacturing,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............   21.6    22.3    22.5    22.1    21.6    21.4    21.4

Canada ....................   14.7    15.7    16.4    16.8    17.0    17.0    17.0
Mexico ....................   11.1    11.1    11.4    11.6    11.8    11.4    11.3

Australia .................   15.9    15.9    16.5    16.5    16.6    16.5    16.6
Hong Kong SAR 1............    3.3     3.2     3.2     3.2     3.3     3.2     3.2
Israel ....................   17.5    17.5    17.5    17.5    17.5    17.5    17.5
Japan .....................   13.7    14.0    14.3    14.5    14.7    14.7    14.7

Korea .....................   14.8    16.7    16.6    16.8    15.8    15.8    15.8
New Zealand ...............    6.0     6.0     6.0     6.0     6.0     6.0     5.9
Singapore .................   14.6    15.5    15.5    16.2    16.6    16.7    16.7
Sri Lanka .................   14.3    14.3    14.3    14.3    14.3    14.3       -
Taiwan ....................    7.4     7.4     8.3     8.3     9.1     9.1     9.1

Austria ...................   26.4    26.7    27.4    27.7    27.6    27.6    27.6
Belgium ...................   27.5    27.9    28.2    28.3    28.3    28.3    28.2
Denmark ...................    3.5     3.7     3.5     4.2     4.8     4.8     4.9
Finland ...................   23.5    22.8    25.6    26.0    23.9    22.9    22.9

France ....................   30.2    30.8    31.2    31.5    31.3    31.0    31.2
Germany 2 .................   23.1    23.4    23.0    24.4    25.0    25.3    26.0
Greece ....................   18.9    19.4    22.2    22.2    22.2    22.2       -
Ireland ...................   15.0    14.8    14.5    14.5    14.5    14.5    14.4

Italy .....................   31.5    30.8    30.9    30.9    30.9    31.2    31.6
Luxembourg ................   15.0    14.9    15.0    15.1    13.7    13.7       -
Netherlands ...............   22.6    22.4    23.2    22.9    23.3    22.6    22.6
Norway ....................   18.6    18.5    16.9    16.9    16.9    17.0    17.3

Portugal ..................   24.1    24.1    23.8    23.8    23.4    23.4    23.4
Spain .....................   25.2    25.4    26.2    26.2    25.7    25.8    25.6
Sweden ....................   30.9    31.3    27.3    27.5    28.4    28.5    28.3
Switzerland ...............   16.4    16.6    16.6    16.6    17.2    17.2    17.2
United Kingdom ............   16.4    15.2    14.1    12.9    12.9    12.9    12.9

Trade-weighted measures 3
All 28 foreign economies ..   17.7    18.2    18.1    18.4    18.7    18.8    18.7
OECD 4 ....................   18.1    18.6    18.4    18.7    19.1    19.2    19.1
  less Mexico, Korea 5 ....   18.2    18.7    18.6    18.9    19.2    19.4    19.3
Europe ....................   23.7    23.7    23.4    23.8    24.0    24.0    24.0
European Union ............   24.2    24.2    23.9    24.3    24.5    24.5    24.5
Asian NIEs ................   10.5    11.2    11.5    11.9    12.2    12.4    12.2

Dash means data not available.
See notes at end of tables.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 14.   Exchange rates,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997

(National currency units per U.S. dollar)

Country or area               1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    1980    1981    1982

United States .............  1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000

Canada ....................  1.017   .9861   1.063   1.140   1.171   1.169   1.199   1.234
Mexico ....................  12.50   14.46   22.60   22.78   22.82   22.97   24.52   56.40

Australia .................  .7647   .8187   .9024   .8740   .8947   .8772   .8699   .9838
Hong Kong SAR 1............  4.939   4.904   4.662   4.685   5.003   4.976   5.568   6.070
Israel ....................  .6390   .7980   1.046   1.747   2.544   5.124   11.43   24.27
Japan .....................  296.7   296.4   267.8   208.4   218.2   225.7   220.1   249.1

Korea .....................  484.0   484.0   484.0   484.0   484.0   607.4   681.0   731.1
New Zealand ...............  .8254   1.009   1.032   .9649   .9782   1.027   1.151   1.332
Singapore .................  2.371   2.471   2.439   2.274   2.175   2.141   2.113   2.140
Sri Lanka .................  7.050   8.459   9.153   15.61   15.57   16.53   19.25   20.81
Taiwan ....................  38.00   38.00   38.00   37.05   36.05   36.02   36.85   39.12

Austria ...................  17.40   17.94   16.53   14.50   13.37   12.93   15.89   17.06
Belgium ...................  36.69   38.58   35.83   31.44   29.33   29.20   37.03   45.78
Denmark ...................  5.735   6.044   6.003   5.508   5.260   5.629   7.102   8.344
Finland ...................  3.665   3.855   4.014   4.109   3.606   3.719   4.318   4.809

France ....................  4.282   4.775   4.915   4.501   4.255   4.220   5.409   6.579
Germany 2 .................  2.455   2.517   2.321   2.005   1.833   1.815   2.254   2.428
Greece ....................  32.29   36.52   36.84   36.75   37.04   42.62   55.41   66.80
Ireland ...................  .4500   .5540   .5730   .5210   .4890   .4860   .6200   .7040

Italy .....................  652.4   830.3   882.8   848.8   830.9   855.1    1131    1354
Luxembourg ................  36.78   38.61   35.84   31.49   29.32   29.24   37.13   45.69
Netherlands ...............  2.523   2.642   2.454   2.161   2.006   1.985   2.488   2.672
Norway ....................  5.214   5.456   5.322   5.241   5.064   4.936   5.728   6.457

Portugal ..................  25.45   30.16   38.12   43.89   48.93   50.05   61.44   80.10
Spain .....................  57.39   66.85   75.26   76.49   67.13   71.64   92.00   110.1
Sweden ....................  4.142   4.356   4.468   4.517   4.288   4.229   5.035   6.284
Switzerland ...............  2.581   2.499   2.397   1.777   1.663   1.675   1.960   2.033
United Kingdom ............  .4501   .5541   .5731   .5213   .4712   .4300   .4940   .5721

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 14.   Exchange rates,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

(National currency units per U.S. dollar)

Country or area               1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990

United States .............  1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000

Canada ....................  1.232   1.295   1.366   1.390   1.326   1.231   1.184   1.167
Mexico ....................  120.1   167.8   256.9   611.8    1378    2273    2461    2813

Australia .................  1.109   1.137   1.428   1.490   1.426   1.275   1.263   1.281
Hong Kong SAR 1............  7.257   7.819   7.791   7.804   7.798   7.807   7.801   7.790
Israel ....................  56.21   293.2    1.18   1.488   1.595   1.599   1.916   2.016
Japan .....................  237.6   237.4   238.5   168.4   144.6   128.2   138.1   145.0

Korea .....................  775.8   806.0   870.0   881.4   822.6   731.5   671.5   707.8
New Zealand ...............  1.497   1.729   2.010   1.906   1.686   1.525   1.685   1.677
Singapore .................  2.113   2.133   2.200   2.177   2.106   2.012   1.950   1.813
Sri Lanka .................  23.53   25.44   27.16   28.02   29.44   31.81   36.05   40.06
Taiwan ....................  40.06   39.60   39.85   37.84   31.84   28.59   26.41   26.92

Austria ...................  17.97   20.00   20.68   15.26   12.65   12.36   13.24   11.33
Belgium ...................  51.12   57.75   59.34   44.66   37.36   36.78   39.41   33.42
Denmark ...................  9.148   10.35   10.60   8.095   6.848   6.741   7.321   6.190
Finland ...................  5.564   6.001   6.197   5.072   4.404   4.193   4.296   3.830

France ....................  7.620   8.736   8.980   6.926   6.012   5.959   6.380   5.447
Germany 2 .................  2.554   2.845   2.942   2.170   1.798   1.757   1.881   1.617
Greece ....................  88.06   112.7   138.1   140.0   135.4   141.9   162.4   158.5
Ireland ...................  .8012   .9205   .9379   .7455   .6721   .6553   .7052   .6033

Italy .....................   1519    1756    1909    1491    1297    1302    1372    1198
Luxembourg ................  51.13   57.78   59.38   44.67   37.33   36.77   39.40   33.42
Netherlands ...............  2.854   3.208   3.318   2.448   2.026   1.978   2.122   1.822
Norway ....................  7.301   8.160   8.593   7.398   6.741   6.524   6.913   6.254

Portugal ..................  111.6   147.7   172.1   149.8   141.2   144.3   157.5   142.7
Spain .....................  143.5   160.8   170.0   140.0   123.5   116.5   118.4   102.0
Sweden ....................  7.672   8.271   8.603   7.127   6.347   6.137   6.456   5.923
Switzerland ...............  2.101   2.350   2.455   1.798   1.492   1.464   1.637   1.390
United Kingdom ............  .6597   .7482   .7708   .6813   .6098   .5614   .6104   .5605

Continued on the following page.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

Table 14.   Exchange rates,  29 countries or areas,  1975-1997 -- continued

(National currency units per U.S. dollar)

Country or area               1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997

United States .............  1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000

Canada ....................  1.146   1.209   1.290   1.366   1.373   1.364   1.385
Mexico ....................   3018    3095   3.116   3.375   6.419   7.601   7.918

Australia .................  1.284   1.360   1.471   1.367   1.350   1.277   1.345
Hong Kong SAR 1............  7.771   7.740   7.736   7.729   7.736   7.735   7.743
Israel ....................  2.279   2.459   2.830   3.011   3.011   3.288   3.449
Japan .....................  134.6   126.8   111.1   102.2   93.96  108.80  121.00

Korea .....................  733.4   780.6   802.7   803.5   771.3   804.5   950.8
New Zealand ...............  1.729   1.859   1.847   1.685   1.524   1.454   1.509
Singapore .................  1.728   1.629   1.616   1.527   1.417   1.410   1.486
Sri Lanka .................  41.37   43.83   48.32   49.42   51.25   55.27       -
Taiwan ....................  26.76   25.16   26.42   26.47   26.50   27.47   28.78

Austria ...................  11.69   10.99   11.64   11.41   10.08   10.59   12.21
Belgium ...................  34.20   32.15   34.58   33.43   29.47   30.97   35.81
Denmark ...................  6.404   6.037   6.486   6.356   5.600   5.800   6.609
Finland ...................  4.052   4.487   5.725   5.234   4.376   4.595   5.196

France ....................  5.647   5.294   5.667   5.546   4.986   5.116   5.839
Germany 2 .................  1.661   1.562   1.655   1.622   1.432   1.505   1.735
Greece ....................  182.3   190.6   229.3   242.6   231.7   240.7       -
Ireland ...................  .6196   .5868   .6827   .6680   .6236   .6250   .6595

Italy .....................   1241    1232    1573    1611    1629    1543    1704
Luxembourg ................  34.15   32.15   34.60   33.46   29.48   30.96       -
Netherlands ...............  1.872   1.759   1.858   1.819   1.604   1.686   1.953
Norway ....................  6.491   6.214   7.098   7.055   6.336   6.459   7.086

Portugal ..................  144.8   135.1   161.1   165.9   149.9   154.3   175.4
Spain .....................  104.0   102.4   127.5   133.9   124.6   126.7   146.5
Sweden ....................  6.052   5.826   7.796   7.716   7.141   6.708   7.645
Switzerland ...............  1.436   1.406   1.478   1.367   1.181   1.236   1.451
United Kingdom ............  .5658   .5662   .6660   .6528   .6335   .6407   .6106

For currency units, see note to table 3.
1  Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.
2  Former West Germany.
3  For description of trade-weighted measures and economic groups, see introduction.
4  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
5  Mexico joined the OECD in 1994, and Korea joined in 1996.

Source:  U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 1998.

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