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The political economy of development
This academic site promotes excellence in teaching and researching economics and development, and the advancing of describing, understanding, explaining and theorizing.
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Stéphanie Saumon teaching and academic qualifications:

1994 - 1997
Diplome d`Education Universitaire Général d`Histoire (DEUG).
Université de Bourgogne (Dijon, France):

Degree in History, with optional subjects:
- English and American civilisation and literature (course taught by
   English and American professors)
- Francophone literature, African and Canadian civilisation.


1997 - 1998
Licence d`Histoire. Université de Bourgogne (Dijon, France):

Selected for the European Erasmus exchange programme.


1998 - 1999
University of Amsterdam. Maitrise d`Histoire (Master).
Exchange student, University of Amsterdam:

- "Abandoning development in Africa" (Dr. Kwame Nimako)
- Master Degree in History: research about events in May 1968 in Paris, at the International Institute of Social History (Royal Academy of the Netherlands). Distinction: "Mention Bien".


1999 - 2000
South Bank University. London.- MSc Development Studies

Approved with distinction (top of the class).

-"Images of Development" (distinction);"International Business"; "Agrarian Policies"; "Gender and Health"; "Strategies for Industrialisation" (distinction).

- "Developing Countries in the World Economy"(distinction), "The State, Civil Society and Development" (distinction), and "Research Methods for Development Studies" (distinction).

-Dissertation: "Neo-colonialism in Francophone Africa? The role of the state in processes of foreign domination" (distinction)


2002 -       
School of Oriental and African Studies. University of London

PhD candidate:: The failure of the African state: a case for a new approach?

The aim and desired outcome of the thesis is to seek explanations for a situation, as defined by World Development Report 1997, in which "the majority of the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa now have lower capability (including state capability) than they did at independence. As a consequence, many are trapped in a vicious circle of declining state capability and, thus, declining credibility in the eyes of their citizens". There is an intense debate about the so-called failure of the African State, a debate notably bolstered by the World Bank. "Yes, Africa can claim the new century", is the main message of the World Bank. However, the task will necessitate reforms and the main target identified in the report is the African State: "in the past decade, the nexus of governance, conflict management and State building has moved from relative obscurity to being a central issue on Africa’s development policy agenda". The accepted view is that characteristics of a well-functioning State are absent in Africa, the proposed thesis aims at understanding and explaining the process of emergence, formation and evolution of the African failing states leading toward a tentative proposal for the building of a theory of state failure in Africa.

Thus, the proposed thesis is of high significance for the development field, as it will aim at participating in the debate initiated by international organisations, notably the World Bank, the African Development Bank, African economic Research Consortium, Global Coalition for Africa and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. (Stéphanie Saumon)



The State, Civil Society and Development
Research Methods for Development Studies
Developing countries in the world economy
Theories and Strategies for Development


Papers published in The Róbinson Rojas Archive::
Famine is a human phenomenon and therefore a political one
The IMF and the World Bank, tools of "Development Diplomacy"?
From state capitalism to neo-liberalism in Algeria: the case of a failing state
External domination via domestic states: the case of Francophone Africa
On research methodology applied to development studies
French neo-colonialism in Francophone Africa? The role of the state in processes of foreign domination