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OnlineWomen Bulletin 7 October 2005

Asia Pacific Online Network of Women in Politics, Governance, Decision-Making and Transformative Leadership
A project of the Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)
4227-4229 Tomas Claudio Street Baclaran, Parañaque City, Philippines       


Commission on the Status of Women

Sharon Ferguson-Quick is the new executive director of the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women. Ferguson-Quick previously was vice president and managing director of the YWCA of Oahu. She has worked on women's issues in the community for the last seven years, and has 20 years of nonprofit experience including serving as executive director of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society's Japan Auxiliary.

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80 women to contest upcoming Elections in Bahrain

Eighty woman candidates have announced they will take part in the upcoming municipal council and parliamentary elections. They will also take part in a seminar on the roles and responsibilities of female and male candidates, to be held at the Crowne Plaza. Organised by the Supreme Council for women, the seminar is part of the council’s BD250,000 political empowerment programme for women. The event is sponsored by the International Parliamentary Union and is the first activity under the programme launched last month and dedicated only to woman candidates.

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Arroyo vows no martial law but crackdown on protests to continue

Philippine President Gloria Arroyo's government described fears of martial law as "hogwash" but said a crackdown on street protests calling for her ousting will continue. Arroyo's critics "should not whip up imagined fears of martial law" and such allegations "are plain hogwash," presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye said, reacting to statements by the political opposition.

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Iranian President appoints advisor for women's affairs

President Mahmud Ahmadinejad in a decree issued appointed Nasrin Soltankhah as his advisor for women's affairs and head of the Center for Women's Participation (CWP). According to a report released by the Presidential Office Media Department, in his decree the president referred to women's crucial role in uplifting the Islamic community in the post-revolutionary era and attributed their active participation in various fields to the founder of the Islamic Revolution, the late Imam Khomeini.

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9 candidates submit nomination for Oct 4 election to reserved Women Seats in Bangladesh

A total of nine candidates submitted their nomination papers for the remaining nine reserved women seats in the parliament. The women seats have been remaining vacant since the main opposition, Awami League (AL), refused to accept those nine allotted for them as per the proportion of their number of seats in the parliament.

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Women Promotion Minister Praises WIDF´s Meeting in Angola

The Angolan Family and Women Promotion minister, Cândida Celeste, praised the holding in the country of the Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF)'s meeting, being this the first one taking place in Africa. This was said at the opening session of the WIDF gathering, which is being held under the motto "WIDF- 60 years, its historical retrieval, conquests and perspectives".

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Women’s minister wants men purged from national anthem

IN A move that spells trouble for half of Europe’s national anthems, Austria’s Minister for Women’s Affairs has demanded wholesale changes to her country’s paean to purge it of sexist references. Mentions of the "fatherland", "great sons" and "brotherly choruses" should be replaced by gender-neutral terms such as "homeland" and "joyful chorus", said Maria Rauch-Kallat, whose quest stands a fair chance of success.

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Iraqi women say freedoms are slipping away

Women's rights activists in Iraq blame imported extremist doctrines for restricting their freedom. Women's rights activists in Iraq say rising extremism is restricting their freedom, even as the country prepares to vote on a constitution that is touted as one of the Arab world's most progressive regarding women. "Women cannot walk freely out in the street," said activist Ban Jamil, who directs the Rasafa Branch of Assyrian Women Union, a local non-governmental organisation in Baghdad.

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Bush focuses on women and minorities

Now that John Roberts has sailed through his confirmation hearings, the White House, Congress and ideological activists are shifting focus to a second opening on the Supreme Court -- and how President Bush should fill it. For a number of reasons, several conservatives say they believe the president is adjusting his short list of nominees from one dominated by conservative, white men to one dominated by conservative women and minorities, with a particular emphasis on blacks and federal judges who had been based in New Orleans until Hurricane Katrina.

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Pakistan women speak: Your views

After a series of rape controversies in Pakistan, the BBC News website spoke to women across the country to find out how this contentious issue was viewed. The following is a selection of readers responses to their perspectives. The understanding these women show sends a message of hope and confidence - that the women of Pakistan can sort this mess out for themselves.

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Women from Arab Countries Learn How to Run for Office

Women politicians from 15 Arab countries are in Kuwait learning how to campaign for elected office. A special campaign school, focusing on the skills needed to succeed in politics in a region where women's political voices are often muffled.  More than 50 women from all over the Middle East and North Africa split up into small groups to discuss different challenges they will face in running for office. For many of them, it will be a totally new experience, and they may face severe obstacles in their quest to get elected.

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Nigerian President Wants More Women in Elective Offices

President Olusegun Obasanjo has said there was a need to advocate for more women in elective offices. The president made this statement when he received the caucus of female parliamentarians of the National Assembly. He said though some progress had been made in this regard, advocacy, persuasion and understanding were still needed to ensure increase in the quantity and quality of women in elective offices.

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Gender Ministry in Monrovia wants Huge Women Turnout On Elections Day

The Ministry of Gender and Development in Collaboration with several Women Organizations and its partners within the United Nations System is today launching a major awareness campaign to ensure a huge turnout for women voters during the polling on October 11, 2005. According to a release, the campaign code name "Wake Up Early To Vote" is the second and final phase of an earlier scheme carried out from May 4 through the 21st during the voter registration exercise in the country.

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Women Key to Revitalization of Burundi, New President Says

Burundi's newly elected president, Pierre Nkurunziza, believes that including women at all levels of government will help contribute to a lasting peace in his country, ending decades of ethnic conflict in the tiny, land-locked African nation. Nkurunziza was elected president August 19 as part of a United Nations/South African-backed peace process that observers hope finally will bring an end to the long-running cycle of violence in the Great Lakes nation that has killed 300,000 people.

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World Women Call On Governments for Aid

The chairwoman of the Women's International Democratic Federation "WIDF", the Brazilian Márcia Campos, appealed on Monday, here, to the governments of all countries to seriously support the female associations in the execution of their projects, especially in the fight against HIV/AIDS and illiteracy, so that they can better contribute to the development of the nations. The official, who was speaking at the WIDF's meeting, said that many times the female associations do not carry out certain activities due to the lack of support, mainly financial one to achieve certain objectives.

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Saudi Women depart from the Script

Facing a restless college audience of nearly 500 Saudi women - teachers, students and professionals, but all covered in black from head to foot - Karen Hughes tentatively broached the topic of equal rights, expressing hope that one day "women will be able to fully participate in society." But the response to the Bush administration's top "public diplomacy" envoy on her first trip to the Middle East seemed to take her aback, as several listeners complained vehemently that just because they were not allowed to vote or drive did not mean they were unfairly treated or imprisoned in their homes.

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Women urged to resist Injustices

Speakers at a two-day conference of the All Pakistan Women’s Association stressed that the nation cannot make real progress without women empowerment and bring them into the main stream of decision making process. They said that unless women were given equal rights and opportunities the country could not prosper. They were speaking at the inauguration of a two-day conference of Apwa entitled ‘Women’s role in shaping tomorrow’, which marks the end of the year-long centenary celebrations of the Apwa founder, Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan.

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Women Business Owners to host conference

The International Alliance for Women will hold its annual Global Forum Oct. 19-21 at the Omni Hotel. The conference, open to nonmembers also, is being hosted by its local member network, Women Business Owners of North Florida. The 25-year-old alliance is a 50,000-plus-member umbrella organization of professional women and their networks around the world and is celebrating its 25th year at this conference. The conference is intended to help people learn more about how women are making a difference in business, government and philanthropy worldwide.

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India’s Young MP unveils plans for Women

For Rahul Gandhi, women’s empowerment holds the key to development. The young MP plans to start a self-help group movement among the women of his constituency in the next couple of years. According to the blueprint, he intends to increase the number as well as the intensity of SHGs in Amethi to push economic growth.

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Women hailed for skills workshop success

British Ambassador Robin Lamb hosted a tea party at his residence in Manama yesterday to congratulate 35 Bahraini women who had completed training workshops held at the Gulf Hotel over the last three weeks. The women had completed three UK-sponsored Training of Trainers workshops, which were a joint effort by the Supreme Council for Women and the British Embassy. The training was conducted by well-known international training and development consultant Kamel Nabulsi.

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Theme: "Making Governance Gender Responsive (MGGR)"

Inclusive Dates: October 23-29, 2005

Place: Manila, Philippines

Organizers: Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP), Institute for Gender, Governance and Leadership

Description: The "Making Governance Gender Responsive (MGGR)" training is a generic course that can be adapted and modified to suit the needs of the different countries in Asia-Pacific. The course starts with the conceptual definition of gender and governance and has inputs on the key aspects of governance as well as the attributes of gender-responsive governance. The course also introduces the tools for identifying and analyzing the gender-biases in governance.

At the end of the training, the participants are expected to:

? Enhance their understanding of Gender and Development (GAD) and governance concepts.

? Gain appreciation of gender-related and governance issues and concern

? Identifying gender biases in governance

? Acquire skills in identifying and analyzing gender biases and concerns through case examples of strategies and practices to address gender biases

? Identifying gender biases in the participant’s sphere of influence- A Change Management Approach

? Formulate Action Plans: Institutional and Individual

Training Costs: 

  Twin Sharing Accommodation: US$ 850

  Triple Sharing Accommodation: US$ 700

For more information and to register online please visit:



Theme:  "Participatory Learning & Action for Community Development (PLA-CD) for Agricultural Systems Development (ASD)"

Inclusive Dates:  Oct 17-28 2005

Place:  Laguna, Philippines

Description: This training course focuses on participatory learning concepts and methods, as a basis to serve the agricultural systems, community development, and community action needs of developing communities.  The course is designed for development workers at the regional, provincial and municipal levels

For more information, please send email to: and or visit the training’s website at


Theme: World Rural Women’s Day

Inclusive Dates: October 15, 2005

Description: Launched by several international non-government organizations (NGOs) during the 4th United Nations (UN) World Conference on Women in Beijing 1995, this worldwide empowerment and educational campaign is annually organized by the Women’s World Summit Foundation (WWSF).

For more information, please visit:


Position: Monitoring & Evaluation Expert

Organization: GTZ International Services

Location: Kabul, Afghanistan

Description: The M&E Manager is responsible for:

  • designing the overall conceptual framework for M&E and specific instruments in accordance with World Bank guidelines on M&E and Community Driven Development programs;
  • organizing and supervising M&E activities and managing M&E personnel;
  • coordinating M&E activities with heads of the OC Operational Departments, Regional Managers, MRRD, and FPs; and
  • building capacity for M&E within OC, FPs, and MRRD.

Contact Information: Please send a detailed CV to


Position: Child Protection Program Manager – Sri Lanka

Organization: Christian Children’s Fund, Inc.

Location: Sri Lanka

Contact Information:

Position: Assistant Country Director for Policy and Development Services

Organization: United Nations Development Programme

Location: Kabul, Afghanistan

Contact Information:

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Asia Pacific Online Network of Women in Politics, Governance, Decision-Making and Transformative Leadership
A project of the Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)
4227-4229 Tomas Claudio Street Baclaran, Parañaque City, Philippines


"Making Governance Gender Responsive (MGGR)"

October 23 – 29 2005

For more information please visit our site at


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Sylvia Muñoz-Ordoñez
Executive Director
Center for Asia-Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)
4227-4229 Tomas Claudio Street
Baclaran, Paranaque City 1700 Philippines
Tel: (632) 851-6934
Fax: (632) 852-2112