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World indicators on the environmentWorld Energy Statistics - Time SeriesEconomic inequality

                        by Róbinson Rojas Sandford

The economic information in this set of tables makes possible to
understand the real dimension of structural changes brought about
by the economic policies adopted in the 1950s and 1960s.

TABLE 1.- Share of the productive sectors (percentages)
              Agriculture    Industry1     Services 
                             and basic
               1960 1969     1960 1969     1960 1969
Argentina      17.4 15.2     46.4 51.2     36.2 33.6
Brazil         22.1 19.9     33.9 36.3     44.0 43.8
Mexico         16.6 12.8     32.6 36.2     50.8 51.0
Colombia       34.1 30.3     32.3 34.2     33.6 35.5
Venezuela       7.2  7.8     47.3 46.3     45.5 45.9
Peru           24.1 18.2     35.4 38.9     40.5 42.9
Chile          12.1 10.1     46.1 51.5     41.8 38.4
Uruguay        19.3 20.9     35.3 34.5     45.4 44.6
Costa Rica     27.0 22.4     27.2 30.8     45.8 46.8
El Salvador    32.4 26.0     23.7 28.8     43.9 45.2
Guatemala      30.3 27.3     17.7 20.9     52.0 51.8
Honduras       44.1 38.5     22.5 31.0     33.4 30.5
Nicaragua      37.2 27.9     24.6 27.1     38.2 45.0
Panama         24.9 21.0     26.2 33.5     48.9 45.5
Haiti          48.5 45.9     18.5 20.8     33.0 33.3
Dominican Rep. 30.7 24.8     24.7 28.7     44.6 46.5
Ecuador        36.8 31.7     27.4 29.0     35.8 39.3
Paraguay       38.8 34.2     24.7 28.4     36.5 37.4
Bolivia        30.6 23.1     36.4 46.1     33.0 30.8
Latin America  20.2 17.3     36.9 39.6     42.9 43.1
TABLE 1a.- Structure of the employed population (percentages)
              Agriculture    Industry1     Services 
                             and basic
               1960 1969     1960 1969     1960 1969
Argentina      19.1 15.6     38.0 36.9     42.9 47.5 
Brazil         52.2 46.6     23.0 23.3     24.8 30.1
Mexico         54.3 47.2     21.5 23.3     24.2 29.5
Colombia       48.2 42.3     24.5 23.0     27.3 34.7
Venezuela      34.2 26.6     23.8 27.2     42.0 46.2
Peru           52.2 46.2     24.8 25.8     23.0 28.0
Chile          26.9 22.5     33.0 31.6     40.1 45.9
Uruguay        19.9 16.6     33.9 31.7     46.2 51.7 
Costa Rica     52.5 49.3     20.5 19.6     27.0 31.1
El Salvador    58.3 56.1     18.4 19.1     23.3 24.8
Guatemala      68.0 64.7     15.3 15.5     16.7 19.8
Honduras       71.4 66.9     11.7 12.3     16.9 20.8
Nicaragua      61.8 56.0     18.2 17.4     20.0 26.6
Panama         47.0 43.9     14.7 17.0     38.3 39.1
Haiti          81.2  ...      6.7  ...     12.1  ...
Dominican Rep. 64.8 59.8     14.3 14.2     20.9 26.0
Ecuador        55.8 52.5     21.9 20.4     22.3 27.1
Paraguay       56.1 51.1     19.0 20.1     24.9 28.8
Bolivia        59.7 55.0     20.1 21.1     20.2 23.9
Latin America    ..   ..       ..   ..       ..   ..
Source: ECLAC, on the basis of official statistics
1 mining, manufacturing and construction
2 electricity, gas, water,; sanitation and transport and communications.


TABLE 2.- PRODUCT PER PERSON EMPLOYED (dollars at 1960 prices)

                    1960    1969
Argentina          2,185   2,621
Brazil               949   1,203
Mexico             1,566   2,108
Colombia           1,003   1,182
Venezuela          2,316   2,541
Peru               1,009   1,223
Chile              1,656   1,960
Uruguay            1,932   1,832
Costa Rica         1,380   1,795
El Salvador          859   1,088
Guatemala            862   1,036
Honduras             603     741
Nicaragua            858   1,147
Panama             1,354   2,159
Haiti                233     216
Dominican Rep.       826     838
Ecuador              823     949
Paraguay             723     838
Bolivia              445     579
Latin America      1,259   1,549
source: ECLAC, on the basis of official statistics

TABLE 3.- Sectoral productivity (average for the economy = 100) 
                  Agriculture        Industry         Services 
                                     and basic
               1950  1960  1970  1950  1960  1970  1950  1960  1970

Argentina      78.0  91.1  97.4 118.4 122.1 138.8 102.6  84.4  70.7  
Brazil         45.4  42.3  42.7 126.9 147.4 155.8 267.8 177.4 145.5
Mexico         31.3  30.6  27.1 173.6 151.6 155.4 282.3 209.9 172.9
Colombia       68.8  70.7  71.6 124.0 131.8 148.7 178.8 123.1 102.3
Venezuela      19.6  21.1  29.3 217.0 198.7 170.2 189.0 108.3  99.4
Peru           42.9  46.2  39.4 122.2 142.7 150.8 259.9 176.1 153.2
Chile           ...  45.0  44.9   ... 139.7 163.0   ... 104.2  83.7
Uruguay        96.9  97.0 125.9  91.6 104.1 108.8 125.8  98.3  86.3
Costa Rica     61.9  51.4  45.4 125.8 132.7 157.1 192.0 169.6 150.5
El Salvador    57.7  55.6  46.3 132.4 128.8 150.8 241.2 188.4 182.3
Guatemala      47.3  44.6  42.2 111.7 115.7 134.8 349.9 311.4 261.6
Honduras       66.1  61.8  57.5 175.1 192.3 252.0 327.1 197.6 146.6
Nicaragua      60.9  60.2  49.8  97.4 135.2 155.7 306.8 191.0 169.2
Panama         59.9  53.0  47.8 155.7 178.2 197.1 235.1 127.7 116.4
Haiti           ...  59.7   ...   ... 276.1   ...   ... 272.7   ...
Dominican Rep. 46.1  47.4  41.5 163.8 172.7 202.1 306.1 213.4 178.8
Ecuador        72.7  65.9  60.4 109.9 125.1 142.2 203.4 160.5 145.0
Paraguay       68.6  69.2  66.9 119.7 130.0 141.3 190.8 146.6 129.9
Bolivia        51.6  51.3  42.0 201.0 181.1 218.5 186.7 163.4 128.9
Latin America   ...  42.8  41.0   ... 149.4 159.7   ... 174.4 157.3
source: ECLAC, on the basis of official statistics
        For Chile, the data was supplied by ODEPLAN

TABLE 4.- Composition of the manufacturing sector (percentages)

                 Traditional    Intermediate         Metal
                 1955  1968      1955  1968        1955  1968
Argentina        52.2  39.8      21.8  24.0        26.0  36.2
Brazil           52.2  41.9      26.1  30.9        21.7  27.2
Mexico           52.9  41.2      21.6  27.5        25.5  31.3
Colombia         69.3  63.2      24.0  25.0         6.7  11.8 
Venezuela        52.6  48.0      34.4  32.7        13.0  19.3
Peru             66.7  57.3      16.4  18.6        16.9  24.1
Chile            57.1* 47.5      27.7* 29.2        15.2* 23.3
Uruguay          62.3  61.3      20.4  26.6        17.3  12.1
Costa Rica
El Salvador            86.6             9.9               3.5
Guatemala        94.2  91.9       5.8   8.1
Panama           78.4  73.7      16.2  18.2         5.4   8.1
Dominican Rep.   94.6  85.7       5.4  12.5               1.8
Ecuador          75.8  65.5      22.5  28.0         1.7   6.5
Paraguay               70.3            19.8               9.9
Bolivia          82.5x 71.4      14.0x 23.2         3.5x  5.4
Latin America
source: ECLAC, on the basis of official statistics
* data for 1960    x data for 1958

TABLE 5.- Investment coefficients in relation to the gross product

                       1955     1960     1969
Argentina              17.8     22.7     20.9
Brazil                 17.4     18.4     19.6
Mexico                 19.2     20.1     20.7
Colombia               25.8     20.5     18.6
Venezuela              29.3     17.6     20.3
Peru                   24.3     21.6     18.4
Chile                  16.6     17.4     17.1
Uruguay                19.6     17.6     15.6
Costa Rica             19.4     19.2     20.3
El Salvador             9.7     15.5     14.1
Guatemala              12.3     10.3     12.5
Honduras               16.5     13.9     20.7
Nicaragua              19.4     15.3     18.8
Panama                 14.9     16.3     23.7
Haiti                   8.0      5.8      5.0
Dominican Rep.         21.7     13.1     18.8
Ecuador                16.9     15.2     14.7
Paraguay               11.6     16.9     23.7
Bolivia                17.9     15.1     19.1
Latin America          19.3     19.4     19.6
source: ECLAC

TABLE 6.- Composition of savings (percentage)

                   Average 1960-62        Average 1967-69
                 Internal  External      Internal  External
Argentina          91.0       9.0          99.9       0.1 
Brazil             90.3       9.7          94.5       5.5
Mexico             93.2       6.8          91.8       8.2
Colombia           88.4      11.6          87.9      12.1
Venezuela         141.7     -41.7          89.5      10.5
Peru               98.6       1.4          93.3       6.7
Chile              70.8      29.2          91.0       9.0
Uruguay            83.5      16.5         101.4      -1.4
Costa Rica         83.8      16.2          75.8      24.2
El Salvador        89.7      10.3          84.4      15.6
Guatemala          78.5      21.5          77.2      22.8
Honduras           99.5       0.5          73.4      26.6
Nicaragua          83.0      17.0          58.8      41.2
Panama             65.6      34.4          89.8      10.2
Haiti              49.4      50.6          90.5       9.5
Dominican Rep.    121.0     -21.0          56.6      43.4
Ecuador            90.3       9.7          74.5      25.5
Paraguay           86.4      13.6          82.7      17.3
Bolivia            61.4      38.6          70.0      30.0
Latin America      92.9       7.1          92.5       7.5
source: ECLAC

TABLE 7.- Composition of fixed investment, by types of goods
                         1960                       1969
                ------------------------   -----------------------
                Construction  Machinery    Construction  Machinery
                                and                          and
                              equipment                  equipment
Argentina           41.9        58.1           44.2          55.8
Brazil              27.0        73.0           19.4          80.6
Mexico              55.8        44.2           53.8          46.2
Colombia            55.7        44.3           69.6          30.4
Venezuela           67.0        33.0           67.0          33.0
Peru                44.5        55.5           42.5          57.5
Chile               58.8        41.2           49.4          50.6
Uruguay             67.0        33.0           43.7          56.3
Costa Rica          55.0        45.0           52.1          47.9
El Salvador         59.9        40.1           63.7          36.3
Guatemala           48.5        51.5           34.6          65.4
Honduras            63.0        37.0           68.9          31.1
Nicaragua           67.3        32.7           36.3          63.7
Panama              63.3        36.7           40.6          59.4
Haiti               53.7        46.3           63.6          36.4
Dominican Rep.      58.5        41.5           65.9          34.1
Ecuador             57.2        42.8           69.7          30.3
Paraguay            35.4        64.6           32.6          67.4
Bolivia             47.7        52.3           53.7          46.3
Latin America       45.7        54.3           43.8          56.2
source: ECLAC

TABLE 8.- Composition of fixed investment, by type of investor
                       1960                   1969
               ------------------      ------------------
                Public    Private      Public    Private
                sector    sector       sector    sector

Argentina       23.8(h)     76.2         37.1      62.9
Brazil          40.0        60.0         38.8      62.2
Mexico          43.4        56.6         40.8      59.2
Colombia        14.7        85.3         28.6      71.4
Venezuela       45.7        54.3         36.8      63.2
Peru            13.0        87.0         34.6      65.4
Chile           46.4        53.6         58.6      41.4
Uruguay         15.7        84.3         17.2      82.8
Costa Rica      18.8        81.2         17.7      82.3
El Salvador     19.9        80.1         23.1      76.9
Guatemala       26.0        74.0         22.2      77.8
Honduras        21.1        78.9         27.8      72.2
Nicaragua       22.7        77.3         19.5      80.5
Panama          19.5        80.5         27.5      72.5
Haiti           29.9        70.1         22.7      77.3
Dominican Rep.  48.4        51.6         33.5      66.5
Ecuador         48.0        52.0         40.5      59.5
Paraguay        19.6        80.4         34.9      65.1
Bolivia         43.2        56.8         59.0      41.0
Latin America
source: ECLAC
y general government

TABLE 9.- Export and import coefficients in relation to the gross
                  domestic product (percentages)

               Exports coefficients        Import coefficients
                Average    Average          Average    Average
               1960-1962  1967-1969        1960-1962  1967-1969
Argentina         10.8       11.7             12.7       10.0
Brazil             5.6        6.1              6.2        5.7
Mexico            10.7        9.3             11.4        9.8
Colombia          14.9       14.4             15.3       13.1
Venezuela         31.7       28.1             17.8       14.7
Peru              24.5       21.0             23.0       28.6
Chile             13.5       13.6             17.0       16.2
Uruguay           15.9       19.2             19.8       16.4
Costa Rica        21.6       25.9             25.8       30.1
El Salvador       22.3       25.9             22.6       26.1
Guatemala         12.7       18.7             13.6       17.5
Honduras          18.2       24.7             20.2       32.6
Nicaragua         20.6       24.9             23.1       31.9
Panama            31.9       38.5             36.5       39.0
Haiti             16.2       12.4             18.9       14.1
Dominican Rep.    22.2       16.4             19.3       31.1
Ecuador           18.0       18.3             17.4       20.6
Paraguay          14.7       14.6             16.9       19.8
Bolivia           16.5       18.7             25.3       32.5
Latin America     11.0       10.7             10.5        9.8
source: ECLAC

TABLE 10.- Relative importance of general government: structure of its
            income and current expenditure and share in public investment
                          Ratio                              Percentage
                          total                                ratio
                        expenditure                          general
                        -----------     Current expenditure  government/ 
                         domestic       -------------------   public
                          product        Consumption Other   investment

Argentina(g)  1959-1960     20.3              75.0    25.0      33.8
              1968-1969     27.0              72.3    37.7      69.3(i)
Brazil        1959-1960     25.0              70.8    29.2      70.3
              1967-1968     27.1              56.5    43.5      32.5
Mexico(j)     1960-1961     14.4              58.7    41.3      83.5(k)
              1967-1968     16.6              53.1    46.9      62.5(k)
Colombia      1959-1960     10.4              82.5    17.5     158.5(k)
              1967-1968     14.7              71.5    28.5      97.3
Venezuela     1960-1961     23.4              90.3     9.7      79.6
              1967-1968     22.4              89.4    10.6      85.1
Peru          1960-1961     18.9              68.8    31.2      45.9
              1966-1967     20.4              60.2    39.8      16.5
Chile         1960-1961     31.2              48.0    52.0      38.5
              1967-1968     36.1              48.6    51.4      54.6
Uruguay       1959-1960     25.1              38.9    61.1      47.1
              1966-1967     27.9              54.5    45.5      57.1
Costa Rica    1959-1960     16.7              84.3    15.7      82.4
              1967-1968     19.3              83.9    16.1      34.6
El Salvador   1959-1960     15.3              78.1    21.9      81.5
              1967-1968     14.4              72.2    27.8      82.1
Guatemala     1959-1960     11.7              87.5    12.5      68.2
              1966-1967     12.1              82.8    17.2      50.7
Honduras      1959-1960     11.9              98.4     1.6      11.6
              1966-1967     15.1              87.1    12.9      37.5
Nicaragua     1960-1961     13.7              91.5     8.5      61.7
              1968-1969     16.0              88.7    11.3      58.8
Panama        1960-1961     17.0              83.1    16.9      98.8
              1967-1968     19.8              79.5    20.5      75.9
Dominican Rep.1959-1960     21.8              83.7    16.3      46.6
  (l)         1967-1968     20.0              76.0    24.0      61.9
Ecuador       1959-1960     22.3              76.3    23.7      77.4
              1966-1967     22.9              74.0    26.0     123.8
Paraguay      1962-1963     10.3              86.0    13.9      86.5
              1968-1969     17.1              80.6    19.4      31.5
Bolivia       1959-1960     20.3              61.5    38.5      -1.5
              1968-1969     22.5              75.9    24.1       7.1
Latin America
* The share of total government expenditure should be greater, since
  the current expenditure of a series of decentralized bodies and local
  authorities was not included for lack of information. The structure
  of income and current expenditure refers only to the Federal
  Government and Federal District

                                      Current income
                          -----------------------------     Non-tax
                           Indirect   Direct    Total     
                             taxes     taxes
Argentina     1959-1960      69.3      30.7      82.5        17.5  
              1968-1969      73.7      26.3      78.2        21.8
Brazil        1959-1960      71.4      28.6      88.8        11.2
              1967-1968      74.6      25.4      89.3        10.7
Mexico(j)     1960-1961
Colombia      1959-1960
Venezuela     1960-1961
Peru          1960-1961
Chile         1960-1961
Uruguay       1959-1960
Costa Rica    1959-1960
El Salvador   1959-1960
Guatemala     1959-1960
Honduras      1959-1960
Nicaragua     1960-1961
Panama        1960-1961
Dominican Rep.1959-1960
    (l)       1967-1968
Ecuador       1959-1960
Paraguay      1962-1963
Bolivia       1959-1960
Latin America
source: ECLAC
(g) the structure of current expenditure plus public investment
(h) general government
(i) includes a projection of total public saving and public investment
    for 1970
(j) the share of total government expenditure should be greater, since
    the current expenditure of a series of decentralized bodies and
    local authorities was not included for lack of information. The
    structure of income and current expenditure refers only to the
    Federal Government and Federal District
(k) the data used refer to total saving in the public sector
(l) the composition of expenditure refers to the Central Government


TABLE 1: Latin America, average productivity by active persons by
         sector. Late 1960s, and in US dollars of 1960
                ALL SECTORS
                 % of work      Average
                   force        prod.(US$)

TOTL                100.0         1,371
Agriculture           42.2           694
Mining                 1.0         6,484
Manufacturing         13.8         2,517
   a) manufacturing    7.7         4,168
   b) handicraft       6.1           419
Building               4.5         1,116
Basic Services         5.5         2,174
Commerce              10.1         2,731
Other Services        17.3         1,283
               MODERN SECTOR
TOTAL                 12.4         5,909

Agriculture            6.8         4,830
Mining                38.0        15,606
Manufacturing         17.5         8,938
   a) manufacturing   28.1         9,800
   b) handicraft       4.1         1,760
Building              24.8         2,322
Basic Services        25.0         4,276
Commerce              14.0         8,990
Other Services        16.2         2,713
TOTAL                 47.7         1,194

Agriculture           27.7           830
Mining                34.2         1,420
Manufacturing         64.9         1,400
   a) manufacturing   71.9         1,960
   b) handicraft      55.9           470
Building              64.9           800
Basic Services        71.6         1,530
Commerce              76.1         1,990
Other Services        70.5           940
              PRIMITIVE SECTOR
TOTAL                 34.3            203

Agriculture           65.5            205
Mining                27.8            246
Manufacturing         17.6            220
   a) manufacturing    -               -
   b) handicraft      40.0            220
Building              10.3            203
Basic Services         3.4            220
Commerce               9.9            340
Other Services        13.3            160
RATIO MODERN/PRIMITIVE (average productivity)

TOTAL                 29.0

Agriculture           24.0
Mining                63.0
Manufacturing         41.0
   a) manufacturing    -
   b) handicraft       8.0
Building              11.0
Basic Services        19.0
Commerce              26.0
Other Services        17.0

TOTAL                   12.4       47.7         34.3       100.0

Agriculture              6.8       27.7         65.5       100.0
Mining                  38.0       34.2         27.8       100.0
Manufacturing           17.5       64.9         17.6       100.0
   a) manufacturing     28.1       71.9          -         100.0
   b) handicraft         4.1       55.9         40.0       100.0
Building                24.8       64.9         10.3       100.0
Basic Services          25.0       71.6          3.4       100.0
Commerce                14.0       76.1          9.9       100.0
Other Services          16.2       70.5         13.3       100.0
Souce: Anibal Pinto, "Distribucion y Redistribucion del Ingreso en
                     America Latina", EL TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO, No. 162,
                     April-June 1974, Mexico, p. 372


TABLE 11.-

Costa Rica
El Salvador
Dominican Rep.
Latin America

TABLE 12.-

Costa Rica
El Salvador
Dominican Rep.
Latin America

TABLE 13.-

Costa Rica
El Salvador
Dominican Rep.
Latin America

TABLE 14.-

Costa Rica
El Salvador
Dominican Rep.
Latin America