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World indicators on the environmentWorld Energy Statistics - Time SeriesEconomic inequality
World Development Report 1996. Statistical Annex

Table 8. Commercial energy use
                                             Energy use (oil equivalent)                        energy imports            CO2 emissiones /a       
                               Total               Per capita     Avg. annual  GDP per kg.        as % of energy           Total        Per capita 
                           (thous. metric tons)      (kg)       growth rate(%)    ($)              consumption      (mill. metric tons) (metric tons)
                          --------------------- --------------- ------------  ----------                          -------------------
                               1980       1994     1980   1994 1980-90 1990-4 1980 1994             1980    1994    1980        1992   1980   1992
Low-income economies        652,586 t1,222,928 t   271 w   384 w 5.5 w  3.7 w  ..   1.0 w                          2,195.1 t 4,012.9 t 0.91 w 1.30 w
  Excluding China & India        ..    230,666 t    ..     174 w  ..     ..    ..   1.9 w                            355.8 t   575.5 t 0.40 w 0.45 w
 1   Rwanda                      ..        209      ..      27    ..     ..    ..   2.8               ..      78       0.3       0.5   0.05   0.06
 2   Mozambique               1,123        614      93      40  (5.8)   5.8   1.8   2.4              (15)     74       3.2       1.0   0.26   0.07
 3   Ethiopia                   624      1,156      17      21   6.4    0.9    ..   4.1               91      86       1.8       2.9   0.05   0.05
 4   Tanzania                 1,023        975      55      34  (0.7)   2.9    ..   3.5               92      83       1.9       2.1   0.10   0.08
 5   Burundi                     ..        143      ..      23    ..     ..    ..   7.0               ..      97       0.1       0.2   0.03   0.03
-----                                                          -                        ---------                                           --------
 6   Sierra Leone                ..        323      ..      73    ..     ..    ..   2.6               ..     100       0.6       0.4   0.18   0.10
 7   Malawi                      ..        370      ..      39    ..     ..    ..   3.5               ..      59       0.7       0.7   0.12   0.07
 8   Chad                        ..        100      ..      16    ..     ..    ..   9.1               ..     100       0.2       0.3   0.05   0.04
 9   Uganda                      ..        425      ..      23    ..     ..    ..   9.4               ..      58       0.6       1.0   0.05   0.05
 10  Madagascar                  ..        479      ..      37    ..     ..    ..   4.0               ..      83       1.6       0.9   0.18   0.08
-----                                                          -                        ---------                                           --------
 11  Nepal                      174        486      12      23   7.2   16.4  11.2   8.3               91      84       0.5       1.3   0.04   0.07
 12  Vietnam                  4,024      7,549      75     105   4.0    8.3    ..   2.1               32     (55)     17.0      21.5   0.32   0.31
 13  Bangladesh               2,809      7,700      32      65   9.0    5.8   4.6   3.4               60      31       7.6      17.2   0.09   0.15
 14  Haiti                       ..        326      ..      47    ..     ..    ..   5.0               ..      70       0.8       0.8   0.14   0.12
 15  Niger                       ..        327      ..      37    ..     ..    ..   4.7               ..      83       0.6       1.1   0.10   0.13
-----                                                          -                        ---------                                           --------
 16  Guinea-Bissau               ..         39      ..      37    ..     ..    ..   6.2               ..     100       0.1       0.2   0.17   0.21
 17  Kenya                    1,991      2,792     120     107   4.2    3.3   3.6   2.5               95      82       6.2       5.3   0.37   0.22
 18  Mali                        ..        205      ..      22    ..     ..    ..   9.1               ..      80       0.4       0.4   0.06   0.05
 19  Nigeria                  9,879     17,503     139     162   2.9    4.6   9.4   2.0             (968)   (484)     68.1      96.5   0.96   0.95
 20  Yemen, Rep.              1,364      3,165     160     214   7.8    1.9    ..    ..              100    (406)      3.3      10.1   0.39   0.73
-----                                                          -                        ---------                                           --------
 21  Burkina Faso                ..        160      ..      16    ..     ..    ..  11.6               ..     100       0.4       0.6   0.06   0.06
 22  Mongolia                    ..      2,550      ..   1,079    ..     ..    ..   0.3               ..      15       6.7       9.3   4.03   4.08
 23  India                   93,907    222,262     137     243   6.9    4.8   1.8   1.3               21      20     350.1     769.4   0.51   0.87
 24  Lao PDR                     ..        182      ..      38    ..     ..    ..   8.4               ..     (19)      0.2       0.3   0.06   0.06
 25  Togo                        ..        183      ..      46    ..     ..    ..   5.4               ..     100       0.6       0.7   0.23   0.19
-----                                                          -                        ---------                                           --------
 26  Gambia, The                 ..         60      ..      56    ..     ..    ..   6.0               ..     100       0.2       0.2   0.25   0.20
 27  Nicaragua                   ..      1,001      ..     241    ..     ..    ..   1.8               ..      84       2.0       2.5   0.72   0.64
 28  Zambia                   1,685      1,292     294     140  (3.0)   2.3   2.3   2.7               32      29       3.5       2.5   0.62   0.29
 29  Tajikistan                  ..      3,695      ..     642    ..     ..    ..   0.6               ..      55        ..       4.0     ..   0.71
 30  Benin                      149         97      43      18  (1.4)  (2.3)  9.4  15.7               93    (239)      0.5       0.6   0.14   0.12
-----                                                          -                        ---------                                           --------
 31  Central African Repub       ..         93      ..      29    ..     ..    ..   9.4               ..      76       0.1       0.2   0.05   0.07
 32  Albania                  3,058      1,350   1,145     422  (1.0) (12.0)  0.5   1.3                0      28       7.4       4.0   2.77   1.24
 33  Ghana                    1,303      1,511     121      91   1.6    0.5   3.4   3.6               57      64       2.4       3.8   0.23   0.24
 34  Pakistan                11,698     32,247     142     255   8.0    6.4   2.0   1.6               38      38      31.7      71.9   0.38   0.60
 35  Mauritania                  ..        229      ..     103    ..     ..    ..   4.5               ..     100       0.6       2.9   0.39   1.36
-----                                                          -                        ---------                                           --------
 36  Azerbaijan              15,001     10,545   2,433   1,414   5.2  (18.8)   ..   0.3                1     (41)       ..      63.9     ..   8.71
 37  Zimbabwe                 2,797      4,654     399     432   5.5    0.7   1.9   1.2               28      26       9.7      18.7   1.39   1.82
 38  Guinea                      ..        418      ..      65    ..     ..    ..   8.1               ..      87       0.9       1.0   0.21   0.17
 39  China                  413,130    770,000     421     647   5.6    4.0   0.5   0.7               (4)     (1)  1,489.2   2,668.0   1.52   2.29
 40  Honduras                    ..        969      ..     169    ..     ..    ..   3.4               ..      71       2.1       3.1   0.56   0.56
-----                                                          -                        ---------                                           --------
 41  Senegal                    875        840     158     102   0.8   (1.5)  3.4   4.6              100     100       2.8       2.8   0.50   0.36
 42  C“te d'Ivoire            1,435      2,350     175     170   1.6   17.9   7.1   2.9               87      82       4.7       6.3   0.57   0.49
 43  Congo                      262        379     157     147   0.6    7.3   6.5   4.2           (1,193) (2,492)      0.4       4.0   0.23   1.64
 44  Kyrgyz Republic          1,938      3,197     534     715   0.9    2.9    ..   0.9             (113)     76        ..      15.4     ..   3.42
 45  Sri Lanka                1,411      1,979      96     111   0.5    7.5   2.9   5.9               91      83       3.4       5.0   0.23   0.29
 46  Armenia                     ..      2,500      ..     667    ..     ..    ..   1.0               ..      87        ..       4.2     ..   1.14
 47  Cameroon                   774      1,077      89      83   3.5   (1.2)  9.7   6.9             (269)   (525)      3.9       2.2   0.45   0.18
 48  Egypt, Arab Rep.        15,176     34,538     371     608   7.2    3.0   1.5   1.2             (120)    (67)     45.2      84.0   1.11   1.54
 49  Lesotho                     ..         ..      ..      ..    ..     ..    ..    ..               ..      ..        ..        ..     ..     ..
 50  Georgia                  4,474      3,098     882     572  (1.7) (12.2)   ..   0.7               (5)     81        ..      13.8     ..   2.54
 51  Myanmar                     ..         ..      ..      ..    ..     ..    ..    ..               ..      ..       4.8       4.4   0.14   0.10
Middle-income economies          ..  2,501,145 t    ..   1,593 w  ..     ..    ..   1.7 w                          4,009.3 t 5,370.8 t 3.23 w 3.52 w
  Lower-middle-income            ..  1,689,117 t    ..   1,540 w  ..     ..    ..   1.1 w                               ..        ..     ..     ..
 52  Bolivia                  1,713      2,220     320     307  (0.6)   4.4   1.8   2.5             (107)    (90)      4.5       6.6   0.84   0.96
 53  Macedonia, FYR              ..         ..      ..      ..    ..     ..    ..    ..               ..      ..        ..       4.1     ..   1.99
 54  Moldova                     ..      4,185      ..     962    ..     ..    ..   0.9               ..      99        ..      14.2   0.00   3.26
 55  Indonesia               25,028     74,794     169     393   7.4    9.3   3.1   2.3             (275)   (101)     94.6     184.6   0.64   1.00
 56  Philippines             13,406     24,428     277     364   2.6    8.3   2.4   2.6               79      70      36.5      49.7   0.76   0.77
 57  Uzbekistan                  ..     42,209      ..   1,886    ..     ..    ..   0.5               ..       3        ..     123.3     ..   5.74
 58  Morocco                  4,927      8,107     254     307   3.6    4.3   3.8   3.8               87      95      16.0      27.3   0.82   1.08
 59  Kazakstan               76,799     62,368   5,153   3,710   3.6  (10.8)   ..   0.3                0     (16)       ..     298.0     ..  17.55
 60  Guatemala                1,443      1,921     209     186   0.3    9.2   5.5   6.7               84      70       4.5       5.7   0.65   0.58
 61  Papua New Guinea            ..        990      ..     236    ..     ..    ..   5.5               ..    (150)      1.8       2.3   0.60   0.56
 62  Bulgaria                28,476     23,500   3,213   2,786   0.3   (2.6)  0.7   0.4               74      63      74.9      54.4   8.45   6.37
 63  Romania                 63,846     39,782   2,876   1,750   0.3   (8.8)   ..   0.8               19      27     191.4     122.1   8.62   5.36
 64  Ecuador                  4,209      5,807     529     517   2.6   (0.0)  2.8   2.9             (156)   (223)     13.4      18.9   1.69   1.76
 65  Dominican Republic          ..      2,591      ..     340    ..     ..    ..   4.0               ..      89       6.4      10.2   1.12   1.40
 66  Lithuania               11,353      8,164   3,326   2,194   3.0  (19.6)   ..   0.6               (2)     80        ..      22.0     ..   5.88
 67  El Salvador                 ..      1,236      ..     219    ..     ..    ..   6.6               ..      58       2.1       3.6   0.47   0.66
 68  Jordan                   1,710      4,024     784     997   5.8    5.0    ..   1.5              100      97       4.7      11.3   2.17   3.03
 69  Jamaica                  2,169      2,776   1,017   1,112  (0.3)   2.3   1.2   1.5               99     100       8.4       8.0   3.96   3.29
 70  Paraguay                   550      1,251     175     261   6.8    9.6   8.3   6.3               88    (141)      1.5       2.6   0.47   0.58
 71  Algeria                 12,078     28,244     647   1,030   6.2    4.7   3.5   1.5             (452)   (273)     66.2      79.2   3.55   3.02
 72  Colombia                13,972     22,271     501     613   3.7    1.3   2.4   3.0                7    (103)     39.3      61.5   1.41   1.76
Note:  For data comparability and coverage, see the technical notes.  Figures in italics are for years other than those specified.
 73  Tunisia                  3,083      5,204     483     590   4.0    3.4   2.8   3.0              (99)     (7)      9.5      13.6   1.48   1.60
 74  Ukraine                108,290    170,910   2,164   3,292   6.9   (9.8)   ..   0.5               (1)     43        ..     611.3     ..  11.72
 75  Namibia                     ..         ..      ..      ..    ..     ..    ..    ..               ..      ..        ..        ..     ..     ..
 76  Peru                     8,139      8,159     471     351  (0.5)   3.1   2.5   6.1              (36)      1      23.5      22.3   1.36   1.00
 77  Belarus                     ..     27,881      ..   2,692    ..     ..    ..   0.7               ..      89        ..     102.0     ..   9.89
 78  Slovak Republic             ..         ..      ..      ..    ..     ..    ..    ..               ..      ..        ..      37.0     ..   6.97
 79  Latvia                      ..      4,469      ..   1,755    ..     ..    ..   1.3               ..      88        ..      14.8     ..   5.62
 80  Costa Rica                  ..      1,843      ..     558    ..     ..    ..   4.5               ..      41       2.5       3.8   1.08   1.20
 81  Poland                 124,500     98,800   3,499   2,563  (0.4)   0.2   0.5   0.9                3       5     459.6     341.9  12.92   8.91
 82  Thailand                12,093     44,655     259     770   9.5   10.0   2.7   3.2               96      59      40.0     112.5   0.86   1.98
 83  Turkey                  31,314     58,100     705     955   5.8    2.7   1.8   2.3               45      56      76.0     145.5   1.71   2.49
 84  Croatia                     ..      5,051      ..   1,057    ..     ..    ..   2.8               ..      28        ..      16.2     ..   3.39
 85  Panama                   1,376      1,479     703     566  (1.7)   6.6   2.6   4.7               97      83       3.6       4.2   1.86   1.68
 86  Russian Federation     750,240    599,027   5,397   4,038   4.2   (8.9)   ..   0.6                0     (52)       ..   2,103.1     ..  14.14
 87  Venezuela               35,011     49,355   2,354   2,331   1.5    4.6   2.0   1.2             (280)   (245)     89.6     116.4   6.03   5.75
 88  Botswana                    ..        549      ..     380    ..     ..    ..   7.3               ..      55       1.0       2.2   1.10   1.60
 89  Estonia                     ..      5,325      ..   3,552    ..     ..    ..   0.9               ..      42       0.4      20.9   0.28  13.53
 90  Iran, Islamic Rep.      38,347     97,891     980   1,565   7.5    8.9   2.4   0.7             (118)   (127)    116.1     235.5   2.97   3.97
 91  Turkmenistan             7,948     14,090   2,778   3,198  25.0  (29.9)   ..    ..             (101)   (116)       ..      42.3     ..  10.48
  Upper-middle-income       475,209 t  810,681 t 1,297 w 1,715 w 4.9 w  3.5 w  ..   2.8 w                          1,358.3 t 1,907.7 t 3.71 w 4.17 w
 92  Brazil                  72,141    110,000     595     691   4.3    3.2   3.3   5.0               65      38     183.6     217.1   1.51   1.41
 93  South Africa            60,511     91,349   2,074   2,253   3.6    0.0   1.3   1.3              (14)    (33)    213.4     290.3   7.31   7.49
 94  Mauritius                   ..        431      ..     387    ..     ..    ..   7.9               ..      92       0.6       1.4   0.61   1.26
 95  Czech Republic          29,394     40,324   2,873   3,902  73.7   (4.5)  1.0   0.9              (29)     13        ..     135.6     ..  13.15
 96  Malaysia                 9,522     33,662     692   1,711   9.4   11.2   2.6   2.1              (58)    (66)     28.0      70.5   2.03   3.76
 97  Chile                    7,743     13,200     695     943   3.9    4.3   3.6   3.9               50      66      27.0      34.7   2.42   2.55
 98  Trinidad and Tobago      3,863      5,891   3,570   4,549   3.9   (0.4)  1.6   0.8             (240)    (89)     16.7      20.6  15.41  16.28
 99  Hungary                 28,322     25,191   2,645   2,455   0.8   (3.4)  0.8   1.6               49      44      82.0      59.9   7.66   5.80
100  Gabon                      759        676     942     520  (3.6)   5.6   5.6   5.8           (1,106) (2,268)      4.8       5.6   5.93   4.50
101  Mexico                  97,434    139,600   1,453   1,577   2.3    2.0   2.0   2.7              (49)    (55)    260.1     332.9   3.88   3.92
102  Uruguay                  2,208      1,971     758     623  (0.9)   2.7   4.6   7.9               89      68       5.8       5.0   1.98   1.61
103  Oman                     1,346      4,924   1,223   2,347  12.4    5.8   4.4   2.4           (1,024)   (801)      5.9      10.0   5.33   5.24
104  Slovenia                    ..      2,995      ..   1,506    ..     ..    ..   4.7               ..      19        ..       5.5     ..   2.76
105  Saudi Arabia            35,496     85,326   3,787   4,744   5.8    6.1   4.4   1.4           (1,361)   (435)    130.8     220.6  13.95  13.11
106  Greece                  15,973     23,300   1,656   2,235   3.6    1.2   2.5   3.3               77      63      51.4      73.9   5.33   7.16
107  Argentina               39,669     47,850   1,411   1,399   1.1    3.5   1.9   5.9                8     (21)    107.5     117.0   3.82   3.50
108  Korea, Rep.             41,426    133,374   1,087   3,000   8.5   10.2   1.5   2.8               77      85     125.7     289.8   3.30   6.64
Low- and middle-income           ..  3,716,470 t    ..     782 w  ..     ..    ..   1.5 w                          6,378.8 t 9,849.7 t 1.75 w 2.14 w
  Sub-Saharan Africa        104,833 t  155,832 t   276 w   272 w 3.2 w  1.0 w  ..   1.9 w                            356.8 t   478.6 t 0.94 w 0.88 w
  East Asia & Pacific       566,538 t1,162,092 t   405 w   670 w 5.9 w  5.4 w  ..   1.3 w                          1,979.2 t 3,682.4 t 1.42 w 2.18 w
  South Asia                112,057 t  269,625 t   124 w   221 w 7.0 w  5.1 w  ..   1.5 w                            395.2 t   866.5 t 0.44 w 0.74 w
  Europe and Central Asia        ..  1,329,092 t    ..   2,727 w  ..     ..    ..   0.8 w                               ..        ..     ..     ..
  Middle East & N. Africa   143,540 t  333,267 t   821 w 1,250 w 6.4 w  6.2 w  ..   1.5 w                            500.5 t   860.2 t 2.86 w 3.40 w
  Latin America & Caribbea  322,214 t  453,021 t   898 w   962 w 2.5 w  2.7 w  ..   3.7 w                            857.6 t 1,047.0 t 2.39 w 2.31 w
High-income economies     3,743,415 t4,392,059 t 4,822 w 5,168 w 1.5 w  1.4 w  ..   4.7 w                          9,835.0 t10,087.4 t12.67 w12.03 w
109  Portugal                10,291     18,100   1,054   1,828   4.7    2.6   2.8   4.8               86      90      27.1      47.2   2.77   4.78
110  New Zealand              9,202     15,200   2,956   4,352   4.5    2.2   2.4   3.3               39       5      17.6      26.2   5.65   7.60
111  Spain                   68,692     94,500   1,837   2,414   2.6    1.3   3.1   5.1               77      69     200.0     223.2   5.35   5.72
112  Ireland                  8,485     11,200   2,495   3,136   2.1    1.5   2.4   4.6               78      70      25.1      30.9   7.37   8.69
113 +Israel                   8,616     15,151   2,222   2,815   4.5    6.7   2.6   5.1               98      96      21.1      41.6   5.45   8.13
114  Australia               70,399     92,300   4,792   5,173   2.1    1.5   2.3   3.6              (22)    (91)    202.8     267.9  13.80  15.33
115  United Kingdom         201,200    219,200   3,572   3,754   1.0    0.6   2.7   4.6                2      (9)    588.3     566.2  10.44   9.76
116  Finland                 24,998     30,300   5,230   5,954   2.3    1.3   2.1   3.2               72      62      55.1      41.2  11.53   8.17
117  Italy                  139,190    154,800   2,466   2,710   1.4   (0.1)  3.3   6.6               86      81     372.1     407.7   6.59   7.17
118 +Kuwait                   9,500     12,337   6,909   7,615   4.1   11.7   3.0   2.0             (739)   (711)     24.7      16.0  17.99  11.42
119  Canada                 193,170    228,000   7,854   7,795   1.6    2.2   1.4   2.4               (7)    (46)    430.2     409.9  17.49  14.36
120 +Hong Kong                5,628     13,822   1,117   2,280   7.0    7.7   5.1   9.5              100     100      16.4      29.1   3.26   5.01
121  Netherlands             65,106     70,100   4,601   4,558   1.0    1.2   2.6   4.7              (10)      9     152.8     139.0  10.80   9.16
122 +Singapore                6,049     19,210   2,651   6,556   7.2   10.5   1.9   3.6              100     100      30.1      49.8  13.19  17.67
123  Belgium                 46,122     51,500   4,684   5,091   1.3    1.2   2.6   4.4               83      77     127.7     101.8  12.97  10.13
124  France                 190,660    222,400   3,539   3,839   1.9    0.2   3.5   6.0               75      47     484.1     362.1   8.99   6.31
125  Sweden                  40,992     49,200   4,933   5,603   2.1    0.2   3.1   4.0               61      36      71.4      56.8   8.60   6.55
126  Austria                 23,449     26,300   3,105   3,276   1.6   (0.4)  3.3   7.5               67      65      52.2      56.6   6.91   7.15
127  Germany                359,170    334,000   4,587   4,097   0.5   (1.5)   ..   6.1               49      58   1,068.3     878.1  13.64  10.89
128  United States        1,801,000  2,060,400   7,908   7,905   1.3    1.8   1.5   3.2               14      19   4,623.2   4,881.3  20.30  19.11
129  Norway                  18,865     23,100   4,611   5,326   1.9    1.5   3.1   4.7             (195)   (636)     40.0      60.2   9.78  14.06
130  Denmark                 19,488     20,800   3,804   3,996   0.5    2.4   3.4   7.0               97      27      63.2      53.9  12.34  10.42
131  Japan                  347,120    478,000   2,972   3,825   2.4    2.3   3.1   9.6               88      82     933.9   1,093.5   8.00   8.79
132  Switzerland             20,840     25,200   3,298   3,603   2.1    0.2   4.9  10.3               66      59      40.9      43.7   6.48   6.36
133 +United Arab Emirates     8,558     24,017   8,205  12,795   8.8    4.4   3.5    ..             (996)   (470)     36.3      70.6  34.77  39.74
World                     6,711,356 t8,035,058 t 1,516 w 1,434 w 2.7 w  0.3 w  ..   3.3 w                         15,659.9 t18,821.8 t 3.54 w 3.46 w
a. From industrial processes.

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