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An international meeting on participatory development took place in Dakar, Senegal, from the 25-28th April 2000. This meeting, which was co-organised by the West African Rural Foundation (FRAO/WARF) and the Sahel Programme of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), with finance from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Brighton, brought together 70 participants from 13 countries, primarily francophone. The objectives of the meeting were:
Discussions as well as the exhibitions during the Fair for Participatory Methods allowed us to state that much progress has been made. At the same time, the participants recognised that certain challenges remain, the analysis of which have allowed the formulation of a certain number of statements and recommendations.
The participants of the meeting have formulated two statements:
As a result of these statements, the meeting recommended the following statements to the participants: With regards to the creation and reinforcement of national frameworks of collaboration
With regard to the creation of a transnational framework of collaboration.
The participants of the meeting at Dakar have recognised that despite advances attained so far the reinforcement of experience will depend largely on our capacity to document and to prove the impact of participatory approaches in the improvement of the living conditions of local people. To this regard, it has been recommended that a mechanism is established which will allow the identification and measurement of the impact of participatory approaches in the Francophone African context. To establish such a mechanism, the meeting proposed that the Sahel Programme of IIED is the main coordinator of this activity. With reference to this, IIED is requested to engage with this as soon as possible with the establishment of structures considered at the present meeting for the establishment of terms of reference for a programme on the evaluation of the impact of participation in francophone Africa.
Concerning the institutionalisation of the participatory approach The participants pinpointed the existence of reluctance at several levels. From a country to another, the differences are tremendous, moreover in West Africa, several experiences have shaped the policies. In order to succeed in institutionalising the approach the workshop recommends action at two levels :
Looking forward into the creation of working groups, the
participants recommend the formation of a working group in charge of the follow-up of the
process of institutionalisation.
Some decisive steps have been taken regarding the conception and the
diffusion of participatory methods. It is necessary to validate individual and collective experiences which
contain areas of complementarity. The essence of ICT is one of the major concerns of these last 2 decades.
Radio, television, telecommunications (fixed and mobile), electronic networks, notably the
internet are no longer merely simple support structures neutral technologies for
the diffusion of information. They are not only transporters of contents but also creators
of contents which play multiple roles; These different functions make ICT not only variables in the debate but
also serious parameters in the exercise of all political, intellectual, cultural and
economic power. The promotion of participatory development approaches exists as a result
of the effective taking in charge of levying powers. In this perspective, the
international workshop proposes that FRAO initiates rapidly, based on its experience, a
reflection of the use of ICT so that it is not just a simple effect of fashion but of real
operators for the development of methodological and conceptual approaches of participatory
development. The meeting recommends the creation of closer linkages between FRAO and
IIED on one hand and between the institutions and other organisations attending the
workshop on the other. Completed at Dakar, April 28th 2000 L'aide de Website a fourni par l'associé stratégique de WARF/FRAO la Communauté électronique - Une ONG
portique pour l'Afrique occidentale, fournissant l'aide de formation, technique et de
gestion aux O.N.G.S dans l'ensemble occidentale de l'Afrique |