on relations between the European Union and the ACP countries
on the eve of the 21st century
Challenges and options for a new partnership
This report should be cited as: European Commission. 1996. Green Paper on relations
between the European Union and the ACP countries on the eve of the 21st century -
Challenges and options for a new partnership. Brussels: European Commission
DG VIII page
The year 2000 deadline does not herald a rethink on all the components of cooperation
policy implemented thus far. Indeed, many of the policy guidelines developed over the
years, particularly those adopted more recently, require both consolidation and, in
certain cases, further development. Cooperation policy is constantly evolving and new
approaches are gradually being introduced in a number of areas. Their significance should
be recognized.
In line with these recent guidelines and in view of the overall objectives enshrined in
the Treaty for Community development cooperation policy, the experience of the Lomé
Convention and the analysis of the ACP states' handicaps and potential, cooperation
between the EU and the ACP states in future must involve supporting their efforts to
achieve the political, economic and social conditions for sustainable development.
Improvements to the competitiveness of ACP economies, which are essential to boosting
employment and raising the overall standard of living, can be fostered by a variety of
measures both in the field of foreign policy - promoting the development and
diversification of economic and trade relations - and domestic policy - to improve supply
capacity. Given the above, the EU's cooperation policy with the ACP countries could be
restructured around three core areas.
- the social and economic dimension Poverty alleviation is at the heart of many of
the EU's financial cooperation initiatives. Several of the ACP states are counted among
the world's poorest and, if the conditions that lead to stagnation and marginalization are
to be overcome, a range of sectoral and general policies is required. A variety of options
can be considered to extend the EU's scope for action so as to foster economic growth and
investment, promote private sector and social development and reduce poverty;
- the institutional dimension and the public sector The way in which a state
performs its duties and the factors of good governance, policy and economic management are
often crucial to ensuring the conditions of development in many ACP countries. In addition
to their intrinsic political dimension, which would justify stepping up ACPEU political
dialogue as mentioned in Chapter IV.B, such problems also entail significant
"technical" aspects which need to be addressed in the cooperation framework. A
broad consensus exists on the need to support institutional reform and build capacity as
part of any cooperation policy and there is no doubt that the EU is already active in that
respect. However, it might consider stepping up support for reform of the institutional
and legal framework and improving public service capacity: indeed the latter is an area
that is likely to exert a considerable influence as, in many ACP countries, it is directly
implicated in the management of much of the aid and often determines both its impact and
- trade and investment The Lomé trade arrangement, with its focus on tariff and
quota preferences, has been insufficient for the ACP countries, in contrast with the much
better performance of the LDC group, to preserve, least so to improve, their participation
in the world markets of goods, services and capital. Tariff advantages are, thus, neither
a sufficient nor a necessary condition for good export and growth performance. Supply-side
factors, in particular good governance and sound macro and microeconomic policies, notably
stable, secure and efficient internal trade and investment policies, are determinant
factors, more so than unilateral tariff preferences, in achieving high rates of export and
economic growth. It is vital, in the light of the limited impact of the "Lomé
preferences", the likely erosion of preferential margins and the need to adopt
measures compatible with the new WTO rules, to study carefully the various options facing
the EU and the ACP states when deciding the new trade arrangements. The goal is to enable
the ACP countries to be more involved in international trade and economic relations and to
help them reap greater benefit from the development opportunities such relations can offer
and avert the threat of increasing marginalization.
An acquis communautaire exists to a varying extent in respect of each of the
above-mentioned core areas for cooperation. The following sections give an overview of the
acquis, referring to the Council texts deemed most important in the areas
concerned. However, further options should also be considered either for necessary
institutional reasons - as in the case of the trade measures - or for purposes of
enhancing, strengthening and ultimately increasing the effectiveness of the EU's
involvement in line with the goals it is pursuing through its development cooperation
A. The socio-economic dimension
The analysis set out in Chapters I and III has underlined how the conditions of
economic and social development are undergoing a complete sea-change both at international
level and within the ACP countries, where the call for democratization and greater private
sector and civil society involvement is being made with increasing stridency. Now
committed to the market economy and opening up trade, most ACP countries are endeavouring
to create conditions more conducive to the development of the private sector and recognize
the beneficial effects of foreign investment. Some have undertaken economic reforms to
that effect with varying degrees of success. However, private investors are still reticent
and only a few countries and sectors have registered significant foreign investment.
Nevertheless, prospects for growth have improved in many countries though without any
significant reduction in the incidence of poverty. One of the main conclusions was the
importance of making reform policy more credible so as to bring the expected positive
results earlier while reducing the element of risk and instability inherent in the
economic environment. The essential institutional and economic reforms must go hand in
hand with a profound transformation in the workings of society, which inevitably implies
long and gradual processes.
The ACP countries need to accelerate their economic growth. However, the leeway for
improving the impact of growth on the reduction of poverty is large too. Maximum
participation in the economy, access to productive resources (land, capital and credit,
training, information) and basic social services (education, health, nutrition, drinking
water), improving the social and economic situation of women and young people - these are
just some of the essential and complementary elements which make up any strategy to
alleviate poverty and which belong first and foremost to domestic economic and social
policy. The role of cooperation is to encourage the necessary political change and to
support endeavour by means of technical and financial assistance. Measures to alleviate
poverty cannot really be effective or have a lasting impact without the commitment and
clear willingness of the recipient country.
The concept of sustainable development and the pivotal nature of social and human
development have been extensively debated on the international scene in recent years. At
the major international conferences of Rio, Cairo, Copenhagen, Beijing and Rome, a large
number of countries adopted common values and principles and identified priority
objectives. Thus the broad strategic outline and the main guidelines of economic and
social policy have been sketched out. Meanwhile, Europe clearly has its own bench-marks:
the EU's cooperation relations reflect its concept of economic and social development,
which is itself the product of the diversity of Member States' experience. It only remains
for the EU therefore to find the most effective means to encourage implementation of these
strategies and adherence with the principles stated.
The discussion of the socio-economic situation in the ACP countries has also
highlighted increasing differences between them. The idea of a cooperation policy tailored
to circumstances merits consideration by the EU, allowing countries or groups of
countries, as they proceed gradually along the path of stabilization and reform, to
progress from a policy based on support for the reform process to a wider relationship
embracing new areas of cooperation and different forms of partnership, similar to what the
EU has proposed in other developing regions (more advanced economic cooperation,
scientific and technical cooperation, etc.).
The options for support of socioeconomic development must therefore be assessed in that
perspective: not only do different strategic priorities need to be adopted for each
country, but the areas of cooperation can differ from one country to the next.
The options can be grouped together under two priority themes geared to the same
objective, i.e. preventing marginalization: integrating the ACP states into the world
economic system and integrating the poor into economic and social life.
1. Stimulating economic growth through competitiveness and privatesector
Many of the EU's current cooperation policies are angled towards promoting faster
growth and higher private investment in ACP countries, with a wider integration through
trade and investment into the world economy. These include financial and technical support
for structural adjustment reforms, sectoral support in infrastructure, agriculture,
industry, services and human resource development, and direct support for the private
sector through the promotion of enterprise development, investments, trade development and
the financial and technical support provided by the EIB and CDI. A vigorous private sector
is essential if living standards and opportunities are to be continuously and sustainably
The issue for the EU, given the modest rates of growth achieved in many partner
countries in the past, is what more it can do to promote faster economic growth, increased
competitiveness of ACP enterprises, better export performance and higher levels of private
investment, and what new policies and approaches it might adopt.
There are several options for making future assistance more effective:
(a) More systematic and comprehensive support for private sector development
The expected positive response of the private sector to economic reforms has been weak
and slow in a number of countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The reforms have
often failed to inspire confidence, and to produce the expected results, and consequently
to reduce to reasonable levels the costs and risks facing investors. Experience in recent
years shows that countries which demonstrate a credible commitment to sound economic
policies and reforms and which present a transparently fair and favourable environment for
enterprise are also successful in attracting investment, creating jobs and innovative
firms, raising their export earnings and achieving sustained economic growth. The tasks
ahead are, therefore: (i) to convince the public authorities and the private sector that
reforms are genuine and permanent, and that there will be stable and predictable economic
policies; (ii) to tackle the policies and institutions which are still the causes of high
costs, low productivity and uncompetitiveness; (iii) to strengthen financial systems and
institutions so the private sector can invest more and has better access to financial
services; (iv) to develop economic infrastructure and (v) to build privatesector capacity
to manage businesses, train employees, develop and market products, and achieve efficiency
In assisting in these tasks the EU has a number of options for developing its own
- Confidence Building The EU can insist that economic reforms it supports as
well as the assistance it supplies to promote the productive sectors of the economy are
designed in the knowledge that they will serve the overall development purposes of ACP
countries and in particular those of the private sector. After consultation with the
population they need to be properly explained to key non-governmental stakeholders.
can provide resources to help partner governments streamline their relations with the
private sector, to improve lines of communications with it, to consult with it about its
policy intentions, and to listen to its grievances and policy proposals. Some ACP
countries already have government-private sector consultative fora which play a valuable
role in confidence building, so long as they are adequately resourced. In this context,
the strengthening of professional organizations and chambers of commerce is crucial, so as
to perform properly their advocacy role and provide useful services to enterprises.
- Policy and Institutional Environment The EU can assist partner governments
with further administrative and institutional reforms - including reforms in tax
administration - and reinforce the rule of law and the administration of justice as they
affect businesses. It can help governments to identify those regulatory and administrative
practices which are nugatory and which cause delays, inhibit investment and employment
creation, and add unnecessarily to the costs and risks of carrying on normal business.
can make a more vigorous technical contribution to planning and implementing the
privatization of public enterprises (see sub-section under point b, below), and join
partner governments in the search for imaginative and sustainable solutions to
infrastructural deficiencies which hinder the private sector.
It can support the introduction of policies, rules and practices governing competition,
consumer protection and the regulation of monopolies, research and information, technology
transfers, which complement economic reforms and privatization.
- Financial Systems and Institutions The EU can do more to support local
capital markets and to improve enterprises' access to financial services. It can provide
technical advisory services and financial support for the restructuring of weak financial
institutions and for the strengthening of the legal and regulatory framework in which new,
soundly-based, financial services can be established to serve the needs of business, small
enterprise, farmers and savers. Particular attention must be given to issues like (i)
strengthening domestic capital formation, (ii) supporting diversification of financial
institutions and services and (iii) the improvement of payment systems and networks.
- Private Sector Resources and Capabilities The EDF directly supports
private enterprise through national indicative programmes, through enterprise and trade
development and through the action of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Centre
for the Development of Industry (CDI). The CDI has recently up-dated its portfolio of
instruments in the light of the positive experience of the European Community Investment
Partners (ECIP) scheme operating in the ALA and Mediterranean countries and in South
Financial and technical support to micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises
and industrial craft undertakings comes through the EU's country programmes in the form of
credit lines, guarantee funds, advisory services, training and technological assistance.
These programmes have proved their worth and should probably be allowed to develop further
(in particular by means of appropriate funding). The EIB also has been a major player in
providing loans and risk capital. The EU also supports larger enterprises through its
industrial investment and trade development actions.
The Commission, in collaboration with the CDI, could enlarge the scope of its
assistance by financing consultancy and advisory services - both local and external - for
use, on a cost-sharing basis, by indigenous entrepreneurs seeking to develop their
businesses. It could also do more to increase the capabilities of local business and
professional associations to provide capacity-building services to their members.
The EIB also provides loans and risk capital, subsidised from EDF resources, to larger
private sector projects in infrastructure, industry, mining and commercial agriculture. A
share of its resources are on-lent through local financial intermediaries to private small
and medium-size enterprises.
One option for increasing support to formal enterprises would be to direct more EDF
resources to the Commission and the EIB, in line with the role of both institutions and to
satisfy the growing demands of private operations in ACP countries. In addition, EDF funds
could also be made competitively available to other EU-based development finance
institutions (e.g. the EDFI institutions), some of which are actively engaged in
developing innovative financial services for the private sector in ACP countries. The
longer term goal, however, must be to encourage the growth of local and regional capital
markets, and for the larger and better established enterprises in ACP countries to finance
their development from the market sources, and not from official credits. In this context,
the development of local savings and its channelling to productive investments is crucial.
The CDI has been the main instrument in the Lomé Convention for providing technical
advisory services to the SMI sector - especially in project preparation and appraisal, and
in arranging financing and partnerships. It has local antennas in many ACP markets, and is
well placed to play a brokerage role between new and expanding enterprises on the one
hand, and financial, technological and managerial know-how on the other.
A promising option for the future would be for the Commission, as part of a policy of
increasing the provision of demand-led, new technologies and advisory services for the
private sector in ACP countries, to encourage the CDI, along with other potential service
providers in the EU and partner countries, to expand its capabilities to assist
enterprises on a cost-sharing basis.
- Investment Promotion The Lomé Convention has long recognised the
importance of foreign direct investment for the growth and competitiveness of ACP
economies. The Commission provides technical assistance in elaborating investment codes
and investment protection laws and regulations, and for governments' investment promotion
initiatives. It has sponsored sectoral investment and partnership forums to acquaint
potential external investors with opportunities and to promote partnerships. These
activities are a useful complement to reforms and confidence-building measures which
improve the enabling environment for private sector development.
Efforts to provide an
attractive "shop window" for investment opportunities in countries which offer a
satisfactory policy and institutional environment for investors should doubtless continue.
Options for action on investment protection are further considered in Section C of this
In proceeding with this agenda the EU would have to be sensitive, empirical, and
pragmatic about what the real priorities and the felt needs of stakeholders are,
country-by-country. It should be selective and carefully targeted in its choice of
programme. In its approach to private sector development the EU should nevertheless be
coherent and well coordinated with other actors local and external - who are pursuing the
same objectives. Where private sector development and support for greater competitiveness
feature prominently in its cooperation strategies it should, in collaboration with other
stakeholders, seek to elaborate private sector development strategies which lend a sense
of purpose to individual programmes and projects.
Possible changes in the instruments of cooperation to support an enlarged and refocused
policy for encouraging the private sector are discussed in Chapter VI.A below. One
approach is to consider, in suitable cases, earmarking a portion of programmable country
assistance for the support of private sector development - both through actions to
ameliorate the policy and institutional environment and through measures of direct support
for enterprises. The private sector could be invited to participate in defining priorities
for the use of this envelope of resources.
(b) Supporting publicenterprise restructuring and privatization programmes
Privatization is often one component of the reform measures designed to relaunch
investment, create a more competitive environment and build more flexible and diverse
economic structures. However, privatization is not a solution per se and it should
be possible to adopt a case-by-case approach. The programmes are often complex and
difficult to carry out, demanding substantial analytical and administrative capabilities.
Technical assistance, in particular in the evaluation of the various options
(restructuring, reform of the economic apparatus, etc.) and backup for any social plans
required, may provide one possible solution.
With its ability to mobilize the expertise developed by Member States and exploit the
experience it has gained across the globe, the EU is well placed to support privatization
programmes. Consideration could be given to developing this type of aid in countries where
privatization would clearly help attract new private investors and contribute to gains in
(c) Continuing and stepping up support for regional integration
Since the first Lomé Convention, the Community has supported various forms of regional
cooperation. In terms of funding, the focal areas have been: transport and communication
infrastructure, environment, animal disease control and training. Progressively support
has been unified under the general objective of strengthening economic integration. The
underlying view is that for the ACP countries regional economic integration is an
indispensable step towards their successful integration into the world economy. At the
same time the EU has been drawing attention to the negative effects of formulating and
implementing economic reform programmes in a purely national context. By now the need to
take into account the "regional dimension of adjustment" is generally
Over the past few years the EU has actively supported several regional organizations,
particularly the newly created UEMOA (West Africa) and the newly transformed and enlarged
SADC (Southern Africa). Together with three other co-sponsors (African Development Bank,
IMF and World Bank), the EU is supporting the Cross-Border Initiative in Eastern and
Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean, in which 14 countries are actively participating.
Two important aspects of the CBI should be stressed: involvement of the private sector
and coherence of the national and regional policy agenda.
Through its regional indicative programmes the EU supports infrastructural,
environmental, health and other initiatives which are of interest to more than one country
and which are best conceived and implemented on a regional basis.
In order to improve past performance it is necessary to put support for regional
economic integration into a coherent strategy. Taking into account the EU's recent
experience, such a strategy should have the following basic components:
- 1. capacity building (including technical assistance, training and endogenous
research) on the subject of regional economic integration both at the level of regional
institutions and national governments;
- 2. assistance to the private sector to facilitate restructuring in the larger
regional and world market. This would also include improvements in the financial sector
to facilitate and secure payments;
- 3. support for governments committed to implementing regional integration to cope
with transitional effects on budgetary resources (balance of payments or budgetary
support, complementary to and fully consistent with national economic adjustment support).
The instruments that are presently available are well suited to supporting such a
coherent strategy.
There is another novel way for the EU to promote regional economic integration that
needs to be further explored, i.e. through its trade policy. The EU is presently
involved in negotiations to achieve a Free Trade Area (FTA) with several (groupings of)
developing countries. Because of the influence of the EU in trade matters, the provisions
of such FTAs will affect the integration of developing countries into the world economy.
There is an opportunity to use these provisions in a way that fosters more regional
economic coherence of the developing countries. According to the Commission and Council
conclusions of June 1995 on Free Trade Areas, these arrangements should comply with the
relevant WTO provisions, and take into account the implications for the Union's common
policies and for its main trading partners.
(d) stepping up trade development support measures
Trade development is a specific arm of a more comprehensive policy which focuses on
competitiveness and private sector development. In addition to the instruments peculiar to
trade and investment regimes, which will be discussed below in Section C, there is also a
wide range of cooperation initiatives to assist trade development. This dimension was
introduced into the Lomé Convention when it was revised in 1995 and the EU undertook to
develop this area of cooperation around a variety of support programmes: integrated trade
development programmes at national or regional level, multiannual support programmes for
trade organizations involving both ACP and European operators, programmes to assist
enterprises in specific sectors and programmes to support the development of
infrastructure and trade-related services (transport and communications, financial and
other intermediaries, chambers of commerce, etc.).
Given the fact that the new challenges posed by globalization and competitive forces
will create changes in the basic parameters of international trade the EU ought therefore
to strengthen and intensify its commitments to supporting ACP States in their efforts to
capture the potential benefits arising from new trade opportunities.
Increased emphasis should be placed on targeting of the private sector with
concentration on that support being client-driven and participatory. Priority should be
given to the creation of international partnership networks, investment promotion, and
development of support service industries and institutions.
Greater emphasis should be given to strengthening mechanisms for the enhancement of
networks between European and ACP private sectors.
Furthermore in recognition of the revolution in global information technology that will
be a feature of the next millennium the EU should intensify its support to ACP States in
gaining access to the hard- and software associated with it and in facilitating its
optimum utilization.
(e) supporting the development of scientific and technical expertise as a strategic
component of sustainable development
The rapid development of more and more complex technologies, notably in the health,
food and communications fields, and the widening scientific and technological gulf between
the majority of ACP states and the industrial world should justify special attention to
this area by the EU. Although this dimension features in the Lomé Convention, it has not
as yet given rise to any coherent or sustainable plan of action.
In view of the Community's experience, the EU is in a good position to build up
scientific and technological partnerships involving government R&D institutes and
private enterprises in the sectors concerned from both hemispheres. Such initiatives
should be founded on dialogue with the ACP countries on the R&D issue, in particular
on a regional basis, with the aim of encouraging them to upgrade their regulatory
frameworks (intellectual property rights, movement of goods and persons, investment code,
etc.) and helping them to provide the budgetary backup required for a policy to develop
research/industry partnerships.
(f) helping the ACP states prepare for ongoing developments in the information
Progress towards the information society concerns not only advanced or emerging
economies but also those economies and societies which are, or wish to be, open to the
outside world. As the participants at the recent conference in Midrand recognized, these
changes must form part of a shared vision of the future associating the industrialized and
developing worlds. In the conclusions of its Chair, the Conference also highlighted
national responsibility and the unique role to be played by the private sector.
The initial stage depends on improvements to telecommunications services which,
together, with water and electricity, are used by every branch of the economy.
This field is an especially attractive one for the private sector in view of its
potential for growth (all ACP countries are under-equipped) and the recent emergence of
new technologies which provide a more flexible response to the requirements of countries
like the ACP group, e.g. satellite transmissions, mobile and stationary cellular
telephones. The European experience of transition is sufficiently rich and varied to offer
tailor-made aid tailored to countries that so wish.
There is also the development of new services, such as the Internet, which is already
accessible in many countries and represents a genuine opportunity for its users,
researchers, university students or entrepreneurs to participate in networks exchanging
information worldwide.
At a subsequent stage telematics applications, e.g. in fields such as health,
education, research networks as well as electronic trading, may help solve certain
problems in ACP countries. These initiatives will be all the more effective for pilot
projects to prepare those concerned and involve them in decisions on the content and use
of applications.
Community models, of which the home shopping experiment is a good example, can thus
take the place of the largely individualized applications developed in advanced economies.
(g) monetary cooperation
In many ACP countries political and economic instability is a major impediment to
increasing investment and accelerating growth. A stable monetary and financial background
is a prerequisite of an economic policy designed to achieve balanced and sustainable
growth. This implies not only the existence of effective and independent institutions, the
implementation of a monetary and exchange policy geared to stability and sustainable
budgetary policies but also an extension of the banking system's role in the distribution
of savings.
Europe could support the ACP countries' efforts to modernize and adapt in these areas.
The priority goals would be consolidation of institutions and modernization of procedures
for managing monetary and budgetary policy, development of the banking system,
establishment of current convertibility and the progressive liberalization of the movement
of capital taking account of the degree of development and macroeconomic stability
achieved. The Union should continue to encourage regional cooperation in macroeconomic and
monetary policy.
Monetary Union and the introduction of the euro will open up new opportunities for ACP
countries, especially those for whom the EU is the principal trading partner. The
credibility and effectiveness of their monetary policies would be increased if they
decided to gear their exchange policies to a stable currency, taking account of the need
to maintain the competitiveness of their economies. Selecting a single external reference
standard would also contribute to more stable bilateral exchange rates between these
countries. This would not only assist in economic and trade relations between them but
also in the implementation of regional integration projects.
These various elements will help lay the foundations for a gradual stepping-up of
cooperation in the macroeconomic and monetary field between the EU and the ACP states.
(h) EU support initiative to ease the foreign debt burden
In the light of the enormity of the foreign debt problem facing many ACP countries, it
is hard for the Community to turn a blind eye to international initiatives in this area.
Community financial cooperation, which almost exclusively takes the form of grants, does
not have the effect of increasing debt. Nevertheless, the Community could act both as
creditor and donor by developing support mechanisms and instruments to ease the
burden of debt holding back ACP countries in their pursuit of adjustment and reform
2. Boosting employment and support for social policies in the framework of poverty
alleviation measures
The EU has strong grounds for focusing its ACP cooperation effort on the goal of
poverty alleviation: not only would this give priority to a problem which is assuming
alarming proportions in many ACP countries and resulting in a series of interdependencies
having an adverse effect on Europe in terms of migratory pressure and various
security-related issues, but it would also put into practice the external aspect of one of
the founding principles of the Union - social progress - a recurring theme in the Treaty
and in the Protocol on Social Policy, which appears in various forms (employment,
education and training, equality for women, etc.) in Community policies.
Poverty alleviation is already a priority theme of the current cooperation policy and
has been further developed in recent years by some new guidelines:
These policy guidelines must clearly be retained and confirmed. In future, however,
the EU and its ACP partners must decide to what extent and how the impact of Community
cooperation on poverty alleviation could be improved.
In view of the diverse nature of poverty in the ACP states, it is absolutely essential
to maintain a broad approach involving a vast array of measures. Nevertheless, the EU
could propose a more strategic approach to its partners in two areas:
- (a) access to productive resources, employment and human resource development The
pace of job creation depends on a set of conditions which can be directly or indirectly
influenced by a wide range of measures or general or sectoral policies. The EU can support
such policies through:
- aid to improve capacity to analyse and formulate policies to promote productive
- support for reforms designed to improve access to productive resources, notably in the
fields of education and vocational training, access to credit, home and land ownership.
This type of aid could exert a considerable influence by helping to improve living
conditions through better access to revenue-generating activities;
- support for labour market policies designed to build-up an able, mobile and motivated
- (b) support for social policies Already committed on a wide scale to cooperation
activities in the social sectors, the EU is endeavouring to increase the impact of the aid
it provides by a more comprehensive sectoral approach, gradually abandoning the
project-based approach. This trend could be intensified by means of:
- in-depth and continuous dialogue on social policy with a view to formulating a broad
strategy and priorities and studying the links - often complementary, but occasionally
conflicting - between the economic and the social objectives;
- financial aid geared in particular to the financing of current expenditure in the above
sectors in close association with macroeconomic dialogue and structural adjustment
The ongoing debate in the international community about the 20/20 concept has
highlighted the interest of mutual undertakings between beneficiaries and donors to
promote social development. While recognizing the relevance of the principle of mutual
undertakings, the EU prefers a more comprehensive and detailed approach on account of the
nature of its policies.
Under the future ACPEU partnership, assuming that aid is more selective and linked to
assessment of "good governance", one criterion could be how much effort is
invested in social and other policies designed to improve access to productive resources
and boost employment.
3. Integrating protection of the environment in the development process
One of the central insights provided by the theory and practice of sustainable
development is that effective environmental action cannot be conceived as an afterthought
to unchanged social and economic policies. Rather environmental concerns must be
integrated into the design, implementation and evaluation of all policies, programs and
While the Community has a long-standing array of policy declarations on environmental
management, it still lacks a clear strategy and a sense of purpose to make it
operationally viable. Looking at growing consensus emerging from the Rio process, there
appear to be 4 priorities for development cooperation:
- meeting needs and alleviating poverty. While the cause and effect relationship between
poverty and environmental degradation are complex, both poverty and pollution can be seen
as the result of social and economic forces that tend to externalize human and
environmental costs into current and future generations.
- harnessing market forces to reflect environmental costs and benefits. Agenda 21 is
rooted in the recognition that markets need to progressively internalize social and
environmental costs, so that prices 'tell the ecological truth'.
- integrating environment objectives in overall policy formulation and in management
systems, so that environmental protection becomes and integral part of the development
process and not an isolated objective. This requires strengthening environmental
capacities and taking a participatory approach.
- 'greening' the investment portfolio, by assessing environmental impact through the
project cycle and by financing priority investments in environmental conservation and
pollution abatement.
Certain topics merit special attention:
- for many ACP countries the problem of the quantity and quality of water resources is
reaching critical proportions in both urban and rural areas. The relationship between
water, population pressure and soil degradation is assuming crucial importance;
- deforestation is becoming a major problem in numerous countries with repercussions not
only at local level but globally too insofar as it affects biodiversity;
- ACP island states are particularly exposed to the potential dangers linked to climate
change, especially the increasing frequency of violent storms. In sub-Saharan Africa too,
there is the danger from the worsening drought problem;
- support is required to build up the ACP countries' capacity in environmental policy,
both as regards formulation and implementation, especially in relation to the follow-up of
international conventions that have been ratified or are in the pipeline.
B. The institutional dimension
Chapter III's analysis of socio-economic and political developments in the ACP
countries highlights the shortcomings of the state and the seriousness of problems of
governance. These problems are hindering development in a number of countries, delaying
structural adjustment programmes (or preventing them from being completed) and aggravating
instability and the "trust gap" which jeopardizes investment and the legitimacy
of development aid. This analysis has also demonstrated the need to restore or bolster the
rule of law in order to create the basic preconditions for development and reducing
inequality and poverty. The Fourth Lomé Convention, as revised in 1995, recognises these
factors as fundamental.
The European Union has so far not come up with a firm policy regarding government and
legal reform, improving capacity to analyse and formulate development policy or
strengthening those institutions active in civil society which are capable of
counterbalancing the authorities. Community action to back institutions and good
governance has focused on encouraging democratic elections, providing technical assistance
to help with development projects and programmes and providing targeted financial
assistance to help with or offset the effects of some reforms. However, recent years have
seen greater focus on the institutional backdrop as a whole rather than the agency or
institution responsible for a particular project. Structuraladjustment and sectoral-policy
support have encouraged this change in focus, which has enabled the Community to be more
active in improving the policy environment (in individual sectors and in general). This
approach is destined to become more common, especially as evaluation studies have shown
that institutional matters will have to be considered as a matter of course and in greater
depth if Community cooperation is to be made more efficient.
Are there not grounds for going beyond such detail changes, however, which are, after
all, perfectly compatible with current policy. In the new international economic and
political climate, the state is becoming a structure which is seen as responsible for
laying the groundwork for sustainable and equitable development. Under these
circumstances, should there not be a rethink of this dimension of ACPEU relations, and should
the EU itself not be giving more strategic backing to the political and social transition
which is needed?
Change in a country's institutions is basically a political process. No reform can
succeed unless it has support on the ground, and there will always be many obstacles
(because it affects the power structure and will inevitably meet with resistance).
Institutional development consequently has two complementary sides: a political side and a
more "technical" side.
In this situation, should the EU play a more active role in institutional
development and become involved in the dialogue with other donors on such matters? And how
can it set about playing such a role?
1. There are compelling reasons for the EU to step up its activities in this area,
give them greater priority and indeed make them a major plank of its relations with the
ACP countries:
- The ACP countries themselves are now having to redefine their concept of the functions
of the state and improve the way the state fulfils those functions. The aim is to serve
the general interest. The political motivation behind the EU's activity in this area has
no overtones of national interest: the EU has no prototype to force on other countries,
and the Member States organize their own social and political systems in a variety of
different ways.
- The fact that respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the application of
democratic principles are deemed essential by the Union. Because there have been problems
with the current policies for backing democratization (see Chapter III), a less
formalistic and more constructive approach needs to be adopted.
- The efficiency and impact of Community aid are closely related to these institutional
questions. Most Community aid in the economic and social fields would be improved by more
decisive action on institutional development. As evaluation studies have shown, the impact
and viability of Community aid programmes are often adversely affected by too little
account being taken of the limitations and obstacles connected with the institutional
setting. If the EU backs economic reform, it should in its own interest and in the
interests of efficiency, tackle the related institutional matters. If adjustment policies
are to succeed in the ACP countries, there must be a predictable legal framework,
transparent decision-making and administrative and budgetary management procedures, and
good public services.
The partnership that the EU is seeking to develop with the ACP countries is an
appropriate setting in which to tackle institutional development issues because it allows
the countries involved to take primary responsibility for reform and allows the EU to
provide technical, financial and policy support on the basis of reciprocal medium-term
Furthermore, the experience of reform which the Union has gained from the process of
European integration gives it a special know-how.
2. From the points of view of content and procedure, there are three complementary
lines of action which could be contemplated to further the EU's capacity- and
institution-building efforts:
- The EU could re-examine ways of mobilizing local and Community expertise for transfers
of know-how between Europe and the ACP countries. The establishment of a specialist
network for analysis and technical assistance would provide ongoing support over
sufficiently long periods of time and build up genuine experience and know-how.
- The EU could specialize in particular fields, depending on the "added value"
it was able to contribute relative to other donors (bilateral or multilateral). A number
of fields may be identified within the EU's main spheres of action:
- The EU could use new aid practices to try and reduce negative effects on local
The advantages of using more local expertise have already been recognized in the Lomé
Convention, but more fundamental changes need to be contemplated. In certain situations,
and for a limited time, some substitutions will probably be inevitable, but a clear
political signal backing a change of approach and a reduction of the adverse effects of
aid on local institutional and administrative capacity-building will probably give rise to
a number of changes (simplification of procedures, reduction of the range of instruments
and abandoning of the project-based approach). This would constitute a strategy
realignment because local capacity-building is destined to become one of the main
influences on the choice of practical arrangements for aid. The different options in this
connection are discussed in Chapter VI.
C. Trade and investment
Suitable integration of the ACP group into the global economy, and in particular the
definition of its proper place in the evolving external economic relations network of the
EU, as a major dimension of their integration into the world economy, constitutes the
challenge for new ACPEU relations post-2000. relations. Failure to devise an appropriate
framework may result in the breaking up of the ACP group, the drifting away of some ACP
regions and countries from the present link with the EU, and further marginalization of
the poorest ACP countries.
Trade arrangements.
Many options are possible for a future ACPEU trade relationship after the year 2000.
These options should, in theory, allow the ACP countries to accommodate their preferred
integration strategies. These options should also be reviewed in respect of the dimensions
of the partnership principle underpinning the ACPEU trade relationship:
- (i) Single trade arrangement versus multiple trade arrangements
- (ii) Differentiated versus generalized
- (iii) Reciprocal versus non reciprocal
- (iv) Contractual (providing long-term security, bilateral or multilateral) versus
unilateral (at EU political discretion).
As the principle of partnership carries a major political value for the ACP countries
as well as for EU members, the different options considered would have to be assessed in
the light of their impact on that principle: Would they undermine it or reinvigorate it?
Would they narrow it down or broaden it? These are important political considerations to
take into account when assessing the different options; the technical constraints relating
in particular to the negotiation of free trade should also be considered (see Box 5 for a
discussion of the trade options).
The menu which could be offered for consideration of the ACP countries could be
composed of the following items:
- (i) "Status quo". Preservation of the current non-reciprocal,
differentiated (in respect of other LDCs), contractual, uniform scheme focusing on strict
market access terms. An "enhanced status quo" variant could involve improvements
in market access, together with relaxation of rules and procedures, agreements on
trade-related matters (standards, environment, competition policy, intellectual property,
etc) and an agreement on services. Another variant would restrict this option only to the
least advanced ACP countries, proposing to the more advanced group any of the options
below according to their wishes or capabilities. Finally, an element of reciprocity could
be introduced into this option by requiring all ACP countries to submit and bind a tariff
schedule offer to the GATT.
- (ii) "Integration into the GSP". This option consists in removing the
trade package from the Lomé Convention, which will be reduced to an aid package. The
leastdeveloped ACP (LLDC-ACP) countries would be grouped with the least developed non-ACP
countries, while the more advanced ACP countries would graduate into the normal scheme. To
avoid too drastic a loss of preferences for the LLDC-ACP, the general preferences granted
to the leastdeveloped countries could be upgraded to reach parity with the level of Lomé
horizontal preferences. Being a unilateral policy of the EU, the concessions granted would
not be the object of negotiation with the ACP countries. Nothing could be asked from them
in exchange. Alternatively, the EULLDC preferential arrangement could be embedded into a
multilateral (possibly GATT-bound) preferential arrangement for LLDCs.
- (iii) "Uniform reciprocity". Require all ACP countries to extend
reciprocity (consistent with WTO rules), after a common transitional period, to EU
exports. As a variant, allow for different transitional periods for the LLDC-ACP countries
on one side, and for the more advanced ACP countries on the other. As an enhanced variant,
this option could also involve agreements on traderelated areas, and an agreement on
services. It would also entail full integration of the ACP countries into the WTO
- (iv) "Differentiated reciprocity". Variable geometry reciprocity
(consistent with WTO rules) with the EU on one side, and with homogenous regional groups
of ACP countries, or with single ACP countries on the other side, on the model of
North-South regional trading arrangements. As an enhanced variant, this option would also
involve agreements on trade related areas and an agreement on services, and full
integration into the WTO framework. Another variant would envisage regional trade
arrangements between the EU, on one side, and a regional integration area made up of ACP
and non-ACP countries.
Finally, two additional options combining the four options reviewed above may also be
- (v) "Differentiation under a single framework". This option would
encompass options (i), to (iv) as items of a single menu for the EU and the ACP to choose
from, depending on levels of development, perceived needs and the will of the ACP to
deepen the relationship, political conditions and the level of reciprocity the ACP were
willing to grant to the EU. It would maintain, for all ACP countries, the contractual
character of the present relationship but might require major modifications to certain
horizontal preferences of the current relationship (commodity protocols and agricultural
preferences), notably as regards country eligibility.
This option would contemplate a
set of trading arrangements organised in four tiers:
- (a) Region-to-Region FTAs, along the model of option (iv);
- (b) Bilateral FTA, same as option (iv) but with willing single ACP countries
which are outside any regional integration process and are large and capable enough
(examples: Nigeria, Zaire), and provided that political conditions are right;
- (c) Non-reciprocal preferences, maintained for the leastdeveloped ACP countries
(established unilaterally or within a multilateral framework), those whose per-capita
income lies below an internationally recognised level, and are outside any regional
integration process falling under option a) above;
- (d) Graduation into GSP, in respect of the horizontal, non-reciprocal
preferences, dealing with those ACP countries not willing to come under options (a) or
(b), but showing a level of development which would make them ineligible for option (c);
"graduate" ACP countries could, perhaps, maintain the preferences under the
commodity protocol, but only for a transitional period (a waiver could be required in this
Within this framework, the ACP countries would be able, in agreement with the EU, to
select the trade option that best fitted the integration strategy chosen and their needs
and capabilities. However, issues of trade and investment diversion effects among groups
of ACP countries will be unavoidable as the pattern of preferences and the pull on FDI
will vary for each group according to the option selected.
This framework option would preserve the integrity of the existing Lomé
Convention but would allow for reciprocity, differentiation and graduation
considerations to be added as additional basic dimensions of the partnership principle.
They would work as inside dynamic elements pulling individual ACP countries from a given
stage of the relationship into higher stages, as their individual conditions, and their
wishes, allowed. In respect of WTO compatibility, this single framework would most likely
have to be joined by a request for an Article XXIV.10 derogation (i.e. derogation in
respect of the minimum compatibility conditions for FTAs).
(vi) "Differentiation leading to a variety of arrangements". In this
scheme the alternatives (i) to (iv) lead naturally to a variety of trading arrangements,
possibly coexisting with a single aid package. The integrity of the Lomé Convention is
obviously the first casualty of this approach. Contractuality and security, and certainly
the strength and scope of the partnership principle, will vary between arrangements, and
the current level of preferences will likely be eroded for some groups of ACP countries or
enhanced for other groups according to the option chosen.
This multiple framework will be quite incompatible with the preservation of the
benefits provided under the commodity protocols as well as with the horizontal scheme of
agricultural preferences. Issues of unequal treatment and of deflection of trade and
investment between groups of ACP countries will become even more serious than under the
single framework option above.
The advantages and disadvantages associated with each option, as discussed throughout
this note, will accordingly apply to the group of ACP countries covered by each. In
respect of compatibility with the WTO, an Article XXV.5 waiver would have to be requested
for the non-preferential scheme for the least advanced ACP countries. This may be easier
to obtain.
Whichever option chosen, it should be remembered that the EU has embarked on
harmonizing the rules of origin used in preferential trade arrangements.
Investment Protection and Promotion
Under the provisions of the fourth Lomé Convention, ACP countries have undertaken to
accord fair and equitable treatment to private investors, to create and maintain a
predictable and secure investment climate, to improve the business environment, and to
foster a legal, administrative and incentive framework conducive to the emergence and
development of dynamic private sector enterprises (Article 258(c) to (g)). Countries have
striven, individually, to implement these objectives, but not always with the desired
result of a revival of private sector investment. Investors still hesitate. The business
environment and the policy and institutional context do not yet always inspire sufficient
Countries will continue, domestically, to implement confidence-building measures.
However the transparency and predictability of these measures can be enhanced if they are
seen to be related to a common, well-understood and internationally-accepted framework of
rights and obligations. In 1992 the EU proposed for the consideration of ACP countries a
set of Investment Protection Principles, covering, inter alia, national treatment,
the most favoured nation principle, fair and equitable treatment, the full protection of
law, compensation for expropriation and remittance of earnings and capital. The draft
Principles gave textual effect to the objectives of the Convention. They have not,
however, been widely discussed or implemented. Since 1992 there have been extensive
discussions in the OECD on the proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment which sets
out a more ambitious and comprehensive framework for the protection of investors.
The issue of investment protection standards has now been taken up in the WTO where
negotiations on principles acceptable to a wider spectrum of countries are soon to
commence. If these negotiations lead to agreement on transparent and enforceable
principles, investors and capital markets are likely to be attracted by the lower risk of
investing in countries which agree to abide by them.
An option for ACP countries wishing to accelerate the revival of investor confidence
would be to adopt and apply an internationally recognised standard of investor protection
having the force of law. The EU would naturally be open to requests for assistance in
building capacity for introducing this in those countries which chose to adopt it. The
larger the number of ACP countries which feel able to subscribe to the standard, the
greater the confidence of international investors in the ACP countries as a group will be,
and the more the ACP countries will feel that they are a group.
Options for ACP countries wishing to revive investor confidence through more credible
investment protection are to:
- a. Pursue current policies of concluding bilateral investment protection
agreements with countries of the EU and the home countries of other foreign investors.
These agreements cover the basics of compensation for expropriation, but are otherwise
limited in scope, offering little redress against discriminatory or discretionary
decisions by host country governments. They have not been conspicuously successful in
attracting new investment, particularly in Africa.
- b. Enter into regional investment protection arrangements. One example to follow
might be the UEMOA, whose members are introducing a common investment code, common trade
law and common investment protection standards. With regional arrangements it should be
relatively easy to police compatibility with rules and undertakings, and judicial redress
should be relatively accessible for aggrieved investors. Successful regional arrangements
might be extendable to other interested ACP states, thus creating an acknowledged ACP
standard of practice.
- c. Subscribe to an internationally recognised standard of investor protection -
based perhaps on principles agreed in the WTO. The advantage for ACPs of adopting
international norms of investment protection lies in their greater visibility and
familiarity to investors,and thus in their greater confidence-building effect.
However, as there is at present no internationally agreed model, the most advantageous
option for ACP countries, in the interim, is likely to be to collaborate - with EU
support- in regional arrangements which satisfy the basic principles outlined above. In
their longer term interest the EU and ACP countries should simultaneously work together
towards agreement on a wider international standard.
Box 5. Discussion of the trade options
The "status quo" option, which has the advantage of already
being a known quantity, maintains the integrity and contractuality characteristics of the
present trade arrangement, thus providing long-term security (up to a certain point, see
below), and because of the preservation of its differentiated features (relative to other
LDC's) will still convey the message that the ACP trade relationship is still at the top
of the EU pyramid of trade privileges. It also has the specific advantage that, with
regard to a number of agricultural commodities which are both sensitive within the Union
market and of major - indeed decisive - importance to several of the ACP countries, it
enables the Union to offer access provisions subject to precise limitations. These
limitations provide a clear planning framework for the ACP and enable the quantities
concerned to be absorbed by the Union's agricultural market. This option could also
provide breathing space for the common agricultural policy to evolve under the impulse of
the next stage of the WTO and enlargement of the Union. The shortcomings of this option
are that:
- Being differentiated, it will continue to require a WTO waiver which needs to be
reviewed every year. As a result, the security of the preferences, one of the main assets
of the Lomé trade package, will be severely undermined.
- Because of the diminished security of the preferences, it will also be unable to help
attract significant levels of FDI and to counteract the diversion effect that other EU-led
regional trading arrangements may have on European FDI.
- It will not give the necessary security and credibility to the trading (import and
export) and regulatory regimes of the ACP countries, in order to reduce the level of risk
and thus make the ACP countries more attractive as investment locations.
- It will not provide any additional impetus to the regional integration processes under
way among ACP countries.
- It will prevent any ACP country or group of countries from joining regional trading
arrangements involving other developed economies, as it would be politically and
economically unacceptable for the EU to be discriminated against in ACP markets relative
to other developed economies.
In any case, this option should be supplemented by the requirement that the ACP
countries submit and bind a tariff schedule under the GATT; this could be instrumental in
mustering support for an article XXV.5 waiver.
The second option,"integration into the GSP", will have as major
advantage, seen from the EU point of view, of harmonizing the non-reciprocal preferential
trade policy of the EU and bringing full conformity with WTO rules. It will create a level
playing field, in respect of access to the EU market, for all LDCs other than those
engaged in regional trade arrangements with the EU. It will also allow some ACP countries
or groups of countries to engage in regionalism with other developed economies (Caribbean
within NAFTA, or FTAA, Pacific-ACP in respect of APEC). On the minus side, this option
- Permanently dismantle the Lomé package in several respects. It will treat different
types of ACP countries differently according to their level of development. It will also
uncouple the aid from the trade policies which are now integrated into the Lomé
- Reduce drastically, at least for the more advanced ACP countries, the preferential
margin received under the Lomé package, since the preferences on agricultural products
will have to be aligned to GSP levels and the commodity protocols could no longer be
provided. Under this option, the continuation of the Sugar Protocol could pose certain
problems, not least problems of a legal nature.
- Reduce security in respect of the market access terms previously enjoyed, although the
reduced level of preferences, while at the discretion of a change in policy by the EU or
submitted to the graduation mechanism of the GSP, will be unchallengeable under the WTO.
The more advanced ACP countries will find it more difficult to attract FDI under this
option. However, the multilateral GSP option for LLDC (ACP and non ACP), bound in the
GATT, would achieve a high level of security.
- Provide no additional pull on FDI, nor would it provide a counterweight to the trade and
investment deflection effects resulting from EU-led regionalism involving other LDCs.
- Be neutral in respect of the viability of South-South regional integration processes
under way. Give no additional protection to the surge in EU regulations on trade related
Finally, this option will fundamentally weaken the principle of partnership
embodied in the Lomé Convention, which would be reduced to its political, institutional
and aid dimensions.
The third option, "uniform reciprocity" (within the meaning of article
XXIV of the GATT), would conform to WTO rules. It would fundamentally reinforce the
principle of partnership, as it would make more equal the contract between both parties,
and would make it of indefinite duration (at least where the trade part of the Convention
is concerned).
- It will maintain, even enhance, the security and predictability of the preferences, and
by opening and "locking in" the import regime of the ACP countries it will lend
credibility to their trade policies in the eyes of domestic and foreign investors. As a
consequence an enhanced pull on FDI can be expected, as well as a further impulse from
domestic investors.
- It will also level the playing field in respect of other LDCs engaging in FTA agreements
with the EU and allow certain ACP countries to join regional trading arrangements with
other developed economies and get a fair share of the benefits of regional economic
- On the minus side, by imposing a uniform, horizontal framework, this option will not
address the existing marked differences among ACP countries in terms of levels of
integration and development, as well as in terms of both the need and the ability to
engage en free trade negotiations with the EU.
Feasibility is certainly the main problem: How could all ACP countries agree on a
single "plan" and "schedule" (as required by article XXIV.5.(c)) for
the formation of a ACPEU FTA which takes into account their trading patterns, their
differing needs for industrial restructuring, for changes in fiscal policy which could be
required to accompany the dismantling of tariffs, etc ?. It would be impossible for a
single framework to accommodate the needs and the conditions of all ACP countries.
Furthermore, many ACP countries lack the human skills and the administrative capability to
engage in free trade negotiations with the EU.
"Differentiated reciprocity", would carry all the benefits of the
previous option while allowing for the different levels of integration and development, as
well as for the needs, conditions, abilities and willingness of the different groups of
ACP countries. For each ACP region, a "plan" and a "schedule" for free
trade with the EU which best fitted its particular needs and abilities, could be defined.
This option would give a major impetus to the regional integration processes under way
among ACP countries.
- A major casualty of this option would be the loss of the integrity of the relationship
and the fragmentation of the partnership principle (which however would be reinvigorated
within each agreement). Furthermore, since this approach must build on existing regional
integration processes among ACP countries (UEMOA, SADC, CARICOM, etc), those ACP countries
not party to, or unwilling to join, any of those processes would have to enter into single
FTA negotiations with the EU. This option could also accommodate FTAs involving the EU on
one side and ACP and non-ACP countries which constitute "natural" regional areas
on the other.
- The option will also involve the demise of the commodity protocols and the agricultural
preferential scheme. The negotiation of preferences under these particular instruments
would give rise to certain problems.
- Feasibility is also a major problem with this option, since it can not be expected that
all ACP countries, or all ACP regional integration groupings, meet the conditions
(political, commercial, administrative and other), are capable of, or are willing to enter
into, FTA negotiations with the EU. Furthermore, if the arrangements negotiated do not
fully meet the requirements of article XXIV, a derogation (art. XXIV.10) would have to be
requested. If too many arrangements of this type were to be considered, the management of
the derogations in the WTO could constitute a major problem for the EU. Under this option,
and according to the Commission and Council conclusions of June 1995 on Free Trade Areas,
these agreements should comply with the relevant WTO provisions and take into account the
implications for the Union's common policies and main trading partners.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6
Updated on December 19, 1996
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