The IMF. Effects on strategies for development. (notes by Róbinson Rojas Sandford)(1998) _______________________________________________ Four main areas summarize criticisms of the International Monetary Fund's activities in less developed countries: 1.- Fund programmes are inappropriate.- The criticism says that IMF's approach to policy is preoccupied with the control of demand as a unique tool for reducing inflation and levels of imports, and is too little concerned with structural weaknesses in Balance of Payments, which are the outcome of a "fractured" system of production ( see R. Rojas, "Latin America: blockages to development"). The result is that those programmes impose large costs on borrowing countries through losses of output and employment, by further impoverishing the poor, and through the politically destabilising effects of its policy stipulations. 2.- Fund operations infringe the sovereignty of states.- It is argued that the Fund's modes of operation and inflexibility in negotiations infringe the sovereignty of states and alienate governments from the measures they are supossed to implement; that there is an increasing overlap with the World Bank; and between them that they are apt to swamp governments with policy conditions. ( for the case of Chile in 1970-73, see R. Rojas, "The Murder of Allende and the end of the Chilean way to Socialism" ) 3.- The IMF credits and programmes are too small, expensive and short-term, which is highly damaging. The programmes are criticised as too short-term for economies whose Balance of Payments problems are rooted in structural weaknesses and who often face secular declines in their terms of trade. The credits are also criticised for their short maturity periods and the near-commercial rates of interest which they often bear; and as being too small relative to financing needs. 4.- The IMF is dominated by a few major industrial countries, which amounts to an extension of the economic and political world domination by those major industrial countries. It is argued also that because of the above, the IMF pay little heed to developing countries views. The industrial countries, it is alleged, use their control to promote their own interests -for example, in using the IMF to impose a post-1982 approach to the debt problem which shifted a disproportionate burden onto debtor countries- and to reward 'favourites'. HOW THE IMF WAS BORN The International Monetary Fund was created in the 1940s to serve as a lender and manager of last resort for the industrialized countries. At that time, the world outside Soviet Union, was roughly divided into "powerful" countries with colonies (Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan), plus a bunch of political free states under economic domination by the United States (Latin America). By 1947, when the IMF opened its door for business as a lender, the "powerful" was only one (United States), plus "less powerful" with colonies (Britain and France), and an "outsider" with a new type of colonies that were going to be known as "satellites". The IMF was in business for the "powerful" and the "less powerful" only. During the process of creation of the institution, two well known economists were considered the "authors" of the idea: John Maynard Keynes, then an official of the UK Treasury, and Harry Dexter White, an official of the US Treasury. Both had the idea that an international fund could overcome the problems that faced the capitalist countries in the 1930s. The general idea was that this lender of last resort could help countries, via providing them with money when they ran into balance of payments difficulties, to: 1.- Attain full employment 2.- Have planned government intervention in and regulation of the economy (and social reforms to improve the lot of the poor) 3.- Limit the power of bankers and owners of international investments It is well known that Harry Morgenthau, the boss in the US Treasury at the time, was explicit about what were his purposes in helping to create the IMF: creating democratic institutions to replace the power of private bankers. In one of his speeches, Morgenthau said that his aime was "to erect new institutions which would be INSTRUMENTALITIES OF SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENTS and NOT OF PRIVATE FINANCIAL INTERESTS", and he added that we expected with this "driving the usurious money lenders from the temple of international finance". More emphatically, Harry White supported state intervention arguing that "the assumption that capital serves a country best by flowing to countries which offer most attractive terms is valid only under circumstances that are not always present... The theoretical bases for the belief still so widely held, that interference with trade and with capital and gold movements, etc., are harmful, are hangovers from a nineteenth century economic creed" (quoted in F. Block, "The Origins of International Economic Disorder", University of California Press, 1977, pp. 45-46). The above as corroborating Keynes idea that "we need a central institution, of a purely technical and non political character, to aid and support other international institutions concerned with the planning and regulation of the world's economic life... More generally, we need a means of reassurance to a troubled world, by which any country whose own affairs are conducted with due prudence is relieved of anxiety for causes which are not of its own making, concerning its ability to meet its international liabilities" (quoted in R. E. Harrod, "The Life of John Maynard Keynes", Macmillan, 1951). Contrary to the wishes of its creators (Keynes and White), since the beginning of its activities, the IMF became more and more a branch of U.S. transnational capital and less and less a "lender of last resort". And its main role was related to the newly freed nations (former colonies in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean), and the old free nations (former colonies in Latin America and the Caribbean). That role: impose capitalist relations of production for the benefit of transnational capital. SIX STEPS TOWARDS MANAGING THIRD WORLD ECONOMIES STEP ONE: 1947. The Executive board agrees on that the IMF "may postpone or reject a request for credit or accept it subject to conditions". STEP TWO: 1948. The United States of America concluded an independent agreement, bypassing the IMF, to give financial aid to several West European states for post-war reconstruction from 1948 to 1952. This followed Harry Truman's doctrine of "effacing communism from the face of the Earth", which inaugurated the period known as the "cold war". This was the Marshall Plan (George Marshall was then the US Secretary of State). The IMF then agreed to an American request to restrict IMF loans so that European countries in receipt of this Marshall Aid did not simultaneously receive IMF loans. That made very clear that the IMF was yet another financial institution managed by the U.S. corporate capital. STEP THREE: 1948. IMF's Annual Report made clear its role as a a "manager". It said: "The Fund has emphasized to members that the purpose of the use of its resoruces is to give members time to make necessary adjustment and not to avoid the necessity of such readjustments". STEP FOUR: 1952. The IMF Executive Board agreed on the following principles: 1) credit should be only for short periods (3 to 5 years); 2) the borrowing country would agree with the IMF on policies to ensure that it could repay as soon as possible (maximum 5 years); 3) a country requesting credit "will be expected to include in its authenticated request a statement that it will comply with the principles agreed"; 4) the Fund would monitor the use of the credit to "determine whether the borrower has used it in accordance with these agreed principles". STEP FIVE: 1959. The Annual Report summarized the principle adopted in preceding years that more stringent conditions would be required the greater the amount of credit. STEP SIX: 1968. The Fund Executive Board approved the use of "standby arrangements" to provide an assured line of credit. By and large, the FUND reached the peak of its role as a "manager" of the country requesting credit, making official the principle of "conditionality". From now onwards, less developed countries facing problems in balance of payments (the case for all of them) could obtain "financial help" from the IMF only if they embarked in a set of reforms to abide by the following conditions asked by the IMF: 1.- Abolition or liberalization of foreign exchange and import controls. 2.- Devaluation of the exchange rate. 3.- Domestic anti-inflationary programmes, including: a) control of bank credit; higher interest rates and in some cases higher reserve requirements; b) control of the government deficit: curbs on spending, increase in taxes and in prices charged by public enterprises; abolition of consumer subsidies; c) control of wage rises, so far as within the government's power; d) dismantling of price controls; 4.- Greater hospitality to foreign investment. ( the above points are taken from C. Payer, "The Debt Trap: the IMF and the Third World", Penguin Books, 1974). From the 1950s until the 1970s in Latin America, the IMF had been imposing some or all the above conditions on borrowing governments, with the result of widespread popular unrest sometime ending in bloody riots, i.e. in April 1957 the Chilean workers in Santiago demonstrated against the IMF's policies being imposed to fight inflation; the Chilean army intervened (to protect the IMF team, of course) and murdered around 500 hundred civilians in around ten hours of riots in the center of the capital city. In 1973, the IMF contributed to the overthrowing of the legal Chilean government.) THE ARUSHA REUNION By the end of the 1970s, many Third World governments decide to meet to discuss the dramatic social, political and economic damages that the IMF's "conditionality" principles were creating in their economies. They met in Arusha, Tanzania, 30 June-3 July 1980, to discuss about "The International Monetary System and the New International Order". In that South-North Conference, it was approved the "Arusha Initiative", which described "the inadequacies and inequities of IMF prescriptions" as follows: 1 The package of 'stabilization' measures prescribed by the IMF for countries with balance of payments deficits required these to accept a credit squeeze to reduce the money supply, reduced public spending particularly on welfare services, reduced real wages, liberalized price controls, the encouragement of private foreign investment, and the substitution of devaluation for tariffs and direct controls over trade. 2 The IMF claims to have a "scientific" basis for these policies and to be an objective and neutral institution charged with the "technical" function of "helping" countries to overcome their financial difficulties. Available evidence, including internal FUND documentation, point the other way. This contradiction is particularly clear when the Fund addresses Third World countries' balance of payments. What does the record shows? The IMF is not neutral because it systematically bases its prescriptions on market ideology, giving the preponderant role to local private enterprise and transnational investment. It envisages the state in a restrained and subsidiary role, promoting the free play of national and international market forces. The principle of state participation and intervention, involving a significant presence of public enterprises, is anathema to it. Alternative development patterns that reduce or control the space for private market logic are labelled as inefficient in economic terms and considered inadequate in political terms. 3 The IMF has proced to be a basically political institution. It tends to reproduce colonial relationships by constraining national efforts which promote basic structural transformations in favour of the majorities. Its orientation is fundamentally incompatible with an equitable conception of structural change, self-reliance and endogeneous development. The IMF medicine systematically favours the more conservative sectors of society and traditional centres of power. Worse still, when these sectors constitute real national power alternatives, the Fund prescriptions and its manner of dispensing them become an unabashed form of external political intervention in their favour. The Fund's policies, conceived to achieve "stabilization, have in fact contributed to destabilization and to the limitation of democratic processes. ( from I-S Abdalla, et al, "The Arusha Initiative", in Development Dialogue, 2, July 1980, The Dag Hammarskjold Centre, Uppsala, Sweden) By and large, in Arusha, the opinion was that the IMF's conditionalities did ensure that sovereign governments create deflation and unemployment when there is a balance of payments problem; abolish controls to regulate the economy and limit their social reforms; and give maximum freedom to the operations of banks and international investors. Three years before the Arusha Initiative, in August 1977, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee discussed the situation of countries with imminent debt problems ( mainly Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, in Latin America) in relation to IMF's measures to cope with it. Part of the records of that discussion read as follows: "The measures that the IMF and the private banks stimulate the deficit countries to adopt usually include limitations to the growth of the money supply, reductions in public spending and devaluation. These measures are destined to maintain the level of domestic consumption low and to reduce the demand for imports. The growth of export industries are regarded as very important to help equilibrate the balance of trade and to assure that the country receives enough foreign exchange to service its foreign debt. Countries may also be stimulated to create a favorable climate for foreign investment and for private sector in general"... "...The problem with these measures is that, although they may be the mos effective way quickly to compensate the balance of payments deficit of a country, they can also lead to greater unemployment, to the reduction in social welfare, and to a lower standard of living for the people"... "...In the poorest countries, in which the majority of the population barely reaches a minimum level of subsistence, the government decision to impose a program of strict economic austerity can create social and political disturbances"... "...Finally, and as we have shown, in many countries there seems to be a direct correlation between economic difficulties and political repression. The Carter Government, therefore, may see itself obliged to chose between continuing its efforts in favor of human rights or to support the creditor demands to implant drastic economic austerity programs that could only be imposed at the expense of civil liberties in the countries that adopt them". ( quoted from R. Rojas, "Latin America: Blockages to development", doctoral dissertation, 1985. Available in The Róbinson Rojas Archive) There is no need of further description to recognize the concepts of "deregulation", "globalization", "economic efficiency", "monetarist theory" and "free-market dynamics", plus "the end of history" as embedded in what the Fund policies have been pushing in less developed societies since the 1940s. There is no need of further description to recognize the Fund as the right arm of U.S. transnational capital in its colonization of less developed societies' industrialization. And about foreign debt, we saw in our lecture last week the structural origins of less developed societies external indebtness. Let us revise those lecture notes... ----------------------------------------------rrojas/1997----------- --------------------------------------------Bird/Killick starts----- The Overseas Development Institute's point of view as written by Graham Bird and Tony Killick in ODI Briefing Paper, April 1993, London: The core of the IMF approach to programme design is its 'financial programming' model. This takes a broadly monetarist view, with a BoP deficit seen as caused by a surplus in the supply of money over the demand for it, emanating from excessive domestic credit expansion. Hence, the essential task of an IMF team is to analyze the money supply and demand situation an to restrict credit so as to restore BoP viability. In consequence, programmes almost always try to reduce budget deficits, to reduce governments' credit needs. The Fund team does not confine itself to this task, however. For one thing, it regards the exchange rate as an important influence on the BoP, so that (except in currency union countries like the African member-states of the Franc Zone -see ODI Briefing Paper, "Crisis in the Franc Zone", July 1990) almost all its programmes involve devaluation. In recent years the Fund has reduced its reliance on quantified indicators of demand control, such as ceilings on credit to the public and private sectors, observance of which determine continued access to the negotiated line of credit. While such 'performance criteria' remain central to the Fund's modalities, it now makes greates use of (usually half-yearly) Review Missions, to take an overall view of programme execution and adjust programme details in light of the most recent economic data. The Fund is also moving away from concentration on simple budgetary aggregates, such as total spending or the budget balance, in favour of paying more attention to the 'quality' of fiscal adjustment. Since the economic impact of its fiscal provisions will be much affected by which expenditures are trimmed and what is done with taxes, the Fund is becoming more insistent on knowing how a government proposes to implement promised reductions in the budget deficit, increasingly urging governments to install social safety-nets and asking awkard questions about military spending. In other respects too it is paying more attention to achieving a better balance between demand-management and supply-side measures, even in its short-term (typically 18-month) Stand-by programmes, which now place greater weight on the goal of economic growth. In many cases, the privatisation or reform of public enterprises is stipulated -to reduce budgetary pressures but also to raise productive efficiency. Price and subsidy reforms are also common ingredients, e.g. raising petroleum prices or cutting food subsidies. And while Stand-bys remain short-term there is now a greater willingness to countenance a succession of such programmes, so that some countries (Cote d'Ivoire, Jamaica, Morocco...) have enjoyed the mixed pleasures of near-continuous support for a decade or more. The extension of the Fund's conditionality into measures bearing directly on the productive structure is taken a good deal further in its Extended Fund Facility (EFF) -first instroduced in 1974, kept in limbo during most of the 1980s but now reactivated as a major lending vehicle - and furthest of all in the Structural Adjustment Facilities (SAF and ESAF) initiated in recent years...By the end of 1992 these three facilities accounted for nearly three-quarters of the total value of all lending. ----------------------------------------------------------- STRUCTURE OF IMF COMMITMENTS, 1989 AND 1992 (percentages of total commitments, by value) 1989 Stand-bys EFFs SAFs/ESAFs Total Low-income countries 11 3 27 41 Sub-Saharan Africa (8) (3) (10) (29) Other developing 38 11 4 53 Total developing 49 14 31 94 Former COMECON 6 6 GRAND TOTAL 55 14 31 100 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1992 Stand-bys EFFs SAFs/ESAFs Total Low-income countries 9 10 19 Sub-Saharan Africa (-) (-) (6) (6) Other developing 11 49 2 62 Total Developing 20 49 12 81 Former COMECON 8 11 19 GRAND TOTAL 28 60 12 100 ------------------------------------------------------------ Source: IMF ------------------------------------------------------------ The EFF, SAF and ESAF have taken the Fund in the direction of medium-term lending, with the EFF providing 3-4 year support largely to middle-income and former Comecon countries, and SAF- ESAF offering 3-5 year programmes to low-income countries, chiefly in Africa. Uniquely, SAF and ESAF programmes are based on a Policy Framework Paper (PFP) setting out a three-year adjustment programme, supposedly drafted jointly by borrowing governments, the IMF and the World Bank. In the early days of this innovation the involvement of governments in the drafting process was often minimal but they have gradually acquired more influence. Under the influence of pressures from UNICEF and others, the Fund's Managing Director, Michel Camdessus, who took office in 1987, has changed its stance on the social effects of its programmes. It formerly insisted that it was for national governments to decide whether to protect the poor from hardships resulting from programmes. Now, its missions commonly discuss distributional aspects with governments when preparing programmes. PFPs are required to include measures to protect the well-being of vulnerable groups and programmes increasingly contain safety-net provisions. However, the chief examples of safety nets are in Eastern Europe, and there remain doubts about how much difference these changes have made in practice. The PFP has also provided a useful mechanism for coordination between the Fund and the World Bank. There is plenty of scope for disagreement between them, e.g. about the desirable levels of government investment, bank credit, imports and the exchange rate, and these tensions were heightened when the Bank increased its structural adjustment lending during the 1980s. There were some fierce turf battles and some celebrated rows over such countries as Argentina, Nigeria and Zambia, but it appears that top-management agreements on the division of labour and staff co-operation have substantially resolved these difficulties. Borrowing governments are less likely to be bewildered by conflicting 'advice' from the two institutions. INSTEAD, THEY ARE MORE LIKELY TO FEEL CONFRONTED BY A WASHINGTON MONOLITH. NEW CRITIQUES The Fund, then. has sought to adapt but have its efforts been sufficient? Some think not. FIRST, critics point out that the Fund's use of more supply side measures has been ADDITIONAL TO its traditional demand-control policies, NOT IN SUBSTITUTION. THE FUND HAS THUS WIDENED THE RANGE OF ITS CONDITIONALITY WITHOUT DILUTING ITS MONETARIST HARD CORE. There has been particular criticism of the especially demanding conditionality attached to ESAF credits, which frightened off potential borrowers, causing a slow take-up rate. The Fund's approach to the supply side is criticised as blinkered: largely addressed to the reduction of price distortions and privatisation, taking a negative view of the state and associated with sharp reductions in public sector investment. Moreover, while the EEF and SAF-ESAF facilities, and toleration of repeated stand- bys, have taken the Fund into medium-term lending, these are not substitute for programmes conceived as long term. DOUBTS persist about the appropriateness of the financial programming model. Its strength is that it confronts governments with the BoP and inflationary consequences of their budget deficits but the model remains open to a range of criticisms. FIRST, it is seen as RESTING UPON ASSUMPTIONS THAT MAY OFTEN NOT BE VALID FOR DEVELOPING-COUNTRY CONDITIONS. In particular, it assumes the demand for money is known and stable - so that non-expansionary levels of money supply and domestic credit can be estimated - a condition that does not always hold. SECOND, it requires that governments are able to hold credit within agreed ceilings, whereas their control is often highly imperfect because of unreliable data, the difficulties of forecasting and regulating budgetary outcomes, vulnerability to 'shocks', and unpredictable responses by banks and other financial institutions to governments' policy signals. The model is criticised AS TOO STATIC, NOT WELL DESIGNED TO COPE WITH TIME LAGS AND UNCERTAINTIES, OR TO TRACE THE EFFECTS OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR'S REACTIONS TO STABILISATION MEASURES. The static nature of the model has caused the Fund particular difficulties since it was pushed in the later 1980s towards more 'growth- oriented' programmes. The incorporation of a growth objective alognside BoP viability generates a host of complications and increases the difficulties of using the model for policy purposes. Finally, the model is criticised for focusing on only a few economic aggregates, diverting attention from important qualitative aspects of policy. Programme negotiations are often preoccupied with fruitless disputes about the merits of rival statistics and the exact numbers that should be included as performance criteria. Yet while the specifics of IMF financial programming remain contentious, there is less controversy than formerly about the main trust of the Fund's advice, about the importance of macroeconomic stability and of fiscal-monetary discipline to that end. Further criticisms have however arisen regarding the cost of IMF credit and its overall direction of flow. HOW EFFECTIVE ARE FUND PROGRAMMES? Another approach to assessing the policies of the Fund in developing countries is to examine how programmes work in practice and what impact they have. There are major methodological problems here: the difficulties of disentangling programme effects from other influences on economic performance; of choosing adequate performance indicators and the best period for analysis. Above all, skill is required to construct a plausible assessment of what would have happened in the absence of a programme. Empirical research nevertheless makes it possible to offer some apparently firm generalisations about programme effects ( for fuller substantiation see articles by Killick et al in WORLD ECONOMY, September 1992 ) : * Fund programmes usually strengthen the BoP. Moreover, these results are not typically achieved by means of swingeing import cuts; export performance is usually improved. It takes time for these improvements to show up but they are then usually sustained into the medium-term. * About half of programmes break down before completion ( two-thirds in recent years ). This does not seem to make much difference to outcomes, however, which suggests that the BoP improvements are less attributable to the programmes that to a greater concern with macro- economic management among governments which sign Fund agreements. * Overall, programmes do not make much difference to the inflation rate. While demand-control measures may reduce inflationary pressures, this tends to be offset by the price-raising effects of devaluations and interest-rate liberalisations. * Programmes have a muted impact on economic growth: neither the crippling deflation which the Fund's critics complain of nor the revived expansion which the Fund seeks to achieve. Programmes often result in substantially reduced investment levels and sometimes in shortages of imported inputs. * There is little evidence that programmes typically impose large socialcosts, although the urban labour force commonly suffers reduced real earnings, and cuts in budget subsidies can have serious effects. Programme effects on the distribution of income can be large but are usually complex, with the overall effect on poverty depending on country circumstances and policies. There is no systematic evidence of political destabilisation, although there have been specific instances of this. * Many of the programmes that break down do so because of adverse external developments. In the absence of adequate contingency financing, countries get into difficulties because world prices turn against them, and quite often because of natural disasters, such as droughts and hurricanes. * Programmes often fail to trigger additional inflows of capital from the rest of the world, despite claims that the Fund's 'seal of approval' has a catalytic effect on capital inflows. While some countries have benefitted, research shows that the BoP capital account does is not typically improve, even though debt relief and development assistance are included. Indeed, a shortage of supporting finance is a common reason for programme breakdown. * Programmes often do not have a strong influence on fiscal and monetary policies. This helps explain the Fund's imperfect ability to achieve programme targets. However, the exchange rate is strongly influenced: programmes are associated with substantial currency depreciations, and these are sustained in real terms { RR note: this amounts to state that the Fund's programmes strongly support industrialised countries' interests in their trade with less developed countries. } * There has been a good deal of political interference in Fund lending decisions. Successive American administrations have in particular used their weight to favour (or oppose) friendly (or hostile) developing countries. In some countries, this forced the Fund into providing effectively unconditional finance to governments with proven records of economic mismanagement (e.g. in the Philippines under Marcos, Sudan under Nimeiri and Zaire under Mobutu){ RR note: and Chile under Pinochet } swelling the number of ineffective programmes. The end of the Cold War may diminish such geo-politicking. Fund programmes have often been surrounded by much sound and fury, yet what do these findings show? GOVERNMENTS ARE BETTER ABLE TO RESIST THE RIGOURS OF FUND STIPULATIONS THAN IS OFTEN ASSUMED; AND THE FUND HAS ONLY LIMITED ABILITY TO ACHIEVE ITS OBJECTIVES, EXCEPT WHEN GOVERNMENTS ARE GENUINELY CONVINCED OF THE NEED FOR FISCAL AND MONETARY DISCIPLINE. How might we explain such muted effects? It has long been suspected that the extent of programme implementation is strongly influenced by the extent to which the borrowing government regards the programme as its own. A recent investigation by the World Bank of its own adjustment programmes corroborated this, finding a strong correlation between programme success and indicators of such government 'ownership'. Government 'ownership' was high in most programmes obtaining strong results and low in ineffective programmes, and was strongly predictive of programme success in three-quarters of all cases, with most 'deviant' cases explained by the intervention of external shocks. There has been no equivalent research on Fund programmes but there are good reasons for expecting similar considerations to apply, not the least because many of the Bank programmes analyzed were accompanied by Fund programmes. The Fund's own tendency to attribute non-implementation to 'lack of political will' points to the same direction. { The above underlines the truism that the Fund's role has been to help ruling elites in developing countries to further the working of the free market system and to support industrialised nations trade, especially of the nations dominating the Fund } THE SIZE AND COST OF CREDITS What now of the complain that IMF credits are inadequate in value, too short term and expensive? The table below provides summary indicators of the financial terms attached to credits in 1991/92: --------------------------------------------------------------------- THE TERMS OF IMF CREDITS, 1991/92 Repayment Interest period (years) rate (%) Stand-by credits 3.25-4 8.0 * Extended facility 4.50-10 8.0 * SAF and ESAF 5.50-10 0.5 * higher if from borrowed rather than 'ordinary resources'. Source: IMF --------------------------------------------------------------------- The above shows repayment periods of up to ten years. The AVERAGE maturity period has increased in recent years due to the relative rise of EFF, SAF and ESAF lending and by 1992 was probably about eight years, against about five years in the mid-1980s, when stan-bys predominated. The table also shows that, while SAF-ESAF credits bear only a nominal interest rate (subsidised by special grants and loans from industrial countries), stand-by and EFF credits are much more expensive. Indeed, the average rate of 8% in 1991/92 was little cheaper than commercial money - a considerable contrast with the position during most of the 1980s, when the Fund's rate was well below that offered by commercial banks. Turning to the adequacy of the credits, the data below shows that the annual average amount of credit to developing countries, net of reurn flows from them, was actually negative during 1986-91, i.e. service payments on past credits exceeded the value of new lending. This was so in each of the regions shown, even though Africa and Western Hemisphere had major current accounts deficits in these years. In consequence, the Fund has greatly reduced its proportional exposure in Africa (see the first table above). IN THIS SENSE THE FUND COULD BE SEEN AS ADDING TO THE FINANCING PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPING WORLD RATHER THAN REDUCING THEM. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NET CREDIT FROM IMF AND BALANCE OF PAYMENT OUTTURNS, 1986-91* (US$ billion) Net Credit BoP** All developing countries -2.2 -31.0 (of which) Asia -1.2 +5.5 Sub-Saharan Africa -0.3 -6.9 Western Hemisphere -0.3 -12.4 * Annual average ** Balance on current account Source: IMF --------------------------------------------------------------------- However, the result is different if the test is confined to countries which actually borrowed from the Fund. Calculations for a sample of 17 developing countries showed that, even on a net basis, Fund credits covered nearly a third of their deficits. However, coverage was much smaller -less than a fifth- for countries whose programmes subsequently broke down, suggesting that under-funding contributed to the failure rate. FROM THE MIXED RESULTS PERHAPS THE SAFEST CONCLUSION IS THAT FUND CREDITS can BE QUITE GENEROUS IN SIZE AND COST FOR COUNTRIES WHICH QUALIFY FOR FAVOURABLE TREATMENT, BUT FOR OTHERS CREDITS MAY BE QUITE INADEQUATE, and that the short maturities of credits can easily leave a country having to make net transfers to the Fund despite continuing BoP deficits. Partly for this reason, the new phenomenon emerged during the 1980s of countries falling into arrears in servicing their IMF debts. As at April 1992 ten countries owed a total of US$ 4.8 billion -equivalent to over an eighth of the Fund's total outstanding credits. Although the Fund has devised a 'rights' scheme for helping countries work off their arrears and so become eligible for new credits, only Peru has so far successfully completed this process. The Fund's insistence that its credits cannot be rescheduled, let alone forgiven, prevents it from responding more adequately to the needs of the poorer countries in arrears. CONCLUSIONS So does the IMF really help developing countries?...High failure rates and a paucity of 'success stories' leave particular questions about the Fund's ability to operate successfully in African and other low-income countries. POLITICAL DETERMINATION OF COUNTRY LENDING DECISIONS REMAINS A WEAKNESS. The Fund in recent years has been associated with a net return flow of finance from debtor developing countries and there is evidence of programme underfunding. The effects of the Fund on capital inflows from other sources varies greatly and its claims to exert a catalytic effect are exaggerated. Shortages of supporting finance, and requirements upon countries to undertake adjustment measures even in response to natural disasters, are among the severest constraints on the ability of the IMF offer more effective help... Ultimately, it is the governments of the OECD countries which decide the Fund's policies and which determine its stance towards developing countries. Since the USA exerts particularly strong influence, disproportionate to its importance in world trade, to say nothing of its record as persistent producer of the world's largest budget deficit, the policies of the Clinton administration will be crucial in this regard. ---------------------------end of Bird and Killick, ODI, April 1993== ----------------------------------- BACK |