Table of Contents
Honors and Memberships
Research Interests
Publications Summary
Recent Publications
ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age
Essays on NATO and Kosovo
On-line Essays

Andre Gunder Frank

Bibliography of Publications, 1955 - 1995

This bibliography is organized in three categories:
  1. Books
  2. Collections
  3. Periodical articles

Publications in pamphlets have been assigned to one of the three categories. The bibliography contains items published in 25 different languages. The bibliography avoids listing the same item a dozen or more times in different languages and in various different versions of the same item in one language. If the 117 different editions of the 34 books and the about 600 versions of over 350 articles in periodicals, as well as the 131 chapters in collections, were each listed with the title under which they were published, the bibliography would be almost twice as long and take up nearly double the space below. Therefore, the bibliography is organizied as follows:

Books. Each title is listed only once, in English or Spanish. For instance, Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America was published in 11 different language editions; but the book title is listed only once with its different editions listed below it. Lumpenbourgeosisie: Lumpendevelopment was published in 14 different editions, which include 8 different Spanish language editions in as many countries. Only these editions, but not titles, are listed separately. The number of printings of each edition is indicated where known. The Spanish "2a edicion" is listed as the same edition, since it means and is counted as a 2nd printing. The books are listed in chronological order by first publication in English or Spanish. The English or Spanish title of each book is then followed by the publishers, places of and dates of publication in different languages without mentioning their translated titles. A book is also listed under the same title when its content is essentially, even if not entirely, the same. For instance, parts of Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America and of Latin America: Underdevelopment and Revolution were combined into a single book in Japanese. It is listed only once under the first title. Books that were co-authored and/or co-edited by Frank are listed as books. Chapters by Frank in the co-edited, but not in the co-authored, books are listed again under collections.

Collections. They are also called anthologies, readers, or volumes edited by others. Each collection is listed separately. It is listed in the language in which it appears, unless it is transliterated from a non Roman script (like Arabic) or translated from a non Indo-European or a Slavic language. In each case, the chapter title(s) by Frank are listed first, then the collection/book title, its editors when known, the place of publication, publisher, date of publication, and the page numbers of the contribution by Frank. The same item, for instance "The Development of Underdevelopment," appears in many different collections, each of which is listed separately. New editions of the same collection are not listed again unless their contents have changed very significantly. In some collections, a particular item by Frank that may have appeared in a shortened form nonetheless appears with the same title. The Collections are listed in chronological order by date of publication.

Periodicals. These include academic journals, magazines, newspapers, and some other periodical series, like proceedings or some pamphlet series. In most cases, especially for the 1960s and 1970s, the title a particular article like "The Development of Underdevelopment" is listed only once, by preference in English, if it was published in that language, and by second preference in Spanish if the item was not published in English. If an article was only published in some other language, like German, the title appears in that language. The list is in more or less chronological order by year of first publication in English or Spanish. The periodicals, places and dates of other publication of the same article are then listed under its title, even though in some cases that publication may have appeared many years later. In translation of course, the title of each article is different, and sometimes very different. Nonetheless, the article is listed under the same title if its contents are the same or essentially so. Sometimes, essentially the same article was published in versions of different length and somewhat different content. Even so, the different versions are mostly listed under one title as the same article. For more recent years, however, articles are sometimes listed separately as published. Therefore, the same article is sometimes listed again in different languages or versions. Page numbers are indicated where easily available. If not, they are omitted. Where some information like volume, number or precise date of publication is not readily available, the item is listed with the information that is available. The principle here is, better some incomplete information than none at all.

Efforts were made to make this bibliography as accurate as possible. However, errors of comission and omission, typing, and typesetting are bound to creep in, particularly regarding numbers (in dates, volume or page numbers, etc.) and in languages, which are difficult to check by proofreading. An effort has been made to achieve some uniformity of notational style for the listings within each of the three categories of publications. (The lists were compiled using copies of the original publications and many earlier lists with very different styles of notation). Mostly, the simplest style, using the fewest punctuation marks was preferred. Months of publication are usually given in English, and often in abbreviated form, eg. Jan. for January. However, when a publication in another language itself mentiones enero or janiero, that wording is sometimes retained. Volume numbers are usually given as Vol. 21 or Vol. XXI, and for reaons of space sometimes only as XXI. For various reasons of convenience, some differences in notational style was retained between the three categories of books, collection, and periodicals. Even so, the bibliography is incomplete. Recent visits to large libraries with computerized catalogs, like the Library of Congress and the University of California Libraries in the United States, have revealed published versions of the author's writings in book or pamphlet form, of whose existence he was not previously aware. If the author's writings are published as books or pamphlets without his knowledge, the same happens all the the more so in periodical publications. These are not usually catalogued and many are not indexed. Even those that are, may not be known or accessible. Therefore, trying to make this bibliography complete would be impossible­and a Sysiphus task as new publications continue to appear.


Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America

  • New York: Monthly Review Press 1967 Revised Edition 1969, 12 printings
  • London: Penguin Books 1971
  • Paris: Maspero Editeur 1972, 3 printings
  • Torino: Einaudi Editore, 1971, 4 printings
  • Frankfurt: Europäische Verlagsanstalt 1968, 2 printings
  • Stockholm: Bo Caferfors 1970
  • Helsinki: Tammi 1971
  • La Habana: Instituto del Libro 1970
  • Buenos Aires: Ediciones Signos 1970
  • Buenos Aires & Mexico: Siglo XXI, Enlarged Edition, 10 printings
  • Tokyo: Tsuge Shobo, 3 printings

Latin America: Underdevelopment or Revolution

  • New York: Monthly Review Press 1969, 7 printings
  • Paris: Maspero Editeur 1972, 3 printings
  • Torino: Einaudi Editore 1971
  • Stockholm: A.B. Rabenm & Sjorgren Bokforlag
  • Mexico: Ediciones ERA 1972, 2 printings
  • Frankfurt: Raubdruck 1971

Lumpenbourgeoisie: Lumpendevelopment. Dependence, Class and Politics in Latin America

  • New York: Monthly Review Press 1972
  • Caracas: Editorial Nueva Izquierda 1970
  • Bogotá: Ediciones Oveja Negra 1970
  • Montevideo: Ediciones La Banda Oriental 1970
  • Santiago: Prensa Latinoamericana 1971
  • La Habana: Referencias 1970
  • Mexico: Ediciones ERA 1971, 4 printings
  • Buenos Aires: Ediciones Periferia
  • Barcelona: Ediciones Laia 1972, 2 printings
  • Paris: Maspero Editeur 1971, 2 printings
  • Milano: Gabriele Mazotta 1971
  • Oporto: Editora Portocalense 1973
  • Amsterdam: Van Gennep 1974
  • Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 1977

Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment of Sociology

  • London: Pluto Press 1971
  • Stockholm: Zenit 1969
  • Barcelona: Ediciones Anagrama 1971
  • Mexico: Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia 1970, 2 printings
  • Montevideo: Aportes 1969
  • Milano: Lampugnani Nigri Editore 1970
  • Coimbra: Editora Centelha 1976
  • Teheran: Progressive Publishers n.d.

Dependence and Underdevelopment: Latin America's Political Economy (with J. Cockcroft & D. Johnson)

  • New York: Doubleday Anchor Books 1972
  • Buenos Aires: Ediciones Signos 1970

Dependencia (with P.Sweezy, T.Dos Santos & J. O'Connor) Santiago: Cuadernos Universitarios 1972

America Latina: Feudalismo o Capitalismo? (with E. Laclau & R. Puiggros) Bogotá: Ediciones Oveja Negra

Aspectos de la Realidad Latinoamericana (with O. Caputo, R. Pizarro, & A. Quijano) Santiago: Quimantu Editora 1973

Quien es el Enemigo Immediato? Buenos Aires: Editorial Centro de Estudios Politicos 1974

Carta Abierta en el Aniversario del Golpe Militar en Chile Madrid: Alberto Corazón Editor 1974

On Capitalist Underdevelopment

  • Bombay: Oxford University Press, 4 printings
  • Milano: Edizione Jaca Book 1971
  • Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama 1977
  • Lisboa: Edicioes 70, 1981

Raices del Desarrollo y del Subdesarrollo en el Nuevo Mundo Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales 1975

Development of Underdevelopment in Brasil Teheran: Progressive Publishers n.d.

Economic Genocide in Chile

  • Nottingham: Spokesman Books 1976
  • Madrid: Ediciones Zero 1976
  • Coimbra: Editora Centelha 1976
  • Freiburg: Iz3W 1977

No Esperar a 1984. Quale 1984? (with S. Amin and H. Jaffe)

  • Madrid: Edicienoes Zero 1976
  • Milano: Edizione Jaca Book 1976

Reflexiones Sobre la Crisis Economica

  • Lisboa: Iniciativas Editoriais 1976
  • Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama 1977
  • Paris: Maspero Editeur 1978
  • Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag 1978
  • Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Bokforlag 1979
  • Catania: Pelicani Libri 1979

Mexican Agriculture 1521-1630: Transformation of the Mode of Production

  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1979
  • Mexico: Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia 1976
  • Mexico: Ediciones ERA 1981

Crítica y Anti-Crítica Madrid: Ediciones Zero 1978

World Accumulation: 1492 - 1789

  • New York: Monthly Review Press 1978
  • London: Macmillan Press 1978
  • Paris: Calmann-Levy Editeur 1977
  • Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editor 1977
  • Lisboa: Editora Estampa 1979
  • Madrid: Siglo XXI Editores 1979

Dependent Accumulation and Underdevelopment

  • London: Macmillan Press 1978
  • New York: Monthly Review Press 1979
  • Paris: Edicions Anthropos 1978
  • Mexico: Ediciones ERA 1980
  • Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag 1980
  • Sao Paulo: Editora Brasiliense 1980
  • Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 1980

Crisis: In the World Economy

  • New York: Holmes & Meier 1980
  • London: Heinemann 1980
  • Barcelona: Bruguera 1979

Crisis: In the Third World

  • New York: Holmes & Meier 1980
  • London: Heinemann 1981
  • Barcelona: Bruguera 1980

Reflections on the World Economic Crisis (Revised)

  • New York: Monthly Review Press 1981
  • London: Hutchinson 1981
  • Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editora 1983
  • Tokyo: TBS Boooks '80, 1981

Dynamics of Global Crisis. Crise, Quelle Crise? (with S. Amin, G. Arrighi & I. Wallerstein)

  • New York: Monthly Review Press 1982
  • London: Macmillan Press 1982
  • Paris: Maspero Editeur 1982
  • Mexico: Siglo XXI Editores 1983, 2 printings
  • Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1986
  • Beograd: Radnicka Stampa 1985
  • Istanbul: Pirate edition 1985

Critique and Anti-Critique: Essays on Dependence and Reformism

  • New York: Praeger Publishers 1984
  • London: Macmillan Press 1984
  • Paris: Editiones Anthropos 1985

Chile onder Pinochet. Een Latijnamerikaans Volk in Gejzeling (edited with O. Catalan) Amsterdam: SUA/Novib 1984

The European Challenge: From Atlantic Alliance to Pan-European Entente for Peace and Jobs

  • Nottingham: Spokesman Books 1983
  • Westport USA: Lawrence Hill Publishers 1984 (revised ed.)
  • Stuttgart: Alektor Verlag 1983
  • Madrid: Editorial Pablo Iglesias 1983
  • Athens: Economic Chamber of Greece 1988 (with new foreword)

El Desafio de la Crisis

  • Madrid: IEPALA Editorial 1988
  • Caracas: Editorial Nueva Sociedad 1988

Wiederstand im Weltsystem: Zum Verhältnis von kapitalistischer Akkumulation, staatlicher Politik und sozialem Protest (with Marta Fuentes) Hannes Hofbauer & Andrea Komlosy, Eds. Wien: Promedia Verlag 1990

Transforming the Revolution: Social Movements and the World-System (with S. Amin, G. Arrighi & I. Wallerstein)
Le Grande Tumulte? Les Mouvements Sociaux dans l'Economie-Monde

  • New York: Monthly Review Press 1990
  • Paris: La Dècouverte 1990

The Underdevelopment of Development
El Subdesarrollo del Desarrollo: Un Ensayo Autobiografico

  • Stockholm: Bethany Books 1991, 150 pp.
  • Caracas: Editorial Nueva Sociedad 1991, 156 pp.
  • Madrid: Editorial IEPALA 1992, 180 pp.
  • Athens: Gordios Publishers, 1993

The Centrality of Central Asia VU University Press, Amsterdam for Center for Asian Studies Amsterdam (CASA), Comparative Asian Studies (CAS) No. 8, Feb. 1992, 68 pp.

The World System: Five Hundred Years or Five Thousand Editor/Contributor with Barry Gills London and New York: Routledge, 1993, 320 p.

El Sistema Mundial Tras la Guerra del Golfo by Silviu Brucan, Andre Gunder Frank, Johan Galtung & Immanuel Wallerstein. Alicante:Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, 1993

Chapters in Collections, Edited Books, Anthologies

"The Economy" Aspects of Contemporary Ukraine, A. Hurwicz, ed. New Haven, Human Relations Area Files, 1955, pp. 340-490

"The Economy" Aspects of Contemporary Belorussia, A.Hurwicz, ed. New Haven, Human Relations Area Files, 1955, pp. 270-380

"Introduction to Social Structure and Organization" Social Science Readings, Sally Cassidy, A.G. Frank and others, Detroit, Monteith College, Wayne University, 1959

"Mexico: The Janus Faces of Twentieth Century Bourgeois Revolution" and "Varieties of Land Reform" Whither Latin America? Paul Sweezy and Leo Huberman, eds. New York, Monthly Review Press, 1963, pp. 57-63 and 72-90

"Mexico: Les Faces Janus de la Revolution Bourgeoise de 20eme siecle" et "Les Verietes de la Reforme Agrarie" Ou Va L'Amerique Latine? Paul Sweezy and Leo Huberman eds. Paris, Francois Maspero editeur, 1964

"Brazil: Aid of Exploitation?" The Anatomy of Foreign Aid, Foreword by Lord Boyd Orr. London, Peace News, 1964, pp.13-22

"Estructura social rural" Realidad Social de America Latina, Manual para Institutos de Lideres, Montevideo, Iglesia Sociedad en America Latina, 1965, pp.55-68

"Tipos de Reforma Agraria" Reformas Agrarias en America Latina, Oscar Delgado ed. Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1965, pp.l84-188

"Class, Politics, and Debray" (with S. Shah) Regis Debray and the Latin American Revolution, Leo Huberman & Paul Sweezy eds. New York, Monthly Review Press, 1968, pp.12-17

"El desarrollo del subdesarrollo" Lecturas de Filosofía. La Habana, Instituto del Libro, 1968, pp. 421-430

"Desenvolvimento du subdesenvolvimento Latino-Americano" Urbanizacao e Subdesenvolvimento, Luiz Pereira, comp. Rio de Janeiro, Zahar editores, 1969, pp. 25-39

"Die Entwicklung der Unterentwicklung" und " Lateinamerika: Kapitalistische Unterentwicklung oder sozialistische Revolution" Kritik des Bürgerlichen Anti-Imperialismus, B. Echeverria und Horst Kurnizky. Berlin, Klaus Wagenbach, Rotbuch 15, 1969, pp. 30-44, 91-132

"Science and Underdevelopment in the Third World" Scientific Research and Politics, Lars Dencik ed. Lund, Studentliteratur, 1969, pp. 152-190

"Taloudellinen riippuvuus, yhteiskintarakenne ja alikehitys Latinalisessa Amerikassa" Latinalaisen Amerikan Haaste, Olli Alho, ed. Helsinki, Werner Soderstom Osakeyhtio, 1969, pp. 62-111

"Development of Underdevelopment" and "On the Mechanisms of Imperialism: The Case of Brasil" Imperialism and Underdevelopment. A Reader, R.I. Rhodes, ed. New York, Monthly Review Press, 1970, pp. 4-17 and 89-100

"The Development of Underdevelopment" and "Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America" Human Nature: A Sourcebook in Anthropology, D.G. Epstein, ed. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1970, n.p.

"Klasse, Politik und Debray" with Said Shah Focus und Freiraum: Debray, Brasilien Linke in den Metropolen, Leo Huberman und Paul Sweezy eds. Berlin, Wagenbach, 1970, Rotbuch 16, pp. 18-22

"Lo sviluppo del sottosviluppo" and "Chi e il nemico immediato? Il Nuovo Marxismo Latinoamericano. G. Santerelli, ed. Milano, Feltrinelli Editore, 1970, pp. 141-155 and 310-351

"Walt Whitman Rostow:Ode zur Unterenwicklung" Tricontinental 1967-1970 Eine Auswahl. K.D. Wolf ed. Frankfurt, Marzerverlag, 1970, pp. 282-299

"Urban Poverty in Latin America" Masses in Latin America, I.L. Horowitz, ed. New York, Oxford University Press, 1970, pp. 215-234

"El Siglo XX: Amarga Cosecha del Subdesarrollo" Amèrica Latina Documentos e Informaciòn. La Habana, ICAIC, n.d., pp. 225-248

"Klasse, Politik und Debray" with S.A. Shah. Focus und Freiraum: Debray,Brasilie-n, Linke in den Metropolen. Berlin, Wagenbach, 1970, pp. 18-22

"On the Mechanisms of Imperialism: The Case of Brazil" Readings in U.S. Imperialism. K.T. Fann and D.C. Hodges eds. Boston, Porter Sargent Publisher, 1971, pp. 237-248

"W Kwestii Indianskiej" Ameryka Indianska-? R. Romano ed. Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydarnictwo Naukowe, 1971, pp. 399-430

"Administrative Role Definition and Social Change" Studies in Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior, J. H. Turner A.C. Folley and R.J. House eds., Glenview, IL, Scott, Foresman and Co., 1972. pp. 172-176.

"Latin America: Capitalism Underdevelopment or Social Revolution?" Latin America Theory and Dynamics of Social Change, S.A. Halper and J.R. Sterling eds. London, Allison & Busby, 1972, pp. 119-156

"Kapitalistische Onderentwikkeling of Sozialistische Revolutie? Wat is Imperialisme?, Nijmegen, Sunschrift, 1972, pp. 88-128

"Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America" Problems of Industrial Society, W. Chambliss, ed. Reading, Mass, Addison-Wesley, 1972, pp. 125-129

"The Development and Underdevelopment" The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment, C.K. Wilber ed. New York, Random House, 1st ed. 1973, pp. 94-104, 3rd ed. pp. 99-108

"Die Entwicklung der Unterentwicklung" Internationale Beziehungen, E. Krippendorf ed. Koln, Kiepenheur & Witsch, 1973, pp. 91-103

"El Desarrolo del Subdesarrollo" La Formaciòn del Subdesarrollo, A. Redondo ed. Barcelona, 1973, pp. 5-26

"Functionalism and Dialectics" and "Latin America Economic Integration" Sociological Readings in the Conflict Perspective, W. J. Chambliss, ed. Reading, Mass, Addison-Wenley, 1973, pp. 62-73 and 406-410

"Funcionalism and Dialectics" Theories and Paradigms in Contemporary Sociology, S. Denisoff, O. Callahan and M.H. Levine eds. Itasca, Ill, F.E. Peacock Publishers, 1974, pp. 342-352 "Underutviklings utvikling" Underutvikling, T.L. Eriksen ed. Oslo, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1974, pp. 211-224

"The Development of Underdevelopment" Colonialism and Development Part II: On the Roots of Backwardness, Colombo, Marga Institut, 1975, pp. 31-44

"The Development of Underdevelopment" Readings in Development, Sallery, McDonald & Duchesne, eds. Ottawa, CUSO, n.d.

"Desenvolvimento do subdesenvolvimento Latino-Americano" Urbanizacao e subdesenvolvimento, L. Pereira ed. Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1975, pp. 25-38

"Die Entwicklung der Unterentwicklung" Theorie der Internationalen Politik, H. Haftenhorn ed.Hamburg, Hoffman und Campe Verlag, 1975, pp. 171-182

"The Lessons of Chile" The Lessons of Chile, John Gittings, ed. Nottingham: Spokesman Press 1974

"Sociologia do Desenvolvimento e Subdesenvolvimento da Sociologia" Sociologia do Desenvolvimento II. J, Garcia Durand and L.Pihhero Machado eds. Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1975, pp. 109-182

"Uber die Begrenzung des Binnenmarks durch die Internationales Arbeitsteilung und die Produktionsverhalsnisse" Herrschaft und Befreiung der Weltgesellschaft, K.J. Gantzel ed. Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, 1975, pp. 161-211

"World Crisis, Class Struggle and 1984" Radical Perspectives on the Economic Crisis of Monopoly Capitalism, New York, Union for Radical Political Economics, 1975, pp. 82-87

"Zur Krise des Kapitalismus und die Zukunft Lateinamerikas" Handbuch II- Unterentwicklung, V. Brandes and B.Tibi eds. Koln, Europäische Verlagsantalt,1975, pp. 264-270

"On World Capital Accumulation, International Exchange, and the Diversity of Modes of Production in the New World" Actes du XLIIe Congress Internationale des Americanistes, Paris, Sept. 1976, v.1 pp. 187-207

"Weltkrise, Klassenkampt und 1984" Die Zukunf der Wirtschaft, A. Reif ed. München, Paul List Verlag, 1976, pp. 235-245ü

"Friedmanism in Chile, Equilibrum on the Point of a Bayonet" (with T.Wheelright) Political Economy of Development, Sydney, Austrialian Broadcasting Commission, 1977, pp. 71-85

"Eine Krise der Kapitalakkumulation" Lateinamerika, Kirche Zwischen Diktatur und Wiederstand, Essen, Evangelische Studentengemeinschaft, 1977, pp. 9-15

"Crisi Mondiale e Sottosviluppo" La Crisis Contemporanea, Annual Register of Political Economy, Milan, Jaca Book, 1978, v.1 pp. 170-181

"Anthropology= Ideology, Applied Anthroplogy = Politics" The Politics of Anthropology, G. Huizer and B. Manheim eds. The Hague, Mouton & Co., 1979.

"El desarrollo del Subdesarrollo", "Las Raices de Desarrollo y del Subdesarrollo en el Nuevo Mundo" and "La Inversiòn Extranjera en el Subdesarrollo Latinoamericano" J. Las Causas del Subdesarrollo, J. Consuegra ed. Bogota, Ediciones tercer Mundo, 1979, pp. 129-266

"Le radici dello sviluppo e del sottosviluppo nel Nuovo Mundo" Il Sottosviluppo Latinoamericano, J. C. Scapini ed. Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 1979, pp. 51-69

"Uber die sogenannte ursprungliche Akkumulation" Kapitalische Weltökonomie, Kontroversen über Ihren Ursprung un Ihre Entwicklungsdynamik, D. Senghaas ed. Frankfurt, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1979, pp.68-102

"Development of Underdevelopment or Underdevelopment of Development in China" The Development of Underdevelopment in China: A Symposium of China's Economic History, P.C.C. Huang ed. Armonk, N.Y., M.E. Sharpe Publishers, 1980, pp. 90-99

"L'Enemie inmediat" and "Capitalisme et question indigne" Le Marxisme en Amerique Latine de 1909 a nous Jours: Antologie, M.Lowy ed. Paris, Maspero Editeur, 1980, pp. 423-433

"Los Mecanismos del Imperialismo: El Caso de Brasil" Economia Internacional II Teorias del Imperialismo, la Dependencia y su Evidencia Histórica, R. Villareal ed. Mexico, Frondo de Cultura Economica, 1980, pp.346-357

"Az ugynevezett eredeti felhalmozasrol" Periferikus Nemzetek es Nemzetek Feletti Kozpontok, B.Laszlo & M.Ferenc eds. Budapest, Fejlodes-Tanulmanyok, 1980, v.4, pp.41-92

"Weltsystem in der Krise" Krisen in der Kapitalistischen Weltökonomie, F. Fröbel, J. Heinrichs and O. Kreye Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1980, pp.19-34

"Wirtschafts Krise und der Staat in der Dritten Welt" Struktuveränderungen in der Kapitalistischen Weltwirtschaft, Max-Planck Institute ed. Frankfurt, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1980, p.225-268

"Az elmaradottsaq fejlodese. Ki a kozvetlen ellenseg" Az Elmelet es a Fegyverek Kritikaja Ideologusolk es Filozofusok a Harmadik Vilagrol, B. Laszlo and M. Ferenc eds. Budapest, Fejlodes-Tanulmanyok, 1980, v.3, pp.1-50

"Crisis, Transition, Delinkink and Destabilization with Special Reference to Greece" Transition to Socialism, Athens, Center for Mediterranean Studies, 1980, pp. 191-207 (In Greek)

"Economic Crisis, Third World and 1984" Contemporary Peace Research, G. Pardesi ed. New Dehli, Radiant Publishers, 1982, pp. 273-290

"Crisis and Transformation of Dependency in the World System" Theories of Development: Mode of Production or Dependency? R.H. Chilcolte & D. Johnson eds. Beverly Hills, Sage Publications, 1983, pp.181-200

"The Crisis, What Crisis?" What is the Future? Ruschlikon, Switzerland, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut, 1983, pp.12-28

"Die Gegenwertige Krise und die Perspektive des Weltsystems" Perspektiven des Welsystems, J. Blaschke ed. Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, 1983, pp. 23-255

"Nord-Sud und Ost-West Keynensianische Paradoxe im Brandt Report" Unfähig zum Überleben? Reaktionen auf den Brandt Report, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Frankfurt, Ullstein Sachbuch, 1983, pp. 269-284

"Norte-Sur y Este-Oeste Paradojas Keynesianas en el Informe Brandt" Balance Crítico y Perspectivas: Dialogo Norte-Sur, Friedrich-Ebert Stitung ed. Mexico, Editorial Nueva Imagen, 1983, pp. 349-62

"World System in Crisis" Contending Approaches to World System Analysis, W.R. Thompson ed. Beverly Hills, Sage Publications, 1983, pp. 27-42

"De Derde Wereld en Latijns-Amerika en de huidige ekonomische wereldkrisis" and "Ekonomisch evengewicht op de punt van een bajonet. Milton Friedman in Chile" with T. Wheelwright Chile Onder Pinochet, Een Latijnsamerikaans Volk in Gijzeling, O. Catalan and A.G. Frank eds. Amsterdam, SUA/Novib, 1984, pp. 31-42

"Kapitalizam i nerezvijenost u Latinoskoj Americi" Latinska Amerika, Nerazvijenost i Revolucija, L. Paligoric ed. Belgrad, Prosveta Publishers, 1984, pp. 63-120

"Lumpenburzoaxia, Lumpenfejlodes" Torz Osztalytarsadalmak es Formalodo Tarsadalmi Osztalyok, M. Fernec ed. Budapest, Fejlodes-Tanulmanyok, 1984, v.6. pp. 335-355

"Rhetoric and Reality of the New International Economic Order" Transforming the World-Economy? Nine Critical Essays on the New International Order, H. Addo ed.London, Hodder & Staughton Publishers in collaboration with United NationsUniversity, 1984, pp. 165-230

"Transformacion y Crisis Global" Adonde Vamos? Cuatro Visiones de la Crisis Mundial, O. Nudler ed. Bariloche, Fundacion Bariloche, Editorial de la Patagonia, 1985, pp. 187-222

"Cuba: A Revolution of the People (November 23, 1960)" Cuba: Twenty-Five Years of Revolution, 1959-1984, S. Halebsky and J.M. Kirk eds. New York, Praeger Publishers, 1985, pp. 413-419

"From Atlantic Alliance to Pan-European Entente: Political Economic Alternatives" Development as Social Transformations: Reflection on the Global Problematique, London, Hodder & Staughton Publishers in Association with the United Nations University, 1985, pp.125-182

"A Marx, Keynes, Schumpeter Centenary and the Editors of Monthly Review " Rethinking Marxism: Struggles in Marxist Theory, Essays for Harry Magdoff and Paul Sweezy, S. Resnick and R. Wolff, eds. New York, Autonomedia with Praeger Publishers 1985, pp.119-130

"Politica ad hoc: Disoccupazione e Crisi Mondiale dellla Formazione della Politica Economica" La Disoccupaziones su Scala Mondiale, H. Jaffe, ed. Milano, Jaca Book, 1985, pp. 123-137

"The Political Challenge to Socialism and Social Movements" Socialism on the Thrshold of the Twenty first Century, London, New Left, Verso Books, 1985, pp. 58-71

"Die Weltwirtschafskrise als Herausforderung and den Sozialismus und die sozialen Bewegungen" Sozialismus im 21 Jahrhundert, M. Nicolic, ed. Berlin, Argument Verlag, 1985, v.1, pp. 26-36

"The World Crisis and Economic and Economic Policy Formation" Canada and the New International Division of Labour, D. Cameron and F. Houle, eds. Ottawa, University of Ottawa Press, 1985, pp. 13-26

"The Development of Underdevelopment" Promises of Development: Theoriesk of Change in Latin America, P.S. Klaren and T.J. Bossert, eds. Boulder, Westview, 1986, pp. 111-123

"The Political Challenges of Socialism and Social Movements in the World Economic Crisis" Socialism on the Threshold of the Twentyfirst Century, Tunis, Bourac Publishers, 1986, pp. 77-92 (in Arabic)

"Global Crisis and Transformation" International Capitalism and Industrial Restructuring, Richard Peet, Ed. Boston, Allen & Unwin Publishers 1987, pp. 293-312

"Political Ironies in the World Economy" America's Changing Role in the World-System, Terry Boswell and Albert Bergesen, Eds. New York, Praeger Publishers, 1987 pp. 25-55

"World Economic Crisis and Policy Perspectives in the Mid-1980s" Economic Theory and New World Order, Hans W. Singer, Rameswar Tandon & Neelamber Hatti, Eds. New Delhi, Ashish Publishers, New World Order Series,Vol. 1, 1987, pp. 507-530

"La Ripresa di Reagan E'Reale,o E'La Calma Prima della Tempesta? L'Europa e L'Economia Politica del Sistema-Mondo, Riccardo Parboni & Immanuel Wallerstein, Eds. Milano, Francoangeli Editore 1987, pp. 237-267

"The Perils of Economic Ramboism: The Next Recession Threatens Deflation and Depression" The Imperiled Economy: Left Perspectives on Macroeconomics, New York, Union of Radical Political Economics 1987, pp. 277-87

"Illusions of Recovery and Threat of Depression in the World Economy: Interplay Between Real and Financial Factors" Economic Development and the World Debt Problem, Vol. 4, pp.1-31. International Conference of Economists, Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, September 8-11, 1987

"The World Economy, International Relations and the European Challenge" Europe: Dimensions of Peace, Bjorn Hettne, Ed. London and New Jersey, United Nations University Zed Books 1988, pp. 249-265

"Low Profit Invention and High Profit Innovation in Technological Change" Technology Transfer by Multinationals, Hans W. Singer, Neelamber Hatti & Rameshwar Tandon, Eds. New Delhi, Ashish Publishing House, New World Order Series: Three, 1988, Part I, pp. 183-202

"Internationale Oekonomische Beziehungen" Frieden. Ein Handwörterbuch, Ekkehard Lippeert & Gunther Wachtler, Eds. Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, Studienbücher zur Sozialwissenschaft 47, 1988, pp. 192-206

"A Debt Bomb Primed for the Next Recession" The Guardian Third World Review. Voices from the South, Victoria Brittain & Michael Simmons, Eds. London, Hodder and Stoughton Publishers 1987, pp. 244-247

"A Step in the Right Direction" Perestroika: Global Challenge. Our Common Future, Ken Coates, Ed. Nottingham, Spokesman Press 1988, pp. 110-114

"East-West-South Relations in the World Economy" New Perspectives in North-South Dialogue: Essays in Honour of Olof Palme, Kofi Buenor Hadjor, Ed. London, I.B. Tauris Publishers & Third World Communications 1988, pp. 77-101

"Defuse the Debt Bomb? When Apparent Solutions Become Real Problems" Resource Transfer and Debt Trap, H.W. Singer, N. Hatti, R. Tandon, Eds. New Delhi, Ashish Publishing House, New World Order Series: Five, 1988, Part II, pp. 550-585

"East-West Versus North-South Relations" Challenges of South-South Co-operation, H.W. Singer, N. Hatti, R. Tandon, Eds. New Delhi, Ashish Publishing House, New World Order Series: Six, Part I, pp. 92-101

"The Development of Underdevelopment" The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment, Charles K. Wilber, Ed. New York, Random House 1988, 4th Revised Ed., pp. 109-120

"American Roulette in the Globonomic Casino: Retrospect and Prospect on the World Economic Crisis Today" Research in Political Economy, Paul Zarembka, Ed. Greenwich, Conn., USA, JAI Press 1988, Vol. 11, pp. 3-43

"The Socialist Countries in the World Economy: The East-South Dimension" Theory and Practice of Liberation at the End of the XXth Century. Lelio Basso International Foundation, Ed. Bruxelles, Bruylant Editor, 1988 pp. 307-328

"Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment of Sociology" Modernization and Social Change, Rajendra Pandey, Ed. New Delhi, Criterion Publications 1988, pp. 212-283

"Hearing Fragestellungen" Geld für wenige oder Leben für alle? Ökumenisches Hearing zum Internationalen Finanzsystem, Berlin, 21-24 August 1988. Oberursel, Publik-Forum Dokumentation, 6 pp. passim

"Debt Where Credit is Due" Economic Development and World Debt. H. W. Singer and S. Sharma, Eds. London, Macmillan Press 1989, pp. 33-38

"Causes and Consequences of the World Debt Crisis" and "Legal Logic for Taxation Without Representation" Las Transformaciones del Sistema Financiero Internacional, Madrid, Universidad Complutense, Cursos de Verano El Escorial 1988. 1989, pp. 19-34

"Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity/Solidarity: From Transitory Revolution to Transformatory Social Movements" Revolutions in the World-System, Terry Boswell, Ed. Westport, Conn. Greenwood Press 1989, pp. 33-40

"The Socialist Countries in the World Economy: The East-South Dimension" The Soviet Bloc and the Third World:The Political Economy of East-South Relations, B.H. Schulz and W.H. Hansen, Eds. Boulder, Westview Press 1989, pp. 9-26

"Diez Tesis Acerca de los Movimientos Sociales" (with M. Fuentes) El Jucio al Sujeto, R. Guidos Bejar y O. Fernández, Coordinadores. Cuadernos de Ciencias Sociales 25, San Jose, Costa Rica, Secretaría General Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Sept. 1989, pp. 19-42

"Social Movements" (with Marta Fuentes) New Directions in the Study of Law, Justice and Social Control, School of Justice Studies, Arizona State University, Ed. New York, Plenum Publishers 1990, pp. 127-141

"On 'Feudal' Modes, Models and Methods of Escaping Capoitalist Reality" Agrarian Relations and Accumulation: The 'Mode of Production' Debate in India, Utsa Patnaik, Ed. Bombay, Sameeksha Trust & Oxford University Press, 1990, pp. 107-110

"Rumbo a la quiebra: El casino globonómico y la ruleta americana" America Latina Continente de Mañana, M. Chavarria, Ed. San Jose, Costa Rica: Catedra de Historia de la Cultura, Escuela de Estudios Generales, Universidad de Costa Rica 1990, pp. 141-152

"World Economy and Social Movements" (with Marta Fuentes) Market, State and Society at the End of the 20th Century. K. Levitt and M.Mendell, Eds. New York: St. Martins Press & London: Macmillan Press 1990

"Riccardo Parboni's World" and "Europe from Helsinki to Finnlandization" Riccardo Parboni (1945-1088) In Memoriam, Modena, Studie e Ricerche del Dipartimento di Economia Politica-55, Universita degli Studi di Modena, 1990, pp 12-13, 20-24

"Revolution in Eastern Europe: Lessons for Democratic Social Movements (and Socialists?)" The Future of Socialism, William Tabb, Ed.New York, Monthly Review Press 1990

"Social Movements in Recent World History" (with Marta Fuentes) S. Amin, G. Arrighi, A.G.Frank & I. Wallerstein Transforming the Revolution:Social Movements and the World-System, New York: Monthly Review Press 1990

"5000 Years of World System History: The Cumulation of Accumulation" (with Barry K. Gills) Precapitalist Core-Periphery Relations, C. Chase-Dunn & T.Hall, Eds. Boulder: Westview Press 1991, pp. 67-111

"Der Krieg der Scheinheiligen" Krieg für Frieden? Startschüsse für eine neue Weltordnung, K.D. Bredthauer, Ed. Berlin: Elefanten Press 1991, pp 10-27

"American Roulette in the Globonomic Casino: Retrospect and Prospect on the World Economic Crisis Today" Adjustment and Liberaliztion in the Third World, New World Order Series Vol. 12, H. Singer, N. Hatti & R. Tandon Eds. New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House 1991, pp. 191-240

"World Economy and Social Movements" (with Marta Fuentes) Market, State and Society at the End of the 20th Century, D. Salee & M. Mendell, Eds. New York: St. Martins Press & New York: St. Martins Press 1991, pp. 155-176

"Mas Sagrado que Vosotros en el Golfo: Una Maldición sobre las Casas de Ambos" Golfo Pérsico. Visiones y Reflexiones, E. Cabrera & J.L. Camacho, Eds. Mexico: El Día en Libros 1991, pp. 179-210

"La Guerre Tiersmondiale: Economie Politique de la Guerre du Golfe et du Nouveau Ordre Mondial" Bush Imperator: Guerre du Golfe et Nouvel Ordre Mondial, Salah Jaber, Ed. Paris, Editions la Breche 1991, pp 11-81

"Gorbachev's United Nations Initiatives: Steps in the Right Direction" Building a More Democratic United Nations, Proceedings of CAMDUN-1. Frank Barnaby, Ed., London: Frank Cass 1991, pp. 146-151

"Andre Gunder Frank" (Autobiographical Entry) A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists, Philip Arestis and Macolm C. Sawyer, Eds., London: Edward Elgar Publishers 1991, pp 154-163.

"1492 e America Latina o marxe da historia do sistema mundial: 492-992-1492-1992 es os cambios de hexemonia Leste-Oeste" America Latina: Entre a Realidade e a utopia, Aula Castelet de Filosofia, Ed. Vigo: Edicions Xerais de Galicia 1992, pp. 171-211

"The Underdevelopment of Development" (with Marta Fuentes Frank) Equity and Efficiency in Economic Development: Essays in Honor of Benjamin Higgins, Donald J. Savoie, Ed. Montreal: McGill Queens University Press 1992, pp. 341-393

"The Development of Underdevelopment" [reprint from 1966] The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment, Charles K. Wilber & Kenneth P. Jameson, Eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 5th edition, 1992, pp. 107-118

"Revolution in Eastern Europe: Lessons for Democratic Socialist Movements (and Socialists)" The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment, Charles K. Wilber & Kenneth P. Jameson, Eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 5th edition, 1992, pp. 209-225

"Third World War: A Political Economy of the Persian Gulf War and the New World Order" Triumph of the Image: The Media's War in the Persian Gulf. A Global Perspective, H. Mowlana, G. Gerbner, & H. Schiller, Eds. Boulder: Westview Press 1992, pp. 3-21

"Fourteen Ninety-Two Once Again" 1492: The Debate on Colonialism, Eurocentrism and History, J.M. Blaut with Contributions by Andre Gunder Frank, Sair Amin, Robert A. Dodgshon, Ronen Palan & Robert Taylor. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press 1992, pp. 65-80

"No End to History! History to No End?" Beyond National Sovereignty: International Communication in the 1990s, K. Nordenstreng & H.I. Schiller, Eds. New Jersey: Ablex Publishers, 1993 pp. 3-28.

"Marketing Democracy in an Undemocratic Market" Low Intensity Democracy: Elite Democracy in the Third World, Barry K. Gills, Joel Rocamora and Richard Wilson, Eds. London: Pluto Press 1993, pp. 35-58.

"Economic Ironies in World Politics" The Ecumencial Movement Tomorrow, M. Reuver, F. Solms & G. Huizer, Eds. Kampen, Holland: Kok Publishers 1993.

"A World Economic Interpretation of East-West European Politics" Transcending the State-Global Divide: A Neostructuralist Agenda in International Relations, Ronen Palan and Barry K. Gills, Eds. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publisher, 1994, pp. 145-168.

"The Development of Underdevelopmen"t [reprint] Paradigms in Economic Development. Classic Perspectives, Critiques and Reflections, Edited by Rajani Kanth, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe 1994, pp. 149-160.

"The 'Thirdworldization' of Russia and Eastern Europe" Russia and the Third World in the Post-Soviet Era, M. Mesbahi, Ed., Gainsville: University Press of Florida 1994, pp. 45-72.

"Soviet and East European 'Socialism': A World Economic Interpretation of What Went Wrong" Regimes in Crisis: The Post-Soviet Era and the Implications for Development, Shahid Qadir and Barry Gills, Eds. London: Zed 1994. "On Studying Social Movements" [with Marta Fuentes] Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, Vol. 17, 1994.

"The Five Thousand Year World System: An Interdisciplinary Introduction" The Historical Evolution of International Political Economy, Edited by Christopher Chase-Dunn, London: Edward Elgar 1994, forthcoming

"Economic Ironies in Europe" Comparative Transitions: Eastern Europe and the Third World, Z. Bablewski, Ed. for European Association for Development Research Institutes, forthcoming

"A New World Order? Or Same Old Disorder! Soviet and East European 'Socialism': A World Economic Interpretation of What Went Wrong" East Europe: Between Western Europe and East Asia. From Big Bang to Governed Markets, Jacques Hersh & Johannes Schmidt, Eds., forthcoming

"The World Is Round and Wavy: Demographic Cycles and Structural Analysis in the World System" Debating Revolutions, Nikki Keddie, Ed. New York: New York University Press, 1995

"The Underdevelopment of Development" [Revised with Postscript] The Underdevelopment of Development: Essays in Honour of Andre Gunder Frank, Edited by Sing Chew and Robert Denemark, Boulder: Sage Publishers, 1995 forthcoming

"Soviet and East European "Socialism": A World Economic Interpretation of What Went Wrong" Regimes in Crisis: The Post-Soviet Era and the Implications for Development Barry Gills and Shahid Qadir, Eds. London: Zed 1995, pp. 87-114.

"The Modern World System Revisited: Re-reading Braudel and Wallerstein" Civilizations and World Systems: Two Approaches to the Study of World-Historical Change S. Sanderson, Ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Altamira Press, 1995, pp. 163-194.

Articles in Periodicals

Comments on Problems of Economic Development Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, Toronto, XXI, 2, May 1955, pp. 237-41

The Economic Development of Nicaragua Inter American Economic Affairs, Washington, VIII, 4, Spring 1955, pp. 559-568 Policy Decision and the Economic Development of Ceylon Economia Internazionale, Milano, VIII, 4, November 1957, pp. 797-809

Organization of Economic Activity in the Soviet Union Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Kiel, vol.75, 1, March 1957, pp.104-156

Review of Custom and Conflict in Africa, by Max Gluckman American Journal of Sociology, Chicago, LXII, June 1957

General Productivity in Soviet Agriculture and Industry: The Ukraine 1928-1955 Journal of Political Economy, Chicago, LXVI, December 1958, pp.498-515

Industrial Capital Stocks and Energy Consumption Economic Journal, London, LXIX, March 1959, pp. 170-174

Escalator Wage Contracts and Real Income Southern Economic Journal, Southern Economic Assoc., XXV, 4, April 1959, pp. 474-477

Labor Requirements in Soviet Agriculture Review of Economics and Statistics, Cambridge, MA, LXI, 2, May 1959, pp.188-192

Goal Ambiguity and Conflicting Standards: An Approach to the Study of Organization Human Organization, Ithaca, Vol. 17, 1, Winter 1958-59, pp. 8-13

Industrial Organization in the Soviet Union Business Topics, East Lansing, V, March 1958, 10p. Mercurio, Milano, No. 6, September 1958

Soviet and American Economic Organization: A Comparison Economic Weekly, Bombay, Special Number, XI, Jan. 1959, 15p.

Human Capital and Economic Growth Economic Development and Cultural Change, Chicago, VIII, 2, January 1960, pp. 170-173

Summary of a Workshop in Economic Anthropology Current Anthropology, Chicago, 1, 2, March 1960

Built in Destabilization: A.O. Hirschman's Strategy of Economic Development Economic Development and Cultural Change, Chicago, VIII, 4, July 1960, pp. 433-440

The Michigan Economy - More Eggs in Our Manufacturing Basket? Michigan Economic Record, East Lansing, II, 4, April 1960

Amerikanischer Nazionalkarakter Deutsche Woche, München, July 19, 1960, 10p.

History Will Absolve Me - The Promise and Record of Fidel Castro Economic Weekly, Bombay, Special Number, XIII, July 1961, pp. 1101-1112

Kennedy and Khrushchev in the World Revolution Economic Weekly, Bombay, August 19, 1961, pp. 1335-1337

The Cuban Revolution. Some Whys and Wherefores Economic Weekly, Bombay, Special Number, July 1961

Mexico: The Janus Faces of Twentieth Century Bourgeois Revolution Mexico: Las Dos Caras de una Revolución Burguesa del Siglo XX Economic Weekly, Bombay, October 13, 1962, 15p. Monthly Review, New York, vol.14, 7, November 1962 Política, México, IV, No. 74, May 15, 1963 Monthly Review Selecciones en Castellano, Buenos Aires, 2, August 1963

The Varieties of Land Reform Tipos de Reforma Agraria Monthly Review, New York, Vol. 51, 12, April 1963 Panorama Económico, Santiago, No. 237, July 1963 Monthly Review Selecciones en Castellano, Buenos Aires, No. 1, July 1963 O Semanario, Rio de Janeiro, No. 347, August 22-28, 1963

Brazil: Aid or Exploitation? As Relaçoes Economicas entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos Las Relaciones Económicas entre los Estados Unidos y América Latina Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, March 17, 1963, 12p. Marcha, Montevideo, Año XXIV, 1153, April 26, 1963 Economic Weekly, Bombay, XV, Nos. 28, 29 & 30, Special Number, July 1963 Economía y Agricultura, Lima, I, 1, September-November 1963 The Nation, New York, Vol. 197, 16, November 16, 1963 Peace News, London, January 17, 1964 Arauco, Santiago, No. 51, April 1964

Latin American Economic Integration Monthly Review, New York, Vol. 15, No. 5, September 1963, 10p. Revista Brasiliense, Sao Paulo, No. 48, July-August 1963 Monthly Review Selecciones en Castellano, Buenos Aires, No.3, October 1963

A Pre-Revoluçao de Celso Furtado A Contrarevoluçao de Celso Furtado Movimento, Rio de Janeiro, No. 11, May 1963 O Semanario, Rio de Janeiro, No. 342, July 18-24, 1963

The Underdeveloped Countries and the Problem of Peace Os Paises Subdesenvolvidos e o Problema da Paz A Liga, Rio de Janeiro, No. 52, October 30, 1963 Revolution, Paris, No. 8, December 1963

Not Feudalism: Capitalism Feudalismo no: Capitalismo Monthly Review, New York, Vol. 15, 8, December 1963 Monthly Review Selecciones en Castellano, Buenos Aires, No. 2, August 1964 Economía y Administración, Universidad de Zulia, Maracaibo, Año IV, 1, January 1966

Administrative Role Definition and Social Change Human Organization, Ithaca, Vol. 22, 4, Winter 1963-64, pp. 238-242

A Agricultura Brasileira: Capitalismo e o Mito do Feudalismo (Part 1) Revista Brasiliense, Sao Paulo, No. 51, January-February 1964, pp. 45-70

Brazil in Perspective: The Goulart Ouster Brésil: l'Arriere-Plan d'un Coup d'Etat The Nation, New York, Vol. 198, 18, April 27, 1964 El Dia, México, May 20, 1964 Révolution, Paris, No. 13, December 1964-January 1965

Positive Aspects of the Sino-Soviet Dispute Monthly Review, New York, Vol. 16, 1, May 1964

On the Mechanisms of Imperialism: The Case of Brazil Los Mecanismos del Imperialismo Monthly Review, New York, Vol. 16, 5, September 1964 Monthly Review Selecciones en Castellano, Buenos Aires, Año 2, 14, October 1964 Economía y Administración, Maracaibo, Año III, 3, July 1964 Nuestra Industria, Revista Económica, La Habana, No. 13, June 1965

Triple Delusion Monthly Review, New York, Vol. 16, No. 9, Jan. 1965, pp. 569-572

Statement to the Memory of Paul Alexander Baran Monthly Review, Vol. 16, 11, March 1965, pp. 99-101 Brazil: One Year form Guerillas to Gorillas The Minority of One, Passiac, New Jersey, USA, Vol. VII, No. 7 (68) July 1965 El Dia, Mexico, October 8, 1965

El Nuevo Confusionismo del Precapitalismo Dual en América Latina (con "Ni 'Tercer Mundo' ni 'Sociedad Dual': Solo Capitalismo o Socialismo & La Contrarevolucion de Celso Furtado) Economía, Mexico, No. 4, mayo-junio 1965

The Imperialist Humanitarianism of Mr. Johnson Challenge/Desafío, New York, August 10, 1965

Con que Modo de Producción Convierte la Gallina Maiz en Huevos de Oro? El Gallo Ilustrado. Suplemento de El Día, Mexico, No. 175, Octubre 31, 1965 Izquierda Nacional, Buenos Aires, No. 3, Octubre 1966

Modesta Respuesta El Gallo Ilustrado. Suplemento de El Día, Mexico, No. 179, Noviembre 28, 1965 Izquierda Nacional, Buenos Aires, No. 3, Octubre 1963

La Democracia en México Historia y Sociedad, Mexico, No. 3, otoño 1965, pp. 122-132

Services Rendered Servicio Extranjero o Desarrollo Nacional? Monthly Review, New York, Vol. 17, No. 2, June 1965 Monthly Review Selecciones en Castellano, Buenos Aires, Año 2, No. 24, August 1965 Presente Económico, Mexico, No. 1, Julio 1965 Comercio Exterior, Mexico, Vol. XVI, No.2, Febrero 1966, pp. 105-107 Un Aula, Medellin, Año 2, Nos. 5-6. 1er semestre 1969

The Strategic Weakness of the Johnson Doctrine Progressive Labor, New York, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 1965 Unstable Urban Latin America Studies in Comparative International Development, St. Louis, Vol. II, No. 5, 1966 Cuadernos Americanos, Mexico, Año XXV, No. 1, Enero-Feb. 1965

Necesidad de Nuevos Enfoques en la Enseñanza e Investigación de la Ciencia Económica en América Latina (con Arturo Bonilla, Jose Consuegra, y Gaston Parra) Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas, Universidad de Zulia, Maracaibo, AñoIV, No.4, Oct-Dic 1965 Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, No. 1, Enero 1966

Encuentro con Andre G. Frank (entrevista por Hiber Conteris) Marcha, Montevideo, Febrero 19, 1965

La Política de Sustitución de Importaciones: Callejón sin Salida en Brasil Investigación Económica, Mexico, No. 97, 1er trimestre 1965 Politica Externa Independente, Rio de Janiero, Ano 1, No. 3, Janeiro 1966 Partisans, Paris, No. 26/27, February 1968, pp. 29-40

Black Nationalism is the Correct Strategy Progressive Labor, New York, Vol. 4, No. 3, March 1965 Prensa Latina, La Habana, No. 284, Diciembre 15, 1967

Vodka and Conversation The Illinois Political, Champaign-Urbana, Vol. 1, No. 2-3, May-June 1966

Colonialismo Interno en Brasil Investigación Económica, Mexico, No. 101, 1966

Functionalism and Dialectics Science & Society, New York, Vol. XXX, No. 2, Spring 1966 Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto, Geneve, No. 16-17, 1968 L'Homme et la Societé, Paris, No. 12, Mai-Juin 1969 Revista del Centro de Alumnos del Departmento de Sociologia, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Marzo-Abril 1969

The Development of Underdevelopment El Desarrollo del Subdesarrollo Monthly Review, New York, Vol. 18, No. 4, Sept. 1966 Monthly Review Selecciones en Castellano, Santiago, Vol. 4, No. 36, Marzo 1967 Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla,Vol. 1, No. 2, Marzo 1966 Pensamiento Crítico, La Habana, No. 7, Agosto 1967 Economía y Administración, Maracaibo, Año V, Abril-Junio 1966 Publicaciones de la Bilbioteca Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, No. 1, 1967 Colecao Universitaria Edicoes Sinal, Sao Paulo, No. 2, 1968 Liberation, Calcutta 1967 Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto, Geneve, No. 16-17, 1968 Critiques de l'Economie Politique, Paris, No. 3, avril-juin 1971, pp. 4-16. Izquierda, Escuela de Economía, Santiago, No. 2, 1968 Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series in Anthroplogy, Indianapolis, A 524, 1969 Le Point, Bruxelles, Septembre 1969 Información Comercial Española, Madrid, No. 460, Dec. 1971, pp. 81-85 Critiques de l'Economie Politique, Paris, No. 3, avril-juin 1971 Coleccion Lee y Discute, Editorial Zero, Madrid, Serie V, Editorial Zero, Madrid, Serie V, No. 45, 1974, pp. 5-52 Estudio de América Latina, Kobe, No. 3, June 1974, pp. 136 (Japanese)

La Inversión Extranjera en el subdesarrollo Latinoamericano desde la Conquista hasta la Integración Neo-Imperialista Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, No. 5, January 1967 Pensamiento Crítico, La Habana, No. 27, Abril 1969

Chile: El Desarrollo del Subdesarrollo Monthly Review Selecciones en Castellano, Santiago, Edicion especial de 168 paginas, 1967, 2 ediciones.

Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment of Sociology Catalyst, Buffalo, No. 3, June 1967 Pensamiento Crítico, La Habana, Nos. 22 y 23, 1968 Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, Año 3, No. 10, 1969 Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto, Geneve, No. 15, 1968 Cahiers Interntionaux de Sociologie, Paris, Vol XLII, Jan-June 1967 Aportes, Montevideo, 1969 Introduction to 'Industrialization vs Colonialization' Edge, Montreal, No. 6, Spring 1967

Hugo Blanco Must Not Die Free Hugo Blanco, R. Mc Carthy, ed. Toronto, 1967, pp. 7-16

On Responsibility in Anthropology Current Anthropology, Chicago, Vol. 9, No. 5, December 1968, pp. 412-414

Sur le Probleme Indien Partisans, Paris, No. 26/27, February 1968, pp. 15-28

Integración Económica de América Latina Un Aula, Medellin, Año 1, No. 3-4, Septiembre 1968

The Roots of Hunger Canadian Dimension, Winnipeg, Vol. 5, No. 8, February 1969 The Radical Education Project, Ann Arbor, pp. 1-7. Presente Económico, Mexico, No. 2, Julio 1965

Class, Politics, and Debray (with S.A. Shah) Monthly Review, New York, Vol. 20, No. 3, July-Aug. 1968, pp. 12-17 Monthly Review Selecciones en Castellano, Santiago, Año 5, No. 55, pp. 30-36 Unidad Rebelde, Caracas, No. 3, Mayo-Junio 1970

Walt Whitman Rostow: Ode to Underdevelopment Tricontinental, La Habana, No. 7, 1968, pp. 30-42 Tricontinental Edition Francaise, Paris, No. 4, IV trimestre 1968, pp. 40-51 Tricontinental, La Habana, No. 7, July-Aug, 1968 (in Spanish)

Rostow's Stages of Economic Growth through Escalation to Nuclear Destruction Radical Education Project, Ann Arbor,1968, pp. 1-10

Quien es el Enemigo Inmediato? Latinoamerica: Subdesarrollo Capitalista o Revolución Socialista Cuadernos de Ruedo Iberico, Paris, No. 15, 1968, pp. 1-28 Pensamiento Crìtico, La Habana, No. 13, 1968, pp. 3-41 Hora Zero, Mexico, No. 4, 1968, pp. 105-143 Les Temps Modernes, Paris, No. 2, May 1969, pp. 1963-2008 SC Libre Trimestre Ideologico, Caracas No. 3, 1970, pp. 19-26 3er Mundo, Santiago, No. 1, 1970, pp. 45-81 Casa de las Americas, La Habana, No. 57, 1969 Persian Journal for Science and Society, Alexandria, VA, 1980

The Underdevlopment Policy of the United Nations in Latin America NACLA Newsletter, New York, Vol. III, No. 8, December 1969, pp. 1-9 Pensamiento Crítico, La Habana, No. 33, Oct. 1969, pp. 184-21 PEL Panorama Económico Latinoamericano, La Habana, Año 10, No. 317, Diciembre 1969, pp. 7-21 Punto Final, Santiago, Suplemento de la Edición No. 89, Octubre 14, 1969, pp. 1-12.

Visión marxista de la historia chilena (reseña) Punto Final, Santiago, 1969, Año 3, No. 79, Mayo 20, 1969, pp. 20-21

Importancia del estudio cientifico de los problemas del desarrollo y del Problemas del Desarrollo, Mexico, Año 1, No. 1, Oct.-Dic. 1969 Terzo Mondo, Milano, Anno 11, No. 7-8, March-June 1970

El socialismo es la unica via para salir del subdesarrollo (entrevista por Fidel Vascos) Verde Olivo, La Habana, Año XI, No. 29, Julio 19, 1970

Qué desenlace tendrá la crisis? Punto Final, Santiago, 1972

On 'Feudal' Modes, Models and Methods of Escaping Capitalist Reality Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Vol. VIII, No. 1, January 6, 1973, pp. 36-37

Reflections on Green, Red and White Revolution in India Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Vol. VII, No. 3, January 20, 1973, pp. 119-124 Comercio Exterior, Mexico, Marzo 1973, pp. 367-371

Dependencia Económica, Estructura de Clases y Política del Subdesarrollo en Latinoamerica Revista Mexicana de Sociologia, Mexico, XXXII, No. 2, Marzo-Abril 1970, pp. 229-282

Even Heretics Remain Bound by Traditional Thought in Formulating Their Heresies Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, July 1970, V, Ns. 29-31. pp. 1171-1186 ECO, Bogotá, Sept. 1970, XXI, N.5, pp. 439-465

Hacia una Teoria Historica del Subdesarrollo Capitalista en Asia, Africa y America Latina UN, Universidad Nacional, Bogotá, 1970

Importancia de estudiar los problemas del desarrollo Terzo Mondo, Milano, v.II, No.7-8, marzo-giuno 1970, pp.72-3 Problemas del Desarrollo, Mexico, No. 1, Oct.-Dec, 1969, pp. 12-13

On Dalton's 'Theoretical Issues in Economic Anthropoly' Current Anthropology, Chicago,Vol. 11, No. 1, Feb. 1970, pp. 67-71

Riformismo e sottosviluppo negli anni '60 Problemi del Socialismo, Roma,v. X, May-Aug. 1970, pp. 377-404

El Socialismo es la Unica Via Para Salir del Sub-Desarrollo (Interview) Verde Olivo, La Habana, XI, No. 29, 19 Julio 1970, pp. 15-17

Debate sobre el Peru (con V.Bambirra, M.Lajo,T. Dos Santos, R.M.Marini, T.Vasconi) Sayari, Arequipa, Agosto 1971, 14 pp.

El Cobre:Los Ladrones quieren Indemnización (con G.Diaz) Punto Final, Santiago, Supl. 135, 20 Julio 1971, pp. 1-14

Imperialisti, Socialisti, Subimperialisti, Sfruttati nel Meccanismo della Crisi Que Desenlace Tendra la Crisis? Il Manifesto, Roma, 21 di settembre 1972, p. 4 Punto Final, Santiago, VII, No. 175, 16 enero 1973, pp. 12-14

Imperialism, Nationalism and Class Struggle in Latin America Socialist Digest, Bombay, 1972, pp. 26-46

Acerca de las Ventajas Comparativas y el Intercambio Desigual Economia y Ciencias Sociales, Caracas, Vol. XV, Nos. 1-4, Numero extraordinario, enero-diciembre 1973

On Chile and Imperialism: Answer to Jose Rodriguez Elizondo Monthly Review, New York, V. 24, No. 7, Dec. 1972, pp. 61-62 Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, March 31, 1973, pp. 621-622 Punto Final, Santiago, 1972

La Polìtica Economica en Chile: Del Frente Popular a la Unidad Popular Punto Final, Santiago, 14 de Marzo 1972, Supp. No. 153, pp. 1-23

Dependence is Dead. Long Live Dependence and the Class Struggle-An Answer to the Critics Problemas del Desarrollo, Mexico, No. 13, 1972, pp. 19-44 Problemi del Socialismo, Roma, XIV, No. 10, luglio-agosto 1972, pp. 536-558 Partisans, Paris, No.68, 1972, pp. 52-70 SC Libre Trimestre Ideologico, Caracas, No. 13, Oct.-Dic. 1972 Desarrollo Económico, Buenos Aires, Vol. 13, No. 49, abril-junio 1973, pp. 199-220 Marcha, Montevideo 19 y 26 Enero, 2 Feb. 1973, n.p. Latin American Perspectives, Riverside, V.I, No. 1,Spring 1975, pp. 87-106 World Development, Oxford, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1977

Politics and Bias: A Critical Review of Rostow and Hirschman Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, v. VII, No. 38, Sept. 16, 1972, pp. 1917-1920 Zona Abierta, Madrid, No. 2, Invierno 1974-75, pp. 141-147 Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla,

Reflexiones Sobre la Crisis Economica Mundial Marxismo y Revolución,Santiago, No. 1, 1973, pp. 153-160

On Sathyamurthy's Political Study of New Nations Current Anthropology, Chicago, v. 14, No. 5, December 1973

Como la ampliacion del mercado interno esta limitado por la division internacional del trabajo y las relaciones de produccion Ciencias Económicas y Sociales, Caracas, Año XV, Nos. 1-4, Numero Extraordinario 1973

Reseña critica de la historia del capitalismo en Mexico de Enrique Semo Problemas del Desarrollo, Mexico, No. 17, Feb.-Abril 1974, pp. 147-151

World Crisis and Latina America's International Options Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, IX, No. 27, July 6, 1974 Holiday, Dacca, July-August 1974 Cuadernos Políticos, Mexico, No. 1, Julio-Sept. 1974, pp. 14-17

Discusion sobre la crisis actual del capitalismo. No esperar a 1984 (with S.Amin) Il Manifesto, Roma, Feb. 10, 1974, Cuadernos Políticos, Mexico, No. 2, Oct-Dec. 1974, pp. 101-126 Neues Forum, Wien, Heft 253/254, Jan.-Feb. 1975, pp. 15-18 Pontos de Vista, Lisboa, No. 26, Jan. 1976, pp. 3-49 Cuadernos de la Sociedad Venezolana de Planificación, Caracas No. 122-123, n.d., pp. 81-92 Problemas del Desarrollo, Mexico, No. 20, Nov. 1974-enero 1975, pp. 150-165

La Lezione del Cile Terzo Mondo, Milano, VII, No. 23, Marzo 1974, pp. 73-75

Open Letter about Chile to Arnold Harberger and Milton Friedman (I) Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, No. 26, Oct. 1974, pp. 59-71 El Expresso, Roma, Nov. 1974 De Groene Amsterdammer, Amsterdam, 21 Aug. 1974, p. 8 Holiday, Dacca, Nov. 1974 Neues Forum, Wien, Heft 25l Nov. 1974, pp. 13-24 Politique Aujour'hui, Paris, Aug.-Sept. 1974, pp. 1-14 SC Trimestre Ideologico, Caracas, No. 16, Oct.-Dec. 1974, pp. 52-79 Bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists, London, VI, No .3, Oct. 1975, n.p. Review of Radical Political Economics, New York, v.7, No. 2, Summer 1975, pp. 61-76 Les Tempes Modernes, Paris, No. 342, Jan. 1975, pp. 817-846 El Cronista, Lima, 2 Oct. 1975, p. 19 Materiales, Hunancayo, No. 3, 1976, pp. 1-15 Ideologia y Sociedad, (Incluye 2a.carta), Bogota, No. 20, Enero-Marzo 1977, pp. 61-90 On the Roots of Development and Underdevelopment in the New World: Smith and Marx vs. the Weberians International Review of Sociology, Rome, II, No. 2-3, Aug.-Dec. 1974, pp. 109-155 Theory and Society, Amsterdam, II, 1975, pp. 431-466 L'Homme et la Societe, Paris, No. 35-36, Jan.-June 1975, pp 53-69 Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, No. 27, Jan. 1975, pp. 53-69. Terzo Mondo, Milano, No. 31-32, Jan.-June 1976, pp. 3-36

Ook in West-Europa kan allen en socialistische revolutie het fascisme tegen gaan (Interview at Chile Conference) De Groene Amsterdammer, Maart 20, 1974, p.5 & 8

Economic Crisis, Class Struggle and 1984 Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Dec.14, 1974, pp. 2055-2058 Zona Abierta, Madrid, No.2, Invierno 1974/1975, pp. 3-14 Cuadernos de la Sociedad Venezolana de Planificación, Caracas, No. 122-123, Marzo-Abril 1975, pp. 73-80 Holiday, Dacca, Oct.-Nov. 1975 Leviatan, Frankfurt, Vol. 3, No. 2, Juni 1975, pp. 285-291 Revolutionäre Bewegung und Marxismus, Frankfurt, No. 1, Dec. 1975, pp. 5-7 Sekai, Tokyo, No. 361 (12), Dec. 1975 Socialist Revolution, San Francisco, Vol. 5, No. 3 (25), July-Sept. 1975 Den Ny Venden, Copenhagen, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 20-36 World Development, Oxford, Vol. 4, No. 10 & 11, Oct.-Nov. 1976, pp. 853-862

Anthropology = Ideology, Applied Anthropology = Politics Race and Class, London, Vol. XVII, No. 1, Summer 1975 Uno y Multiple, Caracas, No. 2, 1976. L'Homme et la Societe, Paris, No. 31-32, Jan.-June 1974, pp. 185-194

La Inversion Extranjera en el Subdesarrollo Latino-americano Cuadernos Causachun, Serie Ideologia y Politica, Lima, No. 1, 1976, pp.5-44

Friedmanism in Chile: Equilibrium on the Point of a Bayonet (Interview by Ted Wheelwright) Transcripts on the Political Economy of Development from the ABC Radio Programs Lateline and Investigations. Sydney, The Australian Broadcasting Commission, April 5, 1976

On some Questionable Questions about Marxist Theory and International Capital Flows Review of Political Economics, New York, Summer 1976

What is Underdevelopment The Ripening of Time, Dublin, No. 1, 1976

Economic Crisis, Class Struggle and 1984 World Development, Oxford, Vol. 4, Nos. 10/11, 1976 Adam Smith y el Tercer Mundo Problemas del Desarrollo, Mexico, VII, No. 28, Nov. 1976

That the Extent of the Market is Limited by the International Division of Labor and the Relations of Production Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Annual Number, Feb. 1976 Ciencias Económicas y Sociales, Caracas, Año XV, Nos. 1-4, Numero Extraordinario, 1973-74

Trade Balances and the Third World. A Commentary on Paul Bairoch The Journal of European Economic History, Rome, Vol. 5, No. 2, Fall 1976

On Al Szymanski's Questionable Question about Marxist Theory and International Capital Flows Review of Radical Political Economics, New York, Vol. 8, No. 2, Summer 1976

Akkumulationskrise des Kapitalismus Frankfurter Rundschau, 24 Marz 1976

Multilateral Merchandise Trade Imbalances and Uneven Economic Development The Journal of European Economic History, Rome, Vol. 5, No. 2, Fall 1976

Nuestra Batalla Contra el Mercantilismo en el Siglo XIX Pensamiento Político, Mexico, Vol. XXII, No. 86, June 1976

Nieuwe Depressie Dwingt de Politiek Rechts Dagblad, Eindhoven, October 29, 1976

On So-called Primitive Accumulation Dialectical Anthropology, NewYork/Amsterdam, No. 2,1976 L'Homme et la Société, Paris, No. 39-40, Jan.-June 1976 Zona Abierta, Madrid, No. 14-15, 1977 Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, No. 30, Aug. 1977

Economic Genocide in Chile - Second Open Letter to Milton Friedman and Arnold Harberger Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, June 12, 1976 Comercio Exterior, Mexico, No. 26, No. 12, Dec. 1976 Punto Critico, Mexico, No. 67, November 22, 1976 Neues Forum, Wien, No. 171-172, July/August, 1976 Blätter des Iz3W, Freiburg, No. 58, December 1976 Links, Offenbach, No. 81, October 1976 Ideologia y Sociedad, Bogota, No. 20, Jan-March 1977 Chile America, Roma, No. 19-20-21, June-July 1976

Emergence of Permanent Emergency in India Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, March 12, 1977 Holiday, Dacca, Feb.-March 1977 Les Temps Modernes, Paris, Aug.-Sept. 1977

Economic Crisis and Underdevelopment Contemporary Crisis, Amsterdam, No. 3, 1977 IAB, Köln, May 1977

Exploitation and Imbalance: A Reply to Sidney Pollard The Journal of European Economic History, Rome, Vol. 5, No. 3, Winter 1977

Adam Smith y el Tercer Mundo Problemas del Desarrollo, Mexico,Vol. VII, No. 28, Enero 1977

Anskuelseundervisining I "Berufsverbot" Gyldendals Aktuele Magasin, Oslo, No. 1, 1977

Vansterekonom omm Konjukturkrisen: Okad Utsugning I U-Landerna Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, September 15, 1977

Long Live Transideological Enterprise: The Socialist Countries in the Capitalist International Division of Labor Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Annual Number, Feb. 1977 Review, Binghamton, USA, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 1977 L'Homme et la Société, Paris, Nos. 45-47, 1978-1979 Zona Abierta, Madrid, Nos. 16-17, 1978

New International Division of Labour? Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Dec. 27, 1977 Neues Forum, Wien, May/June 1978 Frankfurter Rundschau, December 24, 25, 26, 1977 Comercio Exterior, Mexico, May 1979 Synthesis, San Francisco, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1979 Dependence is Dead, Long Live Dependence and the Class Struggle: An Answer to Critics World Development, Oxford, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 1977

The Economics of Crisis and the Crisis of Economics Critique, Glasgow, No. 9, 1978 Zona Abierta, Madrid, No. 13, 1977 Cuadernos Políticos, Mexico, No. 12, 1977

La Crisis Mundial y el Tercer Mundo Monthly Review, Barcelona, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1977

Genocidio economico en America Latina (entrevista por Rodrigo Vasquez) Triunfo, Madrid, Año XXXII, No. 774, Nov. 1977

Imperialismus (Interview by Yolanda Broyles) Blätter des I z 3 W, Freiburg, Juni 1977, No. 62

Warum Arbeitslosigkeit schwer zu beheben ist Frankfurter Rundschau, Weihnachten, No. 299, 1977

El cautiverio de la Deuda y la explotacion del Tercer Mundo Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquillla, Ano 13, No. 44, Sept. 1978

Die neue Kolonisierung Neues Forum, Wien, Mai/Juni 1978

"Entrevista con A.G. Frank" (por Pep Subiros) Transición, Barcelona, Año I, No. 2, Nov. 1978

Super-Exploitation in the Third World Two Thirds, Toronto, No. 2, 1978 Human Futures, New Delhi, Spring 1978

Dynamics of Capitalist Domination in Latin America Nase Teme, Zagreb,Vol. XXII, Nos. 7-8, 1978 (in Serbo-Croatian)

The Postwar Boom: Boom for the West, Bust for the South Millennium:Journal of International Studies, London, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1978

Development of Underdevelopment or Underdevelopment of Development in China, Comments on Victor D. Lippit Modern China, Beverley Hills, Vol. 4, No. 3, July 1978

Is Left-Wing Eurocommunism Possible? New Left Review, London, No. 108, 1978 Cuadernos para el Dialogo, Madrid, January 21, 1978 Kritik, Berlin, Vol. 16, No. 17, 1978 Ideologia y Sociedad, Bogota, No. 23-24, Nov. 1978

Equating Economic Forecasting with Astrology is an Insult - to Astrologers Contemporary Crisis, Amsterdam,Vol. 4, No. 4, 1978, pp. 97-102 Il Manifesto, Roma, 1978 Der Gewerkschafter, Frankfurt, Vol. 26, 1978 Transición, Barcelona, Vol. 1, No. 1, October, 1978

Rethoric and Reality of the New International Economic Order Human Futures, New Delhi, Vol. 2, No. 2, Summer,1979 Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, No. 51, 1979

Unequal Accumulation: Intermediate, Semi-Peripherical, Sub-Imperialist Economies Review, Binghamton, USA, Vol. II, No. 3, Winter, 1979

Causes of Inflation Financial Times, London, July 25, 1980

The Arms Economy and Warfare in the Third World Current Crisis, Amsterdam, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1980 Third World Quarterly, London, Vol. II, No. 2, 1980

Economic Crisis and the State in the Third World Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, No. 55, 1980 Perspectives Latino-Americaines, Paris, No. 1, 1980

Another Recession and its Forecasting Confusion Worse Confounded Inprecor, Paris, No. 67-68, 1980

Third World Manufacturing Export Production The South East Asian Economic Review, Singapore, Vol. 1, No. 2, August 1980

Development of Crisis and Crisis of Development: Living in the Real World Economic and Political Weekly, Annual Number, Bombay, Feb. 1980 Transicion, Barcelona, No. 15, Dec. 1979 & No. 16, Jan. 1980 Comercio Exterior, Mexico, March, 1980

Keynesian North-South and East-West Paradoxes in the Brandt Report Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay,Vol. XV, No. 31, Aug. 1981 Third World Quarterly, London, Vol. II, No. 4 Transición, Barcelona, No. 28, 1981 Inprecor, Paris, 1981, pp. 96-97

World System in Crisis Journal of Social Studies, Dacca, No. 10, 1980 Contemporary Marxism, San Francisco, No. 2, 1981 Zona Abierta, Madrid, No. 23, 1980

Kampuchea, Vietnam, China: Observations and Reflections AMPO, Tokyo, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring, 1981 Social Praxis, Amsterdam, March, 1980 Viejo Topo, Barcelona, No. 46, July, 1980 Alternatives, New York & New Delhi, Vol. VII, No. 2, Fall 1981

World Crisis Theory and Ideology Alternatives, New Delhi & New York,Vol. VII, No. 1,Spring 1981

The New Economic Crisis in the West The Journal of Social Studies, Dacca, Nos. 12/13, Apr.-June 1981

Crisis of Ideology and Ideology of Crisis Contemporary Crisis, Tokyo, No. 9, 1981 (in Japanese) The Seventies, Hong Kong, No. 5, 1981 (in Chinese)

After Reaganomics and Thatcherism, What? From Keynesian Demand Management via Supply-Side Economics to Corporate State Planning and 1984 Contemporary Marxism, San Francisco, No.4, Winter 1981-82 El Viejo Topo, Barcelona, No. 63, December, 1981 El Diario/Marka, Lima, No. 16, April 5, 1982 Cuadernos Politícos, Mexico, No 31, January-March,1982 Moderne Zeiten, Hanover, February, 1982 Thesis Eleven, Australia, Summer, 1982

World Economic History of Capital Accumulation Economic Review,Tokyo,No.4,April 1981, (in Japanese)

Scrambling for a Place at an Austere Table Guardian Third World Review, London, January 8, 1982

Economic Crisis, Export Promotion and Political Repression in the Third World Amerique Latine, Paris, No. 9, January-March, 1982 Investigación Económica, Mexico, No. 157,July-Sept.1981

Political Economic Crisis and the Shift to the Right Crime and Social Justice, San Francisco, No. 17, Summer, 1982

Armoede Waarom? (Interview) Onze Wereld, The Hague, No. 3, March, 1982

Asia's Exclusive Models Far Eastern Economic Review, Hong Kong,June 25-July 1,1982

Global Crisis Third World First: North-South Links, Oxford and London, summer, 1982

The Atlantic Alliance in Disarray Marxism Today, London, October, 1982 Our Socialism, San Francisco, Vol.I, No.1,March 1983 Socialistisk Debatt, Stockholm, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1983

The Old Order Changeth Not Far Eastern Economic Review, Hong Kong,Sept. 3, 1982

Crisis and Transformation of Dependency in the World System Scandinavian Journal of Developing Countries, Stockholm, Vol. 1, No. 4, December, 1982

Some Limitations of NIC's Export-led Growth from a World Perspective IFDA Dossier 33, January-February 1983

Moonshine Growth Models The Patriot, India, February 24, 1983

La guerra e il solo sbocco possibile alla crisi del sistema-mondo? Pace E Guerra, Roma, No. 7, January 13,1983

Policy Ad Hockery: Unemployment and World Economic Crisis of Policy Formation Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, 1983 Volkskrant, Amsterdam. June 18, 1983

Global Crisis and Transformation Development and Change, Den Haag, Vol. 14, No. 3, July 1983, pp.323-346

Crisis y Transformación de la Dependencia en el sistema Mundial Desarollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, Colombia, Vol. XVII, No.76, April 1983, pp.11-18

What is to be Done with Artificial Straw Men? Development and Change, Den Haag, Vol. 14, No. 4, October 1983, pp.625-626

From Atlantic Alliance to Pan-European Entente: Political Economic Alternatives Alternatives, a Journal of World Policy, New York & NewDelhi, Vol. VIII, No.4, Spring 1983, pp.423-482. Socialism in the World, Belgrad, Year 7, No. 37, 1983, pp.57-105, Socijalizam u Svetu, Beogard, Godima 7, No. 37, 1983, pp.52-100, (in Serbo-Croat)

Real Marxism is Marxist Realism Viertel Jahres Berichte,Bonn,No.93, Sept. 1983, pp.209-226 Socialism in the World, Belgrad, Year 7, Special Issue, 1983, pp.70-80 St. Mark's Review, Australia, No.13, March 1983, pp.15-21 Shiso, Tokyo, No. 705, March 1983, (in Japanese) Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, No. 66, May-June 1983, pp.72-80

Naar een verenigd Europa Rostra, No. 102, February 1983, pp. 5-6

The Latin American Left and Democracy - Discussion Marski Stika Misao, Belgrad, No. 4, 1983 (in Serbo-Croat)

Discussion on Political Economy Socialism in the World, Belgrad, Year 7, No. 36, 1983, pp.162-163, 170, 172

Crisis del Marxismo en América Latina (with C. Franco, J.Arico & E. Gomariz) Leviatan, Madrid, No. 11, Spring 1983

El Método Marxista en los países del Este El Socialista, Madrid, No. 302, 23-29 March 1983, p. 57

On Losing Sight of the Forest for Looking at the Trees Development & Change, Den Haag, Vol. 15, No. 3, July 1984, pp. 457-463

World Economic Crisis and the Third World in the Mid-1980s Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, May 12, 1984, pp. 799-804 Economia e Socialismo, Lisboa, No. 62, July-Sept. 1984, pp. 3-14 Espaces et Societes, Paris, No. 4,Jan.-June 1984, pp. 15-32

Political Ironies in the World Economy Studies in Political Economy, Ottawa, No. 15, Fall 1984, pp. 119-150 Democrazia Proletaria,Milano,Vol. III, No. 6,June 1985, pp. 39-44

De groei naar wederzijdse afahandelijhkeid De Waarheid, Amsterdam, Oct. 12, 16, 19, 1984

Is there a Crisis of Marxism? Socialism in the World, Belgrad, No. 41, 1984, p. 199

Defuse the Debt Bomb? When Apparent Solutions Become Real Problems Can the Debt Bomb Be Defused? (Revision of above) Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, July 7, 1984, pp. 1036-1046. World Policy Journal, New York, I, 4, Summer, pp. 723-740 Revue Tiers Monde, Paris, Vol. XXV, No. 99,July-Sept. 1984, pp.586-600 Development and Peace, Budapest, Vol. 5, No. 2, Autumn 1984, p.5-25

On the Debt Bomb De Volkskrant, Amsterdam, Aug. 18, 1984 Folha de Sao Paulo, Brasil, Aug. 25, 1984 El Pais, Madrid, Sept. 30, 1984 The Guardian, London, Oct. 12, 1984 Der Überblick, Hamburg, No. 4/84, Dec., 1984 Boletín Económico, Buenos Aires, Oct. 1984

Development and Contradictions of Socialist Societies Socialism in the World, Belgrad, No. 45 ,1984, p. 199

The Unequal and Uneven Historical Development of the World Economy Contemporary Marxism, San Francisco, No. 9, Fall 1984, pp. 71-95

Can the Debt (and Nuclear) Bomb(s) Be Defused? IFDA Dossier, Nyon Switzerland, No. 46, March/April 1985, pp. 67-72 O Desafio Europeu para a Paz e o Progresso Economia e Socialismo, Lisboa, Nos. 64/65, Jan.-June 1985, pp. 49-59

La Crisis Economica Mundial y las Perspectivas Politicas Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, No. 82, May 1985, pp.9-18

Es posible desactivar la bomba de la deuda? Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, No. 79, Sept. 1985

Kriza u Svjetskoj Privredi i Socializam Kumrovecki Zapisi, Jugoslavia, No. 3, 1985, pp. 41-51, 176-178

Crise de la Economia Mundial y Perspectivas Politicas a Meados da Decada 1980 Terra Firme, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. I, No. 1, 1985

The European Challenge for Peace and Progress Socialism in the World, Belgrad, No. 51,1985, pp. 3-14

Aramament and Disarmament Socialism in the World, Belgrad, No. 49, 1985, pp. 168-9,185-6

Gaeldskrisen er en Tidistillet Bombe Information, Oslo, Feb. 12, 1985

De Menseoffers van het Niewuwe Kapitalisme: Een Debat tussen Crisisbestrijders (met Eveelien Hefkens, Louis Emmerij, Elli Izboud, Lodewijk van Ulden, Jan Breman, Adele Meier) De Waarheid, Amsterddam, March 2, 1985

Der Ost-West Konflikt- Ein Deckmantel (with Immanuel Wallerstein) MOZ Grün-Alternative Monatszeitung, Wien, No. 9,July-Aug. 1985 Blatter des Iz3W, Freiburg, No. 127, August 1985, pp. 53-56

Can the Crash Be Averted? Washington Report on the Americas, Sept.24, 1985, p. 2

Gunder Frank Sees Economic Crash, Populist Wave Latin America Index, Washington DC, Nov. 1, 1985, pp. 78-79

Is the Reagan Recovery Real or the Calm Before the Storm? Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay,Vol. XXI, No. 21, May 24, 1986 & No. 22, May 31, 1986

Appropriate Marxism is the Marxist Realism (in Serbo-Croatian) Praska, Belgrad, No. 2, 1986, pp 261-274

The Blocs in Disarray: New Hope for Europe ENDPapers, Nottingham, No. 11, Winter 1985-86, pp. 18-27

Taxation that Stirs Revolt South, London, No. 71, September 1986, pp. 64-65

Kampuchea, Vietnam, China: Observations and Reflections with 1985 Postdate Contemporary Marxism, San Francisco, Nos. 12-13, Spring 1986, pp. 107-119

The European Challenge (in Greek) Estrinon, Athens, December 7, 1986, pp. 12-13

Coping with the Debt Crisis:When the Solution Becomes the Problem CALC Report, New York, Vol. 12, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1986, pp. 3-9

Est-il Possible de Desarmorcer la Bombe de la Dette? Cahiers du CRAL, Paris, Cahier 4, 1986, 25 pp.

La Recuperacion Reagan Leviatán, Madrid, II Epoca No. 25, Otono 1986, pp. 47-62

Third World Agriculture and Agribusiness (in Chinese) Social Science Journal of Hainan University, Hainan Dao, No. 3, 1986, pp. 43-48

Is the Reagan Recovery Real or the Calm before a Storm? Socialism in the World, Belgrad, Vol. 11, No. 58, 1987, pp. 102-118

The World Economic Crisis: Retrospect and Prospect Development and Peace, Institute for World Economy, Budapest, Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 1987, pp. 5-28

Debt Where Credit is Due Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Vol. XXII, Nos. 42 & 43, October 17-24, 1987, pp. 1795-1798 Journal fur Entwicklungspolitik, Wien, Vol. III, No. 3, 1987, pp. 87-92

Nine Theses on Social Movements" (with Marta Fuentes) Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay Vol. XXII, No. 35, August 29, 1987, pp. 1503-1510. Newsletter of International Labour Studies, The Hague No. 34, July 1987, 16 p. IFDA Dossier, Nyon/Geneva, No. 63, Jan./Feb.1988,pp. 27-44. Thesis Eleven, Australia, Nr. 18/19, 1987/1988, pp. 143-165. Socialism in the World, Belgrad, No. 66, 1988, pp. 62-81. Transnational Associations, Bruxelles, vol. 4o, No. 1, 1988, pp. 24-32.

Crash Course Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Vol. XXII, No. 46, November 14, 1987, pp. 1942-46

The Next Recession Threatens Deflationary Depression Razvoij / Development International, Institute for Developing Countries, Zagreb, Vol. II, No. 2, December 1987, pp. 219-239

Comment on Janet Abu-Luhod's 'The Shape of the World System in the Thirteenth Century Studies in Comparative International Development, New Brunswick, USA, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1987, pp. 35-37

La Crisi Economica Mondiale: Esame Retrospettivo e Prospettive Marx Centuno Revista Internationale di Dibattit Teorico, Milano, No. 6, December 1987, pp. 67-77

Problems of Marxist Economic Theory (Discussion) Socialism in the World, Belgrad, Vol. 11, No. 59, 1987, pp. 154-155, 156, 158, 177-178

Socialism,Capitalism and the World System of Capitalism Socialism in the World, Belgrad, Vol. 11, No. 63, 1987, pp. 178, 185, 187, 193-194

Il crollo finanziaro di Wall Street previsto da Gunder Frank. Il '29 diertro l'angolo Il Manifesto, Roma, October 31, 1987, p. 8

La deuda en aquellos paises merecedores de credito El Pais, Madrid, September 29 & 30, 1987, pp. 58 & 60

Nieuwe wet moet schuld arme landen beter regelen Volkskrant, Amsterdam, September 26, 1987, p. 21

Arms and the Poor Man The Guardian, London, October 2, 1987, p. 22

Bankrott als Zuflucht Wirtschaftswoche, Dusseldorf, Vol. 48, No. 20, Nov. 1987, pp. 90-99

Logica Legal para la Deuda del Tercer Mundo Le Monde Diplomatique en Espanol, Mexico, Vol. 9, No. 105, Nov. 1987, p. 28

Amerikanse Roulette Intermediare, Amsterdam, V. 23, No. 49, Dec.4, 1987, pp. 19-23

Schnellkurs: Amerikanisches Roulette und das Globonomische Kasino International, Wien, No. 6, December 1987

Interview Socialist Theory and Practice, Athens, No. 2, March-April 1987, pp. 41-55 (in Greek)

The World According to Frank (Interview) Discorsi, Amsterdam, Vol. 21, No. 1, Oct. 1987, pp. 8-9 (in Dutch)

World Crisis:The Next Recession will be a Depression (Interview) Privredivjesnik, Zagreb, XXXV, No. 2516, June 21, 1987 (in Croatian)

Andre Gunder Frank: Practical Strategies for Social and Economic Development (Interview by Tony Simmons) Aurora, Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada, Vol. 11, No. 2, Winter 1987-88, pp. 26-29

Para una Nueva Lectura de los Movimientos Sociales (with Marta Fuentes) Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, No. 93, Enero-Feb. 1988, pp. 18-29

A Modest Proposal Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Vol. XXIII, No .6, Feb. 6, 1988, pp. 246-247

Itinerario del Colapso Desarrollo Indoamericano, Barranquilla, Vol. XXII, No. 87, Jan. 1987, pp. 19-24

Nueve Tesis Acerca de los Movimientos Sociales (with Marta Fuentes) David y Goliath, Buenos Aires, Vol. XVIII, No. 53, Aug.-Sept. 1988, pp. 44-54

The World Economic Crisis Today: Retrospect and Prospect Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives, Stockholm, Vol. VII, No. 2 & 3, June-Sept. 1988, pp.181-215

Gorbachev's United Nations and Peace Initiatives. Steps in the Right Direction Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Vol. XXIII, No. 49, Dec. 3, 1988, pp. 2575-2577

Der Weg in die Krise. Amerikanisches Roulette und Internationales Finanzkasino Links, Offenbach, No. 214, January 1988, pp. 11-13

La Ruleta Norteamericana y el Casino Globonomico Le Monde Diplomatique en Espanol, Mexico, Vol. IX, No. 107, Enero 1988, p. 30

The Crash of '87 - Amerikanisches Roulette und das Globonomische Kasino International Zeitschrift für Internationale Politik, Wien, No. 1, 1988, pp. 19-22

Corso di Crash Marxismo Oggi. Revista Bimestrale di Cultura e Politica, Milano, II, No. 1, Jan. 1988, pp.11-18

Un proyecto modesto El Pais, Madrid, Feb. 9, 1988, p. 46

Andre Gunder Frank's Lecture Socialist Theory and Praxis, Athens, No. 3, Mar. 1988, pp. 18-19

Third World: lots of taxation without much representation The Minnesota Daily, Minneapolis, May 6, 1988, pp. 9-10

Politik in der Krise des Weltmarktes: Wie Konkurrenten Zusammenarbeiten Arbeitshefte Entwicklungspolitik des DGB-Bildungswerkes, Dusseldorf, No. 8, Januar 1988, 8 pp.

Gorbatchev: un pas dans la bonne direction Pourquoi?, Paris, No. 238, Octubre 1988, pp.18-25

Il Mondo di Gorbaciov Il Manifesto, Roma, XVIII, No. 288, Dec.7, 1988, p. 3

Andre Gunder Frank vaticina una nueva recesion economica El Periodico de Catalunya, Barcelona, June 17, 1988, p. 37

La 'perestroika' todavia tiene que llegar a EEUU El Periodico de Catalunya, Barcelona, June 19, 1988, p. 56

La pitjor epoca? Setze/Cambio 16, Barcelona, No. 11, julio 4, 1988, pp. 14-15

Das Weltkarusell (with H. Hofbauer, O.Kreye, O. Rajewitsch & U. Stacher) MOZ Alternative Monatszeitung fur Politik,Wirtschaft und Kultur, Wien, No. 11, Nov. 1988, pp. 40-45

Ten Theses on Social Movements (with Marta Fuentes) World Development, Washington/Oxford, Vol. XVII, 2, Feb. 1989, pp. 179-192

Proxima Recesion Estadouinense Causaria Crisis Mundial Homines, Puerto Rico, Vol. XII, Nos. 1 & 2, Marzo 1988 - Enero 1989, pp. 127-130

World Debt, the European Challenge and 1992 Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay XXIV, No. 17, April 29, 1989, pp. 914-916

Weltverschuldungskrise, Europaische Herausforderung und 1992 Das Argument, Berlin, No. 177, Vol. 31, No. 5, Sept./Oct. 1989, pp. 759-766

Blocking the Black Debt Hole in the 1990s Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Vol. XXIV, No. 42, October 21, 1989, pp. 2362-3 Rostra, Amsterdam, No. 164, January 1990, pp. 34-35

History at the Margin: Canada in the European Age (Book Review) Studies in Political Economy, Ottawa, No. 29, Summer 1989, pp. 163-9

Review of The State of Development Economics, G. Ranis and T. P. Schultz, Eds. (Oxford, Blackwell 1988) in The European Journal of Political Economy, Amsterdam, No. 5, 1989, pp. 141-142

El Desafio Europeo entre el Este y el Oeste en 1992 La Gazeta de los Negocios, Madrid,Vol. I, Nos. 5 & 6, April 3 & 4, 1989, pp. 35 and 31

The Development of Underdevelopment (1966) Monthly Review, New York, Vol. 41, No. 2, une 1989, pp. 37-51

Dez Teses Acerca dos Movimentos Sociais (with Marta Fuentes) Lua Nova. Revista de Cultura e Politica, Sao Paulo, No. 17, June 1989, pp. 19-48

Gorbachev and the UN: A Kaleidoscopic Vision Development Forum, United Nations Department of Public Information, New York, Vol. XVII, No. 4, July-Aug. 1989, p. 4

World Debt, The European Challenge and 1992 ENDpapers Nineteen, Nottingham, Spring 1989, pp. 22-29 Il Bimestrale, Roma, No. 3, June 1989, pp. 66-71 MOZ: Alternative Monatszeitung fur Politik,Wirtschaft und Kultur, Wien No. 9, Fortl. Nr. 45, Okt. 1989, pp. 31-34

El agujero negro de la deuda La Gaceta de los Negocios, Madrid, Vol. 1, No. 110, Sept. 8, 1989, p. 31

Los Problemas Financieros del Tercer Mundo. Causas y Consequencias de la Crisis de la Deuda Mundial Pagina Abierta, Santiago, Chile, Vol. I, No. 1,Oct. 1989, pp. 910 - Naar de Finlandisering van Europa Het Parool, Amsterdam, Vol. 49, Nr.13731, Nov. 23, 1989, p. 9

Europa, desde Helsinki hacia la Finlandizacion El País, Madrid, December 9, 1989, p. 6

Skuldkrisen och den europeiska utmanningen Haften for Kritiska Studier, Stockholm, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1989, pp. 4-13.

Europe from Helsinki to Finlandisation Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay XXV, 2, January 13, 1990, pp. 90-91

East European Revolution of 1989. Lessons for Democratic Social Movements (and Socialists?) Europa del Este: doce lecciones de los acontecimientos de 1990 Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay XXV, 4, February 3, 1990, pp. 251-258 Third World Quarterly, London, XII, 2, April 1990, pp. 36-52 Das Argument, Berlin, No. 180, Vol. 32, No. 2, March/April 1990, pp. 191-203 Leviatán, Madrid, II Epoca No. 39, primavera 1990, pp. 15-32 Revista Internacional, Prag, No. 381, No. 5-6, May-June 1990, pp. 29-33 Nueva Sociedad, Caracas No. 108 Julio-Agosto 1990, pp. 60-74 Problems of Peace and Socialism, Prag, (No.381). No. 5, 1990, pp. 37-40 (in Russian) Also in English and French editions Review of Latin American Theories of Development and Underdevelopment by Christobal Kay Development and Change Vol. 23, No. 3, July 1990, pp. 560-562

A Theoretical Introduction to 5,000 Years of World System History Review, Binghampton, USA, Vol. XIII, No. 2, Spring 1990, pp. 155-248

The Cumulation of Accumulation: Theses and Research Agenda for 5000 Years of World System History (with Barry K. Gills) Dialectical Anthropology (New York/Amsterdam) Vol. 15, No. 1, July, pp. 19-42

Europa od Helsinkja do Finlandizacije Medunarodna Politika, Belgrad Vol. XLI, No. 957, Feb. 6, 1990, pp. 9-11

El Agujero Negro de la Deuda El Gallo Ilustrado Suplemento Dominical de El Día, Mexico, April 8, 1990, pp. 5-6

Galoppierender Kapitalismus MOZ Monatszeitung fur Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur, Wien No. 52, May 1990, pp. 40-42

Otra mirada a la historia (en transición) El Día, Mexico, Suplemento Especial del XXVIII Aniversario, Junio de 1990, pp. 3-6

Ningún fin a la historia! Historia sin fin? El Gallo Ilustrado 1464 Semanario de El Día, Mexico, 15 de julio de 1990, pp. 2-10

The Thirteenth Century World System: A Review Essay Journal of World History Vol. I, No. 2, 1990

De Quelles Transitions et de Quels Modes de Production s'agit-il dans le Systeme-Monde Reel? Commentaire sur l'Article de Wallerstein. Sociologie et Societés, Vol. XXII, No. 2, October 1990

Economía política del conflicto Norte-Sur en el Pérsico El Gallo Ilustrado 1473 Semanario de El Día, Mexico, Sept. 16, 1990

On the Silk Road: An Academic Travelogue Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay Vol. XXV, No. 46, Nov. 17, 1990, pp. 2536-39

Some Ups and Downs on the Silk Road: An Academic Travelogue World History Bulletin, Vol. VII, No. 3, Fall/Winter 1990-1991, pp. 7-11

Korak za Najmanje Losu Politiku (interview with Milena Drazic) Borba, Belgrad, Vol. LXIX, Nos. 315-316, Nov. 10-11, 1990, pp.1,4-5

Otra Mirada a la Historia (en Transición) Punto Final Santiago, XXV, No. 223, Octubre de 1990, pp. 22-23

No Escape from the Laws of World Economics European Labour Forum, Nottingham, No. 2, Autumn 1990, pp. 36-40

No End to History! History to No End? ENDpapers 21, Nottingham, No. 21, Autumn 1990, pp. 52-71

A Plea for World System History Journal of World History, Hawaii, Vol. II, No.1, Spring 1991, pp. 1-28 Cuadernos Americanos, Mexico, Vol. XXX, No. 4, Dec. 1991

Ökonomische Ironien in der Welt Politik Starnberger Forschungsberichte, Starnberg, Germany, No. 1, March 1991, pp. 19-42

Algunos Altibajos en la Ruta de la Seda El Gallo Ilustrado Semanario de El Día, Mexico, No. 1489, Jan 6, 1991, pp 1-5

Another Look at History (in Transition) IFDA Dossier, Geneva, No. 80, Jan.-March 1991, pp. 77-84

Transitional Ideological Modes: Feudalism, Capitalism, Socialism Critique of Anthropology, Vol. 11, No. 2, Summer 1991, pp. 171-88

Ironias de la Economía Mundial Punto Final Santiago, XXV, No. 243, July 15, 1991, pp. 10-11.

The Underdevelopment of Development Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives, Special Number, Vol. X, No. 3, Sept. 1991, pp. 5-72

Bibliography of Publications 1955-1990 [of A.G. Frank] Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives, Special Number, Vol. X, No. 3, Sept. 1991, pp. 75-131

Latin American Development Theories Revisited: A Participant Review Essay Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives, Special Number, Vol. X, No. 3, Sept. 1991, pp. 133-150 Nueva visita a las teorias latinoamericanas del desarrollo. Un ensayo de reseña participativo Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, No. 113, mayo-junio 1991, pp. 67-78

Economic Ironies in World Politics Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Vol. XXVI, No. 30, July 27, 1991, pp. PE 93-102 Economic Review Colombo, Sept.-Oct. 1991, pp. 1-3, 41-49. Cuadernos del CENDES, Caracas, No. 15, 1991

No Escape from the Laws of World Economics Review of African Politcal Economy, No. 50, 1991, pp. 21-32

A felhalmozas felhalmozadasa [The Cumulation of Accumulation] with B. K. Gills Eszmelet, Budapest, Nos. 11-12, September 1991

Demokraclaarusitas az antidemokratikus [Marketing Democracy in an Undemocratic Market] Eszmelet, Budapest, Nos. 11-12, September 1991

Third World War in the Gulf: A New World Order Political Economy Notebooks for Study and Research, No. 14, Amsterdam/Paris, June 1991, pp. 5-34 ENDpapers 22, Nottingham UK, Summer 1991, pp. 62-110 Economic Review, Colombo, vol. 17, Nos. 4 & 5, July/Aug. 1991, pp. 17-31, 54-60, 68-73 Sekai, Tokyo, No. 560, Sept. 1991, pp. 68-82

Economía Política del Conflitto Nord-Sud Marx Centuno, Milano, Vol. VII, No. 4, Feb. 1991, pp. 14-20.

Holier Than Thou in the Gulf: A Curse on Both Your Houses Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, Wien, Vol. VII, No. 1, Spring 1991, pp. 91-105

Une Guerre Tres Peu Sainte Revue d'Etudes Palestiniennes, Paris, No. 39, Spring 1991, p. 45-64

Der Krieg der Scheinheiligen: Seid Verflucht Alle Beide Blätter für Internationale Politik, Bonn, No. 3, March 1991, pp. 291-302 EMW-Information, Evangelisches Missionswerk, Hamburg, Nr. 92, Mai 1991, pp. 3-17

Waarom Golforlog? 't Kan Anders, Delft, No. 2, 1991, pp. 17-32 (also issued as a separate pamphlet)

Mas Sagrado que Vosotros en el Golfo: Una Maldición sobre las Casas de Ambos El Gallo Ilustrado de El Dia, Mexico, Feb. 10, 1991, pp. 1-9

Dos Santurones en le Golfo Pérsico Punto Final, Santiago de Chile, Feb. 11, 1991, pp. 14-18 Correo de los Andes, Merida,Venezuela, Feb. 18 & Mar. 11, 1991

Paradoxes Geopolitiques-Economiques d'une Guerre La Breche, Lausanne, Vol. 21, No. 467, Mars 8, 1991, pp. 9-11 Politische Ökonomie des Golf Krieges Das Argument, Berlin, Vol. 33, No. 186, March/April 1991, pp. 177-186

Ironias Económicas y Geopolíticas en el Golfo Pérsico El Día Latinoamericano, Año 1, No. 45, April 1, 1991, pp. 12-14

EE. UU. en el Nuevo Orden Mundial Punto Final, Santiago de Chile, Vol. XXVI, No. 248, Sept. 23, 1991, pp. 14-15

The Five Thousand Year World System: An Interdisciplinary Introduction [with Barry K. Gills] Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, Arcata, CA, Vol. 18, No. 1, Spring 1992, pp 1-79

World System Cycles, Crises, and Hegemonial Shifts 1700 BC to 1700 AD (w/ B. Gills) Review, Binghamton, XV, 4, Fall 1992, pp. 621-698

The Centrality of Central Asia Studies in History, New Delhi, VIII, 1, Feb. 1992, pp. 43-97 Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Boulder, USA, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, April-June 1992, pp. 50-74

Rejoinder [to Comments on The Centrality of Central Asia] Studies in History, New Delhi, VIII, 1, Feb. 1992, pp. 118-22 Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Boulder, USA, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, April-June 1992, pp. 80-82

Fourteen Ninety-two Once Again Political Geography Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 4, July 1992, pp. 386-393

Transitional Ideological Modes: Feudalism, Capitalism, Socialism Oriens/BOCTOK, Moscow, No. 2, 1992, [in Russian]

Third World War: A Political Economy of the Gulf War and the New World Order Third World Quarterly, London,Vol. 13, No. 2, Spring 1992, pp. 267-282

Nothing New in the East: No New World Order Social Justice, San Francisco, Vol. 19, No. 1, Spring 1992, pp. 34-61

World Economic Crisis Once Again Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Feb. 29, 1992, pp. 437-8 Economic Review, Colombo, Vol. 18, Nos. 1 & 2, April-May 1992, pp. 2-4

Economic Ironies in Europe: A World Economic Interpretation of Politics in East-West Europe International Social Science Journal, UNESCO, Paris, No. 131, Feb. 1992, pp. 41-56; Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales, UNESCO, Paris, No. 132, May 1992, pp. 279-297; Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales, UNESCO, Paris, No. 132, May 1992, pp. 267-284

Latin American Development Theories Revisited: A Participant Review Essay European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, December 1991 [printed 1992], pp. 146-159 Latin American Perspectives, Issue 73, Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 1992, pp. 125-139

The U.S. Economy. A Review of Bernard Nossiter's Fat Years and Lean: The American Economy Since Roosevelt Z Magazine, Boston, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1992, pp. 63-66.

Privatisation: Sham Debate Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Feb. 22, 1992, p. 432

Soviet and East European "Socialism": What Went Wrong? And Who is Right? Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, XXVII, No. 46, Nov. 14, 1992, pp. 1471-2474

El Subdesarrollo del Desarrollo - Extracto El Gallo Ilustrado 1544, Semanario de El Día, Mexico, April 5, 1992, pp. 1-7.

No Se Puede Estar En Todo, Pero Yo Se Los Dije El Gallo Ilustrado 1560, Semanario de El Día, Mexico, May 17, 1992, p. 20

Crisis Económica Mundial, Una Vez Más El Gallo Ilustrado 1561, Semanario de El Día, Mexico, May 24, 1992, pp. 1-4

I Snova Mirovoi Krizis [The World Crisis Once Again] Problemi Teorii i Praktiki, Moscow, No. 3, 1992, pp. 60-62

McWorld: Divide o Impera? Ambas Cosas! El Gallo Ilustrado 1570, Semanario de El Día, Mexico, July 26, 1992, pp. 1-4

Saludo y Mensaje Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, No. 120, Edicion XX Aniversario, July-Aug. 1992, pp. 178-179

1492 y América Latina al Margen de la Historia del Sistema Mundial El Gallo Ilustrado 1583, Semanario de El Día, Mexico, Oct. 25, 1992, pp. 2-7

I Was Never Invited Back News from Ukraine, Kiev, Nov. 8, 1992, p. 3.

Hitting Yourself While You're Down [in Russian] Delo, Novgorod, November 28, 1992, p. 6.

The World Is Round and Wavy: Demographic Cycles & Structural Aanalysis in the World System. A Review Essay of Jack A. Goldstone's Revolutions and Rebellions in the Early Modern World. Berkeley: University of California Press 1991. Contention, Indiana University Press, Vol. 2, No. 2, Winter 1993, pp. 107-125

Que salió mal y quién tiene la razón? Un debate sobre el socialismo soviético y euroriental El Gallo Ilustrado Semanario de El Día, Mexico, No. 1596, Jan. 24, 1993, pp. 1-6

América Latina al margen del sistema mundial. Historia y presente. Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, No. 123, enero-feb. 1993, pp. 23-34

Ironías económicas en la política mundial Cuadernos del CENDES, Caracas, No.15/16, Sept. 1990-April 1991, pp. 229-256 [published 1993]

Soviet and East European Socialism: A Review of International Political Economy of What Went Wrong Economic Review, Colombo, Nos. 2 & 3, May/June 1992, pp. 28-39

Ten Theses on Social Movements [with Marta Fuentes} Society and Nature Vol. 1, No. 3, 1993

1492 and Latin America at the Margin of World System History: East > West Hegemonial Shifts (992-1492-1992) Comparative Civilizations Review, No. 28, Spring 1993, pp. 1-40

World System Economic Cycles and Hegemonial Shift to Europe 100 BC to 1500 AD (w/ B. Gills) Journal of European Economic History, Rome, XXII, 1, July 1993

Bronze Age World System Cycles [& Comments and Reply] Current Anthropology, Vol. 34, No. 4, Aug-Oct 1993, pp. 383-429

América Latina al Margen de la Historia del Sistema Mundial América por el Desarrollo, No. 0, 1993, pp. 26-34

The World System in Asia Before European Hegemony The Historian, Vol. 56. No. 4, Winter 1994, pp. 259-276

Inside Out or Outside in [The Exogeneity/Endogeneity Debate] Review, Binghamton, XVII, 1 Winter 1994, pp. 1-5

Soviet and East European "Socialism": A Review of International Political Economy of What Went Wrong. Review of International Political Economy, Vol. I, No. 2, April 1994, pp. 113-157 [including discussion]

Confusion Worse Confounded: Through the Looking Glass of Matt Melko in Wonderland Comparative Civilizations Review, No. 30, Spring 1994, pp. 22-29

Is Real World Socialism Possible? Society and Nature, No. 6, Summer 1994 forthcoming

Estudiando los Ciclos en los Movimientos Sociales [with Marta Fuentes] Zona Abierta, Madrid, forthcoming

Nothing New in the East: No New World Order Iranian Journal of International Affairs, Teheran, Vol. IV, No. 3, forthcoming

Hegemony and Social Change [Forum] Mershon International Studies Review, No. 2, 1994

Review of Islamic & European Expansion. The Forging of a Global Order edited by Micheal Adas for the American Historical Association Journal of Asian Studies, 1995, pp.163-4.

Review of Historical Atlas of East Central Europe by P.R. Magoscsi Political Geography Quarterly Vol.14,No.8,Nov. 1995, pp. 711-712.

Table of Contents
Personal and Professional
Honors and Memberships
Research Interests
Publications Summary
Recent Publications
ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age
Essays on NATO and Kosovo, 1999 On-line Essays