Peace Initiative of Turkey
Justification:The act of
aggression committed by the US administration and its collaborators against Iraq has
gravely undermined the UN system and international laws, in fact it has practically
rendered them unfunctional. The US doctrines of "pre-emptive war" and "full
spectrum dominance" put into practice in total disregard for all international
mechanisms designed to seek non-military methods to resolve international conflicts,
constitute a threat to world peace in general and an immediate threat to peace in the
Middle East in particular. As a follow up of this policy, the US has openly declared its
intention to re-design the Middle Eastern map. We are all heading towards a new
world-scale war for control over energy resources, a new war for hegemony.
Under the current conditions where international mechanisms for peace which uphold
international humanitarian values have been rendered inoperative, the world public needs
to create its alternative mechanisms to uphold and defend these values which are dear to
all of us.
One very powerful way of achieving this is to hold an international tribunal which will
examine the whole process and bring to light the crimes and violations committed by the
forces of aggression and occupation. Such public highlighting and condemning of these
crimes will show our determination not to go along with the US imposed fait d'accompli.
The more we succeed in turning this tribunal into a broadly publicized and respectable
hearing, the greater its power of deterrence shall be. This can discourage the belligerent
powers from engaging in similar acts in the near future and it can help push the UN into
devising proper ways and mechanisms to address such circumstances. The so-called
"shock and awe" operation may not and should not have shocked and awed the
activists of the anti-war movement, but it has shocked and awed:
the world public at large: They thought the world had created mechanisms to prevent new
Hitlerites from dragging the world into full scale war and chaos at their own discretion.
These mechanisms have failed them. Now they behold an unpredictable future where any
belligerent power acting upon this example may cite its national security at risk and take
action to "pre-empt" the threat. There is a feeling of helplessness and
indignation. We must overcome the feeling of helplessness and strengthen the feeling of
indignation. Our tribunal will present them with an alternative mechanism to uphold
international law and values.
the UN: In this process, the UN has been effectively reduced to the state of an incapable
and powerless institution. The strong statement to be put by a respectable international
tribunal with representative power will push the UN out of its paralysis into action. Some
very basic violations that have taken place include: the UN Charter, the Geneva
Convention, the Human Rights Charter, etc. Many weapons which were outlawed by
international treaties and conventions have been used, turning the land of Iraq into a
toxic zone unfit for human life. If the UN cannot take action of itself, our tribunal can
take the initiative and spell out all these and many more crimes one by one for all to
see. Then, they will have to move and taking up from where we left, develop measures to
solve the problem.
We need to show that peace and justice shall be upheld, that no one shall get away with
committing injustice and destroying peace.
We propose that we convene the final session of this tribunal in Istanbul-Turkey.
The Middle East occupies a central place in the US plans for world hegemony. It is the
theater of war. The initial target Iraq, and the next declared targets Syria and Iran are
right on our borders. The best venue for such a tribunal would be Iraq, but the closest we
can get there is Turkey.
The recent developments call for urgent and ever stronger solidarity between anti-war
movements in the West and the Middle East. It would be a strong declaration of solidarity
and coordination to hold these criminals to account in the Middle East which they are
preparing to colonize. It will be a big moral support to all of our peoples an
encouragement to our populations. It will materialize the bonds between the western
activists and themselves and help them actually feel themselves part of a world movement
opposing US hegemony and colonization plans.
This will also be a strong statement against scenarios trying to present and turn the
current conflict into a so-called "clash of civilizations". The peoples of our
region feel themselves under attack and alienated. The world's activists converging in
Turkey and making it clear that this is a threat against the world as a whole and that we
all stand united will help us all overcome this feeling.
Turkey is not a theoretical but a real cultural bridge between the East and the West and
there is overwhelming popular opposition to this war in Turkey. It is this opposition
which has pushed the Turkish parliament to reject the government bid to station 62.000 US
troops in Turkey and to open the northern front for the US war in Iraq. It is true that
Turkey has its human rights problems but this unprecedented popular opposition has
resulted in the failure of a government, which has over two thirds majority in the
parliament, to pass its bid.
Last, but not least is the fact that we are ready to host such an activity. We are ready
to give secretarial support and to devote whatever time and effort is required.
We propose that the final tribunal convenes in late 2003-early 2004. One month for setting
up the components of the tribunal. Time for initial preparations, investigations, etc.
Preparatory sessions in different countries. With the cooperation of peace movements of
those countries.
How do we envision this tribunal?
Composition of the tribunal + jury: world renown and respected jurists, people from all
six continents with representative capacity, broadly acknowledged intellectuals.
Testimonies by: people from Iraq, journalists in Iraq (like Fisk, etc.), human shields, US
diplomats and advisors who resigned (Ramsey Clark, etc.), UK minister who resigned,
representatives of various communities and interest groups who have been adversely
effected by the US policies of full spectrum dominance, pre-emptive warfare and support
for brutal regimes (from Palestinians to Colombians and Venezuelans), people to testify to
reveal the corporate interests/profits underlying the present policies, arms inspectors,
people (preferably officials) to testify against the blackmail and bullying done by the US
against other states (Turkish parliamentarians, Galloway, etc.), scientists on the effects
of the weapons employed, testimonies singling out accomplices....
Visual material: photos, films, exhibitions revealing the extent of the carnage and
Site: a large conference hall. Open to public.
Not like an official court procedure. Flexible and open to interventions. But in an
acceptable and respectable manner that will be acknowledged by the world. Lively,
interactive but very keen on objective evaluation, orderly and cool. The event in itself
and the bare truth is so powerful in this case that there should be little room for
demonstration. The session may last 3-4 days. It would be better to conclude it within
this 3-4 days or one week.
Peace Initiative of Turkey peaceturkey@ttnet.net.tr
Direct contact for this
International Tribunal proposal: ayseberktay@superonline.com