The Róbinson Rojas Archive Los Archivos de Róbinson Rojas Les Archives de Róbinson Rojas
Puro Chile the memory of the people Puro Chile la memoria del pueblo Puro Chile la mémoire du peuple

The Cuba Obsession  The true history of CANF (the Cuban American National  Foundation)
 Gunning for Castro  A boatload of gunmen in a CANF vessel
 Che Guevara Biography  What's missing from the story
CANF Connection to Bush and Posada  A key figure
Panama: Background to the U.S. Invasion of 1989
The Cuban Missile Crisis: An In-Depth Chronology
Out-Platting Platt: From Colonialism to Globalization
Cuba: from Neocolony to State of Siege
Looking for Terrorists in Cuba's Health Care System
 Buscando Terroristas en el Sistema Cubano de Salud (en español)
A la recherche de terroristes au sein du système de santé Cubain (en français)