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News on Climate Change/Global Warming in Countercurrents

22 November, 2005

Global Warming Hits Himalayas
By Robin McKie

The roof of the world is changing. Almost 95 per cent of Himalayan glaciers are shrinking - and that kind of ice loss has profound implications, not just for Nepal and Bhutan, but for surrounding nations, including China, India and Pakistan

17 November, 2005

Climate Change Map Reveals Countries
Most Under Threat

By Steve Connor

Scientists have compiled one of the first comprehensive pictures of what the world might be like when climate change begins to trigger a dramatic increase in epidemics, disease and death

16 November, 2005

The Politics Of Climate Change
By Andrew Lam

The glaciers are melting and receding. The sea rises to swallow islands and low-lying nations. Factories spew toxic chemicals into rivers and oceans, killing fish and the livelihoods of generations. Where the forest used to be, rains cause the bare hills to slide down onto homes. And the hurricanes keep on coming and coming

30 October, 2005

Get Real On Climate Change
By Tony Blair

International unity on climate change is a must this time, says the British Prime Minister

28 October, 2005

The Hottest October 27 Ever
By Steve Connor

Just four days before Hallowe'en, Britain was enjoying the warmest 27 October since records began in 1880

Global Warming Threatens
Drought For Mediterranean

By Steve Connor

The Mediterranean region is the most vulnerable in Europe to climate change because of its sensitivity to drought and rising temperatures

27 October, 2005

Global Warming Strengthens Hurricanes
By Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel

Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma made clear to the public there is a link between global warming and the power -- not frequency -- of hurricanes. Warm water in the Gulf of Mexico helped transform three mild tropical storms into the most powerful category of hurricanes possible

Global Temperature Management
By Prof. Chaim Scheff

A cost effective solution to global warming

Dutch Windmills At Risk From Climate Change
By Anna Mudeva

Windmills, one of the Netherlands' trademarks, may go idle because of less wind as a result of climate change, Dutch scientists predict

26 October, 2005

Climate Change 'Could Ruin Drive
To Eradicate Poverty'

By Steve Connor

Britain's most senior independent scientist has warned that global warming threatens to ruin the international initiative to lift Africa out of poverty

Polar Regions Take Centre Stage In Climate Crisis
By Jeremy Lovell

World scientists are aiming to spell out in graphic detail the threat of flooding faced by millions of people from America to Asia as global warming melts the polar ice caps

25 October, 2005

The House Of Cards
By Dan Benbow

The severe weather disruptions over the past decade have come from a gain of just one degree Fahrenheit over the last century. The next century will bring an increase of one degree minimum, and probably more, as oil consumption in the United States and developing countries continues to grow. Reputable climate science predicts more of what we’ve already seen and worse

Global Warming Takes Toll On Africa's Coral Reefs
By Reuters

Global warming is taking a toll on coral reefs off east Africa, which will likely be killed off in a few decades if sea surface temperatures continue to rise, a leading researcher warned

17 October, 2005

Planet Sees Warmest September On Record
By Associated Press

Worldwide, it was the warmest September on record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Friday. Averaging 1.13 degrees Fahrenheit (0.63 degree Celsius) above normal for the month, it was the warmest September since the beginning of reliable records in 1880, according to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center

08 October, 2005

Climate Change And Human Health
By Paul R. Epstein

Extreme weather events, we are witnessing today, reflect massive and ongoing changes in our climate to which biologic systems on all continents are reacting

Has The Age Of Chaos Begun?
By Mike Davis

The good parent in me, however, screams: How is it possible that we can now contemplate with scientific seriousness whether our children's children will themselves have children? Let Exxon answer that in one of their sanctimonious ads

04 October, 2005

Melting Planet
By Andrew Buncombe & Severin Carrell

Climate change threatens the survival of thousands of species - a threat unparalleled since the last ice age, which ended some 10,000 years ago

Preparing For Global Warming
By Carl Pope

After Katrina, our country has never been more ready to embrace a new energy future to make us more secure in every way. In failing to recognize this, our leaders in Washington have exposed themselves as dangerously out of touch

30 September, 2005

Arctic Ice Melts At Record Level
By David Adam

Global warming in the Arctic could be soaring out of control, scientists warned yesterday as new figures revealed that melting of sea ice in the region has accelerated to record levels

27 September, 2005

Global Warming? You Better Believe It
By Derrick Z. Jackson

As the media screams about the one-two punch of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the question becomes how many more times does America need to be knocked to the canvas before we answer the bell on global warming

21 September, 2005

A World Turned Upside Down
By George Monbiot

Today the climatologists at the Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado will publish the results of the latest satellite survey of Arctic sea ice. It looks as if this month's coverage will be the lowest ever recorded. The Arctic, they warn, could already have reached tipping point

10 September, 2005

Katrina Fuels Global Warming Storm
By Alister Doyle

Hurricane Katrina has spurred debate about global warming worldwide with some environmentalists sniping at President George W. Bush for pulling out of the main U.N. plan for braking climate change

26 August, 2005

US States Bypass Bush To Tackle
Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By Julian Borger

America's north-eastern states are on the brink of a declaration of environmental independence with the introduction of mandatory controls on greenhouse gas emissions of the kind rejected by the Bush administration

25 August, 2005

Panel Sees Growing Melting Arctic Threat
By Randolph Schmid

The rate of ice melting in the Arctic is increasing and a panel of researchers says it sees no natural process that is likely to change that trend. Within a century the melting could lead to summertime ice-free ocean conditions not seen in the area in a million years

23 August, 2005

A Wonder Of The World Melting Away
By Caren Bohan

The Ilulissat glacier in Greenland, a UN heritage site considered one of the wonders of the world, has shrunk by over 10 kilometers in just a few years, in one of the most alarming examples of global warming in the Arctic region

21 August, 2005

Peat Bogs And Peak Oil - I'm Sorry
For Doubting, Mr. President

By Bill Henderson

All we're left with is war or economic collapse (or maybe Rapture?) to prevent our present economic trajectory from destroying the ecological basis for human life on Earth

20 August, 2005

Global Warming: Will You Listen Now, America?
By Andrew Buncombe

Two of the leading contenders to contest the next US presidential election have delivered an urgent warning to the United States on global warming, saying the evidence of climate change has become too stark to ignore and human activity is a major cause

12 August, 2005

Global Warming Hits 'Tipping Point'
By Ian Sample

A vast expanse of western Siberia is undergoing an unprecedented thaw that could dramatically increase the rate of global warming