Goodbye compańero
Andre Gunder Frank Texts: Samir Amin - Miguel A. Bernal - Theotonio Dos Santos - Barry K. Gills - Róbinson Rojas - Jeff Sommers - Arno Tausch |
Andre Gunder Frank official website - Those who exercise power always arrange matters so as to give their tyranny the appearance of justice - La Fontaine, 1668 - Perspectives from Historical Precedent: Alexander the Great [356-323 BC] admonished a pirate who responded that because he uses only a small ship he is called a robber [terrorist?] while Alexander commands a fleet and so is called emperor [of civilization!] |
Site updated for the last time on
April, 2005.- I have been hosting in my internet space Andre's website for some years. I will keep his site available to readers exactly as it was when Andre and I maintained it. Róbinson Rojas (23 April 2005) |
Table of Contents
Thank you for your interest in my web-page. Here you will find among other things, some personal information about me, and much material that
If after having extracted from this web-page and its many links what it is worth you
still [or then newly] have a particular concrete question, please ask me at
.................... and I will see if I can answer something that is not already
Home Address for all Contact: ................................................ ............................................... .............................................. ............................................. e-mail: ..................... this web-site: |
Last Professional
Associations: Associate Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies, Luxembourg, Luxembourg Visiting Professor Dipartimento di Sociologia, Universita di Calabria UNICAL, Arcavata di Rende (CS) 87036 Calabria, Italia Senior Fellow World History Center, Northeastern University, Boston, Mass. USA |
Andre Gunder Frank website is hosted by The Róbinson Rojas Archive